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The identification of non-synonymous SNP in the Enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2 (ECI2) gene and its Association with Meat Quality Traits in Berkshire pigs (버크셔 돼지 육질 형질과 Enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2 (ECI2) 유전자 nsSNP의 연관성 분석)

  • Hwang, Jung Hye;An, Sang Mi;Park, Da Hye;Kang, Deok Gyeong;Kim, Tae Wan;Park, Hwa Chun;Ha, Jeongim;Kim, Chul Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2018
  • Meat quality has always been one of the most important factors that controls the choice of pork consumers and is of great interest in the pig industry. In this study, we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2 (ECI2) gene in Berkshire pigs (n = 430) by analyzed the association between the SNP and meat quality traits. The non-synonymous SNP in the ECI2 gene is located at c.608 C > G and resulted in an amino acid change from threonine to serine. Significant associations between the SNP and meat quality traits, such as redness (CIE a), and the $pH_{24hr}$, were revealed in both the dominant and co-dominant models, whereas carcass weight, drip loss, and fat content and moisture content were significantly associated only with the dominant model. In barrow, the SNP was significantly associated with CIE a, drip loss, and $pH_{24hr}$, whereas in gilt, only a significant relationship with moisture content was observed. GG genotype pigs had a higher $pH_{24hr}$ and lower drip loss. Because $pH_{24hr}$ and drip loss are considered the most important meat quality traits, GG genotype pork is high-quality meat compared to that from other genotypes. In conclusion, the SNP in the ECI2 gene is significantly associated with several meat quality traits. These traits and could be as genetic markers in molecular breeding programs for improving meat quality.

Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of Red Ginseng Powder Based on Particle Size (홍삼분말 입자크기에 따른 이화학적 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Hee Jeong;Lee, Sang Yoon;Lee, Jung Gyu;Park, Dong Hyeon;Bai, Jing Jing;Lee, Byung-Joo;Kim, Yoon-Sun;Cho, Youngjae;Choi, Mi-Jung
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2017
  • Most of the red ginseng (RG) products contain active substances derived from hot water or alcohol extraction. Since active substances of RG are divided into two types - water-soluble and liposoluble - water or alcohol is needed as an extraction solvent and this leads the different extraction yields and components of the active substances. To overcome the limit, whole red ginseng powder can be used and consumed by consumers. In this study, the physicochemical properties and extractable active substance contents of variable-sized RG powder ($158.00{\mu}m$, $8.45{\mu}m$, and $6.33{\mu}m$) were analyzed, and dispersion stability was measured to investigate the suitable size of RG powder for industrial processing. In the results, no significant difference was found from the changes in color intensity and thiobarbutric acid tests at $4^{\circ}C$, $25^{\circ}C$, and $40^{\circ}C$ for 4 weeks. There was no significant difference on the production of antioxidants and ginsenoside among the samples (p>0.05). In dispersion stability, $RG-158.00{\mu}m$ was precipitated immediately, and the dispersion stabilities between $RG-8.45{\mu}m$ and $RG-6.33{\mu}m$ showed no significant difference. It implies that fine RG is suitable for the production process. With further study, it seemed that the physicochemical effects of RG particle sizes can be clearly revealed.

A Study on the Problems of Eating Habits of Mordern People and Suggesting Alternatives to Overcome Diseases: A Review of the Five Blue Zones, Based on the Roma Linda Region in the USA (현대인의 식습관 문제점 인지와 발생 질병극복을 위한 대안 제시: 5대 블루존 중 미국 로마린다 지역을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Kyung-Ok;Je, Haejong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Neurocognitive Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to propose an alternative for the eating habits of modern people and coping with the diseases. The purpose of this study was to apply the principles of eating habits of people living in Roma Linda to modern dietary life and to help healthy life and prevent disease. The period of this study was from May 1, 2016 to February 28, 2018. Literature search was conducted using Pubmed and Korean academic web sites. Based on the recognition of wrong eating habits, we classify and classify diseases according to eating habits. A total of more than 100 papers were selected and 60 papers and a database were prepared. People living in Roma Linda have eight health principles. The Roma Linda practiced balanced nutritional intake, sufficient exercise, adequate water intake, sunlight, temperance (abstinence from alcohol etc.), fresh air, adequate rest, and trust in eating habits. People living in Roma Linda have a high intake of vegetables, fruits and nuts. People living in Roma Linda are educated about nutrition, and among them, there is a low prevalence of coronary heart disease and cancer, because they mostly do not smoke or drink alcohol. Unhealthy eating habits and dietary behavior are associated with many diseases. Many chronic, degenerative diseases are due to bad eating habits and stress. If you take good food habits of people living in the Roma Linda area and practice it steadily, it will have a great effect on disease prevention.

Analysis of Monitoring Characteristics of Small Stream for TMDL (오염총량관리를 위한 소하천 모니터링 자료의 특성 분석)

  • Ha, Don-Woo;Park, Seung-Ho;Joo, Sungmin;Lee, Gi-Soon;Baek, Jong-Hun;Jung, Kang-Young;Lee, Youngjea;Kim, Kyunghyun;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Technology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.503-513
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    • 2018
  • In order to continuous watershed management and improve water quality at Yeong-san river system, we analyzed and evaluated data on the monitoring of small stream in city and county boundaries within the watershed. In-period monitoring is estimated to be more frequent in the second quarter than the first quarter, so it should be considered when evaluating the target water quality by setting the target water quality. A small stream in the Yeong-san river system has higher concentration in the downstream area than the upstream area. As a result of calculating the load of the measuring point, Y.b B3(Pungyeongjeongcheon) and Y.b E1(Sampocheon) were high. The result of correlation analysis by monitoring point in order to evaluate the correlation between BOD and T-P items, BOD was highly correlated with COD and TOC, and was affected by emission of pollutants related to organic matter. T-P was highly correlated with SS and COD, and was affected by rainfall. This study will provide basic data and direction for designing efficient and scientific method for water quality management by analyzing accumulated water quality data by conducting long-term monitoring.

Health-Promoting Behavior and Quality of Life among Community-Dwelling, Middle-Aged Women: A Comparative Study between Overweight and Normal-Weight Groups (지역사회 거주 중년 여성 집단에서 건강증진 행위와 삶의 질: 과체중 집단과 정상체중 집단 간 비교)

  • Yang, Hwa-Mi;Choo, Jina;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • Korean journal of health promotion
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2018
  • Background: Strategically improving health-related quality of life (HRQOL) should be discussed among overweight middle-aged women who are vulnerable to low HRQOL. We examined firstly if overweight middle-aged women would have significantly lower levels of HRQOL and health-promoting behaviors than normal-weight middle-aged women, and to examine secondly if health-promoting behaviors would be significantly associated with generic and obesity-specific HRQOLs within the overweight middle-aged women. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, comparative study. Participants were 119 women aged 30-49 years who were recruited from a community in Seoul, South Korea; 63 women for the overweight group who were recruited from a baseline sample of the Community-Based Heart and Weight Management Trial, while 56 for the normal-weight group who were recruited separetely. Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP II), World Health Organization Quality of Life-brief version (WHOQOL-BREF) of a generic HRQOL measure, and Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) of an obesity-specific HRQOL measure were used. Results: Compared to the normal-weight group, the overweight group showed significantly lower scores of total WHOQOL-BREF as well as some HPLP II subscales including stress management (P=0.029). Among the HPLP II subscales, stress management was significantly and positively associated with total WHOQOL-BREF (${\beta}=1.58$, P=0.003) and self-esteem IWQOL-Lite (${\beta}=11.58$, P=0.034) among the overweight group. Conclusions: Among middle-aged overweight women, low levels of health-promoting behavior for stress management were shown, which should be strategically increased for improving their generic and obesity-specific HRQOLs.

Stage Structure and Population Persistence of Cypripedium japonicum Thunb., a Rare and Endangered Plants (희귀 및 멸종위기식물인 광릉요강꽃의 개체군 구조 및 지속성)

  • Lee, Dong-hyoung;Kim, So-dam;Kim, Hwi-min;Moon, Ae-Ra;Kim, Sang-Yong;Park, Byung-Bae;Son, Sung-won
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.548-557
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    • 2021
  • Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. is an endemic plant in East Asia, distributed only in Korea, China, and Japan. At the global level, the IUCN Red List evaluates it as "Endangered Species (EN)," and at the national level in Korea, it is evaluated as "Critically Endangered Species (CR)." In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the age structure and the sustainability of the population based on the data obtained by demographic monitoring conducted for seven years in the natural habitat. C. japonicum habitats were observed in 7 regions of Korea (Pochoen, Gapyeong, Hwacheon, Chuncheon, Yeongdong, Muju, Gwangyang), and 4,356 individuals in 15 subpopulations were identified. The population size and structure differed from region to region, and artificial management had a very important effect on the size and structural change of the population. Population viability analysis (PVA) based on changes in the number of individuals of C. japonicum showed a very diverse tendency by region. And the probability of population extinction in the next 100 years was 0.00% for Pocheon, 10.90% for Gwangyang, 24.05% for Chuncheon, and 79.50% for Hwacheon. Since the above monitored study sites were located within the conservation shelters, which restricted access by humans, unauthorized collection of C. japonicum, the biggest threat to the species, was not reflected in the individual viability. So, the risk of extinction in Korea is expected to be significantly higher than that estimated in this study. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect population information in several regions that may represent various threats to determine the extinction risk of the C. japonicum population objectively. In the future, we should expand the demographic monitoring of the C. japonicum population known in Korea.

Predicting Suitable Restoration Areas for Warm-Temperate Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests of the Islands of Jeollanamdo (전라남도 섬 지역의 난온대 상록활엽수림 복원을 위한 적합지 예측)

  • Sung, Chan Yong;Kang, Hyun-Mi;Park, Seok-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.558-568
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    • 2021
  • Poor supervision and tourism activities have resulted in forest degradation in islands in Korea. Since the southern coastal region of the Korean peninsula was originally dominated by warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests, it is desirable to restore forests in this region to their original vegetation. In this study, we identified suitable areas to be restored as evergreen broad-leaved forests by analyzing the environmental factors of existing evergreen broad-leaved forests in the islands of Jeollanam-do. We classified forest lands in the study area into six vegetation types from Sentinel-2 satellite images using a deep learning algorithm and analyzed the tolerance ranges of existing evergreen broad-leaved forests by measuring the locational, topographic, and climatic attributes of the classified vegetation types. Results showed that evergreen broad-leaved forests were distributed more in areas with a high altitudes and steep slope, where human intervention was relatively low. The human intervention has led to a higher distribution of evergreen broad-leaved forests in areas with lower annual average temperature, which was an unexpected but understandable result because an area with higher altitude has a lower temperature. Of the environmental factors, latitude and average temperature in the coldest month (January) were relatively less contaminated by the effects of human intervention, thus enabling the identification of suitable restoration areas of the evergreen broad-leaved forests. The tolerance range analysis of evergreen broad-leaved forests showed that they mainly grew in areas south of the latitude of 34.7° and a monthly average temperature of 1.7℃ or higher in the coldest month. Therefore, we predicted the areas meeting these criteria to be suitable for restoring evergreen broad-leaved forests. The suitable areas cover 614.5 km2, which occupies 59.0% of the total forest lands on the islands of Jeollanamdo, and 73% of actual forests that exclude agricultural and other non-restorable forest lands. The findings of this study can help forest managers prepare a restoration plan and budget for island forests.

Application and Evaluation of a Dietary Education Program for Korean Young Adults in Single-Person Households (청년 1인가구를 위한 식생활교육 프로그램 적용 및 평가)

  • Joung, Se Ho;Lee, Jung Woo;Kim, Ja Mee;Kim, Yookyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed and verified the effects of a dietary education program for Korean young adults in single-person households. The dietary education program was conducted for five weeks (from November 10 to December 8, 2020) for Korean young adults in single-person households living in Seongbuk-gu, via four face-to-face education sessions and one online education session, including both theoretical lectures and practice. The effect of the dietary education program was analyzed through the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) questionnaire for adults provided by the Korean Nutrition Society, a dietary evaluation checklist questionnaire developed by the researchers, and photovoices. The average of 'Nutrition' score increased from 51.81 to 53.20, but there was no statistically significant difference. However, there was a significant change in the 'Moderation' category (p<0.05). As for the researcher-developed dietary evaluation, the average of the 'Importance' area rose from 3.77 to 3.99, but there was no statistically significant difference. The average of the 'Practice' area rose from 3.03 to 3.57, significant results were found (p<0.05). When the pre-/post-tests were compared by the sub-categories, four elements of 'Importance', i.e., balanced meals and avoided foods, and all five elements of 'Practice' were significantly improved (p<0.05). A total of 200 photovoices were analyzed according to Social Cognitive Theory. As a result of the analysis, the deterrents that help people eat healthy homemade food were 48% environmental factors, 30% behavioral factors, and 22% individual cognitive factors. The deterrents found to hinder participants from eating healthy homemade food were 72% environmental factors and 14% individual cognitive and behavioral factors. The results suggest that the dietary education program for Korean young adults in single-person households can be an effective tool that promotes self-motivation, behavioral changes, and improvements of the surrounding environment.

Reduction effects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine, L-glutathione, and indole-3-acetic acid on phytotoxicity generated by methyl bromide fumigation- in a model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (모델식물 애기장대에 대한 훈증제 메틸브로마이드의 약해발생 및 N-acetyl-L-cysteine, L-glutathione, indole-3-acetic acid의 약해억제 효과)

  • Kim, Kyeongnam;Kim, Chaeeun;Park, Jungeun;Yoo, Jinsung;Kim, Woosung;Jeon, Hwang-Ju;Kim, Jun-Ran;Lee, Sung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2021
  • Understanding the phytotoxic mechanism of methyl bromide (MB), an essential fumigant during the quarantine and pre-shipment process, is urgently needed to ensure its proper use and reduce international economic losses. In a previous study, two main MB-induced toxic mechanisms such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and auxin distribution were selected by analyzing transcriptomic analysis. In the study, a 3-week-old A. thaliana was supplied with 1 mM ROS scavengers [N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) or L-glutathione (GSH)] and 1µM indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) three times every 12 h, and visual and gene expression assessments were performed to evaluate the reduction in phytotoxicity by supplements. Phytotoxic effects on the MB-4h exposed group were decreased with GSH application compared to the other single supplements and a combination of supplements at 7 days post fumigation. Among these supplements, GSH at a concentration of 1, 2, and 5mM was suppled to A. thaliana with MB-fumigation. During a long-term observation of 2 weeks after the fumigation, 5 mM GSH application was the most effective in minimizing MB-induced phytotoxic effects with up-regulation of HSP70 expression and increase in main stem length. These results indicated that ROS was a main key factor of MB-induced phytotoxicity and that GSH can be used as a supplement to reduce the phytotoxicity of MB.

Isolation of Wild Yeasts from Freshwaters and Soils in Nonsan Stream and Sapgyoho in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea, and Microbiological Characteristics of the Unrecorded Wild Yeasts (충남 논산천과 삽교호로부터 야생효모의 분리 및 국내 미기록 효모들의 균학적 특성)

  • Jang, Ji-Eun;Park, Seon-Jeong;Moon, Jeong-Su;Lee, Hyang Burm;Lee, Jong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to isolate wild yeasts from water and soil sample of the Nonsan stream and Sapgyoho (lake) in Chungcheonnam-do, Korea, and to further characterize previously unrecorded wild yeast strains. In total, 102 strains, representing 55 different species of wild yeast were isolated from 95 samples collected from the Jangseoncheon and Ipchoncheon of Nonsan stream in Jellabuk-do and Chungcheonnam-do. Among these, 33 strains were isolated from alkalophilic yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) medium (pH 9.0), and 9 strains were isolated concurrently on general YPD medium (pH 6.5) and alkalophilic medium. Seventeen strains of Cryptococcus laurentii were predominantly isolated. Additionally, 65 strains, representing 27 different species of wild yeast were isolated from 58 samples obtained from Sapgyoho (lake). Among the 82 isolated wild yeast strains, 8 strains, including Candida fructus JSC 72-1(JSL-GGU 015), had not previously been recorded. All 8 previously unrecorded yeasts were oval in shape except C. fructus JSC72-1(JSL-GGU-015), and only the Filobasidium chernovii JSC39-1(JSL-GGU-013) strain formed spores. All strains except Pseudosydowia eucalypti JSC23-6(JSL-GGU-012) grew well in yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) and yeast extract-malt extract media and grew in vitamin-free medium. Four strains, including P.eucalypti JSC23-6(JSL-GGU-012) grew well in 15% NaCl-containing YPD medium. F.chernovii JSC39-1(JSL-GGU-013) and Sirobasidium intermedium JSC7-3(JSL-GGU-014) assimilated lactose, and five strains, including F. chernovii JSC39-1(JSL-GGU-013) also assimilated starch. All strains were resistant to 800 ppm of Ca, Cu, Li, and Mg ions.