• Title/Summary/Keyword: 세계관 교육

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High School Students' Perception of Value Building about Korean Traditional Science Knowledge (한국 전통 과학에 대한 고등학생들의 인식과 가치 탐색)

  • Lee, Ji-Hye;Shin, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of science education using Korean TSK(Traditional scientific knowledge). In this study, we have developed five Korean TSK units including science concepts, historical knowledge and cultural experience and applied them to 10th graders. The five units are as follows: (1) Calendars(western and eastern), (2) Our traditional sundial, Angbuilgu, (3) A great scientist in the King Sejong Era, (4) Data interpretation of ancient record of natural phenomenon in Korea, and (5) Gyeongbokgung Palace. The analyses included a pre- and post test of students' perception, classroom observation, students' activity sheets, and interview. The results show that the students' perception of Korean TSK has changed toward recognizing the value of Korean TSK as a kind of natural science. They expressed their expectation of Korean TSK in scientific, practical, and emotional perspectives, wherein some students thought the practical and emotional perspectives of Korean TSK as non-scientific characteristics. Students showed five types of worldview about the relationship between Korean TSK and WMS(western modern science). Most students favored and cherished the Korean TSK but at the same time, they were confused about its scientific value. The results support the rethinking of the meaning of science and what students learn in school. We should consider how we teach the Korean TSK to students. It is important that a profound research of the Korean TSK should be continued to make our science education varied.

An Exploratory Study on Development of a Writing Education Model for Christian Universities Based on Media Education Models (미디어교육모형에 기초한 기독교대학 글쓰기교육모형 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Ran
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.282-290
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    • 2018
  • This study tried to suggest the development of a writing education model for Christian Universities based on both Hobbs' media education model and Vanhoozer's media text analysis model. This model consists of 6 steps- Christian worldview establishment, access, analysis and evaluation, creation, reflection and social action. This was developed in order to be applied for the class "reading and writing" of liberal arts. Also, this is an appropriate model for media text writing education aiming at an alternative creation activity through a critical comprehension of the complex texts consisting of sounds, images, letters and so on. Furthermore, this is designed to train the capable persons having intelligence, character, and spirituality balanced, whom the education of Chrisitian universities aims at. Finally, this model pursues the student-friendly and amalgamative text writing appropriate for a new era and has an advantage to raise the power of various forms of letter writing which all the universities should stress as well.

A Review of Christianity in the post-corona era through Big data -Focusing on the COVID-19 Experience- (빅데이터로 바라본 포스트 코로나 시대의 기독교에 대한 고찰 -코로나19 경험을 중심으로-)

  • Eunae Burm
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to provide foundational data for guiding the Christian worldview in the post-COVID era, based on an academic and social understanding of Christianity. Text data were collected from academic databases and portal sites using 'Christianity' as the keyword, which were then defined as big data. The frequency and keyword analysis results were visualized to present key trends. The findings revealed that more data were gathered from portal sites than academic research or news articles. During the COVID-19, news reports on Christianity focused heavily on virus transmission through Christian gatherings, contributing to public fear and anger. Additionally, many Christians, while refraining from gatherings to prevent the spread of COVID-19, were reflecting on the direction of Christian faith during the unprecedented suspension of in-person worship. In this study, we emphasized the need for in-depth discussions on the essence of worship in the post-COVID era, the practices of believers, and the public role of Christianity. In particular, we derived the recommendation that it is important to cultivate the Christian spirit as a form of general education.

Implications for invention education through the analysis of creative problem solving by Robert Hooke (과학자의 창의적 문제해결을 통한 발명교육의 시사점 탐색: 로버트 후크를 중심으로)

  • Jho, Hunkoog
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.405-425
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the life and works of Robert Hooke, an ingenious scientist in the era of scientific revolution, and to give some implications of invention education for science education. The publications and critics of Robert Hooke were analyzed to find out the personal setbacks how he showed excellent performances across the fields of science. The research finding showed that he tried to make geometric and visualized reasoning based on the empirical phenomenon, had much interest in the devices and methods for measurement and observation in the experiment, and made technical devices by himself. The ingenuity of Robert Hooke could be revealed by the rich resources in his childhood, his talent of drawing for depiction, and his colleagues and teachers with favors of diverse fields of disciplines and empirical tradition. As well, it was likely that his monistic viewpoint between the reality and scientific theories, led himself to develop interesting instruments for scientific experiments. Thus, this study suggested some implications to combine invention education with science education.

A Study of the Animation Production System on the Basis of the Media Window Strategy: Focusing on Examining the Direct to Video Superhero Animation (미디어 윈도우 전용 애니메이션 제작 활성화를 위한 연구: Direct to Video 슈퍼히어로 애니메이션 제작 시스템에 대한 고찰을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Jae-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.53-85
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    • 2017
  • This study deals with the production system of the superhero animation that are based on DC comic books and are produced by Warner Brothers company, and tries to find out ways in order to vitalize the new window of the animation market. 28 superhero animations released from 2007 until 2017 are analyzed. Several critical points are drawn out and can be applied to the Korean animation industry. There are two categories, one is about the management of the production system, and the other is about the subcontract system. In managing the production system, there are three points: First, there are several people who play the role of either a producer or a director many times. Second, producers used to work as a group. Third, some people work not only as a producer but also as a director. In carrying out outsourcing contracts, there are six points: First, only Korean and Japanese companies participate as subcontract companies. Second, about two companies used to take part in the subcontract production in a year. Third, in case of number of people involved in production, there are more Japanese than Korean. Fourth, Japanese companies deal with some parts of the pre-production as well as the main production in . Fifth, a Japanese company has a sub-subcontract with a Korean company in one episode of . Sixth, Korean companies mostly focus on the production part of key animation. Important points that the Korean production system has to consider are also suggested under the two categories. In the production system management, there are two points. It is needed to make use of the group producer system, and it is critical to develop the story line of universe type such as DC Universe. In case of the outsourcing production system, it is essential to keep up educating 2D type of animation and, at the same time, to participate actively in the global outsourcing production. By considering these crucial points, it is expected to keep producing animation that can be used for the media window such as IPTV.

Christian Teachers in Tense Situation: Performative Dialogue Stimulating Normative Professionalism (긴장의 시대 속에서 규범적 전문주의를 촉진하는 기독교교사의 수행적 대화에 관한 연구)

  • Avest, K.H. (Ina) ter
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.61
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    • pp.9-35
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    • 2020
  • In the second half of the previous century the composition of the teacher population - and the composition of the pupil and parent population - in the Netherlands gives rise to the name change 'age of secularisation' to 'age of pluralisation'. In previous centuries the (religious or secular) worldview identity of the parents and the educational philosophy of the school were attuned to each other, and merged into a mono-cultural perspective on the identity development of pupils. The basis for both - the upbringing by the parents and the socialisation in the family on the one hand, and the teachers' efforts to enculturate the students at the school on the other - was a similar life orientation. The school choice of the parents was predetermined by their commitment to a particular (religious) worldview, very often inspired by Christianity. The religious identity of their children developed in a clear-cut context. However, in contemporary society plurality dominates, at home and at the school, both in case of the parents and the teachers. A direct relationship with a community of like-minded believers is no longer decisive for parents with varying cultural and religious backgrounds. Instead, a good feeling upon entering the schoolyard or the school building is a convincing argument in the process of school choice. The professional identity development of teachers and the religious identity development of children takes place in a plural context. Our question is: what does this mean for the normative professionalism of the teacher? To answer this research question we make use of the resources of the Dialogical Self Theory (DST) with its core concepts of 'voice' and 'positioning'. After presenting the Dutch dual education system (with public and denominational schools) we provide a lively description of a Dutch classroom situation occurring in a public school, as viewed from the perspective of the teacher. The focus in this description is on performative dialogue as a 'disruptive moment' and on its potential for the hyphenated religious identity development of teachers, which makes up a part of their normative professionalism.

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A Study on the Educational Philosophy and Curriculum by Types of Christian Alternative School (기독교대안학교의 유형별 교육철학 및 교육과정에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang Gyuseok;Park Eunhye
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.78
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    • pp.87-110
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the educational philosophy that is the basis for the establishment of Christian alternative schools and the curriculum that is the standard for educational practice accordingly, and to understand in depth the educational philosophy and curriculum, what characteristics are common in each type in the school field. This study also explored the main factors that lead to educational practice in the curriculum. In order to explore these research questions, this study was conducted using interview that is one of the qualitative studies. The subjects of this study are 16 teachers selected from the three types of Christian alternative schools that exist in Korea. Based on our findings and discussion, this study was presented several suggestions. First, in the reality that parents are sending their children to alternative schools for their faith, school leaders and teachers must practice sincere faith education with deep reflection. Second, in order for Christian alternative schools to fulfill their responsibilities as schools and continue to provide a valuable education, it is necessary to integrate Christian worldviews and academics through cooperation with allied organizations. Third, in order to reduce the burden of parents' excessive educational expenses, there should be a civic effort to request financial support from the nation at least for school operating expenses.

Problems and Alternatives of Christian Education in Korean Churches in the 21st Century (21세기 한국교회 교회교육의 문제점과 대안)

  • Lee, Jeung Gwan
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2020
  • Church education in Korean churches is facing a very serious crisis. This crisis is a negative perception of the church as viewed by the present society. The negative perception of the church has led to children, adolescents, young adults, and even adults leaving the church. There have been countless studies on the problem of Christian education and its alternatives. However, those problems still remain a matter of church education. The alternatives do not become viable and remain a problem. To solve these problems, a paradigm shift is required, and in order to overcome the crisis of the church, it is necessary to study alternatives and its method factors and find application points. Today's church education is absolutely influenced by postmodernism and informationalization. However, church education is education for Christian identity that transmits Christian faith. This Christian education is facing challenges and crises against its religious and academic identity. Christian education has a responsibility to be aware of this reality and to present alternatives to overcome various crises facing church education. Therefore, it is the task of church education to establish standards so that we can live a life where the Bible becomes the standard. In other words, it is to give them biblical faith. Furthermore, it is necessary to point out and understand Christian faith in the Korean church, which has been evaluated as insufficient. In addition, establishing a Christian worldview and realizing the Kingdom of God that practice justice and love in society are tasks that can be accomplished efficiently through Christian education. Therefore, the Korean church should actively seek ways to support the practice of Christian education as well as church education in forming ideal Christians which is the goal of Christian education.

Essay Teaching Method of the Moral Education in the Elementary School Based on Philosophy and Discussion : focusing on the concept analysis method (철학과 토론에 기초한 초등학교 도덕교육에서의 논술수업방안 - 개념분석모형을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.72
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    • pp.247-272
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a direction, contents, and method of essay education in the elementary school. The value of essay is getting weaker and weaker as a evaluation item of a university entrance examination. But there is a lot of educational value of essay itself yet. The essay goes beyond merely writing, as long as it displays one's sense of values and viewpoint of world. It is the highest intelligent ability that not is formated easily in short time. Starting a essay education at elementary school age is better than middle or high school age. when the students in a elementary school, they have a little burden of studies. The elementary students can be educated to develop the power of philosophical thought focusing on the reading and discussing. The moral subject have to assign the essay education, because thinking faculty is very important ability in essay. This study consisted of three directions ; firstly, what is direction of elementary moral education for essay education? secondly, what is contents and method as a basis of essay education in the moral subject? thirdly, how does teach the concept analysis as a concrete essay education method? I suggested answers in the three aspects of moral education in the elementary school. The essay education is important as the result of moral education, philosophy education as contents, and discuss training as a method. And I applicated concretely contents of this study as a concept analysis method in class.

Korean Middle School Students' Perceptions as Global Citizens of Socioscientific Issues (과학과 관련된 사회.윤리적 문제(SSI)의 맥락에 따른 중학생들의 인성적 태도와 가치관 분석)

  • Jang, Jiyoung;Mun, Jiyeong;Ryu, Hyo-Suk;Choi, Kyunghee;Joseph, Krajcik;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1124-1138
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates Korean middle school students' perceptions as global citizens (i.e. ecological worldview, social and moral compassion, and socioscientific accountability) of Socioscientific Issues (SSI). We developed questionnaires that consisted of 20 Likert-type items to gauge their preceptions of the three different SSI contexts (i.e. nuclear power generation, bio-technology, climate change), and administered them to 225 9th grade students in Seoul. The results revealed that participants showed relatively high scores for ecological worldview but scored low on social and moral compassion across the SSI contexts. In addition, participants presented much higher scores for ecological worldview and socioscientific accountability regarding the issues of climate change. The participant responses indicated that they perceived more inter-connectedness with the environment and felt the responsibility of promoting sustainable development more to prevent further devastation in the context of climate change compared to nuclear power generation or biotechnology.