• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소아.청소년 교육

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Consultations to Department of Dentistry for Child and Adolescent Inpatients with Dental Trauma (치과적 외상이 있는 소아청소년 입원환자의 치과 협진 의뢰)

  • Jo, Chanwoo;Kim, Jihun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is analyzing present condition, and pursuing developmental direction of consultation to department of dentistry for medical inpatient with dental trauma. This research conducted a retrospective analysis of consultation to department of dentistry for medical inpatient at Wonju Severance Christian Hospital from March 2011 to February 2017. This research analyzed chief complaint and dental diagnosis, referring department, time of consultation after dental trauma, relation between hospitalization period and time of consultation after dental trauma, relation between dental trauma and admission in the medical department due to trauma, cause and age of dental trauma occurrence, treatment of dental trauma, and revisiting rate of inpatient with dental trauma after discharge. Among all the chief complaint and dental diagnosis, dental trauma was the highest. Among all the referring departments, departments of surgery were the highest. In relation to being delayed of consultation term after dental trauma, it turned out that there's pretty high mutual relation between the hospitalization period and the consultation term after dental trauma, and the hospitalization period had the quantitative influence on the consultation term. Statistically, dental trauma and admission in the medical department due to trauma had significant relations. In case of those patients due to car accidents, they had dental trauma without exception. Statistically, patient's group with dental trauma in hospital room was younger than patient's group with dental trauma in non-hospital room. Statistically, dental trauma and treatment in hospitalization had no significant relations, and dental trauma and revisiting department of dentistry after discharge had no significant relations. For the child and adolescent inpatients hospitalized for car accidents, there is high possibility of accompanying dental trauma, and dental consultations can be delayed. For the young child inpatients, the possibility of dental trauma occurrence in hospital room is high. Moreover, treatments during hospitalization and revisiting department of pediatric dentistry after discharge are not performed well for inpatients with dental trauma. Regarding these results, it can be an alternative that improving of consultation system, dedicated workforce placement and having dental facilities and equipment in the hospital ward, education to medical doctor and dentist, communication between medical doctor and dentist. This research can be used as a study material of medical and dental departments, and it's expected to be committed to developing of consultations to department of dentistry for child and adolescent inpatients with dental trauma.


  • Im, Sook-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 1991
  • Nursing problems of 48 hospitalized patients with Conduct Disorder at a Child-Adolescent psychiatry inpatient were analyzed by reviewing nursing records. The results showed that the problems such as ineffective individual coping, impaired social interaction, disturbance in self-concept, potential for violence, alteration in parenting, altered growth and development were continued from early to later phase of the hospitalization and the other problems such as self-care deficit, anxiety, sleep disturbance, altered nutrition, hyperthermia were temporary. The etiologic factors related to these problems were underdeveloped ego, low self-esteem, dysfunctional parent-child relationship, some situational crises in family and handicap like mental retardation or epilepsy. Therefore nursing approach for the patients with Conduct Disorder should focus on ego growth and improvement of interpersonal relationship through systematic and long-term nursing plans and interventions for these patients and their family.

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Influences of Quality and Supply of Infrastructures related with Pregnancy and Childbirth on intentions of childbirth and Settlement (지역내 임신·출산인프라 수준이 출산 및 거주지이전 의사에 미치는 효과)

  • Jehee Lee;Hee-Sun Kim;Eunju Choi;Jong-Keun Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of current study was to identify relations between pregnancy-childbirth infrastructures and intention to childbirth and relocation. We conducted a logistic regression analysis to determine the influence of the pregnancy and childbirth infrastructure level over the people's intentions to have any additional pregnancy and to relocate to other city. The results have showed that the younger the age and the higher the income is, the stronger the intention to have an additional pregnancy becomes, and that of the pregnancy and childbirth infrastructure, only the level of pediatrics service would affect the intention to have another pregnancy. As for the intention to relocate or move to another locations, the results have shown that such intention tends to decline where there are overall sufficient and good pregnancy and childbirth infrastructure in place.

Intraosseous line insertion education effectiveness for pediatric and emergency medicine residents (소아과와 응급의학과 전공의를 대상으로 한 골강내 주사 실습 교육의 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jung Woo;Seo, Jun Seok;Kim, Do Kyun;Lee, Ji Sook;Kim, Seonguk;Ryu, Jeong-Min;Kwak, Young Ho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.10
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    • pp.1058-1064
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study aimed to assess current knowledge of and training experiences with the intraosseous (IO) line among emergency medicine (EM) and pediatric residents who care for critically ill children and to evaluate the educational effectiveness of the IO line workshop. Methods : During May and June 2008, a workshops on IO line insertion was held for EM and pediatric residents. The workshop comprised a 45-min lecture and a 15-min hands-on session. A semi-drill type EZ-IO machine was used for education. Self-assessment questionnaires gauged residents knowledge of and experiences with IO line insertion or bone marrow (BM) examination and their confidence with IO line insertion before and after the workshop. Performance tests were completed for skill evaluation. Results : Forty-five pediatric residents and 22 EM residents participated in the workshop. The pre-educational questionnaire revealed that EM residents had more educational experience in IO line insertion than pediatric residents (P<0.001), while pediatric residents reported more experience in BM examination (P<0.001). The post-educational questionnaire showed a statistically significant higher percentage of correct answers (P<0.001). Although the pediatric residents inserted an IO line more quickly (P=0.001), most residents (88.7%) succeeded in IO line insertion on their first attempt; there was no difference in the groups success rates. Both groups showed higher confidence in performing IO line insertion after training (P<0.001). Conclusion : Observed educational effectiveness in both knowledge and confidence of IO line insertion skill suggest educational opportunities for pediatric and EM residents should be increased.


  • Oh, Kyung-Ja;Lee, Mi-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of the present study was to examine whether Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving(ICPS) skill training would enhance interpersonal solving skills and behavioral adjustment of mildly mentally retarded adolescents in the junior and high school. The program used in the present study was shortened and adapted for mildly retarded adolescents from Shure and Spivack(1982) program which was developed to improve the adjustment of children in the intermediate grades 5-6. The subjects were 22 mildly retarded adolescents, and they were assigned to either the experimental(11) or the control group(11). The experimental group were given ICPS training 4 times a week over a period of 8 weeks with a total of 32 sessions in all. The results showed a significant improvement of alternative thinking and consequential thinking in the experimental group compared with the control group. With regard to behavioral ratings by the parents and teachers, there were no significant differences between the groups. The results indicated that the training was effective in increasing the ability to generate alternative solutions and to predict consequences, but the significant improvement of interpersonal cognitive problem solving skills did not lead to noticeable improvement in behavioral adjustment. It was suggested that a longer training period for over-learning, concomitant parent education program, and more behaviorally oriented social skill training combined with the cognitive approach would yield significant training effects, maintenance and transfer.

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  • Lee, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.269-280
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the concept of the evidence-based pediatric dentistry and to investigate the application methods of it. The definition of the evidence-based pediatric dentistry was suggested as 'the integration of the best scientific research evidence with the professional expertise of pediatric dentist and the value of pediatric patients and their caregivers in dental practice for the child and adolescent'. The methods of practising evidence-based pediatric dentistry were investigated, the recent conclusions of the evidence-based pediatric dentistry were summarized by topics, the research methods of systemic review and clinical practice guidlines were analyzed, and the individual research methods as randomized controlled trials were investigated. The author proposed increasing the understanding and consensus of the necessity of evidence-based pediatric dentistry, education about the evidence-based pediatric dentistry, computerization of all published articles of Korean pediatrtic dentistry, continuing research and popularization of systemic research and clinical practice guidlines, production of Korea's own evidences of pediatric dentistry, and the improvement of soical environment of pediatric practice.

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  • Lee, Mi So;Kim, Jea-gon;Yang, Yeon-mi;Lee, Dae-woo
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2019
  • People with intellectual disabilities (ID) usually have poor oral health status and are susceptive to have more caries than general populations. Even when the patients get regular dental treatment, their dental conditions are usually not good for some additional factors. In this presentation, we show dental follow-up care of two patients who have multiple caries. The first case is a 16-year-old boy who has a unilateral facial paralysis with ID. As the lack of controlling of the muscles resulted in interfering with the self-cleansing, it would be associated with a higher incidence on the affected side. Endodontic treatment and caries treatment as restoration was performed. Due to loss of posterior occlusal support on right side, we planned to recover the right posterior relationship by full coverage restorations. In second case, a 20-year-old boy has been on a long-term follow up. Caries treatment, periodontal treatment, and prosthetic treatment were performed under several times of general anesthesia. He has been treated more than 8 years and gets a regular check at 1-month intervals, however, high dental caries susceptibility has been retained. These cases present that dentists should perform more aggressive treatment and be involved in providing better maintenance of patients with intellectual disabilities with multiple caries in adolescence. In other words, it is necessary to suggest a customized preventive strategy for patients with ID.

Requests for Child Abuse Education in Medical School Curricula (의과대학 교육 과정에서 아동학대 교육의 요구도)

  • Yang, Su-Jin;Kim, Sun-Young;Kim, Woong-Jang;Kim, Hyang-Wha;Kim, Jae-Min;Kim, Sung-Wan;Shin, Il-Seon;Yoon, Jin-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : This study aimed to examine current educational experiences, knowledge, intention to report, and requests for child abuse education in medical interns. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2006 and 2007. The study sample consisted of 193 medical interns who served their internships at the university hospital. They answered 11 self-administered questionnaires related to child abuse. Results : Although respondents indicated a strong will to assist in eradicating abuse of children, about 90% had no educational experiences and knowledge of child abuse. Ignorance was a major factor for low reported cases of abused children. The preferred nominated reporting agency for child abuse was the National Child Protection Agency in 47.9% of female respondents, while 48.3% of males nominated Police Stations as their preferred option. In relation to sexual abuse, Police Stations were the preferred reporting agency by 49.2% of males and 37.0% of females. Medical school curricula were chosen by the majority of interns as the most appropriate stage where child abuse education should be introduced. Conclusion : This study found that medical graduates had limited experience and knowledge related to child abuse. The medical school curricula for child abuse needs to be further developed, implemented, and evaluated when appropriate.

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  • Noh, Kyung-Sun;Sohn, Seok-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2000
  • A psychogenic seizure is a disorder which is occasionally met by neurologists and psychiatrists. The most important thing that clinicians should do is differential diagnosis with true epileptic seizures. Especially psychiatrists are expected to be able to diagnose psychogenic seizures through a thorough history taking and an observation of clinical features to some degree before the confirmatory diagnoses. We experienced a case of 11-year-old girl with psychogenic seizure which was characterized by obvious psychological and environmental stress, clinical features, and good outcome by prompt a loboratoy examination and psychiatric intervention. To diagnose and treat childhood psychogenic seizures, we suggest that it is very important to examine the familial background and take a thorough history, and perform psychoeducational intervention in addition to electroencephalogram.

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Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Children: A Survey of Pediatricians in Daegu City (대구지역 소아청소년과 의사들의 요로감염 관리 실태분석)

  • Lee, Sang Su;Kang, Seok Jeong;Lee, Jae Min;Cho, Min Hyun;Park, Yong Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Recently, many evidence-based guidelines for the management of urinary tract infection (UTI) have been developed because of the importance of proper management. However, there is a lack of data regarding how pediatricians manage UTIs in Korea. Therefore, we surveyed pediatricians to determine whether they manage UTIs in an appropriate manner. Methods: A postal questionnaire survey of 78 pediatricians practicing in Daegu city was performed. Subjects were asked about diagnosis, imaging studies, treatment, and prevention of UTIs. Results: Most of the respondents (94.8%) performed urinalysis to diagnose UTI in febrile children with an unknown fever focus. However, many preferred inaccurate collection methods, such as bagged urine collection, and did not obtain urine cultures. The most frequently performed imaging modality was renal-bladder ultrasonogram. Orally administered antibiotics were preferred unless admission was needed. After diagnosis of UTI, the pediatricians usually provided information to caregivers about the disease itself and supplementary treatment. Of the respondents, only 28.6% had their own guidelines for management of vesicoureteral reflux. Conclusion: Most pediatricians suspected UTI in febrile children with an unknown focus appropriately. Nevertheless, the fact that many pediatricians preferred inaccurate urine collection methods and did not perform sufficient imaging studies to detect associated abnormalities likely resulted in overtreatment due to false-positive diagnosis of UTI and a low probability of ruling out genitourinary anatomical problems. To improve the quality of management of UTI, pediatricians should follow scientific and evidence-based guidelines.