• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수도관

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Absorption, Translocation and Metabolism of Naproanilide in Rice and Paddy Weeds under Different Temperature Conditions (수도(水稻)와 잡초(雜草)에서 온도조건(溫度條件)에 따른 Naproanilide의 흡수(吸收), 이행(移行) 및 대사(代謝)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, C.W.;Pyon, J.Y.;Kim, Y.W.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 1991
  • Absorption and translocation, and metabolism studies using $^{14}C$-naproanilide were conducted to determine selective mode of action of naproanilide in rice and paddy weeds under different temperature conditions. Absorption amount of $^{14}C$-naproanilide was greater in Cyperus serotinus and Sagittaria pygmaea than rice and Echinochloa crusgalli. Especially, absorption of $^{14}C$-naproanilide in C. serotinus was increased twice at 32 $^{\circ}C$ and 48 hour exposure conditions. $^{14}C$-naproanilide in roots was translocated to shoots very little in rice and E. crusgalli, but S. pygmaea somewhat greater translocation than the other species. In C. serotinus and S. pygmaea, susceptible weeds, metabolic rates of naproanilide into phytotoxic NOP (2-(2-naphthoxy)-propionic acid) and NOPM (methyl 2-(2-naphthoxy) propionate) were significantly greater than in rice and E. crugalli, tolerant species. Consequently, differential uptake by roots and the difference in activation metabolism of naproanilide among species may explain the possible mechanism of selectivity.

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Various Nitrogen Efficiencies and their Interrelation Among Rice Varieties (수도품종간(水稻品種間) 여러 질소효율(窒素効率)의 상호관계(相互關係))

  • Park, Hoon;Mok, Sung Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 1976
  • The relationships between various nitrogen efficiencies among 57 rice cultivars grouped into three developmental categories were investigated by simple correlation with (12kg/10a) and without nitrogen fertilizer under the field condition. The relationship showed similar in a group or among all varieties of three groups. Yield among varieties showed highly significant correlation with Fe (fertilization efficiency: yield increment/nitrogen applied), E (nitrogen efficiency for yield), Ef(efficiency of nitrogen derived from fertilizer) and Eu (fertilizer use efficiency: nitrogen derived from fertilizer divided by total nitrogen applied). The E was correlated significantly and positively with harvest index (HI), percent translocation (T) of nitrogen to ear and negatively with nitrogen uptake amount (N), nitrogen concentration in grain (GN%) and in straw (SN%). The E depends almost on Ef and only inTongil group partly on Es (efficiency of nitrogen derived from soil). The Ef contributes to Fe more than Eu does (Fe = $Ef{\cdot}Eu$). It appears that Ef and Eu increased from the old group to the recommended local varieties, but only EF and Es increased markedly when rice was developed from recommended local group to Tongil line ($indica{\times}japonica$ hybrid selction). The fact that E and Fe depend more on Ef among rice varieties is very good contrast to the result that E and Fe depend more on Es and Eu respectively among soils in the previous investigatigation. The Ef appears as the most important parameter for rice varietal selection under fertilizer application system.

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Effect of Controlled Water Level for Irrigation Constraint on Growth of the Rice Plant (수위조절(水位調節)에 의(依)한 관개수(灌漑水)의 제한공급(制限供給)이 포트재배수도(栽培水滔)의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Jai-Joung;Yuk, Chang-Soo;Jung, Kwang-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.268-274
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    • 1990
  • In order to understand the effect of irrigation constraint on the growth and yield of the rice plant. two rice cultivars. Samnambyeo and Chucheongbyeo. were cultured in the pot controlled with different water levels: + 2 cm-submergence, and -17cm, -37cm, -57cm, -77cm, -97cm, -120cm, and -145cm depth from soil surface. 1. Among differently irrigated conditions, submerged condition was the best in growth and yield of both Samnambyeo and Chucheongbyeo. Yield and growth of rice decreased linearly with lowering the water level in sequence. 2. Samnambyeo appeared to be more drought resistant cultivar than Chucheongbyeo. It was regarded that physiologically critical water level on rice yield was about 70cm depth in Samnambyeo and 50cm depth in Chucheongbyeo. 3. The earliest heading date of the rice plant was from submergence condition and the head ing date was linearly delayed with lowering water level in sequence. The heading date of Samnambyeo was about 10days earlier than that of Chucheongbyeo at the same water level.

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Studies on the Effects of Ozone Gas in Paddy Rice 3. Biochemical effects of ozone gas on rice plant (수도생육(水稻生育)에 대(對)한 Ozone가스의 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 3. Ozone가스에 의(依)한 수도엽의(水稻葉) 생화학적(生化學的) 변화(變化))

  • Kim, Bok-Young;Cho, Jae-Kyu;Lee, Suk-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.106-112
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    • 1986
  • Biochemical and histological effects of ozone gas (0.3 ppm) on rice plant were discussed. After ozone expoure, damage symptom, percentages of destroyed leaves, activities of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase, and the contents of flavonoid, protein and sugar were examined on two rice varieties (Seokwangbyeo, Jinjubyeo), on tillering stage, and at different exposure time (0, 1, 3, 5 hr). The result were as followed. 1. The ozone-injured cell adjoining stomata become pigmented red-brown. 2. The percentage of injured leaves in Jinjubyeo was higher than that in Seokwangbyeo. 3. The activities of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase increased on ozone-injured leaves. 4. The peroxidase activity increased with time in Jinjubyeo compared to Seokwangbyeo. 5. Peroxidase isozyme spectrum was altered after ozone exposure. 6. The content of flavonoid and reducing sugar in the rice leaves was increased, but the contents of protein was reduced.

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Studies on the Leaching of the Constituents in Paddy Soil -III. Effects of Rice Straw on the Leaching of the Constituents in Paddy Soil (논 토양성분(土壤成分)의 용탈(溶脫)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -III. 논 토양(土壤) 화학성분(化學成分)의 용탈(溶脫)에 미치는 볏짚의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Kwang-Sik;Kim, Yong-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 1983
  • These studies were carried out to investigate the effects of rice straw on the leaching of chemical constituents in paddy soil. Rice plants were cultured in paddy soil to which rice straw was applied and then chemical properties of percolated water were analysed. The results were as follows. The leaching of calcium and magnesium was affected by rice straw application in the early stages of plant growth and by rice root activity in the late stages. The application of the straw promoted the reduction of the soil followed by increasing the leaching of iron and manganese. The leaching of potassium, ammonium-nitrogen and chloride was not due to the application of rice straw and the leaching of carbon dioxide increased with the application of rice straw, at the same time chemical properties seemed to be affected by rice root activity. Generally, cation and anion leached in the percolated water were equivalent. Calcium, magnesium, Fe as cation and $HCO_3$, $SO_4{^{-2}}$ as anion were important constituents in the percolated water from paddy soil.

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Tuberization Time and Control of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi (올방개(Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi)의 괴경형성(塊莖形成) 시기(時期)와 방제(防除)에 관(關한) 연구(硏究))

  • Im, I.B.;Shim, I.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Park, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to investigate the tuberization time and the control method for Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi. The control methods were compared the shoot cutting and bentazon treatment for E. kuroguwai with untreatment. The initial tuberization time of E. kuroguwai, when E. kuroguwai was planted and without rice planted, was about August 18th and 10th, respectively. When the shoot of E. kuroguwai was cut, the regrowth vigour scarcely revived for the cutting on September 12. The least tuberization of E. kuroguwai, when E. kuroguwai was just planted and planted with rice plant, were on August 28 and August 3 to the top cutting of E. kuroguwai, respectively. Bentazon treatments from July 19 to August 3 hardly induced tuberization of E. kuroguwai, while as the delay of bentazon treatment time the tuberization of E. kurguwai was little by little increased.

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Studies on the cause and control of the 'AKIOCHI' -V. The effects of the 'Green ash' application on the yield factors of rice in 'AKIOCHI' paddy- (추락(秋落)의 원인(原因)과 그 대책(對策)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -V. 추락답(秋落畓)에서 미분탄회(微粉炭灰)의 시용(施用)이 수도수량(水稻收量) 구성요소(構成要素)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Lee, Eun-Woong;Jo, J.S.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.6
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 1965
  • The effect of green ash cm the total yield and each yield component of rice was studied at highly Leaky paddy field. In addition, this effect of green ash was compared with that of Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer or lime. Experimental treatments included different levels and kinds of fertilizers such as 75 kg. per 10 are of Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer, 150 kg. of Ca and 75 kg., 150 kg., 225 kg., 300 kg., 375 kg. and 450 kg. of green ash with non-fertilized plot so called control, Paltal is the name of variety used. The results showed as follows ; 1) There is a tendency that the use of green ash, Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer and lime does not only stimulate the growth but increase yield in comparison with that of control. This increases in yield, mainly depends on the higher maturing rate, caused by these fertilizer applications. 2) In proportion to the total balk of green ash, yield showed getting higher. But excessed the level of 300 ㎏. per 10 are, significantly higher yield was not observed any more. This result is similar to that of Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer used plot. When green ash level reaches to 225 kg., are, is gives as high yield as that of Capit-fertilizer plot. 3) Thus the most adequate level of green ash application stands at about 300 kg. per are.

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The Effect of Irrigation Control and the Application of Soil Ameliorators on Rice Yield by the Irrigation of Livestock Waste Water (수도(水稻)의 축산폐수피해(畜産廢水被害)에 대(對)한 물관리(管理) 및 개량제(改良劑) 시용효과(施用效果))

  • Lee, Min-Hyo;Kim, Bok-Young;Kim, Kyu-Sik;Park, Young-Dae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1987
  • In order to find out more effective countermeasures against growth damage of paddy rice due to the irrigation of livestock waste water, pot experiments were carried out in 1985 and 1986. Experiment I conducted in 1985 was to find out the effects of irrigation control and application of ameliorators to paddy soil with irrigation of animal waste water. Experiment II conducted in 1986 was to find out the amounts of wollastonite to be applied. The results obtained were as follows. Experiment I ; Rice yields were higher in the treatment of continuously submersion until harvest than in that of intermittent irrigation. The yield was also increased with the application of soil ameliorators and it showed higher increase in the treatment of zeolite and wollastonite. Nitrogen contents in plant were increased with the nitrogen application and more amounts of irrigation of waste water, but they were considerably decreased with the application of soil ameliorators. Experiment II ; Rice yields were increased with the application of wollastonite and the optimum level of wollastonite for maximum yield in condition of 3.0 g/pot of nitrogen application was belived to be 60g/pot. The increment of yield by the application of wollastinte was though to be due to increase of No. of grains per panicle and ripening ratio. Steriled neck occurred by rice disease such as rice blast was increased with increasing the amounts of nitrogen application and nitrogen contained in irrigated waste water but that was remarkably decreased with the application of wollastonite.

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Evaluation Method of Plastic Pipe for High-Strength Water Supply (고강도 수도용 PVC관의 성능평가 연구)

  • Park, Jong-II;Lee, Chang Suck
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2018
  • High-strength plastic water supply pipe evaluation method was evaluated in this study. Up to date, high strength water supply pipes that we install are mostly ductile cast iron pipes. Sometimes, a few PVC pipes are installed. Metal pipes have rust problem on the surface, causing serious damage to metal pipes and reducing the expected life span of water piping system. Nowadays, depending on technology development, some companies have improved properties of general PVC pipe performance with remarkable properties that exceed KS and ASTM standard. Here, we suggest a new method of performance evaluation for high-strength water plastic pipes.

서울 남부순환 도로, 관악터널 설계

  • 지왕률;박성록;황기수;정해성;이철수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics Conference
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2002
  • 서울시에 건설될 새로운 내부 남부순한 도로는 제2 성산대교와 서쪽의 주요 고속화 도로를 연결하는 초고속 도로망을 구축할 것이다. 노선연장은 지하구조물 10.4km를 포함하여 총 34.8km에 달한다. 도로망이 완성되면 수도 서울 중심가의 심한 교통체증은 상당부분 완화 될 것이다. 공사비 7000억원에 이르는 대규모의 서울 남부순환 도로는 3차선 병렬터널 3개 공구를 포함하는 것으로 계획되어졌다. 이들 터널은 3차선, 일방향, 병렬터널로서 계곡부를 관통하며 굴착공법은 대부분 발파공법으로 계획되어져 있다. 가장 긴 관악터널은 지질조건이 복잡하며 따라서, 이런 지반에 적용성이 좋은 발파공법에 의한 굴착으로 계획되어졌다. 특히, 갱구부는 지질상태가 매우 불량하여 풍화암 자연상태로 설계하는 것이 불가능하였다. 설계자들은 터널 화재와 교통사고 등과 같은 터널내에서의 긴급상황에 대한 최적의 대책 수립에 중점을 두어야만 했다. 관악 터널 상부에 위치한 수로관을 통과하는 방법을 찾는 것이 당면 최대 관건이었다. 또한, 갱구부 주변지역의 환경을 보존하고 현장의 자연적인 아름다움 을 유지하기 위하여 굴착량을 최소화하는 공법선정이 중요하였다.

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