• 제목/요약/키워드: 손실 원인

검색결과 1,790건 처리시간 0.028초

An Optimal Resource Distribution Scheme for P2P Streaming Service over Centralized DU Environment in LTE (LTE에서 집중화된 DU 환경에서 P2P 스트리밍 서비스를 위한 최적의 자원 배분 방안)

  • Kim, Yangjung;Chong, Ilyoung
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2014
  • According to the development of streaming services with P2P and mobile network technologies, researches to enhance the service quality in mobile environment have been proposed. However, streaming services considering high-speed mobile environment and characteristics of heterogenous terminals have been hindered from being provided with the required quality from user because of bandwidth congestion between selfish peers of existing P2P system. It is also prone to long delay and loss in accordance with the repeated traffic amounts because there are no optimized solution for traffic localization. The structure to enhance peer contribution for service differentiation and peer selection with clustering scheme with location information of terminal can satisfy both users and service providers with service quality and efficiency. In this paper, we propose an incentive mechanism and resource distribution scheme with user contribution and traffic cost information based on user location, which make mobile users increase the satisfaction of service quality in LTE environments.

An Effcient Lossless Compression Algorithm using Arithmetic Coding for Indexed Color lmage (산술부호화를 이용한 인덱스 칼라 이미지에서의 효율적인 무손실 압축 방법)

  • You Kang-Soo;Lee Han-Jeong;Jang Euee S.;Kwak Hoon-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제30권1C호
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2005
  • This paper introduces a new algorithm to improve compression performance of 256 color images called palette-based or indexed images. The proposed scheme counts each frequency of index values after present index value and determines each rank for every index value by sorting them in descending order. Then, the scheme makes ranked index image instead of original indexed image using the way to replace index values with ranks. In the ranked index image's distribution produced as a result of this algorithm, the higher ranked index value, the more present same values. Therefore, data redundancy will be raised and more efficient performance of compression can be expected. Simulation results verify that because of higher compression ratio by up to 22.5, this newly designed algorithm shows a much better performance of compression in comparison with the arithmetic coding, intensity-based JPEG-LS and palette-based GIF.

Performance Analysis of Cooperative Communication with Spread Spectrum to Overcome Channel Blockage for On-The-Move Terminal in Next Generation Satellite Communication Systems (차기 군 위성통신체계 환경에서 이동형 위성단말의 채널 blockage 극복을 위한 확산기반 협업통신 기법의 성능 분석)

  • Park, Hyung-Won;Lee, Ho-Sub;Yoon, Won-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제39C권9호
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    • pp.757-766
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    • 2014
  • To compensate signal loss due to the channel blockage in satellite communication link, we propose a cooperative communication scheme for OTM(On-The-Move) terminal in next generation satellite communication systems. The proposed scheme configures cooperation subnet with adjacent OTM terminal with the help of ground communication equipment. Shared data is spread by orthogonal spreading code, then the spread sequences are transmitted simultaneously. The receiver combines the power of received signals by EGC(Equal gain combining). The OTM terminal blockage channel is modeled by 2-state Markov chain. We evaluate the bit error rate according to the blockage channel of the channel state for the performance analysis of the proposed scheme. As a result, the proposed scheme shows better BER performance than traditional scheme with the help of subset members. In particular, the proposed scheme shows superior performance as the channel block probability is higher. However, as the number of subset members is increasing, there is a constraint because of the higher multiple access interference.

A Performance Analysis of Mobile P2P Streaming Service on Wireless LAN Environments (무선랜 환경에서 모바일 P2P 스트리밍 서비스의 성능 분석)

  • Choi, Hun-Hoi;Kim, Geun-Hyung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2013
  • P2P(Peer-to-Peer) architecture can reduce the network bandwidth and resource on the server since peers exchange data chunks with each other, while server-client architecture causes a lot of traffic on the server. Peers receive a data more reliably when the number of participating peer increases. Currently, P2P traffic has accounted for about 65% of the world's Internet traffic and diverse P2P streaming services have launched combining to video streaming technology. However, the requirements and data chunk delivery algorithms for mobile P2P streaming service should be investigated, since the existing P2P technologies have been developed and designed for the wired network. In particular, the bandwidth fluctuation caused by user mobility, wireless packet collisions, and packet losses brings about different problems on the mobile P2P streaming service compared to existing P2P streaming service. In this paper, we analyzed the problem of mobile P2P streaming services in the 802.11n wireless LAN environment through experiments.

A preliminary study on the development of human error analysis and application technology in Korean nuclear power plants (원자력발전소의 인적오류분석 및 응용기술개발 방향 정립에 관한 연구)

  • 이정운;박근욱
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 대한인간공학회 1993년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1993
  • 원자력발전소 고장 및 불시정지 사례의 상당수가 시스템과 연계되어 인간에 의해 수행되는 운전, 유지보수, 관리와 관련된 인적오류에 기인하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 인적오류는 원자력발전소의 안전성과 효율성의 유지에 중요한 변수로 작용하며 불시정지에 의한 경제적 손실과 사회적 충격을 초래 하게 된다. 특히, 국내 원자력발전소가 외국설계라는 점과 인적요인에 대한 체계적인 평가가 이루어 지 지 않은 상태에서 운영중인 것을 감안하면, 인적요인의 국가별 차이에서 발생가능한 인적오류 유발요인 이 상존하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 인적오류의 중요성에 비해 국내 원자력 발전소의 인적오류에 대 한 연구는 지금까지 활발히 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는, 국내 원자력발전소에서 발생하는 인적 오류의 분석과 그 분석결과를 응용하기 위한 기술개발의 첫단계로, 기존 국외의 인적오류연구방법론 비교 분석, 국내 원전의 인적오류 발생현황 및 관련보고체계 분석, 등을 수행하여 국내 원자력발전소의 인적오류 분석 및 응용기술개발을 위한 연구개발 방향을 정립하였다. 기존 국외의 인적오류연구방법론 비교분석에서는, 인적오류에 대한 연구를 그 접근 방식에 따라 관리적 접근방식, 정량적 접근방식, 정성적 접근방식의 세가지로 분류하여, 각 접근방식에 대한 분석대상, 분석방식, 수행목적 등, 각 접근방식의 특징과 이에따른 실효성을 분석하였다. 그리고, 국내 원전의 인적오류 발생현황 및 관련보고체계분석에서는, 국내 원자력발전소에서 발생한 고장/정지 사건이 내포하고 있는 인적오류의 주요 형태를 파악하였으며, 또한, 인적오류연구 수행에 필수적인 인적오류사례원으로서 국내 원전에서의 인적오류 관련 보고체계에 대한 운용현황을 파악하고 그 유용성을 조사하였다. 이러한 연구를 통하여, 국내에 적용가능한 인적오류 분석기술개발 추진을 위한 제약 조건과 이러한 제약조건을 극복하고 인적오류 분석기술 수준을 향상시키기 위한 필요충분조건을 파악하였으며, 이 필요충분조건을 고려하여 인적오류 분석기법개발, 인적 오류 사례전파 및 자료관리 기술개발, 인적오류 사례수집 기술개발, 등을 주요 골자로 하는 인적오류 분석기술개발의 기본 방향을 설정하였다. 이와 아울러, 오류사례의 수집, 상세분석, 자료의 저장 및 응용을 위한 hardware 및 software 환경을 체계화하였다.

  • PDF

Life Firing Test of 1 N-class Monopropellant Thruster Development Model -Part I: Environmental Test and Steady State Performance (1 N급 단일추진제 추력기 개발모델의 장기수명 연소시험 -Part I: 환경시험 및 연속모드 성능 특성)

  • Won, Su-Hee;Kim, Su-Kyum;Jun, Hyoung-Yoll;Lee, Jun-Hui;Park, Su-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2014
  • Acceptance level random vibration and life firing test for development model of 1 N-class monopropellant thruster have been performed. From the results of random vibration, the natural frequency of the dual thurst module composed of 1 N-class development model thrusters was higher than the part level requirement(>100 Hz) and the structural robustness was verified. Thrust decrease of steady sate was below 7% and thrust instability was within ${\pm}5%$ in the life firing test using over 20 kg propellant throughput. The computerized tomography for catalyst bed showed a less than 7% of catalyst loss and it revealed the design appropriateness of the current thruster development model.

A study on the legal status and liability of bunker surveyors (선박연료유 검정인의 법적지위와 책임에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jung-Hwan;Yoo, Jin-Ho;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제40권9호
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    • pp.859-867
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    • 2016
  • Bunker oil is an essential expense, and it is a high cost in ships' operations. Therefore, it forms an important part of the work shipowners do to minimize losses during operations. With bunkering disputes consistently occurring, bunker surveyors could be employed by shipowners through them and bunker survey companies signing a contract for a bunker surveyor service. Bunker surveyors could play the role of independent contractors and issue statements of fact in relation to bunkering. However, it would be impossible for bunker surveyors to immediately resolve a bunkering dispute since their role and the legal status is not clear while bunker surveys are being conducted on ships. Thus, this study sets out to define the legal status and liability of bunker surveyors and to seek an additional role for them when bunkering disputes occur.

UA Study on the Polarization Selective Antenna for UHF RFID System (UHF RFID 시스템을 위한 Polarization selective 안테나 연구)

  • Lee, Sa-Won;Song, Woo-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제15권7호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2010
  • TIn this paper, it is designed the polarization selective antenna for UHF RFID system. The proposed antenna is consist of microstrip patch antenna with dual feeding and two SPDT switches and a SP4T switch and 3dB hybrid coupler. Through control of voltage of switches, the proposed reader antenna can select horizontally linear polarization, vertically linear polarization, left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) and right hand circular polarization (RHCP). The proposed reader antenna satisfied 2:1 VSWR at 902MHz~928MHz. and it has under 3dB AR(axial ratio). Peak gain of antenna is 7.71dBi, 7.55dBi with linear polarization and 7.31dBic, 7.81dBic with circular polarization at x-y plane. Also Axial ratio of antenna is 2.01~2.83dB and 2.02~2.60dB respectively. It is satisfied 3dB axial ratio.

Restoration for Speech Records Managed by the National Archives of Korea (국가기록원 음성 기록물의 복원과 분석)

  • Oh, Sejin;Kang, Hong-Goo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2013
  • The speech recording of the National Archives of Korea contains very important traces which represent modern times of Korea. But the way to be recorded by analogue is easily contaminated as time goes by. So it has to be digitalized for management and services. Consequently, restoration method of distorted speech is needed. We propose the four classes for each distortion kind and apply restoration algorithms for the cases of speech level, stationary noise and abrupt noise. As a result, speech volume adjusts to -26 dBov for only on the speech region and SNR improves above 10dB. Especially, conventional way to remove the noise is almost impossible because we need to listen to all of them but it can be more effective by adaptation of auto restoration algorithm.

The Rheological Properties of Poly(acrylonitrile)/Cellulose Acetate Blend Solutions in N,N-Dimethyl Formamide (폴리아크릴로니트릴/셀룰로오스 아세테이트/N,N-디메틸포름아미드 용액의 유연학적 특성)

  • Park, Seung-Han;Song, In-Kyu;Kim, Byoung-Chul
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.384-388
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    • 2009
  • The rheological properties of poly (acrylonitrile) (PAN) and cellulose acetate (CA) blend solutions in N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) were investigated in terms of temperature and blend composition. The solutions exhibited a very characteristic rheological behavior with variation of temperature. 8 wt% solution showed an increase of viscosity and a decrease of loss tangent as temperature was increased over the temperature range of 20 and $60^{\circ}C$. At $20^{\circ}C$ the physical properties of the solutions exhibited dependence on the blend composition. At 40 and $60^{\circ}C$, however, the effects of blend ratio on the physical properties notably diminished. The longer relaxation time at higher temperature indicated that the formation of physical structures resulting from intermolecular interactions was promoted with increasing temperature. The odd rheological responses were further elucidated by measuring of the physical properties of dilute solutions. The intrinsic viscosity of the solutions suggested that the coiled chain dimension was reduced with increasing temperature.