• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성장과 발달

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Investigation of Wellness Management Plan Based on the Health Fitness Trend Characteristics per Generation (세대특성별 건강체력 변화 추이를 통한 웰니스적 관리 방안 탐색)

  • Lee, Yang-Gu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed in depth the students' health fitness trend characteristics based on the per generation characteristics longitudinal grade level document that was produced by collecting heath fitness measurements of students from all over the country for the purpose of exploring the appropriate wellness management plan. The following conclusion was derived through the collected materials and results according to the research purpose and method. First, it was determined that muscular endurance trends for both boys and girls in their elementary school period were similar for the current generation and the previous one, but as they went through their middle school period their muscular endurance development levels were found to be reduced compared with the previous generation students. Second, there was no difference in the cardiorespiratory endurance trends between the current and the previous generation students, unlike all other physical factors. Third, the boys displayed deteriorated reflex development during their growth period compared with their previous generation counterparts. On the other hand, girls displayed mostly stagnant development once they reached 8th grade level within their generation.

Examining Trajectory in Adolescent Mobile Phone Dependency Using Second-Order Latent Growth Modeling Analysis (이차잠재성장모형을 이용한 청소년기 휴대폰 의존의 발달궤적 검증)

  • Choi, jung-ah
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.287-288
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구에서는 급증하는 청소년기 휴대폰 의존 문제의 심각성에 주목하여 우리나라 청소년들의 휴대폰 의존이 시간의 흐름에 따라 어떠한 변화 양상을 보이는지 실증적인 검증을 실시하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 한국아동 청소년패널조사(KCYPS) 중학교 1학년 1~4차년도 자료에 대하여 이차잠재성장모형(second-order latent growth modeling)을 이용하여 휴대폰 의존의 발달궤적을 확인하였다. 휴대폰 의존의 발달궤적에 대한 최적의 모형을 찾기 위해 다수의 모형을 구성하여 비교 검증하였으며, 그 결과, 이차함수모형에 대하여 오차 간 공분산을 설정하고, 시간의 흐름에 따른 측정동일성 제약을 가한 후, 오차 간 공분산에 대한 동일화 제약을 가한 모형이 가장 좋은 적합도를 보이는 것으로 확인되었다. 이렇게 도출된 모형에 의하면, 중학교 1학년부터 고등학교 1학년까지 휴대폰 의존 정도는 증가하다가 그 증가율이 둔화되는 이차함수모형의 변화를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과에 근거하여 청소년기 휴대폰 의존에 대한 예방 및 개입과 관련된 함의를 제시하였다.

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Phenotypic Alterations in Transgenic Tobacco Plants that Overproduce Cytokinins (Cytokinins overproduction에 따른 담배형질전환체의 변화)

  • Chung, Yong-Yoon
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 1998
  • Cytokinin is one of major growth regulators in plants. In this study, the gene isopentenyl transferase (jpt) which encodes a key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of the growth regulator cytokinin isolated from Agrobacterium tumefaciens was introduced ito tobacco plant via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The jpt gene was modulated using the proteinase inhibitor II (PI-IIK) promotor. In general, this promoterlipt gene fusion resulted in overproduction of cytokinins throughout the transgenic plants. The overproduction of cytokinin caused dramatic changes in morphology of the plant, including stem thickness and reduced root development. The studies reported in this paper were initiated to examine the consequences of overproduction of cytokinin in plant.

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환선굴의 지형지물 분포와 가치

  • 홍시환
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.35
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 1993
  • 환선굴은 이른바 복합형이면서도 토출형의 석회동굴이다. 동굴내 지형의 기복이 다양하고 동굴 내부에 수많은 대소의 폭포와 여울이 걸려 있는 동굴유가 풍부한 동굴이며 동굴의 2차생성물은 이 동굴의 지표면을 이루고 있는 지층이 빈약하므로 2차생성물의 성장이 활발하지 못한 동굴이다. 동굴 천정의 지층 구조로 보아 제 Ⅰ지구에서는 비교적 이차생성물이 발달되고 있으나 그밖의 동굴 내부지역에서는 발달이 미약하다.(중략)

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Catch-up growth and development of very low birth weight infants (극소저출생체중아의 따라잡기 성장 및 발달평가)

  • Ma, Tae Ho;Kim, Kyung Ah;Ko, Sun Young;Lee, Yeon Kyung;Shin, Son Moon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to analyze the results and contributing factors of catch-up growth in very low birth weight infants(VLBWI) at the corrected age of 2 years. In addition, we looked for a relationship between the catch-up growth and the development by the bayley scales of infant development II(BSID II). Methods : A retrospective analysis by evaluating medical records was done for the 76 VLBWI whose follow-up was possible up to a corrected age of 2 years, out of the 114 who had been treated in the neonatal intensive care unit during the January of 2000 to December of 2001 at Samsung Cheil Hospital. Based on the Standard Korean Infant's Growth Curve, the catch-up growth group was defined over the 10th percentile of weight at 2 years as the corrected age and the failed catch-up growth group was defined under the 10th percentile. We investigated the clinical factors and courses of each group and compared the scores of the BSID II. Results : The catch-up growth group of the VLBWI was 51 infants and the failed catch-up growth group was 25 infants. In comparison with maternal clinical factors, use of antenatal steroids was significantly higher in the catch-up growth group. In comparisn with clinical factors and courses of VLBWI, two clinical factors were significantly different between the two groups : birth weight and intrauterine growth retardation(IUGR). Numbers of delayed development were increased in the failed catch-up growth group but statistically significant differences could not be observed. Conclusion : The catch-up growth of the VLBWI was affected by the use of antenatal steroids, birth weight and IUGR. No significant differences regarding neurodevelopmental outcome were observed between the catch-up and failed catch-up growth groups.

$Cr^{3+} :BeAl_2O_4$ 레이저 단결정 성장 및 $Cr^{3+}$이온의 특성

  • ;A.Yu.Ageyev
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.236-237
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    • 2000
  • 용액인상법에 의하여 Cr$^{3+}$ 이온이 0.1-0.2% 주입된 Alexandrite (Cr$^{3+}$ :BeAl$_2$O$_4$) 단결정을 성장하고, 성장한 단결정을 이용하여 레이저 소자를 제조하였다. 고품질의 단결정을 성장할 수 있는 결정성장조건을 규명하고, Cr$^{3+}$ 이온의 유효편석 계수를 계산하였으며, 결정 결함 및 분광 물성을 조사하였다. 결정성장 실험 결과, 유속 3 1/min의 질소분위기, 이리듐 도가니 및 <001>방위의 Alexandrite 단결정을 종자결정으로 사용하여 결정을 성장하는 경우 최적의 결정성장 조건은 인상속도 0.5-1.0 mm/hr와 회전속도 20-25 rpm이었다. 육성된 결정은 (100)면이 넓게 발달되었으며, (120)과 (010)면이 측면에 발달되는 판상의 직팔각기둥의 형태로 성장되었다. 결정결함으로써 parasite crystal의 형성과 경계면의 균열, striation, inclusion 등이 검출되었다. Alexandrite 단결정 내에 분포하는 Cr$^{3+}$ 이온의 유효편석계수 k$_{eff}$는 2.8로 계산되었다. 분광물성으로써 실온에서의 $^4$A$_2$$\longrightarrow$$^4$T$_2$(689.6-489.3 nm), $^4$A$_2$$\longrightarrow$$^4$T$_1$(489.3-311.33m) 천이에 의한 흡수를 확인하고, $^4$T$_2$$\longrightarrow$$^4$A$_2$(650-800 nm), $^2$E$\longrightarrow$$^4$A$_2$에 의한 nophonon line R$_1$, R$_2$(680.4, 678.5 nm) 및 $^2$T$_1$$\longrightarrow$$^4$A$_2$(655.7, 649.3, 645.2 nm)의 형광방출 스펙트럼을 얻었으며, 형광수명은 0.264 ms로 조사되었다. 제조된 레이저 발진봉은 직경 6.3 m, 길이 45 nm이었다.

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