• Title/Summary/Keyword: 세계관 교육

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The Image of 'KWANGYA' in Korean Pop Music (K-Pop): A Study of Symbolic Commonalities with Biblical Wilderness Theology (한국 대중가요(K-Pop) 안에서의 '광야'(KWANGYA) 이미지: 성서적 광야신학과의 상징적 공통점 연구)

  • Jeong Do An;Jae Duck Seo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.79
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    • pp.243-271
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    • 2024
  • Purpose of the Study : This study aims to explore the symbolic commonalities between the image of 'KWANGYA' in Korean pop music (K-Pop) and the biblical wilderness theology. By analyzing the interaction between modern popular culture and ancient religious texts, this research seeks to investigate how the narrative of the biblical wilderness can be reinterpreted and received by contemporary youth. Contents and Method : This study analyzes the image of 'KWANGYA' as depicted in the worldviews of Korean pop songs by artists such as Lee Yuk-sa, Kim Min-ki, and aespa. It examines how this image connects with the symbolic aspects of the biblical wilderness. In the Bible, the wilderness is a space symbolizing trials and overcoming, spiritual growth and self-discovery, and the coexistence of chaos and order. These characteristics are observed not only in Lee Yuk-sa's poem 'Wilderness' during the Japanese colonial period but also in the imagery of the wilderness in the 1970s-80s folk songs and 2020s K-Pop songs. In particular, in K-Pop, the wilderness is utilized as a symbolic space where protagonists undergo and overcome various challenges and trials, leading to spiritual growth and self-discovery. This study aims to explore the possibilities of how the biblical wilderness narrative can be newly received by contemporary youth through this interaction between modern popular culture and ancient religious texts. Conlusion : The wilderness in K-Pop symbolizes the trials, self-discovery, and spiritual growth experienced by youth, encapsulating the process of finding order within chaos, much like the biblical wilderness. This research contributes to understanding how popular culture and religious symbolism interact to create contemporary meaning, showing how the message of the Bible is reinterpreted and received in today's culture. Based on these findings, it is suggested that Christian education today should consider reinterpreting and utilizing biblical symbols within new cultural contexts.

A Study on Personal Everyday Records in On Kawara's Works (온 카와라(On Kawara) 작품에 나타난 개인의 일상기록 연구)

  • Lee, Hye Rin;Park, Ju Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.49
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    • pp.213-246
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    • 2016
  • On Kawara's works are not only artworks but are also his personal daily records. He produced many artworks whose theme centered on his everyday life, a plan that he had precisely made. He selected several specific themes from his daily life: when and where he met someone, what he read, and where he traveled. Kawara constantly recorded his daily life using various types of unconventional medium: maps, postcards, and telegrams. Although he was occupied with recording his everyday life, he was also active in forming public opinions on various issues through social media. Kawara's works, which exhibit a distinctive characteristic of himself, could be classified as individual records because it includes an individual's daily life and selected issues. His artworks express concern for or expose the irrationality of his society, which encourages ordinary people to let their voices be heard and take part in public affairs. Thus, his works function not just as art but also as precious historical records.

Findings of Modern Physical Body: From Moral Training(修身) To Physical Education(體育) (근대적 몸[신체]의 발견: 수신(修身)에서 체육(體育)으로)

  • Park, Jeoung-Sim
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.36
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    • pp.173-202
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    • 2013
  • In Korea The understanding about physical body contains several cultural and historical experiences. In the modern times several discussions bring about changes from moral training to physical education. Physical education shows clearly modern physical human being by destructions of confusional human being. In confusional philosophy human body contains moral facts such as moral training. Moral training shows right mind, so every physical acts target mental and cultural training. So in this capitalism, it is needed o training right moral training and right physical education.

A Study of Ethnomusicological Elements in Modern Chinese Clarinet focus on 『the Shepherd Horse』 and 『the Voice of the Pamir』 (중국 현대 클라리넷 작품 중 민족음악 요소 연구 『목마의 노래』와 『파미이지음』을 중심으로)

  • Zeng, Guang;Ahn, Sung-Hie
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2022
  • During the China's long history, many ethnic groups have developed their own traditions of local music which is an important part of their precious cultures. Meanwhile, each ethnic group developed its own worldview and music culture according to its unique living environment, special lifestyle and mode of production. The clarinet is a Western instrument, and has been influenced to some extent by Chinese minority culture while being introduced to China. Therefore, musicians tried to find ways of using Western musical instruments to express various elements of Chinese minority music. Focusing on two clarinet works 'The Song of Grazing Horses' by Wang Yan and 'The Sound of Pamir Clarinet Concerto' by Hu Bijing, this paper aims to analyze the musical characteristics of minority groups expressed by the clarinet in two aspects: the formation of the music style, the artistic characteristics conveyed through the works. Specifically, it consists of five parts: ethnic mode and tonality, rhythm, time signature, melody making, and imitation of animals. It also analyzes the cultural characteristics of Tajik and Mongolian music reflected in the two works in combination with living environment, mode of production, life style, and ethnic emotions. This study aims to provide a theoretical basis for composers and performers who want to understand and acquire the musical style of modern Chinese clarinet works. It also helps to find a better way to play traditional Chinese music with Western instruments.

The Play Method and Significance of Song Byung-seon(宋秉璿) - Based on His Travel Essay(遊記) - (연재 송병선의 놀이방식과 의의 - 그의 유기를 바탕으로 -)

  • Yoo, Young-Bong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2021
  • Yeonjae(淵齋) Song Byeong-seon(宋秉璿, 1836-1905) was the ninth-generation descendant of Uam (尤庵) Song Si-yeol (宋時烈). During his lifetime, he gained the trust of Yu-rim(儒林) and was called to the court several times. However, he eventually refused an official] post and spent his life cultivating his studies in the wild. When the Eulsa Treaty(乙巳條約) was signed on November 17, Yeonjae pleaded with King Gojong about the abolition of the treaty. And on the morning of December 30, Yeon-jae committed suicide at his old house in Hoedeok(懷德). At this time, Yeon-jae sent the final appeal to the king, leaving a message to the king, the people, and Yu-rim about the restoration of national sovereignty, fulfilling his duties as a leader of Sarim(士林). After that, in 1962, Yeonjae was awarded the Order of Independence Medal of National Founding. Song Byeong-seon's excursions took place throughout his life. 22 long and short travelogues are existed today. The excursions were mainly done by land, so most of them rode horses or mules. He sometimes used floats or kilns. But he sometimes knew how to use the waterways effectively. This is because in some travel reports, routes using inland waterways and sea routes appear. The journey of the series continues all the way to finding the relics of his ancestors. In this process, it is clear that he reaffirmed its mission of succession to the family and promised to be a part of the brilliant feat of the ancestors. In addition, the reading of the scriptures and Neo-Confucian discussion were added to the excursions. His excursions continued as a means of publicizing and expanding the Neo-Confucian worldview. Thus, Yeonjae inherited the spirit of John Wangyangi(尊王攘夷) left by his ancestors, and finally raised the banner of Wijeongcheoksa(衛正斥邪) high. And he resolutely set out on the road to death for the country.

A Study on the Staging of Scientific Imagination -History and Current Status of SF Theaters (과학적 상상력의 무대화에 대한 시론 -SF연극의 역사와 현재)

  • Jun, Jee-Nee
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.73-108
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    • 2019
  • This paper is an attempt to discuss the history and the current state of 'SF theaters.' SF theater is still an unfamiliar genre to the public, and may surprise some, given that the stage is perceived as an insufficient space for stretching the scientific imagination. Since 2010 works that bring the scientific imagination into the theater have frequently been performed, and a recognition of SF theaters began to be established. Producers came to be absorbed in human psychology, and our isolation amidst the progress in technology, as well as in the absurdities of the world, while giving up the ideal of realistic descriptions. This became the foundation for SF theaters in South Korea today. Starting from the research history and the conceptual change in SF theaters, this study examined the status of SF dramas going back to the colonial period for SF theaters. Through inquiring into the history of SF theaters, we were able to derive the following implications and problems. Firstly, as they are based on future society or technical improvement without consideration of scientific probability or rationality, the scientific imagination is too absent for the work to be named 'SF theater.' Secondly, while being highly evaluated as an attempt to integrate science and stage in an era that emphasizes convergence, when we delve into the creativity of a material it is noticeable that the view of the world is still regressive. Thirdly, there are many cases in which scripts lean on SF classics or Japanese original works. Nevertheless, if young creators' diverse attempts in a genre can breathe with the contemporary audience desiring a new material, the foundation of a Korean-style SF theater may be expanded to include more significant work.

Illusionism and Enlightment of the Magic Lantern Images - On the Scientific and Technological Development of the pre-modern optical instrument, Magic Lantern and the Transition of Its Images - (마술환등 영상의 환상성과 계몽성 근대 영상기구 마술환등의 과학기술적 발전과 영상문화의 변화)

  • LEE, Sang-Myon
    • Korean Association for Visual Culture
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    • v.17
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    • pp.65-92
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    • 2011
  • This thesis investigates the complex functions of the magic lantern in illusionism and enlightment which was the most popular visual media and the direct ancestor of cinema. Especially, the thesis focuses on the characteristics of magic lantern's images which had been varied with the scientific and technological development. During the early period of the magic lantern, from the late 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, it frightened viewers by showing magic images with ghosts and spectres, 'phantasmagoria', and wondered with images of natural catastropes and interesting stories like fables and fairy tales, which fulfilled the entertainment function. Since the mid 19th century the magic lantern began to show not only pictures of the 'scientific themes' on the earth, nature and human, but also them of the ethnological on the far, exotic worlds like Africa, Amazon and Syberia etc. from the European perspective. These contents conducted the educative function and contributed to the process of Enlightment to the peoples in the pre-modern age. The two functions of the magic lantern such as entertainment and education had been neither historically followed, nor clearly divided, but the one was predominant according to the development of lantern techniques as well as the changes of the world view and the culture of the time. The entertainment function of the magic lantern based on the visual fantacy did exist in the late 19th century further, and also in the late industrial society, even in the age of highly developed science and technology, viewers want rather 're-enchantment' by illusionism than facts and truths on the reality. This is an essential characteristic of the moving image media, as it had already been presented in the images of the magic lantern.

A Study of Kuwoonmong Writing and Enjoyment in the Aspects of Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu Xing (五行) Imagination (음양오행적 상상력에 기반한 <구운몽>의 창작과 향유 방식 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-jin
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.153-193
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    • 2017
  • This study explores the creation and enjoyment of Kuwoonmong (九雲夢) using a reference system called the cultural imagination, which is related to the Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu Xing (五行). When Kim Manjung wrote Guwoonmong, he may have composed figures and events based on this imagination. In particular, when he designed the eight seonnyeo (팔선녀), he set the order such as Gap (甲), Eul (乙), Byeong (병), Jeong (丁), etc. and characterized them according to the celestial stem (天干). Thus it was easy to avoid overlapping of characters and to construct various stories and relationships between them. The table below shows the characters of Kuwoonmong corresponding to the celestial stem. In not only the individual person but also the narrative world, Kuwoonmon demonstrates Yin-Yang and Wu Xing's imagination. In this respect, Kuwoonmon can be considered a large symbol encompassing the abstract theory of Yin-Yang and Wu Xing. Of course, the writer, Kim, Manjung would not have tried to symbolize the principle intentionally. However, he was also present in the environment of the cultural imagination that has been formed over the years. The same is true for the contemporary recipients of Guwunmong. They would have had a pleasant experience applying the cultural imagination and strengthening their familiar world view and human view.

Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi Heritage and Performance Contents (강릉학산오독떼기유산과 공연콘텐츠)

  • Lee, Chang-Sik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.38
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    • pp.249-275
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    • 2019
  • Gangneung farm song is important for the ritualistic labortheatricals. Especially, in the theatrical process program, the songsof weeding, such as Haksan Odokkteggi and Ssadae, were alsoincluded to represent the agricultural ritualistic prayer for goodharvest. The use of Gangneung farm song is attractive in termsofthe circumstances. There is no chance of success as a plan simplyfor local events. As a comprehensive art, Gangneung farmsongshould simultaneously revitalize locality, representability andglobality. In this context, three directions are suggested dependingon the development progress. The second direction to the thirddirection are mainly oriented toward government-local authoritycentered support, but, in particular, the third direction should aimtobe an open archive in which the public and the contents prosumercan participate. In the production of the traditional content, OSMUmust be endlessly recreated and spread through 'diversity' and'interrelationships'. The contents utilization was discussed based on the transmissiondetails and analysis evidence of Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. Thediversification of the way of performing farm song and the folk songs that can induce interest were proposed. Furthermore, basedon the fact that 12 songs classified into 8 work types, there-creation of the contents that focus on the playful aspect of theperforming arts was also proposed. In addition to suggestingthedesirable discourse of the performance groups, the experienceprogram development, education, public relations andcommunication reinforcement based on the narrating principlesoffarm songs, and the development and execution of farmsongprograms based on the tradition and the event demands wereproposed. While mentioning the necessity of value creation, thevitality of performing arts skills that put emotion, imagination, fun, sympathy, and etc. on the original form and the model of farmsongs should be supplemented to Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. The independent transmission aspect of Gangneung Arirangisalso positive. There are difficulties of reduction of traditionalitydueto the designation, standardized transmission, lack of developmentof voluntary performances, and demonstration-centeredtransmission. Narrowly, we focused on the education andvitalization directions in terms of the capacity building of theconservation council itself. By embodying the essential value of theagricultural literature that farm songs possess, it can bringimpression of all worlds, all lives, communication and sharing, anddraw inspiration from the humanistic view of the world andemotion. The reconstitution of agricultural heritage, theconstruction of a storytelling linked with the concrete objects suchas Beomil National Preceptor, Gulsansa, FlagpoleSupport(Dangganjiju), Seokcheon, Hakbawi rock, and etc., andtheestablishment of fusion type farm song museum were proposed. In terms of culture industry, we requested active support fromtheinstitutions including local governments and various farmsongstorytelling creation projects.

Reconsideration of the Meaning of Sam-Tai-Ji (삼태극의 의미고찰)

  • Kim, Myoung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.4-15
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    • 2012
  • Sam-Tai-Ji has been used as one of the korean traditional symbol patterns including the emblem of the Seoul olympic. Despite Sam-Tai-Ji included in 태극(Tai-Ji:太極), it has been interpreted widely as Sam-jae(三才)theory called Tian(天), Di(地) and Ren(人), or Tian, Di and Ren harmony thought(天地人 調和思想) by some religion groups and some intelligent people without exact philosophical poofs. For this reason, this research on Tai-Ji(太極) pattern follows. Although Joseon dynasty selecting Confucianism as a ruling principle, it accepted Buddhism, Taoism and Shamanism by applying them to royal tombs not officially but privately. For example, If Confucianism has to be expressed in the public places, Er-Tai-Ji(二太極) pattern having an expressing type of Li-Ben-Lun(理本論) was employed, in the private places like royal tomb construction, Er-Tai-Ji(二太極) pattern having an expressing type of Qi-Ben-Lun(氣本論) was employed. To figure out clear identification of Sam-Tai-Ji(三太極) and Er-Tai-Ji(二太極), this research was conducted to study on the change process of Tai-Ji(太極). It has been considered that Tai-Ji(太極) pattern has something to do with universe in these countries such as Korea, China and Japan. In Tai-Ji(太極) pattern, Sam-Tai-Ji had been used more widely than Er-Tai-Ji(二太極) untill the Han Dang dynasty. The meaning is also indicated as Yin-Yang-Te(陰陽德) in the books like "Hanseo(漢書)" "Yulryeokji(律曆志)". But, in the chinese history, there was a change of the pattern into white spot Er-Tai-Ji(二太極) in "KoTaiJiDo(古太極圖)". It had been interpreted as "Yin-Yang and vitality(陰陽生氣)." since Song Dynasty when Confucianism settled down. In this process, unlike Wu-Ji(無極), Li(理) means immateriality. So Yin-Yang(陰陽) and Li(理) were expressed with the form of Er-Tai-Ji(二太極). Therefore, Sam-Tai-Ji(三太極) is the pattern that stands for Yin-Yang-Te(陰陽德). It means that Yin-Yang(陰陽) gives a life to all the living things, grows them along with Te(德). It developed and flourished in Taoism and Buddhism accepting spirit existence. It is the universe view that Qi(氣) is an entity.