• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소비자선호도

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Impact of Environmental-Educated Children on Their buying behaviors and Retroactive-Socialized Parents (환경교육을 받은 어린이를 통한 어른들의 소비행동과 역사회화)

  • 강봉희
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of this study is to suggest marketing strategies directed of retroactive-socialized parents who have environmental-educated children at school. For this purpose, this study based on the consumer socialization agent such as family and demographic variables were studied. The scope of this study includes attitudes toward price and advertising, and interests related to environmental problems and environmental-products preference. As a result, The parents of environmental-educated children get much more environmental information and show favorable buying behaviors for environmental-products. Most of parents who get environmental information from children educated at school show favorable attitude towards the advertising and also show more preference to environmental-products and more frequent communication among family members. Parents who have environmental-educated children were insensitive to price, more consciousness about environmental problem and flexible to change in their buying behaviors. In conclusion, This study shows that behaviors of children had a significant influence on buying behavior of parents.

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냉동 생지로 제조한 식빵에서 첨가제에 따른 냉동변성 억제 효과

  • Yoon, Young;Eun, Jong-Bang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.178-178
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    • 2003
  • 다품종 소량 생산에 적합하고 소비자들에게 신선한 제품을 제공할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 노동력을 절감할 수 있는 등 여러 가지 이점으로 인해 냉동 반죽의 사용이 증가되고 있다. 하지만 냉동 중에 효모와 글루텐이 손상되어 냉동 반죽으로 제조한 빵은 부피가 작고 노화가 빠르게 진행되는 단점을 보인다. 따라서 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위한 다양한 방법이 요구되며 그 중 하나로 보수성과 빙결정 생성 억제능력을 가지는 다당류와 단백질을 첨가하여 그 효과를 살펴보고자 한다. 사용된 첨가물은 다당류로 carrageenan(C)과 sodium alginate(A), 단백질로 whey(W)와 casein(C)이었는데 다당류와 단백질을 각각 1:1로 혼합해서 첨가하였다. 정해진 배합비 대로 반죽을 하고 급속 동결시킨 후 일주일 동안 저장하면서 5차례 냉동-해동을 반복한 반죽을 시료로 사용하였다. 냉동 반죽을 해동시킨 후 발효정도를 측정하기 위해 발효팽창력을 측정하였다. 냉동 반죽으로 식빵을 제조하고 빵의 비용적, 색도를 측정하였고 관능적 특성으로 crumb부분의 색, 대칭성, 균일성, crust의 색, 터짐성을 측정하고 맛, 향, 조직감, 전반적 기호도를 측정하여 냉동 반죽의 제빵 특성을 조사하였다. 또한 3일간 냉장저장하면서 texture와 수분함량을 측정하여 시료에 따른 노화도를 측정하였다. 냉동생지의 발효팽창력에서 WK 첨가구가 23.5, WA 첨가구가 24.75로 CK, CA 첨가구에 비해 3∼4정도 큰 값을 보였으며, 모든 첨가구가 대조구 18.5보다 큰 발효력을 보였다. 식빵의 비용적은 WK 첨가구 3.539, WA 첨가구 3.506, CA 첨가구 3.377, CK 첨가구 3.247, 대조구 3.064 순으로 큰 값을 보였는데 비용적은 발효력과 정의 관계를 보임을 알 수 있었다. 제조당일과 냉장고에 3일간 저장한 빵의 수분함량, 경도를 비교해 보면 수분함량 의 경우, 대조구가 43.63%에서 42.31%로 1.32% 줄어 가장 큰 감소율을 보였으면 CK 첨가구가 45.12% 에서 44.30%로 0.815% 줄어 가장 작은 감소율을 보였다. 그 외 첨가구의 경우 변화율은 1.26∼l.3%로 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 대체적으로 수분함량의 감소가 대조구보다 첨가구에서 작은 것은 첨가제의 보수성에 기인하는 것으로 사료된다. 경도의 경우, CK 첨가구가 0.244kg에서 0.558kg로 0.334 kg증가하였으며 대조구는 0.212kg에서 0.530kg으로 0.318kg증가하여 다른 첨가구에 비해 높은 경도를 나타내었다. CK 첨가구의 경우, 저장 중 수분함량의 감소율이 가장 작은 것과 달리 경도에 있어서 가장 큰 값과 증가 경향을 나타냈는데 이는 CK 첨가구의 빵이 다른 첨가구의 빵의 비용적보다 작은 것과 관련이 있다고 판단된다. 빵 내부의 색도를 측정했을 때 명도 L값은 CA 첨가구가 76.162로 가장 컸고 WA 첨가구가 12.822로 가장 작은 값을 나타냈으며 다른 첨가구와 대조구의 L값은 73∼74의 범위로 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 적색도 a값과 황색도 b값에서 모든 첨가구가 대조구에 비해 낮은 값을 보였다. 색도의 결과와 관능적 특성 중 내부 색의 선호도를 비교해 보면 큰 차이는 없지만 대조구보다 높은 명도값과 낮은 적·황색도값을 가지는 첨가구의 선호도가조금 높음이 확인되었다. 그 외 관능적 특성들에서도 대조구와 첨가구의 빵의 선호도 차이는 크게 군별되지 않았다. 결론적으로 실험에 사용된 첨가제는 냉동변성을 억제시켜 반죽의 발효력과 빵의 비용적을 높이고 또한 노화도를 늦추는등 냉동반죽의 제빵성을 높이는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

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Investigation of Consumers' Knowledge and Preference towards Functional Cosmetics (기능성 화장품에 대한 소비자 인지도와 선호도 조사)

  • Choi, Sun-Hye;Hong, Ran-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.3 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate consumers' knowledge and preference towards functional cosmetics. Through the beauty advisors' surveys, their own selling styles and consumer behaviors recognized by beauty advisors were analyzed. It was intended to help extend and strengthen the functional cosmetic market which has continued to grow rapidly since the approved goods under cosmetic law in 2001. For this study, the data was collected through questionnaires the professional consumer counselors confirmed from Korean women over the age. of twenty old living in the Seoul and Kyoungki areas. After pre-research was implemented on 45 women, 328 samples were analyzed as final samples. In addition,46 samples, which were collected through the questionnaires from beauty advisors were analyzed. Samples were analyzed by frequency, percentage, T-test, ANOVA using the SPSS program. The results of study were as follows: First consumers recognized whether functional cosmetics or not. According to the beauty advisor's surveys, consumers regard the functional cosmetic boundary as being wider than real functional cosmetic boundary according to cosmetic law. So, there is a gap between consumers' opinions and real law. Second, regarding the purchasing channels, the largest channel is the cosmetic store. As far as consumers are concerned the most important factor when buying cosmetics, is the suitability of their own skin types. The second factor is product quality and the third factor is price. Functional cosmetics non-experienced group are more concerned with price compared to experienced group. Related to purchasing products, functional cosmetics experienced group buy set products compared to non-experienced group buy one product. Third, the ultraviolet filter cosmetics portion is the largest in the functional cosmetics market the second largest portion is bleaching cosmetics and the third largest portion is the anti-senility cosmetics. However, Most preferred by consumers is the anti-senility cosmetics. Moreover, preference for ultraviolet filter cosmetics is the least. Finally, the level of satisfaction for functional cosmetics is high and dissatisfaction is low. Consumers feel that beauty advisors are simply pushing high priced products without recognizing the consumers' real needs. In conclusion, to develop the functional cosmetic market continually in the future, it needs to extend various products and advertise them until consumers are more aware.

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Physicochemical characterization of brown rice and milled rice at 2% degree of milling (DOM) (현미와 2분도미의 이화학적 품질 특성)

  • Choi, Induck;Choi, Hye-Sun;Park, Jiyoung;Kim, Nam-Geol;Lee, Seuk-Ki;Chun, Areum;Park, Chang-Hwan;Chun, Jiyeon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.214-220
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    • 2019
  • Four rice varieties (Boseogchal for waxy, Baegjinju for medium-waxy, and Seolgaeng and Haiami for non-waxy) were milled to 2% degree of milling (DOM), and physicochemical and sensory properties of 2% milled rice (2% MR) were compared to those of brown rice (BR). No significant differences in the approximate compositions of BR and 2% MR were observed, whereas the grain color of 2% MR was slightly brighter than that of BR. For all varieties, water absorption ratio of BR was significantly increased by milling. The pasting properties of rice varied significantly depending on the variety, but there was no significant difference in peak and through viscosities between BR and 2% MR. Analysis of the texture of cooked rice showed that milling to 2% DOM caused a significant decrease in hardness, but an increase in adhesiveness and stickiness. Cooked Seolgaeng 2% MR scored significantly higher in the sensory evaluation than the corresponding BR. These results suggest that 2% DOM would be useful for improving the sensory properties of cooked non-waxy rice.

Breeding of Lilium longiflorum 'Bright LoSong' as a F1 Hybrid for Pot (일대잡종 분화용 나팔나리 'Bright LoSong' 육성)

  • Song, C.Y.;Moon, J.Y.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2021
  • There is a need to breed and distribute of domestic varieties for Lilium longiflorum because most of the lily bulbs cultivated in Korea were imported from foreign country. The L. longiflorum 'Ace' and 'Nellie White' collected from 1996 had been self-crossed from 1996 to 2010. In 2012, the L. longiflorum 'Bright LoSong' was developed as a F1 hybrid crossed between 'L2-17-4' and 'L2-16-6' that obtained by 7th self-fertilization. The 'Bright LoSong' was tested for homogeneity, regional adaptability test, consumer preference show from 2014 to 2015, and it was registered in 2017. The flower of 'Bright LoSong' is a trumpet shaped single flower with no spots.It has 5.8 flowers per plant, which is a relatively many number compared control 'Mount Carmel', Its flower diamater is 9.8cm, relatively a bit small size. And the flower inflorescence has umbel or raceme while the attitude of longitudinal axis is horizontal. The plant height is 38.4cm with 30.8 leaves per plant and 1.9cm of the leaf width. 'Bright LoSong' has a longer flowering period because of relatively small diameter or many number of flowers than those of the control 'Mount Carmel'. Thus, the 'Bright LoSong' showed a high consumer preference, and the cultivar has the advantage of being able to reproduce since the parents are pure lines.

A Marketing Theory-Based Approach to Customer's Perceived Shopping Experience (고객의 지각된 쇼핑경험에 대한 마케팅 이론적 접근)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joon;Choi, Dong-Choon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.95-131
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    • 2008
  • This study serves the main research purpose of verifying the hypothetical relationship between antecedent and consequence variables of shopping experience based on the classification system by Schmitt (1999) who dimensionalized experience into five components (sense, feel, think, act, relate). Specifically, the study seeks to fulfill the following three research objectives. First, it substantiates dynamic relationships among the five experiential components comprising the strategic experiential modules that serve as the basis of the theoretical framework of the study. Especially, it focuses on interactive relationships among the experiential components by taking a holistic view of the experience. Second, the study seeks to uncover the effects of pre-experiential antecedents such as shopping motivation and shopping involvement, based on taxonomy of motivation as product-centered vs. experience-centered. Third, the study investigates the effects of shopping experience on intention to revisit with regard to department store, discount store, and Internet shops, based on customers' store experiences. The major findings from this study are as follows: first, the five experiential components were found to have a high level of correlations according to hypothesis verification. Second, shopping motivation was learned to have significant effects on preference toward thinking as well as feeling experiences. That is, product-centered (vs. experience-centered) shopping motivation exerted a greater influence on cognitive (vs. affective experience than affective (vs. cognitive) experience.

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The Influence of Company's Culture & Arts Sponsorship Activities on Purchase Intention of the Consumer (기업의 문화예술후원 활동이 수요자의 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Sung Nam;An, Jong Suk
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2017
  • This Research is to Find how the CSR Activities for the Growth of Stable and Sustainable Family Business do Influence the Improvement of Company's Brand Image and Service Purchase Intention. It is Aimed for Finding how the Image of Company Pursuing the Diverse CSR Activities is Recognized by General Consumers and the Correlation between the Improvement of Company's Image and the Product & Service Purchase Intention. 323 Exemplars were Distributed to the University Students in Seoul Metropolitan and Chungcheong Area, and 314 Finally were Used for the Analysis. It was Investigated the Demographical Factors, the Important Fields among Company's CSR Activities, the Reason for Company's CSR Activities, the Preferred Companies among Sponsoring Companies. It was Analyzed Three Items of Company Image such as Product/Service, Potential Competence, Relation to Public Benefit and the Regression Model was Investigated how these Three Items do Influence the Purchase Intention. The Research Results Show 'the Improvement of Social Awareness for Company' and 'Negative Awareness Change for Company' as the Reason for CSR. Consumers have the Preference to the Companies Actively Sponsoring Culture & Arts, and this Generally Affects the Business Results, and thus, it is Considered that the Companies have to Contribute the Local Society with the Sprit of Corporate Citizenship in Accordance with the Consumers needs, and Actively to Extend the Culture & Arts Sponsorship.

A Survey on the Perception of Consumers to Develop Processing Products of Mushroom Processed Foods (버섯가공식품 제품 개발을 위한 소비자 인식조사)

  • Chang, Min-Sun;Kim, Myoung-Sook;Jhune, Chang-Sung;Cho, Won-Dae;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.915-921
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to investigate the recognition, preference of mushrooms and mushroom processed foods among general consumers in order to develop new mushroom processed foods. The questionnaires are consists of general questions, health status, intake frequency of mushrooms, reason for prefer mushrooms, have purchased experience or not of mushroom processed foods and prefer mushroom processed foods to want development by age. A total 1173 questionnaires were analyzed for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis was completes using SPSS Win program (Version 14.0) for descriptive analysis and $X^2$-test. Main results of this study were as follow: Most of respondents prefer mushrooms and 28.5% of the respondents like Pleurotus eryngii most. The most reasons for the prefer mushrooms are freshness. The frequency of intake mushrooms was 6-8 times per months. The most consideration factor in purchasing mushrooms was freshness/hygiene. 55.6% of the respondents had purchasing experience of mushroom processed foods to eat. The most purchased mushroom processed foods were soup and hor cereal. The most consideration factor in purchasing mushroom processed foods was improvement of taste.

The Quality and Antioxidant Properties of Pound Cakes Containing Licorice Powder (감초분말 첨가 파운드 케이크의 품질 및 항산화 활성)

  • Park, Gyu Hwan;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2014
  • We investigated the feasibility of incorporating licorice powder as a value-added food ingredient in pound cake, a model system of convenient food products. The pH and moisture content gradually decreased with increasing levels of added licorice powder (p<0.05). The weight and height of the cakes decreased, and the baking loss increased as higher amounts of licorice powder were included in the formulation (p<0.05). The lightness and hardness both decreased, whereas browning increased significantly (p<0.05) with the addition of licorice powder. In addition, we observed a significant increase (p<0.05) in 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging activities that correlated well with the licorice powder content. In consumer acceptance tests, the addition of 4% licorice powder had the most favorable effect on consumer preferences for all the attributes examined. Based on these observations, we recommend supplementing pound cakes with 4% (w/w) licorice powder to take advantage of its functional properties without sacrificing consumer acceptability.

The Quality and Antioxidant Properties of Cookies Containing Codonopsis lanceolata Powder (더덕 분말을 첨가한 쿠키의 품질특성 및 항산화활성)

  • Song, Ji Hun;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2014
  • We investigated the feasibility of incorporating Codonopsis lanceolata (C. lanceolata) powder into cookies as a value-added food ingredient. The density and moisture content of the dough was not significantly affected by the addition of C. lanceolata powder (p>0.05); the pH ranged from 6.01-6.51. The spread ratio decreased significantly with the increasing levels of C. lanceolata powder added (p<0.05). The lightness decreased, but both browning and hardness increased significantly with the higher amounts of C. lanceolata powder in the formulation (p<0.05). The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging activities were increased significantly (p<0.05) and correlated well with increasing amounts of C. lanceolata. In consumer acceptance tests, the addition of C. lanceolata powder, up to 10% (w/w), had a favorable effect on consumer preferences for all the attributes tested. Based on these observations, we recommend cookies with 5% C. lanceolata powder to take advantage of its functional properties without sacrificing consumer acceptability.