• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성능 간섭

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Path-following Control for Autonomous Navigation of Marine Vessels Considering Disturbances (외력을 고려한 선박의 자율운항을 위한 경로추종 제어)

  • Lee, Sang-Do
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.557-565
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    • 2021
  • Path-following control is considered as one of the most fundamental skills to realize autonomous navigation of marine vessels in the ocean. This study addresses with the path-following control for a ship in which there are environmental disturbances in the directions of the surge, sway, and yaw motions. The guiding principle and back-stepping method was utilized to solve the ship's tracking problem on the reference path generated by a virtual ship. For path-following control, error dynamics is one of the most important skills, and it extends to the research fields of automatic collision avoidance and automatic berthing control. The algorithms for the guiding principles and error variables have been verified by numerical simulation. As a result, most error variables converged to zero values with the controller except for the yaw angle error. One of the most interesting results is that the tracking errors of path-following control between two ships are smaller than the existing safe passing distances considering interaction forces from near passing ships. Moreover, a trade-off between tracking performance and the ship's safety should be considered for determining the proper control parameters to prevent the destructive failure of actuators such as propellers, fins, and rudders during the path-following of marine vessels.

An Aerodynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Folding Tandem Wing Type Aerial Launching UAV (접이식 직렬날개형 공중투하 무인비행체의 공력 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Lee, Seungjin;Lee, Jungmin;Ahn, Jeongwoo;Park, Jinyong
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2018
  • The aerial launching UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) mainly uses a set of folding tandem wings to maximize flight performance and minimize the space required for mounting in a mothership. This folding tandem wing has a unique aerodynamic problem that is different from the general type of fixed wing aircraft, such as the rear wing interference problem caused by the wing of the front wing wake and vortex, and the imbalance of the pivot moment applied to the front and rear wings when the wing is deployed. In this paper, we have modeled and simulated various cases through computational fluid dynamics based on the finite volume method and analyzed various aerodynamic phenomena of the tandem wing type aircraft. We find that the front wing shall be installed higher than the rear for minimizing the wake influence and the rear wing can be deployed faster than the front because of the pivot moment due to aerodynamic forces. Also, considering the pivot moment due to aerodynamic force, the rear wing can be deployed much faster than the front wing. Therefore, it is necessary to consider it when developing the wing deploy mechanism.

A Fundamental Experiment for Field Application of the under Pavement Cavity Management System Using RFID (RFID를 이용한 도로하부 공동 관리 시스템의 현장 적용을 위한 기초 실험)

  • Shin, Eun Chul;Park, Kwang Seok;Park, Jeong Jun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: In this study, the location and history information of the cavity identified in the cavity exploration, such as repacking of the pavement, is not known. Therefore, it is to review the field applicability of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) systems that enable anyone to accurately identify information. Method: Basic experiments were conducted for field applicability for cavity recognition distance, recognition and recognition rate, tag performance and tag type, reader interference, communication, underground burial impact, and duplicate recognition by RFID system. Results: As a result of the depth of tag and reader recognition, the electronic tag chips and readers applied in the basic experiment are judged to be effectively applicable in the field environment where the road cavity is located. Conclusion: The RFID tags for field application of the pavement management system store various information such as location and size of cavity, identification date, cause of occurrence, and surrounding underground facilities to maximize cavity management effect with a system that can be computerized and mobile utilization.

A Study on Backup PNT Service for Korean Maritime Using NDGNSS (NDGNSS 인프라를 활용한 국내 해상 백업 PNT 서비스 연구)

  • Han, Young-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Heon;Park, Sul-Gee;Fang, Tae-Hyun;Park, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2019
  • The significance of PNT information in the fourth industrial revolution is viewed differently in relation to the past. Autonomous vehicles, autonomous vessels, smart grids, and national infrastructure require sustainable and reliable services in addition to their high precision service. Satellite navigation system, which is the most representative system for providing PNT information, receive signals from satellites outside the earth so signal reception power is low and signal structures for civilian use are open to the public. Therefore, it is vulnerable to intentional and unintentional interference or hacking. Satellite navigation systems, which can easily acquire high performance of PNT information at low cost, require alternatives due to its vulnerability to the hacking. This paper proposed R-Mode (Ranging Mode) technology that utilizes currently operated navigation and communication infrastructure in terms of Signals of OPportunity (SoOP). For this, the Nationwide Differential Global Navigation Satellite System (NDGNSS), which currently gives a service of Medium Frequency (MF) navigation signal broadcasting, was used to validate the feasibility of a backup infrastructure in domestic maritime areas through simulation analysis.

Study on a New Method for Precise Stop Control of Metro Trains: In Case of Large Speed Error (도시철도 열차 정위치 정차제어의 새로운 방안에 대한 연구: 속도 오차가 큰 경우)

  • Kim, Jungtai
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.591-598
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    • 2021
  • One of the requirements of metro trains is to stop with precision to ensure that the train can stop precisely at the designated location on the platform. If this is not satisfied, interference with the screen door occurs, causing inconvenience to passengers and delays in operation. In the case of an automatic operated train, the current position is determined by the current speed information of the train, and control is performed by issuing an acceleration/deceleration command. Therefore, accurate control becomes impossible if the error of the speed information is large. In metro railroads, a Precision Stop Marker (PSM) is used to correct the position error, so that the error of stop control can be reduced by correcting the position error at a specific point. On the other hand, because the PSM itself has only position information, it does not compensate for the speed error. This paper proposes a method for performing in-place stop control by estimating the speed with the PSM progress information. The speed can be estimated when the train is operated at a constant deceleration speed, and the target deceleration can be obtained to perform stop control. The feasibility and excellence of the proposed method are shown through a numerical simulation.

Parametric Study on Effect of Floating Breakwater for Offshore Photovoltaic System in Waves (해상태양광 구조물용 부유식 방파제의 파랑저감성능 평가)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sung;Kim, Byoung Wan;Lee, Kangsu
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2022
  • There has been an increasing number of studies on photovoltaic energy generation system in an offshore site with the largest energy generation efficiency, as increasing the researches and developments of renewable energies for use of offshore space and resources to replace existing fossil fuels and resolve environmental challenges. For installation and operation of floating photovoltaic systems in an offshore site with harsher environmental conditions, a stiffness of structural members comprising the total system must be reinforced to inland water spaces as dams, reservoirs etc., which have relatively weak condition. However, there are various limitations for the reinforcement of structural stiffness of the system, including producible size, total mass of the system, economic efficiency, etc. Thus, in this study, a floating breakwater is considered for reducing wave loads on the system and minimizing the reinforcement of the structural members. Wave reduction performances of floating breakwaters are evaluated, considering size and distance to the system. The wave loads on the system are evaluated using the higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM), considering the multi-body effect of buoys. Stresses on structural members are assessed by coupled analyses using the finite element method (FEM), considering the wave loads and hydrodynamic characteristics. As the maximum stresses on each of the cases are reviewed and compared, the effect of floating breakwater for floating photovoltaic system is checked, and it is confirmed that the size of breakwater has a significant effect on structural responses of the system.

Determination of mandipropamid residues in agricultural commodities using high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (고성능액체크로마토그래피를 이용한 농산물 중 Mandipropamid의 잔류분석법 확립)

  • Kwon, Chan Hyeok;Chang, Moon Ik;Im, Moo Hyeog;Choi, Hoon;Jung, Da I;Lee, Su Chan;Yu, Jin Young;Lee, Young Deuk;Lee, Jong Ok;Hong, Moo Ki
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.518-525
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    • 2008
  • Mandipropamid is a new mandelamide-type fungicide to control foliar Oomycete pathogens in some vegetables. An analytical method was developed to determine mandipropamid residues in agricultural commodities using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Mandipropamid was extracted with methanol from grape, tomato, green pepper, Chinese cabbage and potato samples. The extract was diluted with saturated sodium chloride solution and distilled water, and dichloromethane partition was followed to recover the mandipropamid from the aqueous phase. Florisil column chromatography was employed to further remove interfering co-extractives prior to HPLC analysis. Reverse-phased HPLC was successfully applied to determine mandipropamid in sample extracts with the detection at its ${\lambda}_{max}$ (223 nm). Overall recoveries of mandipropamid from fortified samples averaged $99.8{\pm}1.7$ (n=6), $89.3{\pm}5.3$ (n=6), $98.7{\pm}2.2$ (n=6), $99.7{\pm}6.8$ (n=6) and $91.1{\pm}3.1$ (n=6) for grape, tomato, green pepper, Chinese cabbage and potato, respectively. Limit of quantification of the method was 0.02~0.04 mg/kg for all samples. A LC/mass spectrometry with selected-ion monitoring was also provided to confirm the suspected residue. The proposed method was reproducible and sensitive enough to determine the terminal residue of mandipropamid in agricultural commodities.

Experimental Study of Metal Surface Wave Communication for Engine room of Vessels (선박 기관실에서의 금속체 표면파 통신 활용 연구)

  • Jin-Woo Kong;Hak-Sun Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.108-109
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    • 2022
  • In this study analyzed experimental data on noise interference caused by engine operating apply surface wave communication in the engine room. For the experiment, 7 areas of the engine room on 256 ton tug boat and measured noise during engine on off using signal analyzer for effect surface wave communication. In order to construct and actual communication network based on the analysis of the noise and confirm the characteristics of surface wave communication in the area made metal bulkheads the actual communication network installed communication equipment between three metal bulkheads and conducted a comparative experiment with wireless communication. The difference was confirmed. As a result, in the case of surface wave communication, there was no significant difference in the transmission and reception rates before and after engine operation in an environment with three bulkheads, but in the case of Wi-Fi using wireless, the performance deteriorated significantly during operation. was confirmed. As a result of analyzing the experimental data, it was confirmed that noise caused by engine operation affects wireless communication but does not affect surface wave communication. Therefore, even in the area with a lot of electromagnetic wave noise in the ship, when the surface wave communication system is configured using the ship's metal structure, it is possible to replace the wireless communication and furthermore, it is possible to apply the surface wave communication in the enclosed space and the engine room in the ship.

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Study on Structural Changes and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties of Ti-based MXene Materials by Heat Treatment (열처리에 의한 Ti 기반 MXene 소재의 구조 변화와 전자파 간섭 차폐 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Han Xue;Ji Soo Kyoung;Yun Sung Woo
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2023
  • MXene, a two-dimensional transition metal carbide or nitride, has recently attracted much attention as a lightweight and flexible electromagnetic shielding material due to its high electrical conductivity, good mechanical strength and thermal stability. In particular, the Ti-based MXene, Ti3C2Tx and Ti2CTx are reported to have the best electrical conductivity and electromagnetic shielding properties in the vast MXene family. Therefore, in this study, Ti3C2Tx and Ti2CTx films were prepared by vacuum filtration using Ti3C2Tx and Ti2CTx dispersions synthesized by interlayer metal etching and centrifugation of Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC. The electrical conductivity and electromagnetic shielding efficiency of the films were measured after heat treatment at high temperature. Then, X-ray diffraction and photoelectron spectroscopy were performed to analyze the structural changes of Ti3C2Tx and Ti2CTx films after heat treatment and their effects on electromagnetic shielding. Based on the results of this study, we propose an optimal structure for an ultra-thin, lightweight, and high performance MXene-based electromagnetic shielding film for future applications in small and wearable electronics.

Deep Learning-based Professional Image Interpretation Using Expertise Transplant (전문성 이식을 통한 딥러닝 기반 전문 이미지 해석 방법론)

  • Kim, Taejin;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.79-104
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as deep learning has attracted attention, the use of deep learning is being considered as a method for solving problems in various fields. In particular, deep learning is known to have excellent performance when applied to applying unstructured data such as text, sound and images, and many studies have proven its effectiveness. Owing to the remarkable development of text and image deep learning technology, interests in image captioning technology and its application is rapidly increasing. Image captioning is a technique that automatically generates relevant captions for a given image by handling both image comprehension and text generation simultaneously. In spite of the high entry barrier of image captioning that analysts should be able to process both image and text data, image captioning has established itself as one of the key fields in the A.I. research owing to its various applicability. In addition, many researches have been conducted to improve the performance of image captioning in various aspects. Recent researches attempt to create advanced captions that can not only describe an image accurately, but also convey the information contained in the image more sophisticatedly. Despite many recent efforts to improve the performance of image captioning, it is difficult to find any researches to interpret images from the perspective of domain experts in each field not from the perspective of the general public. Even for the same image, the part of interests may differ according to the professional field of the person who has encountered the image. Moreover, the way of interpreting and expressing the image also differs according to the level of expertise. The public tends to recognize the image from a holistic and general perspective, that is, from the perspective of identifying the image's constituent objects and their relationships. On the contrary, the domain experts tend to recognize the image by focusing on some specific elements necessary to interpret the given image based on their expertise. It implies that meaningful parts of an image are mutually different depending on viewers' perspective even for the same image. So, image captioning needs to implement this phenomenon. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method to generate captions specialized in each domain for the image by utilizing the expertise of experts in the corresponding domain. Specifically, after performing pre-training on a large amount of general data, the expertise in the field is transplanted through transfer-learning with a small amount of expertise data. However, simple adaption of transfer learning using expertise data may invoke another type of problems. Simultaneous learning with captions of various characteristics may invoke so-called 'inter-observation interference' problem, which make it difficult to perform pure learning of each characteristic point of view. For learning with vast amount of data, most of this interference is self-purified and has little impact on learning results. On the contrary, in the case of fine-tuning where learning is performed on a small amount of data, the impact of such interference on learning can be relatively large. To solve this problem, therefore, we propose a novel 'Character-Independent Transfer-learning' that performs transfer learning independently for each character. In order to confirm the feasibility of the proposed methodology, we performed experiments utilizing the results of pre-training on MSCOCO dataset which is comprised of 120,000 images and about 600,000 general captions. Additionally, according to the advice of an art therapist, about 300 pairs of 'image / expertise captions' were created, and the data was used for the experiments of expertise transplantation. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the caption generated according to the proposed methodology generates captions from the perspective of implanted expertise whereas the caption generated through learning on general data contains a number of contents irrelevant to expertise interpretation. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of specialized image interpretation. To achieve this goal, we present a method to use transfer learning and generate captions specialized in the specific domain. In the future, by applying the proposed methodology to expertise transplant in various fields, we expected that many researches will be actively conducted to solve the problem of lack of expertise data and to improve performance of image captioning.