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Body Image Management Behavior, Self Respect, the Influence on Interpersonal Relations - For Adult Males- (신체이미지가 외모관리행동, 자아존중감, 대인관계에 미치는 영향 -성인남성을 대상으로-)

  • An, Chae-Yun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.620-631
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    • 2019
  • Be an important competitive appearance for both boys and girls in modern society, and highlight the importance of enhancing their appearance. Administrative activity is considered traditionally feminine behavior and appearance, almost all female is subject of a consumer market is continuing, and recognition, but since the 1990s.Gender role stereotypes and women's social activity due to changes in status and role of men and women affected. Accordingly, the men in the realm of women than it used to be a glass half full and inclusive attitude began to improve her appearance are also men, and well in yourself. Investing a lot of time and money to their appearance to describe behavior. Furthermore, workers men to appearance factor for the career achievement, such as promotion or salary competitiveness is gradually spreading awareness of social life on whose behalf the men. The halo effect for a positive image formation and desirable looks to be. A Study on the self-wor Second, the higher the self-esteem of psychologically stable social approval of the important aesthetic of clothing, is less dependent on increased manageability and clothing. The study by analysis of the self respect persimmon and appearance for his own body satisfaction and a high correlation study and OK. Interpersonal and that a significant impact on the formation.Be an important competitive appearance for both boys and girls in modern society, and highlight the importance of enhancing their appearance. Administrative activity is considered traditionally feminine behavior and appearance, almost all female is subject of a consumer market is continuing, and recognition, but since the 1990s.Gender role stereotypes and women's social activity due to changes in status and role of men and women affected. Accordingly, the men in the realm of women than it used to be a glass half full and inclusive attitude began to improve her appearance are also men, and well in yourself. Investing a lot of time and money to their appearance to describe behavior. Furthermore, workers men to appearance factor for the career achievement, such as promotion or salary competitiveness is gradually spreading awareness of social life on whose behalf the men. The halo effect for a positive image formation and desirable looks to be. A Study on the self-wor Second, the higher the self-esteem of psychologically stable social approval of the important aesthetic of clothing, is less dependent on increased manageability and clothing. The study by analysis of the self respect persimmon and appearance for his own body satisfaction and a high correlation study and OK. Interpersonal and that a significant impact on the formation.

Study on Deriving the Items related to Investigation and Planning for the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan of Scenic Sites (명승 종합정비계획 수립을 위한 조사 및 계획 항목의 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.88-103
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to excavate the items of the comprehensive maintenance plan for scenic sites considering sustainability and analyze the needs of them. In this sense, based on 35 reports of the comprehensive maintenance plan established between 2006, when scenic sites started to be designated, and 2017, the items used in 'investigation field' and 'planning field' were examined, and then a survey regarding the needs of the items was conducted using a "5-point Likert Scale", targeting officials at 60 local governments in the whole country. Of 60 local governments, opinions from 48 officials at 45 local governments were analyzed. In order to verify the consistency of their opinions, "Reliability Analysis" was conducted, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.968 and 0.970 for 'investigation field' and 'planning field', respectively, showing high reliability. As a result of the survey, most opinions generally expressed the needs of 6 items of 'investigation field' of the comprehensive maintenance plan. Especially, the needs to investigate 'historical environment', 'natural environment', 'humanistic environment', and 'landscape' turned out to be high. In addition, as for 'general environment' and 'users', the needs of specific items such as 'distribution of main cultural properties and historic sites' (4.04) and 'acceptance of opinions from local residents and interested parties' (4.15) were found to be high. Besides, the items of 'planning field' also turned out to be needed in general (4.0). Particularly, the needs of 'enhancement of designated value and status' (4.26) and 'the comprehensive maintenance plan for designated areas of cultural properties and historic and cultural environment preservation areas' (4.25) in 'historical environment', 'maintenance of historic buildings at scenic sites' (4.28) in 'humanistic environment', and 'landscape trail planning' (4.28) in 'landscape' were found to be high. In conclusion, the practical items related to investigation and planning of the comprehensive maintenance plan for scenic sites are expected to contribute to effective conservation and management of scenic sites in the future.

A Study on the Space Organization and Garden Language of Mongsimjae in Namwon (남원 몽심재(夢心齋)의 정원구성과 조형언어 해석)

  • Rho, Jae-hyun;Choi, Yung-hyun;Shin, Sang-sup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the characteristics of Mongsimjae in Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do have been researched focusing on the writings engraved in huge stones and rocks of pavilion standing beside a lotus pond and its formative languages in the garden has been interpreted as follows. Name of pavilion(堂號) Mongsimjae(夢心齋) includes a classical scholar's spirit, refusing to serve two kings and homecoming after resignation from a government office(歸去來) of Songam(松菴) Park Moonsu(朴門壽), an ancestor who has brought to the Juksan(竹山) Park's family again. A pavilion standing beside a lotus pond(蓮塘) built in the reception garden is a gardening facility symbolizing 'Yeondang(蓮堂)' Park Dongsik(朴東式) who built Mongsimjae. The bamboo hill connected to the backyard seems to be relevant to 'Juksan', the family clan of Mongsimjae's owner and this kinds of intention can be found in the bamboos in the outer garden naturally led to inside the garden through the flower beds. The purpose for the western arrangement of the main building and gate contrary to the 'chukjwamihyaug'(丑坐未向; a direction toward to the south-southwest) of the prospect of Sarangchae(guesthouse) is interpreted to naturally attract people's eyes to the pavilion standing beside a lotus pond and to mitigate the sense of closure resulting from the huge stones located in the reception garden. Also the writing engraved in the three huge stones, 'Jonsimdae(存心臺)', implies that it is a place where was selected with heart by Juksan Park family who settled down in Homsil, Namwon after 'Haengchon(杏村) Park Jaryang(朴子良)' in Yiphyangjo(入鄕祖), Namwon and 'Jeongwa(靖窩)' is interpreted as a signature representing that it is the most comfortable house where Jeongwa Park Haechang(朴海昌: 1876~1933), the third owner of Mongsimjae, has lived. The pavilion standing beside a lotus pond of the 'Bangjibangdo(方池方島; square pond and square island)' type has no lotus for now and waterside cornerstones roughly piled with broken stones naturally mitigate the slope. There are two water inflows gathering rainwater in the reception garden other than the water inflow of valley and the upper-side water inflow was built using a high waterfall method. The middle island cut into a square was designed to use in two ways, as 'island' or 'steppingstone', according to the water level and the old name of the pavilion standing beside a lotus pond was revealed as 'Cheonundam(天雲潭)' from the engraved writing located in the side of the middle island. In addition, 'Imni(臨履)', engraved writing in the finishing stone of waterside by citing a line of 'Sigyeong(詩經)', implies 'Be a upright classical scholar who pays close attention to one's own behaviors' and 'Jeongchuk(渟?)' is interpreted as a message that desires the eternal staying of the Juksan Park family's wealth. Ultimately, the writings engraved in the huge stones and rocks of the pavilion standing beside a lotus pond are interpreted as a symbol language that wishes the heaven protects and maintains the wealth of the Juksan Park family who is the owner of Mongsimjae.

A Study on Operation Systems of Preservation & Repair Expenses for Architectural Heritage in Japanese Colonial Era - Focused on Classification of Preservation Cost Construction & Preservation Cost-Aided Construction - (일제강점기 「고건축물」 보존수리 공사비용 운용시스템에 관한 연구 - 「보존비공사」와 「보존비보조공사」 분류체계에 대하여 -)

  • Seo, Dong-Chun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.82-103
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    • 2017
  • Systems operating construction expenses for preservation and repair of the architectural heritage may be divided into two in the Japanese colonial era. They are preservation cost nd preservation cost-aided constructions, according to the ownership of a building. Preservation cost construction refers to preservation and repair of government-owned buildings that Japanese Government General of Korea had the ownership and the right of management, and preservation cost-aided construction means preservation and repair of private buildings such as Buddhist temples. In the case of preservation and repair of buildings owned by the government, it was done by the Japanese Government General of Korea, so the same agent executed the budget and managed the properties. They included royal tombs and relics, old government offices, Hyanggyo and some Seowon. On the other hand, in the case of preservation and repair of private buildings, they were private properties, so Japanese Government General of Korea had rights only for permission of preservation and repair. If there was a request for .preservation and repair by an owner, the Japanese Government General of Korea decided on whether it would support its expenses or not and played a role of management and supervision. It applied to Buddhist shrines and pagodas owned by Buddhist temples and shrines and temples owned by individuals and families. Hence, in the case of government-owned buildings, because the preservation cost was spent from the Japanese Government General of Korea's budget for investigation expenses of historical remains or repair expenses of Jeolleung and ruins, they were classified into preservation cost constructions. As for private buildings, the cost was spent from their budget for aiding preservation expenses, so they were classified into preservation cost-aided constructions. Because preservation cost construction and preservation cost-aided construction were conducted by two different agents, there were a little difference in procedures for executing a construction. There was no big difference in the general progress of constructions but was an administrative difference in the kinds of documents submitted and the roles of field supervisors. Such dual systems remained unimproved throughout the Japanese colonial era. The Japanese Government General of Korea was the colonial government so much influenced by the Japanese Government. Most Japanese architectural heritage was owned by Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines and there was almost no building owned by the government, resulting in a unitary system unlike Korea. Heritage system by the Japanese Government General of Korea was established under the influence of Japan regardless of the situation in Korea. Accordingly, Japanese Government General of Korea could not present a definite solution in the bisected system of preservation and repair expenses for the heritage. It shows the limits of the Japanese Government General of Korea in the colonial era.

The Effect of the Performance of Firefighting Construction Supervision Personnel on the Completion Inspection of Firefighting Facility Construction in Apartments (소방공사감리원의 업무수행능력이 아파트 소방시설공사의 완공검사에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sang-Sig;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2019
  • In this study, results of completion inspection are investigated according to the performance of the firefighting construction supervision personnel and according to the necessity of clean air supply in a performance test of the firefighting construction supervision personnel. The results of the completion inspection are measured and the causes of defects in the fire protection facilities after issuance of a completion inspection certificate are analyzed. The findings of this investigation can be used to minimize the risk of apartment fires and improve the performance of firefighting construction supervision personnel. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the results of the completion inspection conducted by the firefighting construction supervision personnel varies according to particular occupation. The performance of fire facility supervisors from design companies and fire construction companies were significantly higher than the fire officers. Therefore, it is necessary to employ supervisors who have experience in supervising the construction of apartments, in order to improve the performance of fire construction supervision officers. Second, the analysis of the completion inspection results according to the necessity of a clean air supply for performance tests of firefighting construction supervision personnel showed that the necessity of a clean air supply was significantly higher for fire facility supervisors from design companies and fire construction companies than for the fire officers. In order to improve, the completion inspection should be carried out up until the completion date of the building. In addition, a system needs to be established to ensure that clients are not able to demand that a completion inspection certificate be issued on the construction completion date. Finally, it is found that defects of completion inspection after issuance of a completion inspection certificate affects the result of the completion inspection. The results of the completion inspections conducted by the fire facility supervisors from design companies and fire construction companies were affected significantly less by defects than that of the general contractors. Research shows that faults have occured in firefighting facilities after the issuance of a completion inspection certificate due to the client and the construction company demanding the issuance of the completion inspection certificate.

A survey of the Necessity and Perceptions of Character Education of Health Science and Non-health Science University Students (일개 보건계열 및 비보건계열 학생들의 인성교육에 대한 필요성 및 인식도 조사)

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Oh, Tae-Jin;Lee, Hyun;Lim, Kun-Ok;Hong, Ji-Heon;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data for developing more advanced courses on character education by surveying and analyzing the perception and demands of character education of university students and further, to provide useful information for creating institutional protocol on character education. The study was conducted from April 2018 to May 2018 on students attending the departments of non-health science and health science university students. A total of 206 students participated in this study, and all the students in the non-health science and health science departments were found to be highly aware of the need for character education, its importance and the possibility of personality development through learning. Students from all the departments showed high levels on average in terms of self-understanding according to their personality abilities, and especially their high levels of 'consideration' and 'responsibility'. For the differences in perception of self-efficacy, the lowest level of recognition was for 'will' and the average values were not high. In their response to personality level, all students answered that their personality was 'high' (42.1%), and that the personality education courses at the schools they are currently attending were 'not satisfied' with both the non-health science and health science students. As a result, there were higher results overall for the health science students than that for the non-health science students, but there were not many significant differences. To this end, education institutes will have to prepare conditions for university students to cultivate their expertise in character, while at the same time helping them grow into human beings with the qualities demanded by society. In addition, the government should establish curriculums and content by accurately identifying the needs of character education and devising concrete measures for their implementation, and by more faithfully considering quantitative and qualitative context types for the content base of character education.

Study on the Casting Technology and Restoration of "Sangpyong Tongbo" (상평통보 주조와 복원기술연구)

  • Yun, Yong-hyun;Cho, Nam-chul;Jeong, Yeong-sang;Lim, In-ho
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.224-243
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the materials and casting technology(cast, alloy, etc.) used in the manufacturing of bronze artifacts based on old literature such as Yongjae Chonghwa, Cheongong Geamul, and The Korea Review. In the casting experiment for restoration of Sangpyong Tongbo, a bronze and brass mother coin mold was made using the sand mold casting method described in The Korea Review. The cast was comprised of the original mold plate frame, wooden frame, and molding sand. Depending on the material of the outer frame, which contains the molding sand, the original mold plate frame can be either a wooden frame or steel frame. For the molding sand, light yellow-colored sand of the Jeonbuk Iri region was used. Next, the composition of the mother alloy used in the restoration of Sangpyong Tongbo was studied. In consideration of the evaporation of tin and lead during actual restoration, the composition of Cu 60%, Zn 30%, and Pb 10% for brass as stated in The Korea Review was modified to Cu 60%, Zn 35%, and Pb 15%. For bronze, based on the composition of Cu 80%, Sn 6%, and Pb 14% used for Haedong Tongbo, the composition was set as Cu 80%, Sn 11%, and Pb 19%. The mother coin mold was restored by first creating a wooden father coin, making a cast from the wooden frame and basic steel frame, alloying, casting, and making a mother coin. Component analysis was conducted on the mother alloy of the restored Sangpyong Tongbo, and its primary and secondary casts. The bronze mother alloy saw a 5% increase in copper and 4% reduction in lead. The brass parent alloy had a 5% increase in copper, but a 4% and 12% decrease in lead and tin respectively. Analysis of the primary and secondary mother coin molds using an energy dispersive spectrometer showed that the bronze mother coin mold had a reduced amount of lead, while the brass mother coin mold had less tin. This can be explained by the evaporation of lead and tin in the melting of the primary mother coin mold. In addition, the ${\alpha}$-phase and lead particles were found in the mother alloy of bronze and brass, as well as the microstructure of the primary and secondary coin molds. Impurities such as Al and Si were observed only in the brass mother coin mold.

Study on the Legal Policy for Restitution of Illegally Exported Cultural Properties in Foreign Countries (해외 소재 불법 문화재의 환수를 위한 법정책적 연구)

  • Song, Ho-Young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.24-43
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    • 2015
  • Since 2011, when Oegyujanggak Uigwe(Records of the State Rites of the Joseon Dynasty) were returned from France, which were looted in 1866 by the French Navy, national attention to our cultural properties abroad was explosively increased and public pressure has been mounting that those cultural properties should be returned in Korea. According to the statistics of "Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation" Korean cultural Properties, which exist in foreign countries, amounts 160,342 in total 20 countries. Among them about half of them are estimated to be illegally exported cultural property, these are to be restituted. However, in reality it is not so easy to restitute illegally exported cultural properties. For this, it needs to be established a long-term and systematic plan for return of cultural properties from other countries. This paper starts from such a critical mind and tries to find legal policy measures for the return of illegally exported cultural properties. To this end, the author first describes motive and aim of this research in chapter I. and overviews basic understanding and current situation of export of cultural property as well as means and methods of return of cultural property in chapter II. and then deals with international and national norms that are involved in the dispute concerned return of cultural properties in chapter III. Based on this research, in chapter IV., which can be considered as a key part of this paper, the author proposed nine legal policy measures for restitution of cultural properties from foreign countries. That is, actual condition survey of cultural properties in foreign countries, unified management and implement of export ID on cultural properties, fund-raising for the diversification of means of return of cultural properties. local utilization of cultural properties, joining in the multilateral conventions and expansion of the bilateral agreements, restitution and cooperation through international organizations, restitution through lawsuit and arbitration, training experts on restitution of cultural property and networking with foreign experts. Finally, the author summarized his opinion in chapter V. which comprehended researching the above.

Factors associated with Electronic Cigarettes Use in Korean Adults (한국 성인의 전자담배 사용 관련요인)

  • Park, Eui-Cheol;Bae, Seok-Hwan;Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the factors associated with electronic cigarette use by Korean adults. To accomplish this, data collected from 228,477 individuals during a community health survey conducted by the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2015 were analyzed by descriptive analysis, the Chi-squared test, and logistic regression analysis. The lifetime prevalence of electronic cigarette smoking was 11.1% for men and 0.8% for women. The current prevalence for electronic cigarettes smoking was 24.2% for men and 26.1% for women among lifetime users of electronic cigarettes. The lifetime experience rate of electronic cigarette smoking was significantly associated with age, educational attainment, occupation, income status and current smoking status, respectively. The current universal smoking e-cigarette is significantly related to the current smoking status, which shows a significantly higher number of current smokers than groups that have smoked in the past. The preference for electronic cigarette smoking was high. E-cigarettes were perceived by those who aimed to quit smoking as having a smoking cessation effect compared to regular cigarettes while also providing the pleasure of smoking and addressing the addiction. Therefore, e-cigarettes were highly favored because they were reflected as a solution to the dilemma of smoking. In 2014, electronic cigarette imports tripled from the previous year, and interest in electronic cigarettes is increasing worldwide. Accordingly, measures related to the prevention and discontinuation of e-cigarettes should be considered. Strengthening anti-smoking education and active promotion of anti-smoking risks is needed to improve smokers' wrong perception of smoking-related health. The WHO also reports that there is a lack of grounds to ensure or acknowledge that e-cigarettes are effective. Accordingly, it is important to identify environmental factors influencing the use of electronic cigarettes and explore the relationship between electronic cigarette recognition and use.

Evaluation of the Nutrition Status and Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence of the Members according to the Number of Household Members based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2014) (국민건강영양조사(2013-2014년) 자료에 근거한 가구원수별 구성원의 영양상태 및 대사증후군 유병율 평가)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Choi, Soo-Kyong;Seo, Jung-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.232-244
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study evaluated the nutritional status and prevalence of metabolic syndrome of the people who participated in the KNHANES according to the number of household members. They were assessed by using information from the 2013~2014 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods: A total of 6,088 persons aged 19 years and over participated in 2013~2014 KNHANES, and they were classified into three groups according to the number of household members (single-person, two-person, three-person & over). The dietary behavior, nutritional status, health-related factors and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome of the subjects were investigated with using information from the survey questionnaires of KNHANES. The nutrient intake data of the subjects were obtained by the 24-hour recall method and this was analyzed for evaluating the nutrition adequacy ratio and the index of nutritional quality. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the subjects, and according to the study groups, was estimated using the blood and physical measurement data of the subjects. Results: As for EQ-5D index available for all the health states generated by the EQ-5D descriptive system, the single-person household member was the lowest among all the household types. The index of nutrition quality for protein, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin and vitamin C in the single-person household was lower than that of the two-person or the three-person and over households (p<0.001). The mean adequacy ratio of single-person households was significantly decreased compared with that of the other types of households (p<0.001). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher in the single-person households than that in the multiple-person households (p<0.001). Conclusions: These results showed that dietary behaviors, nutrition status and health status might be influenced by the number of household members. The results from this study would be useful for improving Korean people's dietary life and health status by implementing evidence-based, specialized intervention for the members of diverse types of households.