• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수온자료

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Growth Performance and Blood Chemistry of Starry Flounder Platichthys stellatus Fed Extruded and Moist Pellet (공급 사료에 따른 강도다리 (Platichthys stellatus)의 성장과 혈액성분의 변화)

  • Park, Seongdeok;Kim, Jae Won;Kim, Pyong Kih;Jeon, Joong-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2016
  • This study was evaluated individual growth and hematological changes of young starry flounder, using hyperpigmentation marks on the blind side of body after feeding extruded pellet (EP) and moisture pellet (MP) for 45 days. As a result, the fish grew up to $220.1{\pm}47.8g$ in the EP treatment and $224.7{\pm}42.4g$ in the MP treatment, so the weight gain was significantly higher in the MP treatment ($74.6{\pm}17.3%$) than in the EP treatment ($63.7{\pm}16.9%$) (P<0.05). Osmolalities of flounder after 45 days culture were similar between the treatments (P>0.05), showing values of $359.8{\pm}4.2mOsm\;kg^{-1}$ in the EP treatment and $358.5{\pm}6.2mOsm\;kg^{-1}$ in the MP treatment. Similarly, other blood chemistry indicators such as sodium, chloride, total protein, albumin, glucose, total cholesterol, BUN, creatinine, ammonia, triglyceride, cortisol, GOT, GPT and hematocrit showed no differences between the treatments. However, the free fatty acid concentration was significantly higher in the MP treatment than in the EP treatment (P<0.05).

Egg Development and Early Life History of the Endangered Species Gobiobotia brevibarba (Pisces: Cyprinidae) (멸종위기 어류 돌상어 Gobiobotia brevibarba의 난발생 및 초기생활사)

  • Ko, Myeong-Hun;Park, Sang-Yong;Lee, Ill-Ro;Bang, In-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2011
  • Early life history of the endangered species Gobiobotia brevibarba was investigated to provide baseline data for biological characteristics and restoration. Adult fish were sampled by spoon net capture at Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, in April 2010. Eggs were obtained after injection of Ovarprim and were artificially fertilized by the dry method in the laboratory. The mature eggs were slightly adhesive and transparent with greyish and average $1.24{\pm}0.07$ mm in diameter. The hatching of the embryos took place about 120 h after fertilization at a water temperature of $23^{\circ}C$. The newly-hatched larva averaged $5.5{\pm}0.29$ mm in total length. Four days after hatching, they averaged $7.4{\pm}0.26$ mm in total length and their yolk sacs were completely absorbed. From 15 days after hatching, they entered the juvenile stage and reached $9.9{\pm}0.72$ mm in total length. One hundred days after hatching, their band patterns and external form were similar to those of adults, and they averaged $36.0{\pm}3.11$ mm in total length.

Characteristics of Water Quality in Hyeongsan River Watershed (형산강 수계의 수질 특성)

  • Kim, Yu-Pyo;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.150-160
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to analyze long-term temporal trends of water chemistry and spatial heterogeneity for 7 sampling sites of the Hyeongsan River watershed using water quality dataset during 1999 to 2008 (obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Korea). The water quality, based on eight physical and chemical parameters, varied largely depending on the years, seasons and sampling sites. Seasonal and annual means of conductivity, used as a key indicator for a ionic dilution declined during the monsoon season and TN, based on overall mean of all sites, showed marked declines during the monsoon, compared to those of the premonsoon. In the mean time, BOD and COD had no significant relations with a precipitation, in spite of some differences in the sampling sites. In contrast, major input of SS occurred during the period of summer monsoon season. Spatial trend analyses of all parameters, except for DO and temperatures, showed that gyeongju city acted as a point source, and thus, water quality at the location of Site 4 declined abruptly, compared to locations of Site 1~2. Based on overall dataset, efficient water quality management in the point source tributary streams is required for better water quality of the main Hyeongsan River.

Multidimensional Dynamic Water Quality Modeling of Organic Matter and Trophic State in the Han River System (한강수계에서의 다차원 시변화 유기물 및 영양상태 모델 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Park, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2013
  • Multidimensional dynamic water quality model of organic matter and trophic state was applied to the Han River system. The model was calibrated using field measurement data obtained during the year of 2007. The model results showed reasonable performance in predicting temporal variations of TN, TP, Chl-a and BOD concentrations. The applied integrated modeling system can be effectively used to simulate water quality as well as hydrodynamic and water temperature for river-lake continuous system in the Han River. Utilizing the calibrated model, we analyzed the spatial and temporal distributions of TN, TP, Chl-a and BOD concentrations in the Han River system. The temporal variations of water quality at each river reach and lake were effectively simulated with the developed model and spatial distribution of water qualities in the Han River system could be compared. The multidimensional dynamic modeling system can simulate the water qualities of entire waterbody where Lake Paldang and the incoming flows are included using single modeling system. So it can be effectively used for integrated water quality management of the Han River system.

Induced Spawning Behavior and Morphological Development of the Eggs and Larvae of the Variable Sabretooth Blenny, Petroscirtes variabilis (Pisces: Blenniidae) (개베도라치(Petroscirtes variabilis)의 산란행동 유도 및 난 발생, 자어의 형태발달)

  • Park, Jae Min;Han, Kyeong Ho;Kim, Na Ri;Cho, Jae Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2014
  • This research has carried out to make a data base of taxonomic research. That Data base explains about spawning behavior, egg development, and morphologic development of variable sabretooth blenny. Fertilized egg was demersal egg which is white and opaque. The number of oil glouble were 10~11, and the size of egg was 0.90~1.43 mm (average rate $1.11{\pm}0.23mm$, n=10). Breeding water temperature was $25.5{\sim}28.5^{\circ}C$ (average rate $27.0^{\circ}C$), and salinity was 32.5~33.5‰ (average rate 33.0‰). After 24 hours from 2 cells, the process of egg development was reached to Blastula stage. Moreover, after 330 hours from 2 cells, nostrils and eyes were formed. Egg membrane was pierced by the head, and the hatch began. After the hatch, postlarvae had 2.59~3.02 mm (average rate $2.81{\pm}0.25mm$, n=5) of whole length, and the mouth and anus were opened. Yolk sac and oil glouble were absorbed. After three days from hatch, prelarvae were 3.02~3.07mm(average rate $3.04{\pm}0.04mm$) of whole length, and caudal fin was grown with round shape. After 13 days from hatch, prelarvae had 3.04~3.20 mm (average rate $3.12{\pm}0.11mm$) of whole length, and they could eat food with upper jaw and bottom jaw.

Change in Species Composition of Shallow Water Fish at the Namdang Beach after Dike Construction in Cheonsu Bay (천수만 방조제 건설 후 남당 천해 어류 종조성의 중장기 변화)

  • Kwon, Soon Yeol;Lee, Jeong Hoon;Hong, Ji Min;Hwang, Hak Bin;Lee, Tae Won
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 2013
  • Monthly variation in species composition of shallow water fish in Cheonsu Bay were determined using samples collected by a beach seine in the shallow water at Namdang beach from April 2010 to March 2011. The species composition were compared to the data obtained in 1885~86 and in 1993, and factors affecting the long-term change in species composition were analyzed. Fish collected during the study were 25 species, 2,194 individuals and 16,762 g. Chelon haematocheilus were predominated in abundance, accounting 68.5% in the number of individuals. A few number of fish were collected during the cold months from November to April. Abundance was high from July to September by a large catch of juveniles of pelagic fish. Species composition in 1993 did not differ significantly from that in 1985~86 although Fabonigobius gymnauchen living in the fine sediments were increased in abundance. Abundance increase of this gobiid fish was considered to be related to the sedimentation of fine particles due to weakened water circulation after dike construction. The number of species and catch amount in 2010~11 were significantly decreased comparing to those of the former periods; especially in pelagic fish and benthic fish, but C. haematocheilus were greatly increased in abundance. C. haematocheilus is an estuarine fish being able to survive in relatively poor quality of water. This increase seems to be related to fish larvae from the culture net cages recently installed in the inner bay. Recent decrease in abundance of shallow water fish suggested that water quality has been gradually getting poor and recently attained over a critical level for the nursery function of fish.

Egg Development and Early Life History of the Endangered Korean Spine Loach, Iksookimia pumila (Pisces: Cobitidae) (멸종위기어류 부안종개 Iksookimia pumila의 난 발생 및 초기 생활사)

  • Ko, Myeong-Hun;Park, Sang-Yong;Bang, In-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2013
  • Egg development and early life history of the Korean spine loach, Iksookimia pumila was investigated to provide basic information regarding biological characteristics and restoration. Adult fish were sampled using spoon net in the Baek Stream, Sangseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea, 7 July 2010. Eggs and sperms were obtained from the females and male with Ovaprim injecting (0.5 mL/kg) and then fertilized using the dry method in the laboratory. Number of spawned eggs were 1,107 (352~1,440). Spawned eggs were slightly adhesive, light yellowish coloring and measured $1.3{\pm}0.04$ mm (mean${\pm}$SD) in diameter. Spawned eggs hatched out 52 (47~55) hours after fertilization at water temperature of $23^{\circ}C$, and newly hatched larvae an average were $4.7{\pm}0.14$ mm in total length. At 5 days after hatching, larvae averaged $7.1{\pm}0.20$ mm in total length and their yolk sacs had been completely absorbed. Beginning at 17 days after hatching, fish entered the juvenile stage and reached $11.0{\pm}0.50$ mm in total length. At 100 days after hatching, the band patterns and external form of juvenile fish were similar to those of adults, and they averaged $31.3{\pm}3.98$ mm in total length.

Early Life History of Tanakia latimarginata (낙동납자루(Tanakia latimarginata)의 초기생활사)

  • Park, Jae-Min;Jeon, Hyung-Bae;Jo, Hye-In;Cho, Seong-Jang;Suk, Ho-Young;Han, Kyeong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2018
  • This study is to observe species identification and early life history of Korean endemic species of Tanakia latimarginata and to use it as a basis for taxonomic studies. As a result of morphological identification, a dark band appeared at the margin of the anal fin, and the ovipositor color of the female was light orange. The shape of the egg was fusiform and sticky. The egg size (long${\times}$short diameter) averaged $4.41{\times}1.44mm$. The incubation time was 126 hours after the fertilization at an average water temperature of $21.0^{\circ}C$. Immediately after hatching, the larvae had egg yolk at an average total length of $5.91{\pm}0.18mm$ (n=5). At 18 days after hatching, the trunk fur was developed in the caudal fin with an average total length of $8.02{\pm}0.08mm$ (n=5). At 41 days after hatching, the larvae absorbed egg yolk at an average total length of $8.70{\pm}0.23mm$ (n=5). At 80 days after hatching, the average length of the fins was $12.6{\pm}0.28mm$ (n=5). The number of fin of the dorsal fin was iii.8, the anal fin iii.9~10, the caudal fin 19, lateral line scales 32~35 were similar to their brood stork.

Characteristics on Stream Water Quality in the Northeastern Part of Puk'ansan National Park(III) - With a Special Reference to the Factor Influenced on Stream Water Quality Pollution - (북한산국립공원(北漢山國立公圓) 북동사면(北東斜面) 일대(一帶) 계류수질(溪流水質) 특성(特性)(III) - 계류수질(溪流水質) 오염(汚染)에 미치는 영향인자(影響因子)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, Jae Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.297-305
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    • 2000
  • This research was conducted to analyze the factors influenced on stream water quality pollution in the northeastern part of Puk'ansan National Park from July, 1998 to November, 1999. The number of visitor and the percentage of the amount of $Cl^-$ resulted in the increase of electrical conductivity, which affected on pollution of the stream water quality. The relationships between those factors should be statistical significance at the 5% level in multiple regression. The multiple regression equations for the percentage of dissolved oxygen at the stream water quality showed that dissolved oxygen and water temperature had statistical significance at the 1% level. The multiple regression equations for the amount of $Cl^-$ at the stream water quality showed that electrical conductivity, the amount of cation($K^+$, $Na^+$), the amount of $SO_4{^{2-}}$, total amount of ion, the percentage of the amount of $Cl^-$, and the percentage of the amount of $SO_4{^{2-}}$ had statistical significance at the 5% and 1% level. Also, The multiple regression equations for the amount of $NO_3{^-}$ at the stream water quality showed that the amount of cation($Na^+$, $Ca^{2+}$), the amount of $SO_4{^{2-}}$, the percentage of the amount of $Cl^-$, and the percentage of the amount of $NO_3{^-}$ had statistical significance at the 5% and 1% level. The multiple regression equations for the amount of $SO_4{^{2-}}$ at the stream water quality showed that the amount of $NO_3{^-}$, total amount of ion had statistical significance at the 5% level.

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Numerical Experiment on the Drift Diffusion of Harmful Algal Bloom (유해적조생물의 이동·확산에 관한 수치실험)

  • Seo, Ho-San;Kim, Dong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2014
  • To understand the drift-diffusion of HAB(Harmful Algal Bloom) in this paper, we used three-dimensional hydrodynamic model POM(Pringceton Ocean Model) and Lagrangian particle track module. First, the results of residual flow that considered tide, wind, temperature, salinity, and TWC(Tsushima Warm Current) effect was tend to northeast in the coastal area and the flow in the offshore region showed results similar to TWC. To understand of HAB's movement, released each area that southern Kamak bay(Case 1), Mijo coast(Case 2), and southern Mireukdo coast(Case 3) assumption that red tide occurred. The areas where the HAB occurs frequently. As a result of HAB occurred in southern Kamak Bay(Case 1), mainly drifts to Narodo coast and Yeoja bay that located on the west side. Case 2 was mainly drifts to Yokjido coast and Saryangdo coast Especially, HAB occurred in Mireukdo coast(Case 3) relatively many particles drift to eastward as the influence of the TWC.