• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소비자 욕구

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Terrestrial UHD activation strategy to strengthen global competitiveness (글로벌 콘텐츠 경쟁력 강화를 위한 UHD 활성화 전략)

  • Woo Jin Hyun
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2023
  • The importance of high-definition video has increased by increase in consumer demand for realistic content. Therefore, this study presented the UHD strategy of terrestrial broadcasters for global competitiveness. First, as a practical strategy, to secure domestic market, it should secure an ecosystem through cooperation among departments, create synergy, and prioritize the UHD field to gain global competitiveness with close cooperation with expertised countries in the field. Also, after securing the domestic market by developing UHDTV focusing on cost-effectiveness on socio-cultural situation of Korea, it should utilize the finance and technology for global market. government should support global competitiveness as a control tower, strengthening global content, composing a long-term roadmap, supporting related materials, and creating and exporting our own UHDTV model

A Study on AR Labeling Model for Indoor Furniture Interior Using Agumented Reality (증강현실을 이용한 실내가구 인테리어 AR레이블링 모델에 대한 연구)

  • Ko, Jeong-Beom;Kim, Jae-Woong;Lee, Yun-Yeol;Chae, Yi-Geun;Kim, JoonYong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.119-121
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문은 실내가구 인테리어를 배치하는데 있어 증강현실 기술을 적용하여 작업의 효율성을 높일 수 있는 모델을 연구하였다. 현재 증강현실을 적용하는 프로세스에서는 가구의 이미지를 출력할 때 기업의 규모나 제품의 성격 등에 따라 정보가 제한적으로 제공되는 문제를 안고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 본 논문에서 제시하는 알고리즘을 이용하여 AR 레이블링을 생성함으로써, 가구의 정확한 이미지 추출과 함께 가구에 대한 상세한 정보를 제공 받아 사용자가 원하는 가구들을 증강현실을 통해 쉽게 배치할 수 있도록 하는 연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구는 AR 레이블링의 설계, 구현과 3D 렌더링을 통해 원하는 가구들을 실내에 정확히 배치할 수 있어 소비자의 만족도와 구매욕구를 충족시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Effects of TR and Consumer Readiness on SST Usage Motivation, Attitude and Intention (기술 준비도와 소비자 준비도가 Self Service Technology 사용동기와 태도 및 사용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Shim, Hyeon Sook;Han, Sang Lin
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2012
  • Researches about the relationship between SST(Self Service Technology) and TRI(Technology Readiness Index) have been carried out after TRI was developed by Parasuraman and his colleagues(2000). We hypothesize Consumer Readiness can also influence consumer's motivation, attitude, and intent to use SST. Currently, there has been no research on this subject. In this study, we investigated the relationship between TR, Consumer Readiness and SST Core Attitudinal Model which Dabholkar & Bagozzi(1994) proposed. The researchers also investigated moderating effects of consumer traits and situational factors to verify the acceptance of such forms of service delivery by all kinds of consumers and under different situational contexts. Self consciousness, the need for interaction with an employee, and the technology anxiety were used as consumer trait variables. Perceived waiting time and perceived crowding were used as situational variables. 380 questionnaires were distributed to a sample group of people in their 20's and 30's, and the data were analyzed with structural equation model using AMOS 18.0 program. All of Cronbach's alpha values representing reliabilities were satisfactory. The values of Composite Reliability(CR) and Average Variance Extracted(AVE) also showed the above criteria, thus providing evidence of convergent validity. To confirm discriminant validity among the constructs, confirmatory factor analysis and correlations among all the variables were examined. The results were satisfactory. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. Optimism and innovativeness of TR partially influenced the motivation to use SST. People who tend to be optimistic use SST because of ease of use and fun. The innovative however, usually use SST due to its performance. However, consumer readiness of role clarity, ability and self-efficacy influence all the components of motivation to use SST, ease of use, performance and fun. The relative effect of consumer readiness on the motivation to use SST was much stronger and more significant than that of TR. No other previous studies have examined the effects of Consumer Readiness on SST usage motivation, attitude and intention. It is academically meaningful that the researchers verified that Consumer Readiness is the important precedent construct influencing the self service technology core Attitudinal Model. Our findings suggest that marketers should consider fun and ease of use attributes to promote the use of self service technology. In addition, the SST usage frequency will rise rapidly when role clarity, ability, and self-efficacy which anybody can easily handle SST is assured. If the SST usage rate is increased, waiting times for customers could be decreased. Shorter waiting time could lead to higher customer satisfaction. It may also result in making a long-term profit owing to the reduced number of employees. Thus, presentation of using SST by employees or videos showing how to use it will promote the usage attitude and intent. 2. In SST core attitudinal model, performance and fun factors among SST usage motivation affected attitudes of using SST. The attitude of using SST highly influenced intent to use SST. This result is consistent with previous researches that dealt with the relationship between motivation, attitude and intention. Expectation of using SST could result in good performance just like the effect of ordering menu to service employees and to have fun since fun during its use could promote more SST usage rate. 3. In the relationship among motivation, attitude and intent in SST core attitudinal model, the moderating effect of consumer traits(self-consciousness, need for interaction with service employees and technology anxiety) and situational factors(perceived crowding and perceived waiting time) were tested. The results also supported the hypothesized moderating effects except perceived crowding. The highly self-conscious tended to form attitudes to use SST because of its fun compared to those who were less self-conscious because of its performance. People who had a high need for interaction with service employees tended to use SST for its performance. This result indicates that if ordering results are assured, SST is easily accessible to even consumers who have a high need for interaction with a service employee. When SST is easy to use, attitudes strengthen intent among people who had a high level of anxiety of technology. People who had low technology anxiety formed attitudes to use SST because of its performance. Service firms must ensure their self service technology is designed to be easy to use for those who have a high level of technology anxiety. Shorter perceived waiting times strengthened the attitude to use self service technology because of its fun. If the fun aspect is assured, people willing to use self service technology even perceive waiting time to be shorter than it actually is. Greater perceived waiting times form higher level of intent to use self service technology than those of shorter perceived waiting times. This implies that people view self service technology as a faster alternative to ordering service employees. The fun aspect of self service technology will attract a higher rate of usage for self service technology. 4. It has been proven that ease of use, performance and fun aspects are very important factors in motivation to form attitudes and intent to use self service technology regardless of the amount of perceived waiting time, self-consciousness, need for interaction with service employees, and technology anxiety. Service firms must consider these motivation aspects(ease of use, performance and fun)strongly in their promotion to use self service technology. Ease of use, assuring absolute performance compared to interaction with service employees', and adding a fun aspect will positively strengthen consumers' attitudes and intent to use self service technology. Summarizing the moderating effects, fun is the most valuable factor triggering SST usage attitude and intention. Therefore, designing self service technology to be fun will be the key to its success. This study focused on the touch screen self service technology in fast food restaurant. Although it has its limits due to the fact that it is hard to generalize the results to any other self service technology, the conceptual framework of this study can be applied to future research of any other service site.

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Analysis of Health Functional Foods Advertisements Effects according to the Delivery Tool for Efficacy Information and Consumers' Attitudes (기능성 정보 전달 방법 및 소비자 태도에 따른 건강기능식품 광고 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Yeonkyung;Kim, Ji Yeon;Kwon, Oran;Hwang, In-Kyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.835-848
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to find efficient and customized tools for delivering the benefit of health functional foods (HFFs). Delivery tools which could influence the impact of advertising were images, explanations of ingredients, diagrams of health benefit, patents, and comments from authority. Six advertisements were developed using these tools: "A": relevant image + explanation of ingredients + scientific diagram of efficacy; "B": relevant image + explanation of ingredients; "C": relevant image; "D": irrelevant image; "E": irrelevant image + explanation of ingredient + patent; "F": irrelevant image + explanation of ingredient + comments from authority. To analyze the consumer perceptions on HFFs and advertisement effects, 300 respondents were requested to answer a questionnaire comprising of the following questions: 5 questions of attitudes (necessity of HFFs, trust in HFFs, gathering information, watching advertisements and trust in advertisement claims) and 6 questions on the 6 developed advertisements (attention, understanding, sufficiency of information, sympathy, trust, and purchase). Scoring was done as per the 5 Likert scale. There was a higher proportion of females and the elderly, as compared to males and youngsters. The overall consumer attitudes were positive. Explanation of ingredients, scientific diagram of health benefit, patents and expert comments were helpful factors in increasing the advertisement evaluation by consumer, but the images were not. Advertisement evaluation of consumer did not differ with gender and age. However, differences were observed between some of the consumer attitudes (necessity of HFFs, trust in HFFs, gathering information and trust in advertisements claim) and advertisement evaluations (attention, understanding, sympathy and purchase). Our results indicate that for consumers utilizing the HFFs, advertisements with concrete tools such as diagrams, patent, and expert comments are more helpful. However, for consumers who do not have interest in HFFs, the scientific information was irrelevant. We believe that to maximize the effect of health information in advertisements, consumers should be segmented, and customized tools for each segment needs to be developed.

A Study on Dietary Behavior of Chinese Consumers Segmented by Dietary Lifestyle (중국 현지 소비자들의 식생활 라이프스타일 세분화에 따른 식행동 연구)

  • Oh, Ji Eun;Yoon, Hei-Ryeo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.383-393
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to analyze the dietary lifestyle of local Chinese consumers and to classify dietary characteristics according to their dietary lifestyle factors and dietary behaviors. This investigation was conducted for 1 month from 1 January 2017 targeting 300 adult males and females living in China using the online survey company surveymonkey. Four factors relating to dietary lifestyle were identified, gourmet factor, healthy factor, convenience factor and economic factor, and these were grouped into 4 clusters according to their dietary lifestyle factor scores. Group 1, the gourmet economy group, showed a high percentage of living alone and a high frequency of eating out, but a relatively low percentage of three regular meals per day. Their dietary lifestyle was sensitive to gourmet factors and economic factors, but less sensitive to health and convenience factors. Group 2, the wide interest group, contained a high percentage of individuals in their 30s, as well as more highly educated individuals and a higher income than other groups. Because their dietary lifestyle scores tended to be higher than those of other groups, they sought a variety of new foods and gourmet meals for enjoyment of dining and life, as well as well-being food materials and foods related to health. Group 3, the health economic group, constituted a family-type consumer group with lower income level than the other groups. Members of this group were seeking health food and natural food in their dietary lifestyle and tended to pursue a high economic profit ratio when purchasing food. Finally, group 4 showed a relatively higher percentage of women over 30 and individuals with a college level or higher education than the other groups. This group was more interested in health and taste than price and convenience, and showed the highest LOHAS orientation among middle aged Chinese women. Moreover, members of this group directly utilized their knowledge regarding nutrition in real life.

The Provision Structure and Voucher Operating System in Korean Community Social Investment Service - Focusing on the Early Intervention Service for Children at the Risk of ADHD - (한국의 지역사회서비스 투자사업의 공급구조와 바우처 작동기제에 관한 연구 - ADHD 아동 조기개입서비스를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Chang-Hwan;Kahng, Sang-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.399-420
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    • 2010
  • A notable recent change in Korean social service delivery is adopting voucher system. A significant portion of foreign literature suggests that the structure of service provision is critical to enhance consumer choice in voucher-based social service delivery system. As domestic research on voucher operation system is very limited, little is known about voucher-based social service provision structure and operating system. Given these limitations in the domestic literature, this study aims to examine the status and effectiveness of voucher-based system with specific focuses on the provision structure of early intervention service for children at the risk of ADHD. Data were collected from 194 service providers across the nation. Based on Cave's analytic paradigm on voucher operating system, data analyses were done to examine (1) the influence of adopting voucher system on service provision system and (2) whether consumer choice has been increased or not. The results indicated that (1) adopting voucher have brought into diversification of service providers, but (2) consumer choice is still limited. Based on these results, future directions for voucher-related policy were discussed.

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A Study on Dress-up Turning as Means of Expressing Automobile Drivers' Self-identity (자동차 사용의 정체성 표출 수단으로서의 드레스업 튜닝에 대한 고찰)

  • 이호숭
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 1998
  • As automobile drivers' desires become ever diversified with the spreading phenomenon of 'characteristic automobile decorations', it is feared that the design quality may be deteriorated, while the safety be retarded in terms of performance and function. In Korea, the 'Dress-up tuning' becomes the source of the social criticism because of lack of relevant codes and professional tuning services, while automobile drivers are excessively having their automobiles overdressed ignoring the overall aesthetic aspect and functions. Under such a circumstance, this study was aimed at reviewing the practices and dress-up accessories by each automobile part of those foreign automobile makers and professional tuners who have introduced the concept of 'customizing' and developed dress-up accessories and various tuning parts only to satisfy their customers' tuning needs. It is anticipated that automobile styling would tend more to pursue a 'coordination' featuring ordinary consumers' individualistic senses, while customers' needs reflecting their life styles be more refined. Meanwhile, Korean automobile consumers have accommodated the product designs : presented within the producers' frameworks, but they are expected to pursue the design values varying according to changing structures of production, society and industry as well as the resultant design activities. In all, makers and designers are requested to be aware of such changing environment structures and thereby, explore other alternatives, or reflect seriously on the socio-cultural implications inherent in the products, namely on the production and consumption of people's favorites.

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Influences of Well-being Trend on Color of Packaged Food Products (웰빙트랜드가 식품포장디자인의 색채에 끼친 영향)

  • Shin, Seong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.184-192
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    • 2007
  • A social trend can change market trend because it influences on consumer's lifestyle. Therefore the trend has been considered as an important factor for planning and producing new items. If a new trend occurred, its impact on market needs to be examined. Recently, well-being became top global issue and it caused many changes on packaged food products. This study focuses on measuring the impact of well-being trend on package design. The range of products for this research is limited to packaged food product selling in discount stores because it is main category to show well-being trend. Generally, good package design generates impulsive buying at the point of purchase. Colors on packages are critical point for good product design and they are also reflecting social trend to meet their consumers' psychological desires. After gathering basic information from market research, several colors had been selected and classified. For providing specific evidences result from the trend, the role of four major colors have been compared and analyzed. Finally, questionnaire had been handed out to trendy consumers to reach consensus on well-being color.

An eBook Service System based on VOD Broadcasting Contents of Smart TV (스마트 TV의 VOD 방송 콘텐츠 기반 전자책 서비스 시스템 개발)

  • Jun, Eung Sup;Chang, Yong Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose the development of an eBook Service System based on VOD Broadcasting Contents(eBSS-VOD) which protects the illegal copy through the effective DRM strategy. Here, eBSS-VOD is composed of three sub-systems - eBook server management system, ePub Builder, and eBook App - according to the functional points of view. The eBook server management system operates to manage the eBooks, the encription keys, the VOD contents, the membership and the history of users' viewing log. The ePub Builder assists to produce eBooks by DRM strategy. The eBook App provides users with the utility services of VOD viewing and eBook purchase processing. The proposed eBSS-VOD, differently from the current eBook systems, helps to increase the users' interests in reading books and to motivate the users' purchasing needs and it also makes new distribution channel for eBooks based on VOD broadcasting contents through smart applications. We provides the differentiated eBook builder which are based on ePub3.0 and DRM strategy. Through empirical survey results on users' interests and purchase intention for eBooks, we show that the proposed eBSS-VOD has the comparative effects compared to the current systems.

A Study on the Improvement of Mag-Ggeol-Li(Korean traditional rice wine) Distribution system. (막걸리 유통구조 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Yong;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2011
  • In recent years Mag-Geol-Li is becoming popular again and the consumption layer of Mag-Geol-Li is definitely younger. Nowadays, Mag-Geol-Li is the main traditional alcohol and without consideration of ages and genders whoever can enjoy Mag-Geol-Li. Producers should ensure fair price of goods and improve production facilities to maximize products to meet the needs of consumers who will buy. In the studies I discuss about the ways to improve the distribution of Mag-Geol-Li, the theories about Mag-Geol-Li, Social backgrounds and effects of Mag-Geol-Li why it is becoming popular and improvement of the distribution structure of Mag-Geol-Li and impact of big Mag-Geol-Li company in Mag-Geol-Li industry. Lately, people can enjoy Mag-Geol-Li without burden because of low alcohol. It is gaining a good response by consumers because Mag-Geol-Li contains lactobacillus, yeasts and dietary fiber, also it is well balanced with nutritional aspects. There are not only huge factory to produce Mag-Geol-Li but also most are still cottage industry. Therefore, quality management does not work well because the majority of Mag-Geol-Li is small businesses. In spite of there are a lot of ways to improve the distribution structure and problems of Mag-Geol-Li, but none provide any improvement that make consumer awareness about the main cause of the problem is inaccurate. The ultimate goal of improving the distribution structure of Mag-Geol-Li is activating the market, the improvement of production facilities and safe for consumers with affordable price and good quality product. As mentioned above, to improve and change the logistics systems and hygiene, government support is required and Mag-Geol-Li companies should be recognized the distribution system as a major problem.

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