• Title/Summary/Keyword: 세포독성 치료

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Protective Effect of Agrimonia pilosa var. Extract on Cultured NIH3T3 Fibroblasts Damaged by Potassium Dichromate (크롬염으로 손상된 배양 NIH3T3 섬유모세포에 대한 짚신나물 추출물의 보호 효과)

  • Lee, Jun-Hee;Seo, Young Mi
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2019
  • The protective effect of Agrimonia pilosa var. (AP) extract on potassium dichromate ($K_2Cr_2O_7$)-induced cytotoxicity in cultured NIH3T3 fibroblasts, was examined by performing an XTT assay for the cell viability and antioxidative effects, such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and superoxide anion-radical (SAR) scavenging activity. In this study, $K_2Cr_2O_7$ decreased the cell viability significantly in a dose-dependent manner, and the $XTT_{50}$ value was determined to be $37.5{\mu}M$, which was highly-toxic according to the Borenfreund and Puerner' toxic criteria. The antioxidant, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), increased remarkably the cell viability damaged by $K_2Cr_2O_7$-induced cytotoxicity in these cultures. With regard to the protective effect of the AP extract on $K_2Cr_2O_7$-induced cytotoxicity, AP extract produced a significant increase in cell viability and antioxidative effects as the inhibitory ability LDH and SAR scavenging ability. These findings suggest that oxidative stress is involved in the cytotoxicity of $K_2Cr_2O_7$, and the AP extract effectively protected the cells from $K_2Cr_2O_7$-induced cytotoxicity by antioxidative effects. These results suggest that natural resources, such as AP extract, may be a putative therapeutic agent for the diminution or treatment of cytotoxicity induced by heavy metallic bases, such as $K_2Cr_2O_7$ correlated with oxidative stress.

Effect of pharmacopuncture of Forsychiae fructus on the chemokines expressions induced by TNF-${\alpha}$ and IL-4 in A549 cell (연교약침액(連翹藥鍼液)이 기관지(氣管支) 상피세포주(上皮細胞注)에서 TNF-${\alpha}$ 및 IL-4에 의한 케모카인 발현(發顯)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Whang, Jin-Young;Kim, Ee-Hwa;Kim, Hee-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2008
  • 목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 폐열해수, 장열번갈, 습열사리, 황달, 옹종정창등의 치료효능이 있는 연교약침액이 사람 기관지 상피세포주인 A549에 TNF-${\alpha}$ 및 IL-4를 투여하여 나타나는 케모카인의 발현에 미치는 영향을 관찰하고자 하는 것이다. 방법 : A549 세포주에 연교약침액을 농도별로 (0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50 ${\mu}g/ml$) 전처치한 후, TNF-${\alpha}$ 및 IL-4를 투여하여 RANTES, eotaxin 및 TARC의 분비를 유도하고, 케모카인 분비량을 ELISA법을 이용하여 측정하였다. 실험에 사용한 연교약침액의 농도에 따른 세포 독성 유무를 관찰하고자 MTT assay를 수행하여 세포생존율을 측정하였다.결과 : 연교약침액의 농도가 세포내에서 독성을 일으키는지 MTT assay로 측정한 결과 세포독성은 관찰되지 않았으며, 연교약침액은 TNF-${\alpha}$ 및 IL-4투여로 인하여 증가된 RANTES, eotaxin 및 TARC의 분비를 통계학적으로 유의하게 감소시킴을 관찰하였다. 결론 : 연교약침액은 천식과 알레르기 질환에 관련이 있는 케모카인의 효과적인 감소를 이끌어 냄을 확인하였으며, 이러한 결과는 연교약침액이 천식 및 알레르기 환자에 대해 효과적인 임상 활용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

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Effects of nicotine on the attachment and proliferation of periodontal ligament cells, and reversibility of nicotine-induced cytotoxicity (니코틴이 치주인대세포의 부착과 증식에 미치는 영향 및 니코틴에 의해 야기된 세포독성의 가역성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Park, Jin-Woo;Choi, Byung-Ju;Suh, Jo-Young
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.475-490
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    • 2005
  • 본 실험은 흡연이 치주인대세포의 기능에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 담배 부산물 중 하나인 니코틴이 지주인대세포의 부착과 성장 및 세포의 가역성에 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. 니코틴이 치주인대세포의 부착에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 치주인대세포에 니코틴을 투여한 후 1, 3, 6, 12, 24시간째 trypan blue 염색 후 부착된 세포수의 측정과 H&E stain후 형태학적 관찰을 하였고 니코틴이 치주인대세포의 성장에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 치주인대세포에 니코틴을 투여한 후 1, 4, 7, 11, 14일째 trypan blue 염색 후 증식된 세포수의 측정과 H&E stain후 형태학적 관찰을 하였다. 또 니코틴의 세포독성효과의 가역성 평가를 위하여 니코틴을 투여하고 1, 4, 7, 11일째 니코틴이 없는 새로운 배지로 갈아주어 2일 더 배양한 후 trypan blue로 염색하여 세포수를 측정, 비교하였고 H&E 염색 후 형태학적 관찰을 하였다. 실험결과 니코틴 농도가 증가함에 따라 치주인대세포의 부착율은 감소되었고 24시간 배양 후 2mg/ml, 0.5mg/ml, 0.1mg/ml니코틴 투여군에서 통계학적으로 유의성 있는 부착억제가 관찰되었고(P<0.01) 형태학적 관찰결과 2mg/ml, 0.5mg/ml 니코틴 투여군에서는 대조해서 관찰되는 세포질의 확장이 관찰되지 않았다. 니코틴이 치주인대세포의 증식에 미치는 효과를 살펴본 결과 2mg/ml, 0.5mg/ml, 0.1mg/ml 니코틴 투여군에서 증식억제가 관찰되었고(P<0.01) 0.005mg/ml이하의 니코틴 투여군에서는 아무런 변화도 관찰되지 않았다. 14일 배양 후 형태학적 관찰결과 0.1mg/ml 니코틴 투여군에서 세포질내 공포를 관찰할 수 있었고 2mg/ml, 0.5mg/ml 니코틴 투여군에서는 세포의 괴사가 나타났다. 니코틴의 세포독성효과의 가역성평가결과 2mg/ml이상의 니코틴은 세포에 비가역적인 손상을 일으키며 0.5mg/ml, 0.1mg/ml 니코틴에 의한 세포독성은 초기에는 가역적이나 장기간 세포에 노출시키면 비가역적인 손상을 야기하는 것으로 나타났다.(P<0.05) 본 실험결과 담배의 구성성분 중 니코틴은 농도 의존적으로 치주인대세포의 부착과 증식에 영향을 주었고 니코틴의 치주인대세포에 대한 독성효과는 농도가 증가할수록, 시간이 지닐수록 비가역적으로 나타났다. 따라서 흡연은 치주조직재생에 영향을 미칠 것으로 생각되며 흡연의 기간과 정도가 치주질환의 심도 및 치주치료 후 불량한 치유반응과 관계가 있을 것으로 사료된다.

Effect of Green Tea Extract on Cisplatin- or Doxorubicin-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human Lung Cancer Cell Lines (사람 폐암 세포주에서 시스플라틴이나 독소루비신의 세포독성에 미치는 녹차 추출물의 영향)

  • Lee, Byoung-Rai;Park, Jae-Yoon;Park, Pyoung-Sim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.619-624
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    • 2011
  • Tea extract (TE) has been shown to have anti-tumor properties in a wide variety of experimental systems. We evaluated green tea extract (GTE) as a biochemical modulator for the antitumor activity of cisplatin and doxorubicin in the treatment of human lung cancer A549 cells. Cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and two antibiotics (100 units/mL penicillin and $100\;{\mu}g$/mL streptomycin). Two types of TE, epigallocatechin galate (EGCG) and GTE, were used in this experiment. The cells were seeded at $1{\times}10^4$ cells/well in the RPMI-1640 media with or without TE ($100\;{\mu}g$/mL) and then treated with different concentrations of doxorubicin ($0{\sim}14\;{\mu}g$/mL) or cisplatin ($0{\sim}35\;{\mu}g$/mL). After incubation in 5% $CO_2$ at $37^{\circ}C$ for 24 hr, cell viability was determined with a MTT assay. We used a Western blot to detect the influence of EGCG and GTE on the expression of p53 and caspase-3 genes in the A549 cells. A549 cell viability decreased to 15% with a $10\;{\mu}g$/mL concentration of cisplatin, and to 21% with a $8\;{\mu}g$/mL concentration of doxorubicin, as measured with the MTT assay. However, pre-treatment of the cells with EGCG ($100\;{\mu}g$/mL) or GTE ($100\;{\mu}g$/mL) resulted in decreased cell viability with $6\;{\mu}g$/mL of cisplatin and $4\;{\mu}g$/mL of doxorubicin. There was no apparent change in cell viability between EGCG or GTE administration in cisplatin- or doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity in A549 cells. The levels of p53 and caspase-3 in the A549 cells increased with both EGCG and GTE treatment. We found that GTE could potentially affect cisplatin- or doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity of A549 cells, which may be useful in the chemotreatment of cancer.

Anti-tuberculosis effects of frankincense through immune responses of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages (결핵균이 감염된 대식세포의 면역반응을 통한 유향(Frankincense)의 항결핵효과)

  • Son, Eun-Soon;Lee, Sun Kyoung;Cho, Sang-Nae;Park, Hae-Ryoung;Lee, Jong Seok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.756-760
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    • 2021
  • Frankincense has been used as a traditional medicine for treating rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, and muscle pain. In this study, the anti-tuberculosis effects of Frankincense were evaluated in immune responses of macrophages. Frankincense methanol extract was not cytotoxic to the host. The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction assay using human macrophage (THP-1) cells did not show cytotoxic effects or morphological changes with treatments of 31.3, 62.5, and 125 ㎍/mL Frankincense methanol extract (FRM). Inhibitory effects of Frankincense methanol extract on the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human macrophages were investigated. The immune response was measured by monitoring the levels of TNF-α and IL-1β in THP-1 cells with or without M. tuberculosis infection under Frankincense methanol extract treatment. Inflammatory cytokine levels and M. tuberculosis numbers were reduced in THP-1 cells treated with Frankincense methanol extract. Therefore, Frankincense methanol extract could be used as a potential anti-tuberculosis agent.

Evaluation and Comparison of Antioxidant Activities of Nineteen Commercial Carbonated Vinegar Liquors (19종 시판 탄화초액의 항산화활성의 평가 및 비교)

  • Kim, Sung-Phil;Nam, Seok-Hyun
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2009
  • Biological functionality of nineteen commercially available carbonated vinegar liquors including wood vinegar liquor (WVL), bamboo vinegar liquor (BVL) and chaff vinegar liquor (CVL) were evaluated, focusing mainly on electron donating ability to DPPH radical, reducing power against ferricyanide ($Fe^{3+}$), blockading ability to linoleic acid autoxidation and NO production from LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells plus cytotoxicity to RAW264.7 cells. The results showed that crude carbonated vinegar liquors, regardless of their source materials, have high capacity of antioxidation such as electron donating ability, reducing power, blockading ability to lipid peroxidation and NO production, as well as cell cytotoxicity. Refined carbonated vinegar liquors for skin care or bath showed significantly low cell cytotoxicity, however, overall antioxidant potencies were also low. Especially, these carbonated vinegar liquors revealed low levels of inhibition for NO production deeply involved in inflammation. Among nineteen carbonated vinegar liquors examined, chaff vinegar liquor was observed to be the most potent carbonated vinegar liquor with high antioxidant activities together with low cytotoxicity to mammalian cells.

Cell Death of Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell after Low Dose of Electron Beam Irradiation with TNF-α (저 농도의 전자선을 조사한 전골수구성 백혈병 세포 죽음에서의 TNF-α 작용 효과)

  • Kim, Dong Hyun;Ko, Seong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2014
  • Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a cancer of the blood. Although electron beam (EB) irradiation is used with other anti-cancer agents, EB irradiation can be harmful to normal tissues around the cancer. In the present study, we evaluate the differential cytotoxic effect of EB irradiation with other molecules, including TNF-${\alpha}$, on DMSO-treated HL-60 cells and HL-60 cells. HL-60 cells are the human promyleocytic leukemia cell line and are differentiated by DMSO. DMSO-treated HL-60 cells are considered to be normal granulocytic cells. In these results, TNF-${\alpha}$ may be used as the potential agent for the treatment of blood cancer without side effects in low dose of EB irradiation therapy.

Increases in Doxorubicin Sensitivity and Radioiodide Uptake by Transfecting shMDR and Sodium/Iodide Symporter Gene in Cancer Cells Expressing Multidrug Resistance (다약제내성 암세포에서 shMDR과 Sodium/Iodide Symporter 유전자의 이입에 의한 Doxorubicin 감수성과 방사성옥소 섭취의 증가)

  • Ahn, Sohn-Joo;Lee, Yong-Jin;Lee, You-La;Choi, Chang-Ik;Lee, Sang-Woo;Yoo, Jeong-Soo;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, In-Kyu;Lee, Jae-Tae
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Multidrug resistance (MDR) of the cancer cells related to mdr1 gene expression can be effectively treated by selective short hairpin RNA for mdr1 gene (shMDR). Sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) gene is well known to have both reporter and therapeutic gene characteristics. We have co-transfected both shMDR and NIS gene into colon cancer cells (HCT15 cell) expressing MDR and Tc-99m sestamibi and I-125 uptake were measured. In addition, cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin and I-131 therapy were also assessed after transfection. Material and Methods: At first, shMDR was transfected with liposome reagent into human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) and HCT cells. shMDR transfection was confirmed by RT-PCR and western blot analysis. Adenovirus expressing NIS (Ad-NIS) gene and shMDR (Ad-shMDR) were co-transfected with Ad-NIS into HCT15 cells. Forty-eight hours after infection, inhibition of P-gycoprotein (Pgp) function by shMDR was analyzed by a change of Tc-99m sestamibi uptake and doxorubicin cytotoxicity, and functional activity of induced NIS gene expression was assessed with I-125 uptake assay. Results: In HEK293 cells transfected with shMDR, mdr1 mRNA and Pgp protein expressions were down regulated. HCT15 cells infected with 20 MOI of Ad-NIS was higher NIS protein expression than control cells. After transfection of 300 MOI of Ad-shMDR either with or without 10 MOI of Ad-NIS, uptake of Tc-99m sestamibi increased up to 1.5-fold than control cells. HCT15 cells infected with 10 MOI of Ad-NIS showed approximately 25-fold higher I-125 uptake than control cells. Cotransfection of Ad-shMDR and Ad-NIS resulted in enhanced cytotoxic by doxorubicin in HCT15 cells. I-131 treatment on HCT15 cells infected with 20 MOI of Ad-NIS revealed increased cytotoxic effect. Conclusion: Suppression of mdr1 gene expression, retention of Tc-99m sestamibi, enhanced doxorubicin cytotoxicity and increases in I-125 uptake were achieved in MDR expressing cancer cell by co-transfection of shMDR and NIS gene. Dual therapy with doxorubicin and radioiodine after cotransfection shMDR and NIS gene can be used to overcome MDR.

The Apoptosis according to the Processing Irradiation and The Tumor Necrosis Factor (종양괴사인자와 방사선이 세포자멸사에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jaeseob;Jang, Seongjoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2016
  • Acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL) is not just the poor grades of treating a type of blood cancer hayeoteul combination with chemotherapy despite concurrent radiation therapy are known to exhibit a greater effect and also works on normal cells to result in side effects. In this study, when after treatment with gamma rays, such as $TNF-{\alpha}$ in order to reduce these side effects was confirmed how affected the cell death of normal cells and cancer cells. HL-60 cells were used as the APL cell line HL-60 cells were differentiated with DMSO for treatment are shown the properties of normal granulocytes was used as a control group. As a result, HL-60 cells treated with $TNF-{\alpha}$ and gamma rays with only showed a cytotoxic effect by inducing the apoptosis cells were put to death. Consequently, $TNF-{\alpha}$ is thought to active substances that can increase the efficiency of cancer treatment to increase the removal of cancer cells when used with low-density gamma-ray treatment in order to eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy.

Anti-cancer effects of kelp extract in mouse melanoma B16-F0 cell line through apoptosis (마우스 흑색종 세포주 B16-F0에서 다시마 추출물의 세포사멸을 통한 항암 효과)

  • Lee, Seong-Uk;Kim, Yoon Hee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2022
  • Kelp belongs to the brown algae family and has been reported to exert anti-cancer effects on some cancer types, however studies have not been reported on the anti-cancer effects of kelp extracts on melanoma. In this study, the anti-cancer effects of kelp extract in B16-F0 cells were investigated, and the underlying molecular mechanisms were assessed. Kelp extract was found to inhibit the proliferation of B16-F0 cells, induce cytotoxicity, inhibit cell colony formation, and induce DNA fragmentation and apoptosis. The molecular mechanism was found to involve kelp extract increasing the expression of cytochrome-c and activated caspase-9 in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. In addition, kelp extract upregulated the expression of Fas-associated protein with death domain and activated caspase-8 in the extrinsic apoptosis pathway. Activation of caspase-9 and caspase-8 by kelp extract induced activation of caspase-3 and cleaved poly adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase, consequently inducing apoptosis. These data suggest that kelp extract represents a potential therapeutic agent for melanoma.