• Title/Summary/Keyword: 세대론

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A Study on V-C Interoperability Test and Methodology of V-C Interoperation Analysis for Next Generation Maritime Warfighting Experimentation Systems (차세대 해상전투실험체계 구현을 위한 V-C 연동실험 및 연동분석 방법론 연구)

  • Shin, Hyunsoo;Kim, Junghoon;Choi, Bongwan;Yim, Dongsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.84-94
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    • 2016
  • The warfighting experimentation is the most important for the weapon acquisition process because the warfighting experimentation shall support the operation effectiveness as well as acquisition logicality. Therefore, ROK Navy is starting to set up the next generation warfighting experimentation systems. According to literature studies, there have been many studies regarding the interoperability of Simulators(Virtual) and Exercising models(Constructive), but not for studies regarding interoperability between Simulators(Virtual) and Analysis models(Constructive) that is the core component of next generation maritime warfighting experimentation systems. This study is dealing with the V-C(Analysis model) interoperability test and methodology of interoperation analysis. The purpose of the study is to provide the new analysis methodology through V-C(Analysis model) interoperation, which can be applied for the concept of operations(CONOPS) of next generation maritime warfighting experimentation systems. In addition to that, the study validates the suggested analysis methodology by the case study of a naval operation.

정부정책 - 주택거래 정상화로 서민 생활안정 도모

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.263
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    • pp.46-49
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    • 2012
  • 정부는 지난 5월 10일 '주택거래 정상화 및 서민 중산층 주거안정 지원방안'을 발표했다. 이번 지원방안은 주택시장 과열기에 도입했던 규제들을 정상화해 시장기능이 원활히 작동하도록 하는 한편 실수요자들의 내집 마련 지원을 확대하고 중소형 임대주책 공급 등 서민 주거안정을 강화하는 것이 핵심이다. 여기에는 $\bigtriangleup$강남 3구에 적용되던 투기지역 지정 해제 $\bigtriangleup$일반공공택지내 분양권 전매제한 기간 2년으로 단축 $\bigtriangleup$민영주택 재당첨 제한 사실상 전면 폐지 $\bigtriangleup$양도세 비과세 대상 주택보유기간 2년으로 단축$\bigtriangleup$2년 미만 보유주택에 부과하던 중과세 세율 부담 완화 등이 포함됐다. 또 자금지원과 중소 임대주택 공급확대를 위해 $\bigtriangleup$우대금리 보금자리론 지원대상 및 한도 확대 $\bigtriangleup$생애최초 주택구입자금 확대 $\bigtriangleup$동일인 대출보증 한도 증액 $\bigtriangleup$세대구분형 아파트 적용 범위 확대 $\bigtriangleup$2~3인용 도시형생활주택에 대한 주택기금 지원한도 증액 $\bigtriangleup$1대1 재건축 주택규모 제한 완화 등도 담겼다. 그러나 이번 대책에는 건설 부동산시장이 고대했던 DTI 규제 완환 방안은 가계부채 증가에 대한 우려 때문에, 취득세 추가 감면 조치는 지방자치단체 재정난에 대한 우려 때문에 포함되지 않았다.

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Application of Systems Engineering based Design Structure Matrix Methodology for Optimizing the Concept Design Process of Naval Ship (함정 개념설계 프로세스 최적화를 위한 시스템엔지니어링 기반의 설계구조행렬 방법론 적용)

  • Park, Jinwon
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Naval ship design and related other activities can be characterized by the complexity of the interactions among products, activities, and disciplines. Such complexities often result in inferior designs, cost overrun, and late-delivery. Hence there exist tremendous interests in both improving the design process itself and optimizing the interactions among design activities. This paper looks at the complexity of designing naval ships thereby leading to the innovation of current ship design practices using design structure matrix. It can be used to induce the optimal ordering of design activities as well as identify sources of complexities. The method presented here identifies coupled design activities useful for reducing the complexity of naval ship design as well as optimally reordering design activities. This paper recommends the use of design structure matrix method suitable for numerically optimizing the concept design process of naval ship, and reducing cost and time required in designing naval ships by modeling and analyzing the design activities and engineering tasks, defined in systems engineering planning documents.

A Study on the Meaning of Learning in Adult Learners (성인학습자의 배움 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Na-Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2022
  • The study of the meaning of learning began with the question of what causes people to start learning. Learning is humanization and personification. Learning is a basic human instinct, and the essence of learning is to understand other people and my life, learn community, and learn social capital. Learning gives humans nomadic judgment and provides an opportunity for a productive life for mankind, who must live in constant harmony with the social environment. Learning provides opportunities for self-management, communication with various generations, and self-actualization.

Relationship classification model through CNN-based model learning: AI-based Self-photo Studio Pose Recommendation Frameworks (CNN 기반의 모델 학습을 통한 관계 분류 모델 : AI 기반의 셀프사진관 포즈 추천 프레임워크)

  • Kang-Min Baek;Yeon-Jee Han
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.951-952
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    • 2023
  • 소위 '인생네컷'이라 불리는 셀프사진관은 MZ 세대의 새로운 놀이 문화로 떠오르며 사용자 수가 나날이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 짧은 시간 내에 다양한 포즈를 취해야 하는 셀프사진관 특성상 촬영이 낯선 사람에게는 여전히 진입장벽이 존재한다. 더불어 매번 비슷한 포즈와 사진 결과물에 기존 사용자는 점차 흥미를 잃어가는 문제점도 발생하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 셀프사진관 사용자의 관계를 분류하는 모델을 개발하여 관계에 따른 적합하고 다양한 포즈를 추천하는 프레임워크를 제안한다. 사용자의 관계를 'couple', 'family', 'female_friend', 'female_solo', 'male_friend', 'male_solo' 총 6 개로 구분하였고 실제 현장과 유사하도록 단색 배경의 이미지를 우선으로 학습 데이터를 수집하여 모델의 성능을 높였다. 모델 학습 단계에서는 모델의 성능을 높이기 위해 여러 CNN 기반의 모델을 전이학습하여 각각의 정확도를 비교하였다. 결과적으로 195 장의 test_set 에서 accuracy 0.91 의 성능 평가를 얻었다. 본 연구는 객체 인식보다 객체 간의 관계를 학습시켜 관계성을 추론하고자 하는 것을 목적으로, 연구 결과가 희박한 관계 분류에 대한 주제를 직접 연구하여 추후의 방향성이나 방법론과 같은 초석을 제안할 수 있다. 또한 관계 분류 모델을 CCTV 에 활용하여 미아 방지 혹은 추적과 구조 등에 활용하여 국가 치안을 한층 높이는 데 기대할 수 있다.

A Comparing Study of Two Constructivisms on L.E.M. (배중률을 둘러싼 구성주의의 두 입장 비교)

  • Oh, Chae-Hwan;Kang, Ok-Ki;Ree, Sang-Wook
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2011
  • Constructionists believe that mathematical knowledge is obtained by a series of purely mental constructions, with all mathematical objects existing only in the mind of the mathematician. But constructivism runs the risk of rejecting the classical laws of logic, especially the principle of bivalence and L. E. M.(Law of the Excluded Middle). This philosophy of mathematics also does not take into account the external world, and when it is taken to extremes it can mean that there is no possibility of communication from one mind to another. Two constructionists, Brouwer and Dummett, are common in rejecting the L. E. M. as a basic law of logic. As indicated by Dummett, those who first realized that rejecting realism entailed rejecting classical logic were the intuitionists of the school of Brouwer. However for Dummett, the debate between realists and antirealists is in fact a debate about semantics - about how language gets its meaning. This difference of initial viewpoints between the two constructionists makes Brouwer the intuitionist and Dummettthe the semantic anti-realist. This paper is confined to show that Dummett's proposal in favor of intuitionism differs from that of Brouwer. Brouwer's intuitionism maintained that the meaning of a mathematical sentence is essentially private and incommunicable. In contrast, Dummett's semantic anti-realism argument stresses the public and communicable character of the meaning of mathematical sentences.

The Application of Science Education Lecture for Pre-Service Teacher Using Teaching-Learning Method Based on Flipped Learning (플립러닝 교수-학습 방법을 활용한 예비교사의 과학교육론 수업 적용)

  • Jeon, Young-ju;Yoon, Ma-byong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.499-507
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    • 2016
  • A flipped learning class was held in an attempt to overcome the limits of lecture-type classes in pre-service science teacher training and to provide a student-oriented education suitable for digital native generation. The principles of teaching-learning in flipped learning were applied to the general ADDIE model to design the class; learning materials were developed accordingly. The developed flipped learning materials and class design were verified for their validity using an expert panel's Delphi method and validity test, in which the validity was verified with 0.75 CVR. The developed flipped learning materials were applied to the theory of science education and the instructional effectiveness was analyzed. The results suggest that the students' motivation to study, interest, and confidence in learning increased; however, their satisfaction in class decreased by 30% as compared to the lecture-type class and their self-confidence in the improvement of their academic achievement was not sufficient. In order for a flipped learning class to be successful, the class should be small in size, which would ensure appropriate teacher-student communication and individualized learning; also, the students' burden of learning should be reduced and accessibility to video materials for pre-class learning should be reinforced.

A Study on "On-tact" Christian Education in the Post-Corona Era (포스트 코로나 시대의 "온택트(ontack)" 기독교교육에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Kum Hee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.41-76
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    • 2021
  • This paper begins with the question of whether "on-tact" Christian education, which has become the most new-normal phenomenon since Corona 19, will remain as a decisive form of Christian education even in the post-Corona era. In order to answer that question, this study explored whether on-tact Christian education has its own domain of experience and educational elements that cannot be replaced by face-to-face education, specifically focusing on "types of on-tact Christian Education", "discussion of digital church" and "digital epistemology". Through research on "types of onn-tact Christian education," it confirmed that, when viewed on the basis of 'participation' or 'communication', on-tact Christian education has an independent field of experience and educational elements. Through contemplation on "digital ecclesiology", it found that on-tact education is the decisive channel for Christian education to reach digital generation. It also found a new metaphor from the "network" concept for the public church and the Kingdom of God. This paper also found that we experience the perception of the body that is expanded through the combination between the body and technology in the digital world, and that this is a unique epistemology that occurs only in the digital world. Based on the above points, it affirmed that on-tact Christian education is not simply a means of supplementing face-to-face education in the era of COVID-19, but is a Christian education that has an independent field of experience and educational power that face-to-face education cannot replace. Thus it foresees that on-tact Christian education will continue to expand as a center and form of Christian education even in the post-corona era.

Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia (중증 지역사회획득 폐렴의 임상상 및 예후 예측인자에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Heung-Kook;Seo, Ji-Young;Kim, Dong-Kyu;Choi, Jeong-Eun;Mo, Eun-Kyung;Park, Myung-Jae;Lee, Myung-Goo;Hyun, In-Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.1072-1082
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    • 1997
  • Background : To characterize the clinical features and determine the prognostic factors of severe community-acquired pneumonia. This study is the first of its kind in Korea. Methods : Recruited were 40 patients diagnosed as severe community-acquired pneumonia in Hallym University Hospital from January 1, 1989 through July 31, 1996. Patients were analysed retrospectively for age, sex, underlying disease, respiration rate, hypoxemia, requirement of mechanical ventilation, involvement on chest radiograph, shock, and the serum concentration of BUN and albumin. All parameters were compared between survived and dead group. Results : Male to female ratio was 2.07 : 1. The mean age was $63.1{\pm}17.5$years(range 25~90years) with 65% of patients aged equal to or more than 60. The major underlying diseases were old pulmonary tuberculosis(12.5%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(7.5%), bronchial asthma(5%), bronchiectasis(2.5%), and diabetes mellitus(22.5%). Microbiologic diagnosis was made in 26 out of 40 patients(65%). The most common causative organism was S. pneumoniae(17.5%, 7/40) followed by S. aureus(15.0%, 6/40), K. Pneumoniae(12.5%, 5/40), M. tuberculosis(7.5%, 3/40), H. influenzae(2.5%, 1/40), coagulase negative staphylococcus(2.5%, 1/40), P. aeruginosa(2.5%. 1/40), E. cloaceae(2.5%, 1/40), and E. coli(2.5%, 1/40). M. pneumoniae was detected in no patient. The most frequent drugs administered in single or combination therapy were aminoglycosides(75%, 30/40), second- and third-generation cephalosporin(40%, 16/40 and 27.5%, 11/40), macrolides(27.5%, 11/40), and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid(22.5%, 9/40). Of the 40 patients, 14 died of severe community-acquired pneumonia(37.5%). Among them, seven patients (50%) expired within 72h of hospital arrival. According to multivariate analysis, mortality was significantly associated with requirement of mechanical ventilation, bilateral pulmonary involvement, and serum albumins$\leq$3.0g/dl. Conclusion : An understanding of the clinical characteristics and prognostic factors in severe community-acquired pneumonia identified in this study will optimize therapeutic approach in this disease and help decreasing its notorious mortality rate.

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A Prospective Study for Comparing the Effects of Macrolide and Second-generation Cephalosporin on the Treatment of Pneumonia among Combat Policemen (전투경찰에서 발생한 폐렴에 있어서 Macrolide와 2세대 Cephalosporin의 치료 효과에 대한 전향적 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Il;Yang, Byeong Yoon;Moon, Chang Ki;Jeong, Jae Hyeok;Kim, Jong Su;Lee, Jung Min;Ahn, Seok Jin;Jung, Jun-Oh;Park, Sang-Joon;Kim, Yun Kwon;Kim, So Yon;Kim, Young Jung;Cho, Min Koo;Lee, Gwon Jun;Lee, Gyeong In
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2005
  • Background : The study of pneumonia among young men living in a group is rare. prospective study was conducted to determine the etiology, and compare the effects of macrolide and second-generation cephalosporin on the treatment of pneumonia among combat policemen. Patients and Methods : From January 2003 to April 2004, Fifty-two patients with pneumonia were treated with either azithromycin(n=25) or cefuroxime(n=27). In order to determine the cause of the pneumonia, culture studies and serologic tests for antibodies to Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae were carried out. During the two weeks of medication, the Chest X-rays, blood tests and culture studies(if necessary) were followed weekly. A serologic study was followed at the end of the second week. Results : The main pathogens for pneumonia among combat policemen were Mycoplasma pneumoniae(50.0%), Chlamydia pneumoniae(10.8%), and Streptococcus pneumoniae(3.8%). The treatment was successful in most cases(51/52 cases, 98.1%). The effects of azithromycin and cefuroxime were similar (96.0% vs 100%, p>0.05). In one patient who had taken azithromycin, the clinical and radiological findings did not improved until intravenous second generation ce phalosporin had been infused. Conclusion : Atypical pathogens were the main causes of the pneumonia in the combat policemen, and the effects of macrolide and second generation cephalosporin for pneumonia were similar. However, further studies will be needed to determine if single therapy with macrolide is possible.