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Of the Factors Organizing Independent Living of the Disabled, the Effect of Self-Determination Right and Empowerment on the Community Relation and Productivity (장애인 자립생활의 구성요인 중 자기결정권과 역량강화가 공동체관계 및 생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Che Sik
    • 재활복지
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2013
  • This study made an exploratory verification targeting severely-disabled persons on how self-determination right and empowerment of the factors organizing independent living affect community relation and productivity of the disabled. For the foregoing, this study collected data for about 2months from May through July 2012 targeting the disabled using Center for Independent Living and the Center for Human Right of the Disabled. As a result of research, this study revealed First, the level of self-determination right of the disabled differed meaningfully depending on the variables such as age, academic ability, existence of spouse, receiving pension, monthly income, residential type, time of occurrence of disability and disability rating, and in the level of empowerment, it showed a meaningful difference according to the factors like academic ability and disability rating. Second, the level of formation of community relation differed meaningfully according to the variables such as age, academic ability, existence of spouse, residential type, time of occurrence of disability, disability rating etc., and the level of productivity showed a meaningful difference according to the variables such as academic ability, existence of spouse, receiving pension, monthly income, multiple disabilities, disability rating etc. Third, as a result of investigation on the effect of self-determination right and empowerment of the disabled on their community relation, both self-determination right and empowerment turned out to have a meaningful and positive (+) effect on the community relation of the disabled. Fourth, as a result of investigation on the effect of self-determination right and empowerment of the disabled on their productivity, this study found that only the variable of empowerment exercises a meaningful and positive (+) influence on the productivity of the disabled. Therefore, self-determination right and empowerment are considered an important variable for enabling them to enjoy independent living in the future by strengthening community relation and productivity of the disabled. For this, it is required to fulfill social welfare and recognize the significance of self-determination right and empowerment in the process of rehabilitation, and develop as well as revitalize a variety of programs related to the above.

Disability-Rights Based International Cooperation: With Some References to North Korea (장애 권리 기반한 국제협력: 북한 관련하여)

  • Kim, Hyung Shik;Woo, Joo Hyung
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2018
  • This paper attempts to explore the place of human and disability rights from the perspective of Social Welfare within the context of the UN Disability Rights Convention of 2006. The overall discussion is focused especially upon the situations of human and disability rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) as it is being challenged to drastically address the issues of human rights in general, and disability rights in particular. The UN Disability Rights Convention challenges every ratified State party to commence legal reforms, legal harmonization, and policy and program developments to implement the Convention. Both North and South Korea are not exceptions to this. Even without drawing upon the UN's the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the dire situation of human rights in North Korea is well documented. However, this paper does not assume South Korea's human rights are any way superior to that of North Korea. This paper spells out areas for further action common to two Koreas and to any other nations for that matter. Apart from the general discussion on disability rights, the distinctive contribution of this paper lies in the fact that it has endeavored to draw upon any latest information and data on North Korea. It relied on various sources from UN and also from North Korea itself. One can note that North Korean disability authorities are making strenuous efforts to improve human rights of persons with disabilities in their desires to seek assistance from outside. It also shows an enormous need for international cooperation in seeking financial and material supports. This paper notes the latest political development between North and South Korea in taking "phased" steps for peace and stability as a positive sign for North and South Koreans' DPOs collaboration under the banner of International Cooperation of the article 32 of the UN Disability Rights Convention. More critically, this paper points to the further need to improve the overall data bases to ensure balanced legal reforms, policy developments and sharpen the areas of international collaboration.

Estimation of Rice Grain Protein Contents Using Ground Optical Remote Sensors (지상광학센서를 이용한 쌀 단백질함량 예측)

  • Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.551-558
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    • 2008
  • It is well known that the protein content of rice grain is an indicator of taste of cooked rice in the countries where people as the staple food. Ground-based optical sensing over the crop canopy would provide information not only on the mass of plant body which reflects the light, but also on the crop nitrogen content which is closely related to the greenness of plant leaves. The vegetation index has been related to crop variables such as biomass, leaf nitrogen, plant cover, and chlorophyll in cereals. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between GNDVI and NDVI values, and grain protein content at different dates and to estimate the grain protein content using G(NDVI) values. We measured Green normalized difference vegetation index [$GNDVI=({\rho}0.80{\mu}m-{\rho}0.55{\mu}m)/({\rho}0.80{\mu}m+{\rho}0.55{\mu}m)$] and [$GNDVI=({\rho}0.80{\mu}m-{\rho}0.68{\mu}m)/({\rho}0.80{\mu}m+{\rho}0.68{\mu}m)$] by using two different active sensors. The study was conducted during the rice growing season for three years from 2005 through 2007 at the experimental plots of National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. The experiments were carried out by randomized complete block design with the application of four levels of nitrogen fertilizers(0, 70, 100, 130kg N/ha) and the same amount of phosphorous and potassium content of the fertilizers. After heading stage, relationships between GNDVI of rice canopy and grain protein content showed the highly positive correlation at different dates for three years. GNDVI values showed higher correlation coefficients than that of NDVI during growing season in 2005-07. The correlation between GNDVI values at different dates and grain protein contents was highly correlated at early July. We attempted to estimate the grain protein content at harvesting stage using GNDVI values from early July for three years. The determination coefficients of the linear model by GNDVI values were 0.9l and the measured and estimated grain protein content at harvesting stage using GNDVI values highly correlated($R^2=0.96^{***}$). Results from this study show that GNDVI appeared very effective to estimate leaf nitrogen and grain protein content of rice canopy.

Monitoring of the Sea Surface Temperature in the Saemangeum Sea Area Using the Thermal Infrared Satellite Data (열적외선 위성자료를 이용한 새만금 해역 해수표면온도 모니터렁)

  • Yoon, Suk;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Min, Jee-Eun;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Lee, Seok;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.339-357
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    • 2009
  • The Saemangeum Reclamation Project was launched as a national project in 1991 to reclaim a large coastal area of 401 km$^2$ by constructing a 33-km long dyke. The final dyke enclosure in April 2006 has transformed the tidal flat into lake and land. The dyke construction has abruptly changed not only the estuarine tidal system inside the dyke, but also the coastal marine environment outside the dyke. In this study, we investigated the spatial change of SST distribution using the Landsat-5/7 and NOAA data before and after the dyke completion in the Saemangeum area. Satellite-induced SST was verified by compared with the various in situ measurements such as tower, buoy, and water sample. The correlation coefficient resulted in above 0.96 and RMSE was about 1$^{\circ}C$ in all data. 38 Landsat satellite images from 1985 to 2007 were analyzed to estimate the temporal and spatial change of SST distribution from the beginning to the completion of the Samangeum dyke's construction. The seasonal change in detailed spatial distribution of SST was measured, however, the estimation of change during the Saemangeum dyke's construction was hard to figure out owing to the various environmental conditions. Monthly averaged SST induced from NOAA data from 1998 to 2007 has been analyzed for a complement of Landsat's temporal resolution. At the inside of the dyke, the change of SST from summer to winter was large due to the relatively high temperature in summer. In this study, multi-sensor thermal remote sensing is an efficient tool for monitoring the temporal and spatial distribution of SST in coastal area.

A Basic Study for the Retrieval of Surface Temperature from Single Channel Middle-infrared Images (단일 밴드 중적외선 영상으로부터 표면온도 추정을 위한 기초연구)

  • Park, Wook;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Won, Joong-Sun;Lee, Seung-Geun;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2008
  • Middle-infrared (MIR) spectral region between 3.0 and $5.0\;{\mu}m$ in wavelength is useful for observing high temperature events such as volcanic activities and forest fire. However, atmospheric effects and sun irradiance in day time has not been well studied for this MIR spectral band. The objectives of this basic study is to evaluate atmospheric effects and eventually to estimate surface temperature from a single channel MIR image, although a typical approach utilize split-window method using more than two channels. Several parameters are involved for the correction including various atmospheric data and sun-irradiance at the area of interest. To evaluate the effect of sun irradiance, MODIS MIR images acquired in day and night times were used for comparison. Atmospheric parameters were modeled by MODTRAN, and applied to a radiative transfer model for estimating the sea surface temperature. MODIS Sea Surface Temperature algorithm based upon multi-channel observation was performed in comparison with results from the radiative transfer model from a single channel. Temperature difference of the two methods was $0.89{\pm}0.54^{\circ}C$ and $1.25{\pm}0.41^{\circ}C$ from the day-time and night-time images, respectively. It is also shown that the emissivity effect has by more largely influenced on the estimated temperature than atmospheric effects. Although the test results encourage using a single channel MR observation, it must be noted that the results were obtained from water body not from land surface. Because emissivity greatly varies on land, it is very difficult to retrieval land surface temperature from a single channel MIR data.

DEM Generation over Coastal Area using ALOS PALSAR Data - Focus on Coherence and Height Ambiguity - (ALOS PALSAR 자료를 이용한 연안지역의 DEM 생성 - 긴밀도와 고도 민감도 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Chang-Wook;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.559-566
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    • 2007
  • The generation of precise digital elevation model (DEM) is very important in coastal area where time series are especially required. Although a LIDAR system is useful in coastal regions, it is not yet popular in Korea mainly because of its high surveying cost and national security reasons. Recently, precise DEM has been made using radar interferometry and waterline methods. One of these methods, spaceborne imaging radar interferometry has been widely used to measure the topography and deformation of the Earth. We acquired ALOS PALSAR FBD mode (Fine Beam Dual) data for evaluating the quality of interferograms and their coherency. We attempted to construct DEM using ALOS PALSAR pairs - One pair is 2007/05/22 and 2007/08/22, another pair is 2007/08/22 and 2007/10/22 with respective perpendicular baseline of 820 m, 312m and respective height sensitivity of 75 m and 185m at southern of Ganghwa tidal flat, Siwha- and Hwaong-lake over west coastal of Korea peninsula. Ganghwa tidal flat has low coherence between 0.3 and 0.5 of 2007/05/22 and 2007/08/22 pair. However, Siwha-lake and Hwaong-lake areas have a higher coherence value (From 0.7 and 0.9) than Ganghwa tidal area. The reason of difference coherence value is tidal condition between tidal flat area (Ganghwa) and reclaimed zone (Siwha-lake and Hwaong-lake). Therefore, DEM was constructed by ALOS PALSAR pair over Siwha-lake and Hwaong-lake. If the temporal baseline is enough short to maintain the coherent phases and height sensitivity is enough small, we will be able to successfully construct a precise DEM over coastal area. From now on, more ALOS PALSAR data will be needed to construct precise DEM of West Coast of Korea peninsular.

Comparative Study of KOMPSAT-1 EOC Images and SSM/I NASA Team Sea Ice Concentration of the Arctic (북극의 KOMPSAT-1 EOC 영상과 SSM/I NASA Team 해빙 면적비의 비교 연구)

  • Han, Hyang-Sun;Lee, Hoon-Yol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.507-520
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    • 2007
  • Satellite passive microwave(PM) sensors have been observing polar sea ice concentration(SIC), ice temperature, and snow depth since 1970s. Among them SIC is playing an important role in the various studies as it is considered the first factor for the monitoring of global climate and environment changes. Verification and correction of PM SIC is essential for this purpose. In this study, we calculated SIC from KOMPSAT-1 EOC images obtained from Arctic sea ice edges from July to August 2005 and compared with SSM/I SIC calculated from NASA Team(NT) algorithm. When we have no consideration of sea ice types, EOC and SSM/I NT SIC showed low correlation coefficient of 0.574. This is because there are differences in spatial resolution and observing time between two sensors, and the temporal and spatial variation of sea ice was high in summer Arctic ice edge. For the verification of SSM/I NT SIC according to sea ice types, we divided sea ice into land-fast ice, pack ice, and drift ice from EOC images, and compared them with SSM/I NT SIC corresponding to each ice type. The concentration of land-fast ice between EOC and SSM/I SIC were calculated very similarly to each other with the mean difference of 0.38%. This is because the temporal and spatial variation of land-fast ice is small, and the snow condition on the ice surface is relatively dry. In case of pack ice, there were lots of ice ridge and new ice that are known to be underestimated by NT algorithm. SSM/I NT SIC were lower than EOC SIC by 19.63% in average. In drift ice, SSM/I NT SIC showed 20.17% higher than EOC SIC in average. The sea ice with high concentration could be included inside the wide IFOV of SSM/I because the drift ice was located near the edge of pack ice. It is also suggested that SSM/I NT SIC overestimated the drift ice covered by wet snow.

Estimation of Paddy Rice Growth Parameters Using L, C, X-bands Polarimetric Scatterometer (L, C, X-밴드 다편파 레이더 산란계를 이용한 논 벼 생육인자 추정)

  • Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young;Lee, Hoon-Yol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study was to measure backscattering coefficients of paddy rice using a L-, C-, and X-band scatterometer system with full polarization and various angles during the rice growth period and to relate backscattering coefficients to rice growth parameters. Radar backscattering measurements of paddy rice field using multifrequency (L, C, and X) and full polarization were conducted at an experimental field located in National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), Suwon, Korea. The scatterometer system consists of dual-polarimetric square horn antennas, HP8720D vector network analyzer ($20\;MHz{\sim}20\;GHz$), RF cables, and a personal computer that controls frequency, polarization and data storage. The backscattering coefficients were calculated by applying radar equation for the measured at incidence angles between $20^{\circ}$ and $60^{\circ}$ with $5^{\circ}$ interval for four polarization (HH, VV, HV, VH), respectively. We measured the temporal variations of backscattering coefficients of the rice crop at L-, C-, X-band during a rice growth period. In three bands, VV-polarized backscattering coefficients were higher than hh-polarized backscattering coefficients during rooting stage (mid-June) and HH-polarized backscattering coefficients were higher than VV-, HV/VH-polarized backscattering coefficients after panicle initiation stage (mid-July). Cross polarized backscattering coefficients in X-band increased towards the heading stage (mid-Aug) and thereafter saturated, again increased near the harvesting season. Backscattering coefficients of range at X-band were lower than that of L-, C-band. HH-, VV-polarized ${\sigma}^{\circ}$ steadily increased toward panicle initiation stage and thereafter decreased, and again increased near the harvesting season. We plotted the relationship between backscattering coefficients with L-, C-, X-band and rice growth parameters. Biomass was correlated with L-band hh-polarization at a large incident angle. LAI (Leaf Area Index) was highly correlated with C-band HH- and cross-polarizations. Grain weight was correlated with backscattering coefficients of X-band VV-polarization at a large incidence angle. X-band was sensitive to grain maturity during the post heading stage.

Investigation of Intertidal Zone using TerraSAR-X (TerraSAR-X를 이용한 조간대 관측)

  • Park, Jeong-Won;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.383-389
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    • 2009
  • The main objective of the research is a feasibility study on the intertidal zone using a X-band radar satellite, TerraSAR-X. The TerraSAR-X data have been acquired in the west coast of Korea where large tidal flats, Ganghwa and Yeongjong tidal flats, are developed. Investigations include: 1) waterline and backscattering characteristics of the high resolution X-band images in tidal flats; 2) polarimetric signature of halophytes (or salt marsh plants), specifically Suaeda japonica; and 3) phase and coherence of interferometric pairs. Waterlines from TerraSAR-X data satisfy the requirement of horizontal accuracy of 60 m that corresponds to 20 cm in average height difference while current other spaceborne SAR systems could not meet the requirement. HH-polarization was the best for extraction of waterline, and its geometric position is reliable due to the short wavelength and accurate orbit control of the TerraSAR-X. A halophyte or salt marsh plant, Suaeda japonica, is an indicator of local sea level change. From X-band ground radar measurements, a dual polarization of VV/VH-pol. is anticipated to be the best for detection of the plant with about 9 dB difference at 35 degree incidence angle. However, TerraSAR-X HH/TV dual polarization was turned to be more effective for salt marsh monitoring. The HH-HV value was the maximum of about 7.9 dB at 31.6 degree incidence angle, which is fairly consistent with the results of X-band ground radar measurement. The boundary of salt marsh is effectively traceable specifically by TerraSAR-X cross-polarization data. While interferometric phase is not coherent within normal tidal flat, areas of salt marsh where the landization is preceded show coherent interferometric phases regardless of seasons or tide conditions. Although TerraSAR-X interferometry may not be effective to directly measure height or changes in tidal flat surface, TanDEM-X or other future X-band SAR tandem missions within one-day interval would be useful for mapping tidal flat topography.

The Effect of Exercise Program for Prevention of Falling on Physical Fitness, Posture and Fall Prevention Self-Efficacy for Elderly Women (넘어짐 예방 운동이 여성노인의 체력, 자세, 낙상효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Nam Jeong;Yi, Kyung Ock;An, Ju Yeun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.237-250
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of exercise program for prevention of falling on physical fitness, posture and fall prevention self-efficacy for elderly women. 30 females above the age of 65 were subjects for this study. Over an twelve week period, 14women in the experimental group performed exercise 2 times a week for 60 minutes per session. 16women in the control group didn't participate in the exercise program. The independent variable was a exercise program for prevention of falling. Dependent variables were physical fitness, posture and fall prevention self-efficacy. Prevention of falling exercise program is consisted of an elastic band using exercise and Korean dance movement exercise. Physical fitness consisted of grip strength, upper and lower body endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination. The posture was measured the static posture when standing, using a high-resolution camera, body style to automatically measure the distance and angle(M-zen, Korea). Posture was measured in both the coronal and sagittal plane via reference board. Fall prevention self-efficacy was measured via questionnaire using the Korea Falls Self-Efficacy Scale (FES-K). The physical fitness, posture and fall prevention self-efficacy were measured twice with pre and post exercise, and the difference between groups with Wilcox signed rank test, and the group-specific post verification was carried out with U-validated methods (Mann Whitney U test). Statistical significance level was verified by setting the p<.05. Lower body endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination significantly increased in the experimental group. The control group was no significant increase in physical fitness variables. shoulder slope angle, pelvic slope angle(coronal/sagittal), leg length difference, scapular inferior angle and left/right calcaneus angle significantly decreased in the experimental group. Both the experimental group and control group were no significant increase in fall prevention self efficacy. The prevention of falling exercise program for elderly women indicated the positive changes in physical fitness(except grip strength) and posture(except upper body slope). However, there are no significant differences of falling prevention self-efficacy between the both group. Thus, the prevention of falling exercise program for the elderly has been proved that it is highly efficient on improving physical fitness and posture proofreading. However, we still need to consider supplement exercise for grip strength and upper body slope.