• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성 중립

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The Position for Measuring BMD of the Distal Radius and The Study of the Correlation Between the Distal Radius and Lumba (원위 요골 골밀도의 측정 자세 및 요추 골밀도의 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Man-Seok;Jeon, Chul-Min;Kim, Jong-Jin;Seo, Seon-Youl;Kim, Yong-Kyun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the change of bone mineral density according to distal radius rotation and the correlations of the lowest BMD measured by DXA at the lumba versus distal radius. The eleven males were projected distal radius by DR X-ray and the measurement of BMD by DXA of the appropriate position of the forearm were performed on 21 males. The healthy 11 and 21 volunteers without any history of operations, anomalies, or trauma were enrolled. The experiment was performed by two methods. First, The DR X-ray was measured distal radius of 11 males in pronation and supination with three, six and nine degrees, including a neutral position. The ROI was measured by the m-view program on the PACS monitor. Second, The DXA was measured distal radius of 21 males in pronation and supination with five and ten degrees, including a neutral position to evaluate the changes of BMD according to the rotation. A correlation of the BMD in the distal radius with BMD that lumbar spine was performed, along with analysis of the data by SPSS 12.0v. The mean rotation angle of the distal radius about eleven males DR X-ray measured $7^{\circ}$ of pronation (82%, n = 9), $6^{\circ}$ of supination and $0^{\circ}$ of neutral of (9%, n = 1), The total average rotation angle in 11 male was $5.1^{\circ}$ of pronation. The rotation angle of the distal radius about twenty one males on DXA measured $7.2^{\circ}$ of pronation (43%, n = 9), $7^{\circ}$ of supination (24%, n = 5), and $0^{\circ}$ of neutral (33%, n = 7), The total average rotation angle in 21 people was $4.1^{\circ}$ of pronation. The correlation of the analysis of lumba and distal radius were r = 3.0, p = 0.18. consequently, The correlation was not significance. Because BMD of lumba was not coverd for BMD of the distal radius, with a neutral position, Pronation is needed for BMD in the distal radius with the rotation angle measuring at the lowest BMD. the rotation angle about five degrees of pronation of the distal radius is recommended.

Stock Price Prediction by Utilizing Category Neutral Terms: Text Mining Approach (카테고리 중립 단어 활용을 통한 주가 예측 방안: 텍스트 마이닝 활용)

  • Lee, Minsik;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2017
  • Since the stock market is driven by the expectation of traders, studies have been conducted to predict stock price movements through analysis of various sources of text data. In order to predict stock price movements, research has been conducted not only on the relationship between text data and fluctuations in stock prices, but also on the trading stocks based on news articles and social media responses. Studies that predict the movements of stock prices have also applied classification algorithms with constructing term-document matrix in the same way as other text mining approaches. Because the document contains a lot of words, it is better to select words that contribute more for building a term-document matrix. Based on the frequency of words, words that show too little frequency or importance are removed. It also selects words according to their contribution by measuring the degree to which a word contributes to correctly classifying a document. The basic idea of constructing a term-document matrix was to collect all the documents to be analyzed and to select and use the words that have an influence on the classification. In this study, we analyze the documents for each individual item and select the words that are irrelevant for all categories as neutral words. We extract the words around the selected neutral word and use it to generate the term-document matrix. The neutral word itself starts with the idea that the stock movement is less related to the existence of the neutral words, and that the surrounding words of the neutral word are more likely to affect the stock price movements. And apply it to the algorithm that classifies the stock price fluctuations with the generated term-document matrix. In this study, we firstly removed stop words and selected neutral words for each stock. And we used a method to exclude words that are included in news articles for other stocks among the selected words. Through the online news portal, we collected four months of news articles on the top 10 market cap stocks. We split the news articles into 3 month news data as training data and apply the remaining one month news articles to the model to predict the stock price movements of the next day. We used SVM, Boosting and Random Forest for building models and predicting the movements of stock prices. The stock market opened for four months (2016/02/01 ~ 2016/05/31) for a total of 80 days, using the initial 60 days as a training set and the remaining 20 days as a test set. The proposed word - based algorithm in this study showed better classification performance than the word selection method based on sparsity. This study predicted stock price volatility by collecting and analyzing news articles of the top 10 stocks in market cap. We used the term - document matrix based classification model to estimate the stock price fluctuations and compared the performance of the existing sparse - based word extraction method and the suggested method of removing words from the term - document matrix. The suggested method differs from the word extraction method in that it uses not only the news articles for the corresponding stock but also other news items to determine the words to extract. In other words, it removed not only the words that appeared in all the increase and decrease but also the words that appeared common in the news for other stocks. When the prediction accuracy was compared, the suggested method showed higher accuracy. The limitation of this study is that the stock price prediction was set up to classify the rise and fall, and the experiment was conducted only for the top ten stocks. The 10 stocks used in the experiment do not represent the entire stock market. In addition, it is difficult to show the investment performance because stock price fluctuation and profit rate may be different. Therefore, it is necessary to study the research using more stocks and the yield prediction through trading simulation.

Stress distribution in an infinite plate containing an elliptical crack - part I

  • Lee, Doo Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 1981
  • 이 논문에서는 타원형의 크랙을 포함하는 유한한 두께을 가진 isotropic탄성체의 삼차원응력해석을 다루었다. 크랙은 평판의 면에 나란하고 그 중립면에 위치하며 일정한 인장력이 평판의 면에 작용하고 있다. 문제를 해석하기 위하여 이중 Fourier 적분변환을 사용하여 응력해석이 제 일종 Fredholm 적분 방정식의 해로 될 수 있음을 보였다. 두 극한의 경우 즉(i) 평판의 두께가 무한한 경우와 (ii) 타원이 원으로 reduce 되는 경우에 기존의 해와 일치됨을 보였다. 적분 방정식의 해 빛 응력해석은 제 이장에서 다루기로 한다.

독일의 바이오가스 이용 현황 및 전망

  • O, Gwang-Seok;Jang, Jeong-Hui;Lee, Gyo-Seong;Kim, Gi-Dong;Jeong, Jin-Do
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.50 no.9
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 2010
  • 바이오가스는 세계적으로 풍부한 바이오매스 자원에서 발생하고 지구온난화 문제에 대응할 수 있는 탄소중립 청정에너지원이다. 이 글에서는 유럽의 바이오가스 생산 및 시작동향 중에서도 EU 생산량의 35%를 차지하는 독일의 현황에 대해 살펴보고자 한다.

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Conflict analysis of RBAC in Multi-Domain Security (다중 도메인 보안에서 RBAC의 상충문제)

  • 김형찬;이동익;김형천;강정민;이진석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.625-627
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    • 2003
  • 역할기반 접근통제(RBAC)모델은 쉬운 관리성과 정책 적용의 유연성, 그리고 정책 중립적인 이점으로 인하여, 현재 많은 컴퓨팅 환경에서 적용되고 있다. 하지만 기존에 연구되었던 RBAC 모델들은 대부분 단일 보안 관리를 가정하므로 최근의 협업 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 접근통제를 설계하는 데 문제가 있다. 본 논문에서는 협업 컴퓨팅 환경을 다중 도메인 보안(Multi-Domain Security)으로 사상하고, 협업환경을 적절하게 고려하지 않은 RBAC의 적용이 야기할 수 있는 문제점들을 살펴본다.

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Quantification of Positive and Negative Emotions by Single-Channel Brain Wave (단일 전극 뇌파에 의한 쾌, 불쾌 감성의 정량화)

  • 최정미;황민철;배병훈;유은경;오상훈
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 1998
  • 뇌전위에서 개인차가 없는 일반적인 규칙ㅇ르 지닌 두개의 정보 변수, 즉 ILF와 IHF를 발견하였다. 이러한 일반성을 지닌 정보 변수가 청각, 후각, 촉각 자극에 의해 유발된 쾌하거나 불쾌한 감성 상태를 구분할 수 있으며 전두엽에서 그 경향이 두드러짐을 확인하였다. 전두엽의 뇌전위에서 감성 자극이 주어지가 전과 자극이 주어지는 동안의 ILF, IHF값을 정규화함으로써 새로운 변수, Relative Quantified Emotional State(RQES)를 구현하였다. RQES는 쾌, 중립, 불쾌한 감성의 정도를 선형적으로 정량화하였다. 따라서 하나의 전극으로 측정한 전두엽부분의 뇌전위로부터 RQES값을 계산하면 인간의 쾌, 불쾌 감성을 신뢰도있게 정량화 할 수 있다.

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일본의 전기.정보공학 교육의 실태

  • 고광철
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 1995
  • 전기.정보계열의 학과에서는 기초 과목으로 전자기학, 회로이론, 양자역학, 통계역학, 수학 따위인데, 정보 관계에서는 전자기학보다도 소프트웨어공학에 도움이 되는 과목을 4년간 교육해야 한다. 4년간이라고 해도 실질적으로 2년 반이므로 대학의 4년간이라는 것은 상당히 큰 문제를 안고 있다. 대학원 진학이 늘어가는 추세에서 학부만 마친 학생도 있으므로, 이것에 대해서는 산업계의 필요성을 받아들이는 동시에 산학 공동 또는 산관학의 협력 체제를 갖추어야 한다. 따라서 산업계와 대학이 일체가 되어 대학의 교과과정을 토의하는 자리를 마련해 교육 시책에 반영하는 것이 필요하다. 상호가 협력하는 시스템, 산업계와 대학이 융합할 수 있는 프로그램을 학회를 중심으로 한 중립의 자리에서 만들 필요가 있다.

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5G 코어망 기술: 소프트웨어와 콘텐트 지향 관점

  • Kim, Cheol-Hun;Lee, Seong-Won
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2014
  • 최근 발표된 5G PPP(Public-Private Partnership) 에서도 나타나듯이, 차세대 네트워크의 변화는 소프트웨어와 IT분야에서 발전된 기술이 Telco 사업자의 네트워크로 전이되는 현상을 보여주고 있다. 특히 망의 중립성에 대해서도 "추가적인 망 투자를 수행한 콘텐트 제공업자의 콘텐트를 차별적으로 지원하는 것은 정당하다"는 개념도 확산되면서, 콘텐트를 인식하고 차별화된 서비스를 네트워크에서 제공하는 것이 수익 증가의 수단으로 부각되고 있는 상황이다. 이에 본고에서는 5G 코어망 기술의 발전을 소프트웨어와 콘텐트 지향적인 관점에서 알아본다.

A Platform-independent Smart Content Sharing Model (플랫폼 독립적 스마트 콘텐츠 공유 모델)

  • Moon, Yong-Hyuk;Kwon, Hyeok-Chan;Seo, Dong-Il;Youn, Chan-Hyun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.224-225
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    • 2011
  • 본 고에서는 다양한 공유 환경에서 사용자의 콘텐츠 이용을 저해하지 않으면서, 콘텐츠의 중립적 사용과 안정성을 동시에 충족시킬 수 있도록 고안된 플랫폼 독립적 콘텐츠 공유 시스템에 대하여 논의한다. 특히, 본 시스템은 별도로 정의된 Bytecode 형태의 보안 코드를 플랫폼 독립적으로 해석하는 기능의 Secure Virtual Machine 기반으로 구현되는 제안상의 특징이 있다.