• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수술시기

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Mating Systems and Flowering Characteristics of Megaleranthis saniculifolia Ohwi in a Subalpine Zone of Sobaeksan National Park (소백산국립공원 아고산지역 모데미풀 (Megaleranthis saniculifolia Ohwi, Ranunculaceae)의 교배체제와 개화특성)

  • Lee, Hakbong;Lee, Hyeseon;Kang, Hyesoon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 2017
  • Alpine plants with a scarcity of pollinators in harsh environments have been believed to undergo selfing for reproductive assurance; however, contradictory evidence is also available. Snowmelt regimes in alpine areas function to change life history characteristics of alpine plants such as flowering time and duration; yet the effects of snowmelt regimes have never been tested in alpine plants in Korea. This study was conducted to investigate the dichogamy, mating systems, and flowering characteristics of Megaleranthis saniculifolia populations [early and late snowmelt plots (ESP and LSP, respectively)] in a subalpine area of Sobaeksan Mountain in Korea. M. saniculifolia exhibited incomplete protogyny in that despite early maturation of pistils, maturation times of pistils and stamens within flowers were partly overlapped. Control and hand-outcrossing treatments produced significantly higher number of follicles and seeds per flower than autonomous and hand-selfing treatments. Based on the aggregate fruit set, the auto-fertility index (AI) and self-compatibility index (SI) were 0.33 and 0.50, respectively. Snowmelt occurred 10 days earlier in ESP than in LSP, thereby ESP and LSP showed distinct differences with regard to flower longevity and season, but showing no difference in peak flowering dates. We concluded that M. saniculifolia is an incomplete protogynous and largely outcrossing plant requiring pollinator service. Temporal variation in snowmelt time and subsequent changes in flowering characteristics under climate change may further threaten the population persistence of M. saniculifolia which has already been designated as endangered species in Korea.

Delayed Reduction of Facial Bone Fractures (정복 시기가 지난 안면골 골절의 수술적 교정)

  • Lee, Kyu-Seop;Park, Jae Beom;Song, Seung Han;Oh, Sang Ha;Kang, Nak Heon
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.119-123
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    • 2013
  • Except for special situations, it is generally agreed that best results in the treatment of facial fractures is expected if reduction is done within the first 2 or 3 weeks after injury. We reduced facial bone fractures at 4 to 7 weeks after trauma. A 44-year-old female patient underwent open reduction for her right zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture at 7 weeks after injury. A 59-year-old female patient underwent surgery for the right mandible body and left parasymphysis fractures at 4 weeks after injury. Using traditional approaches, granulation tissue and callus were removed from the fracture sites, and malunited fracture lines were separated by a small osteotome. We reduced the displaced fractured zygoma and mandible to their normal anatomical positions and fixed them using titanium plates. No complications such as asymmetry, malunion, malocclusion, or trismus were seen. Unfavorable asymmetric facial contours were corrected, and we obtained good occlusion with favorable bony alignment. The functional and aesthetic outcomes were satisfactory. Through removal the callus and limited osteotomy, a successful approach to the previously fractured line was possible, and an exact correction with symmetry was obtained. This method can be a good option for obtaining good mobility and clinical results in treating delayed facial bone fractures.


  • Hong, Moon-Sik;Hwang, Na-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 1993
  • 최근 경제수준 향상과 소자녀 가치관의 확립, 그리고 전국민 의료보험 실시 등으로 인하여 모자보건 대상자의 대부분은 민간 의료시설의 전문인력으로부터 서비스를 제공받게 되었고, 모자보건 수준도 급격히 향상, 1992년 시설분만율의 경우, 99%에 도달하였다. 이렇듯 의료시설 이용의 증가와 의료기술의 발전에도 불구하고, 영아사망율 및 모성사망율이 최근 몇년동안 같은 수준에 머무르고 있음은, 보다 질적인 관리측면으로 사업의 방향이 전환되어야 함을 의미하는데 이는 곧 공공성을 띠고 있는 모자보건사업을 국가가 관리하여야 할 필요성을 더욱 크게 한다. 공공부문에서는 취약대상을 위하여 민간 전문인력과의 유기적인 연계체계를 마련하여 계속적인 관리를 제공할 수 있도록 하고, 보건교육 강화를 위한 관련 홍보물(모자보건수첩 활용, 모유수유 권장, 제왕절개수술 지양 등)을 제작하며 신경아세포종 검사 등과 같은 새로운 예방사업 개발에 중점을 두어야 할 것이다. 또한 영유아관리는 저체중아 및 장애아에 대한 추구관리서비스까지 확대되어야 할 것이다. 현 우리나라 주산기구급이송체계는 응급의료체계내에서 이루어지고 있다고 볼 수 있는데 주산기관리를 위한 의료여건이 성숙되어 있지 못하고 있는데다(이 시기의 집중관리를 통하여 사망 및 장애아 예방이 가능) 관련 제도마저 취약하여 민간의료부문에서는 영아사망 및 모성사망을 낮추기 위해서는 이 부문에 대한 노력이 집중되어야 할 것이다. 첫째, 주산기학, 신생아학 전문인력의 훈련제도 확립파 주산기 관리시설의 지역적 적정분배(분만 2,000건에 1개 시설마련), 둘째, 집중적인 인력과 고가장비가 투입되는 주산기 의료활동 강화를 위한 관련 의료제도의 수정 및 보완, 세째, 질적관리가 매우 중시되는 고위험 신생아의 집중관리를 위한 '표준 의료관리지침서' 마련, 네째, 동 시설 및 관리에 준하여 주산기 의료시설에 대한 감독 및 감시기능 강화를 위한 제도적 장치가 마련되어야 할 것이다.

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Clinical Analysis of Pulmonary Resection Using Staplers (자동 조직 봉합기를 사용한 폐절제술의 임상적 고찰)

  • 맹대현;곽영태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.905-909
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    • 1996
  • From 1991 to 1994, We performed 75 cases of pulmonary resection. These were divided into two groups according to the method of bronchial stump closure : 51 cases automatic staplers were a plied in 49 patients (Group 1), 24 patients were closed with manual interrupted suture (Group II). Disease entities of the patients were malignant tumor in 33 patients(Group I: Group II, 22· II, bronchiectasis in 23(18:5), benign tumor in 5(3:2), aspergilloma in 5(2:3), tuberculosis(2:1) in 3, bronchogenic cyst in 2 (0 : 2) and so on. Surgical Procedure% for these Patients were 21 Pneumonectomies(18:3), 13 bilobectomies(11:2), 26 lobectomles (14:12), 11 segmentectomies (6:5) and 4 lobectomy with segmentectomies (4:0). In conclusion, the Amount of tube drainage was smaller and the removal of chest tube after surgery was shorter than manual bronchial closure group by means of statistical significance (p=0.047, p=0.005). Although there were no statistical significance, the duration of air leakage was reduced and incidence of bronchopleural rstula was reduced in the stapler used group compared with manual bronchial closure.

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Application of dental implant for orthodontic anchorage (보철 수복용 임플란트의 교정치료를 위한 고정원의 활용)

  • Kang, Hyo-Jin;Park, Eun-Jin;Kim, Sun-Jong;Pang, Eun-Kyoung
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.404-413
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    • 2016
  • Currently, dental implants have become predictable and reliable adjuncts for oral rehabilitation. Osseointegrated implants can be used to provide rigid orthodontic anchorage and have advantages compared conventional orthodontic anchorage especially when there were edentulous areas and implants were scheduled as a treatment plan. Orthodontic force doesn't cause the bone loss of osseointegrated implants. Implant materials, surgical protocols and healing time before loading follow the conventional treatment protocol. Because the implants, once installed, can't change the location, meticulous treatment planning should be preceded. Further investigations are needed to standardize the treatment protocol.

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Exercise for reducing and controlling lymphedema in Women with breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis (여성 유방암 환자의 림프부종 감소와 조절을 위한 운동의 효과: 체계적 고찰과 메타분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Oh, Ki Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.512-520
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    • 2016
  • Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women, and lymphedema is one of the most common postoperative complications of breast surgery. Exercises are usually prescribed to prevent this occurrence. On the other hand, conflicting results regarding the effects and timing of such exercises have been reported. This study reviewed systematically the contemporary literature, peer-reviewed publications, and web sites of professional organizations that examined exercise for lymphedema prevention or therapy to determine the effects of exercise on lymphedema providing the best evidence for the treatment of patients. Exercise or training groups have strategies that appear to reduce the development of secondary lymphedema and altering its progression compared to the control group. Advances in cancer treatment, cancer and exercise research, and lymphedema management require physicians to have a basic understanding of the current evidence to provide the appropriate patient education and specialist referral.

Temporal Relationship between Symptomatic and Electrophysiological Improvement to Postoperative Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients: Preliminary study (수근관 증후군 환자의 수술 후 증상 호전과 전기생리학적 호전시기의 관련성에 관한 예비연구)

  • Ko, Yeong-Chae;Lee, Yeong-Bae;Kim, Yoon-Bong;Yoo, Chan-Jong;Shin, Won-Chul;Park, Hyeon-Mi;Ha, Kyung-Sik;Shin, Dong-Jin
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.177-180
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    • 2003
  • Background and Objectives: A nerve conduction study (NCS) has been known as a useful method to evaluate the therapeutic effect of operation in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). To evaluate the temporal relationship between symptomatic and electrophysiological improvement, we compared the preoperative symptoms and electrophysiological results with postoperative those. Methods: We analyzed the NCS changes before and after minimal release of carpal tunnel in 26 patients (34 hands) with CTS. The time of postoperative symptomatic changes, postoperative electrophysiological changes and temporal relationship between symptomatic and electrophysiological changes were evaluated. Results: The mean age was $49{\pm}13$ years. The proportion of males to female was 8 and 92 percent. The median interval days between date of operation and those of postoperative NCS was 28.5 days. Postoperative symptoms improved in 17 hands, slightly improved in 13 hands, and have not changed in 4 hands. Electrophysiological improvements after operation were observed in 26 hands, and mostly appeared within 2 months. Symptomatic relief accompanied with electrophysiological improvement reported in 13 hands (50%). Moreover, the four hands with symptom, not relieved by decompression, showed electrophysiological improvement. Conclusions: In this study, electrophysiological improvement was in consistency with symptomatic relief to some extent, but we got the result of disagreement between electrophysiological and symptomatic improvement.

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Pediatric Hip Disease (I): Diagnosis and Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (소아 고관절 질환(I): 발달성 고관절 이형성증의 진단 및 초기 치료)

  • Kim, Hui Taek;Park, Yong Geon
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2020
  • Developmental dysplasia of the hip broadly includes inadequate development of the hip joint involving the acetabulum or proximal femur, or both. Although ultrasonographic studies in neonates have greatly lowered the frequency of neglected or operatively treated cases, its sensitivity is less than desired. Hip dysplasia without subluxation is commonly diagnosed incidentally and strongly related to degenerative arthritis in females after the 4th decade. Hip dysplasia with subluxation shows symptoms through various periods, depending on its severity, especially for women with onset during pregnancy. A complete physical examination and early treatment for neonates are extremely important for obtaining satisfactory outcomes. To avoid underdiagnosis and to serve appropriate treatment on time, the authors recommend examining any suspicious hips in infants under two years of age. The study will discuss the diagnosis and primary treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip.

Incidentally Diagnosed Duodenal Web in Infancy (영아기에 우연히 진단된 십이지장 격막)

  • Suh Young Kim;Byoung Hee Han;Ki Young Park;Jung-Man Namgoong;Da Hee Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.724-729
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    • 2022
  • A duodenal web is an incomplete diaphragm of the duodenal lumen that causes a partial or (intermittent) complete obstruction. The size of a duodenal web's aperture determines the degree of obstruction, age at presentation, and radiologic findings. We report a case of duodenal web incidentally diagnosed in a 14-month-old boy who presented to the hospital after ingesting a foreign body. We provide a comprehensive report of multiple studies through abdominal radiograph, upper gastrointestinal study, endoscopy, and surgical findings. We emphasize that the duodenum should be considered as the location of the obstruction when infants exhibit delayed discharge or dynamic positioning of a foreign body in a radiologic examination.

Establishment of Standards for Architecture & Operation Planning of Public Health Services (서울시 종합의료시설 도시계획지원을 위한 공공필요의료시설 설치 및 운영 기준 정립)

  • Kim, Eunseok;Yong, Insuk;Jeong, Daeun;Goo, Gayeon;You, Changhoon
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2024
  • 병원은 다양한 의료서비스를 제공하기 위해 의료기관 별 운영 전략에 따라 각기 다른 방식으로 운영된다. 특히 종합의료시설은 중증도가 높은 환자를 대상으로 수술이나 입원 등의 의료서비스를 효율적으로 제공하고자 그에 따른 운영 전략이 상이하다. 이러한 병원의 운영방식에 의해 결정되는 건축 역시, 건립 시기, 유형, 중증도에 따른 병원의 규모 등에 따라 시설 수준의 차이가 나타나며 이는 최근 정부에서 요구되는 제도 및 정책의 수용 여부를 결정짓는 중요한 요인이 되기도 한다. 최근 의료법은 기존 의료시설뿐만 아니라 신규 의료시설에 대한 설치 및 운영기준이 강화 추세에 있고, 서울시 또한 공공의료 확충을 위해 감염관리시설이나 필수의료시설 설치를 위한 용적률 인센티브 정책을 추진 중이다. 병원 운영 환경이 상이함에 따라 종합의료시설 설치 및 운영에 대한 인센티브제도의 적용 기준을 일괄적으로 적용하기에는 어렵다. 그러나 공익을 위해서 종합의료시설 인센티브제도를 지속 가능하게 운영하기 위한 객관적이고 합리적인 기준은 반드시 필요하다. 공공의료 기능 확충을 위한 서울시 종합의료시설 지구단위계획 수립·운영 기준은 공공과 민간이 모두 만족하는 의료환경 구축을 위해 매우 깊은 고민이 필요했다. 본 논설은 서울시 공공필요의료시설 확충 제도의 주요 내용과 공공필요의료시설 설치 및 운영 기준에 관해 소개하고자 한다. 특히 기준의 주요 내용을 정립하게 된 배경과 이유 등을 설명하여 본 제도의 의의를 정확히 전달하고 향후 보완해야 할 부분들을 검토하고자 한다.

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