• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성노동

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주거부문 행정자료의 인구주택총조사 활용방안

  • Lee, Geon;Byeon, Mi-Ri;Lee, Myeong-Jin;Seo, U-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Statistical Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.117-120
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    • 2005
  • 인구주택총조사는 국가통계의 가장 기본이 되는 자료를 생산하는 조사로 거의 대부분의 나라에서 전수조사방식으로 정기적으로 시행해왔다. 그러나 최근 들어 일부 국가, 특히 선진국에서 응답거부가 늘고, 조사대상을 접촉하기 어려운 등 조사환경이 나빠지고 있다. 아울러 조사비용이 급격하게 증가하고 있다. 이에 각 국의 통계청에서는 이러한 상황을 인구센서스에 대한 '근본적인 도전'으로 간주하고 있다(Jensen, 2000). 심지어 독일이나 네델란드에서는 조사환경의 악화로 1990년대 이후 인구센서스를 중단한 상태이다(Bierau, 2000). 조사환경의 악화는 조사의 포괄성과 신뢰성에 대한 문제를 야기한다. 선진국들과 마찬가지로 우리나라에서도 조사환경이 빠른 속도로 악화되고 있다. 더욱이 우리의 경우 읍면동사무소 기능축소로 말미암아 과거 인구주택총조사에서 실제 조사에 도움을 주었던 행정지원이 없어짐에 따라 앞으로 조사의 어려움은 더욱 커질 것으로 보인다. 이렇듯 악화되는 조사환경변화에 대응하여 선진 국가에서는 다양한 형태의 인구센서스방식들이 모색되고 있다. 많은 나라들이 순환형 센서스보다는 행정자료를 인구주택총조사에 활용하는 방안을 모색하고 있으며, 덴마크나 핀란드 등 일부 국가에서는 이미 전혀 조사를 하지 않고 행정자료로 대부분의 인구센서스 통계를 생산하고 있다(Harala, 1996; Gaasemyr, 1999; Laihonen, 1999), 많은 나라들이 행정자료를 활용한 인구센서스 방식을 선호하는 데는 또 다른 이유가 있다. 자료의 측면에서 보면, 행정자료를 활용할 경우 매년 인구센서스 통계를 생산할 수 있다. 실제로 현재 덴마크와 핀란드는 인구센서스에 준하는 통계를 매년 생산하고 있다. 또한 이러한 자료를 바탕으로 지역통계 수요에 즉각 대처할 수 있다. 더 나아가 이와 같은 통계는 전 국민에 대한 패널자료이기 때문에 통계적 활용의 범위가 방대하다. 특히 개인, 가구, 사업체 등 사회 활동의 주체들이 어떻게 변화하는지를 추적할 수 있는 자료를 생산함으로써 다양한 인과적 통계분석을 할 수 있다. 행정자료를 활용한 인구센서스의 이러한 특징은 국가의 교육정책, 노동정책, 복지정책 등 다양한 정책을 정확한 자료를 근거로 수립할 수 있는 기반을 제공한다(Gaasemyr, 1999). 이와 더불어 행정자료 기반의 인구센서스는 비용이 적게 드는 장점이 있다. 예를 들어 덴마크나 핀란드에서는 조사로 자료를 생산하던 때의 1/20 정도 비용으로 행정자료로 인구센서스의 모든 자료를 생산하고 있다. 특히, 최근 모든 행정자료들이 정보통신기술에 의해 데이터베이스 형태로 바뀌고, 인터넷을 근간으로 한 컴퓨터네트워크가 발달함에 따라 각 부처별로 행정을 위해 축적한 자료를 정보통신기술로 연계${cdot}$통합하면 막대한 조사비용을 들이지 않더라도 인구센서스자료를 적은 비용으로 생산할 수 있는 근간이 마련되었다. 이렇듯 행정자료 기반의 인구센서스가 많은 장점을 가졌지만, 그렇다고 모든 국가가 당장 행정자료로 인구센서스를 대체할 수 있는 것은 아니다. 행정자료로 인구센서스통계를 생산하기 위해서는 각 행정부서별로 사용하는 행정자료들을 연계${cdot}$통합할 수 있도록 국가사회전반에 걸쳐 행정 체제가 갖추어져야 하기 때문이다. 특히 모든 국민 개개인에 관한 기본정보, 개인들이 거주하며 생활하는 단위인 개별 주거단위에 관한 정보가 행정부에 등록되어 있고, 잘 정비되어 있어야 하며, 정보의 형태 또한 서로 연계가 가능하도록 표준화되어있어야 한다. 이와 더불어, 현재 인구센서스에서 표본조사를 통해 부가적으로 생산하는 경제활동통계를 생산하기 위해서는 개인이 속한 사업체를 파악할 수 있도록 모든 사업체가 등록되어 있고, 개인의 경제활동과 관련된 각종 정보들이 사업체에 잘 기록 및 정비되어 있어야 한다. 따라서 행정자료 기반의 인구센서스통계생산은 단지 국가의 통계뿐만 아니라 행정조직과 행정체계를 정비하고, 개인과 사업체의 등록체계를 정비하며, 사업체의 개인에 관한 정보를 정비하여 표준화하는 막대한 작업을 수반한다. 이런 이유에서 대부분의 국가들은 장래에 행정자료 기반의 인구센서스통계생산을 목표로 하되, 당장은 행정자료를 인구센서스에 보조적 수단을 사용하는 데 노력을 기울이고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 행정자료를 인구주택총조사에 활용할 수 있는 몇 가지 중요한 기반을 갖추고 있다. 첫째, 1962년부터 시행한 주민등록제도가 있다. 주민등록제도는 모든 국민 개개인을 파악할 수 있는 주민등록번호를 갖추고 있으며 40년 이상 제도화되어 오류가 거의 없는 편이다. 둘째, 세계 10위권 내에 들 정도로 높은 우리나라의 정보화 수준과 2000년부터 시작된 전자정부사업으로 행정자료를 연계${cdot}$통합할 수 있는 기반이 잘 갖추어져 있다. 반면, 우리나라 행정자료 가운데 주거(생활)단위와 사업체를 파악할 수 있는 자료는 매우불완전하다. 대표적으로 인구센서스통계의 주요한 단위인 가구를 파악할 수 있는 수준으로 주소체계가 정비되어 있지 않으며, 많은 사업체, 특히 소규모 사업 가운데 등록되어 있지 않거나 등록오류가 많은 편이다. 이외에도 과세대장, 토지대장 등 많은 행정자료가 아직은 불완전하여 이들을 직접 연계하기에 어렵다. 행정자료를 연계하기 위해서는 모든 자료를 정비하고 표준화하여 실제 행정에 활용하여야 하기 때문에 행정적으로 많은 노력과 시간이필요하다. 따라서 현재는 손쉬운 부분에서부터 인구주택총조사에 행정자료를 활용하고, 앞으로 활용 과정을 거치면서 행정자료를 정비하고 표준화하는 장기적인 방안을 마련할 필요가 있다.

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Comparison of Growth, Yield and Quality by Green Crop Treatments in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Organic Cultivation (벼 유기재배 시 녹비작물 처리에 의한 작물의 생육, 수량 및 품질 비교)

  • Cha, Kwang-Hong;Oh, Hwan-Jung;Park, Heung-Gyu;An, Kyu-Nam;Park, Ro-Dong;Jung, Woo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2011
  • To investigate a comparison of rice yield and quality by a utilization of green crops using barley and hairyvetch, this study was carried out in rice (Oryza sativa L.) organic cultivation field. Convention barley harvest (CBH), Green barley crop (GBC), Green barley+Green Hairyvetch crop (GB+HVC), and Non-Green crop (NGC) were treated in rice cultivation field. The results obtained as following: 1) Culm length and pancile length in Convention barley harvest (CBH) cultivation were longer than organic cultivation but were not significant difference in all treatments. Yields of milled rice in Green barley crop (GBC) and Green barley+Green Hairyvetch crop (GB+HVC) were by 90.3% and 95.9%, respectively. 2) Protein contents in Green barley crop (GBC) and Green barley+Green Hairyvetch crop (GB+HVC) were by 5.7% lower than 6.6% in Convention barley harvest (CBH) cultivation. Amylose contents in all treatment were similar as range 18.8% to 19.1%. Whiteness contents in Green barley crop (GBC) and Green barley+Green Hairyvetch crop (GB+HVC) were slightly higher by 38.9% and 39.1%, respectively, than 37.7% in Convention barley harvest (CBH) cultivation. 3) Palatability values in Barley harvest (BH) and Non-Green crop (NGC) were slightly higher by 82.0 and 83.8, respectively, than 77.6 in Convention barley harvest (CBH) cultivation. 4) Head rice in Non-Green crop (NGC) was 95.5%, while that of Convention barley harvest (CBH), Green barley crop (GBC), and Green barley+Green Hairy-vetch crop (GB+HVC) were slightly low as range 93.8% to 94.2%. White core and belly rice in Convention barley harvest (CBH) cultivation was the highest level by 1.7%. 5) Leaf blast, neck blast, sheath blight, rice stem maggot, rice leaf roller, rice leaf-tier, and green rice leafhopper were occurred lightly in rice field.

Treatment Level of a Pond System for Ecological Treatment and Recycling of Animal Excreta (생태적 축산폐수 처리 및 재활용 연못시스템의 폐수처리수준)

  • Yang, Hong-Mo;Rhee, Chong-Ouk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 1998
  • A model of pond system is developed for treatment and recycling of excreta from twenty-five adult dairy cattle. It is composed of wastewater treatment ponds and small fish ponds. Those are three facultative ponds in series; primary-secondary-tertiary pond and these are designed to rear carps without feeding. A pit is constructed at the bottom of primary pond for efficient sludge sedimentation and effective methane fermentation. It is contrived to block into it the penetration of oxygen dissolved in the upper layer of pond water. The excreta from the cattle housed in stalls are diluted by water used for clearing them. The washed excreta flow into the pit. The average yearly $BOD_5$ concentration of influent is 398.7mg/l. That of the effluent from primary, secondary and tertiary pond of the system is 49.18, 27.9, and 19.8.mg/l respectively. Approximate 88, 93, and 95 % of BOD5 are removed in each pond. The mean yearly SS concentration of influent is 360.5 mg/l That of the effluent from each pond is 53.4, 45.7, and32.7mg/l respectively. Approximate 86, 88, and 91% of SS are removed in each pond. The $BOD_5$ concentration of secondary and tertiary pond can satisfy 30mg/l secondary treatment standard. The SS concentration of effluent from tertiary pond, however, is slightly greater than the standard, which results from activities of carps growing in the pond. The average yearly total nitrogen concentration of influent is 206.8mg/l and that of the effluent from each pond is 48.6, 30.8, and 21.0mg/l respectively. Approximate 74, 88, and 90% of total nitrogen are removed in each pond. The mean yearly total phosphorous concentration of influent is 20.7mg/l and that of the effluent from each pond is 5.3, 3.2, and 2.1mg/l respectively. Approximate 97, 98, and 99% of total phosphorous are removed in each pond. The high removal of nitrogen and phosphorous results from active growth of algae in the upper layer of pond water. Important pond design parameters for southern part of Korea -- areal loading of BOD5, liquid depth, hydraulic detention time, free board, and pond arrangement -- are taken up.

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Analysis of Reproductive and Growing Performances by Sow Farm Sizes (국내 양돈장의 모돈규모별 번식 및 육성성적 분석)

  • Kim, Gye Woong;Ok, Young Soo
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to investigate the reproductive and growing performances in sow farms located in Chungnam. Data collected from a total of 15 sow farms divided into 3 farm groups for 1 year were analyzed. The results obtained were as follows; The average of sow at small and large farms were 114.25 and 487.88 heads, respectively. And then, the difference among 3 groups in sow farm was not found significantly in farrowing rate. The significant difference among 3 farm groups was significantly found(p<0.05) in total litter size. The litter size born alive at sucking in small sow farm and middle farms were 9.93, and 10.48 pigs. The difference between small and large farms in number of pigs at weaning were significantly shown 8.89, and 9.35 pigs(p<0.05), respectively. The difference among 3 sow farms for ages at weaning showed significantly (p<0.05). The cycles of farrowing rate per year in small, large and middle farms were 2.17, 2.23 and 2.32, respectively. The significant difference among 3 sow groups was found in farrowing rate(p<0.05). The growing rate up to weaning for middle farms was significantly the higher level(94.70%) than that for other farms(p<0.05). The differences among 3 farm groups for marketing weight were not significantly shown.

Patterns of Cash Payments for Care : Cross-National Comparative Study (장기요양 현금급여 정책의 국가간 비교 연구)

  • Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.273-302
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    • 2006
  • The introduction of cash payments for care is a distinct trend that characterizes changes in care policies since the 1990s. Recently, many developed countries have newly introduced or extended cash payments for care that allow care users to be able to plan themselves for their cares instead of receiving direct care services from the state. Cash payments for care can be said to be one of the alternative policies by which user choices are extended, and it becomes possible to establish demand-cantered care delivery systems more economically and effectively, hence addressing the issue of the financial limitations and rigid systems that are common in modern welfare states, which make it difficult to response to various needs. However, the design and administration of cash for care vary across different countries. Such variations of cash for care policies influence on the combination of consumerism (based on liberal market values intrinsic in the care market) and citizenship based on social solidarity. Those variations eventually produce impacts on the balance of responsibilities and the roles of families, the state and market regarding care in other words, balancing of welfare pluralism. This paper has attempted to find general meanings and particularity of cash for care polices in modem welfare states by means of looking at the characteristics of cash for care policies of four different countries (Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy) and their impacts on their care market. If the four countries are ranked by the degree that they emphasize citizenship in light with social rights, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy could be placed in due order. From an economic point of view and in terms of cost containment, those countries will be placed in an inverse order, It is apparent that in the course of planting cash for care policies in the existing social systems involving different socio-cultural conditions and labour markets, sometimes more emphasis is placed on the citizenship of care users, family carers and care providers than on cost containment issue, and sometimes vice versa. Behind this lies the process of different social valuation on what care is about; who can better deliver care; who should be responsible for care; how responsibilities should be shared and so on.

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Research Trends in Driving Rehabilitation for the Disabled in South Korea since 2000 (국내 장애인 운전재활 연구동향: 2000년도 이후)

  • Jo, Eun-Ju;Noh, Dong-Hee;Kim, Kwang-Jae;Bae, Seon-Young;Kang, Seong-Ku;Moon, Seong-Bae;Kam, Kyung-Yoon
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2018
  • Objective : This study aims to review research trends in driving rehabilitation for the disabled in South Korea since 2000 suggesting research directions for clinicians and researchers. Methods : Fifty eight articles in 16 journals listed in accredited or candidate journal lists of National Research Foundation of Korea from January, 2000 to December, 2016 were reviewed. 'Driving rehabilitation' and 'driving for disabled' were used as search terms. Descriptive statistics were used to classify articles according to study methodology, levels of evidence, study participants, research topics, and academic associations or official journals. Results : Fifty percent of analyzed researches have been published since 2012. Twenty-two studies (37.9%) were published as group comparison and correlational research. Only seven studies (12.1%) were included in evidence level I. There were 19 studies (38.8%) conducted with brain-injured patients among 49 studies including participants. The Korean Society of Occupational Therapy Journal, having published 15 studies (25.9%) about driving rehabilitation, ranked first among the analyzed journals. In research topic, 15 (25.9%) studies were performed about clinical evaluation. Conclusion : The present study showed that the quality of driving rehabilitation-related studies has been increasing, but more intervention-based researches need to be carried out and it is also necessary to carry out various researches in related fields in order to establish efficient driving rehabilitation in Korea.

Revisiting the cause of unemployment problem in Korea's labor market: The job seeker's interests-based topic analysis (취업준비생 토픽 분석을 통한 취업난 원인의 재탐색)

  • Kim, Jung-Su;Lee, Suk-Jun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2016
  • The present study aims to explore the causes of employment difficulty on the basis of job applicant's interest from P-E (person-environment) fit perspective. Our approach relied on a textual analytic method to reveal insights from their situational interests in a job search during the change of labor market. Thus, to investigate the type of major interests and psychological responses, user-generated texts in a social community were collected for analysis between January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015 by crawling the online-community in regard to job seeking and sharing information and opinions. The results of topic analysis indicated user's primary interests were divided into four types: perception of vocation expectation, employment pre-preparation behaviors, perception of labor market, and job-seeking stress. Specially, job applicants put mainly concerns of monetary reward and a form of employment, rather than their work values or career exploration, thus youth job applicants expressed their psychological responses using contextualized language (e.g., slang, vulgarisms) for projecting their unstable state under uncertainty in response to environmental changes. Additionally, they have perceived activities in the restricted preparation (e.g., certification, English exam) as determinant factors for success in employment and suffered form job-seeking stress. On the basis of these findings, current unemployment matters are totally attributed to the absence of pursing the value of vocation and job in individuals, organizations, and society. Concretely, job seekers are preoccupied with occupational prestige in social aspect and have undecided vocational value. On the other hand, most companies have no perception of the importance of human resources and have overlooked the needs for proper work environment development in respect of stimulating individual motivation. The attempt in this study to reinterpret the effect of environment as for classifying job applicant's interests in reference to linguistic and psychological theories not only helps conduct a more comprehensive meaning for understanding social matters, but guides new directions for future research on job applicant's psychological factors (e.g., attitudes, motivation) using topic analysis.

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Restructuring of the Old-Age Income Maintenance System and Development Direction of the Seniority Pension Scheme in Korea (노령소득보장체계의 재구축과 경로연금제도의 발전방향)

  • Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.50
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    • pp.235-263
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    • 2002
  • The present study is designed to explore restructuring direction of the old-age income maintenance system and development direction of the Seniority Pension Scheme(SPS) in Korea. While the SPS is trifling scheme with tiny benefit amount and small budget, the SPS has important role that function as only public income maintenance scheme for both the low income class and the excluded from public pension and public assistance at present stage because of immature National Pension. This study starts with the research question why serious mis-matching problem between needs and resources in old-age income maintenance system occur. Thus this study explores fundamental change direction of the old-age income maintenance system which is coincide with further situation change(demography, labour market, family structure). Also this study explores desirable SPS's development direction as taking into account relation with other public old-age income maintenance system. This paper suggests basic direction of old-age income maintenance system as follows: principle of universal and individual security; principle of sustainability; principle of equity. Under general principle, this paper also proposes largely two development scenario of the SPS. The one is to maintain present transitional and provisional scheme with trying scheme's substantiality. The other is to change into permanent old-age income maintenance scheme for the excluded public pension and public assistance. At this point it is the public pension's role that the SPS's development direction is determined. If the public pension keep one pension per one earner as present system, non-contribution pension as present SPS should maintain continuously. However, if the public pension reorganize into basic pension of one pension per one person and earning-related pension, the SPS should be managed temporarily until mature of public pension. Therefore whether the public pension play basic security role for all elderly or not will determine the SPS development direction.

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An Analysis of the Determinants of Employment and Wage of New College Graduates (신규대졸자의 취업 및 임금수준 결정요인 분석)

  • Chai, Goo-Mook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.35-61
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the determinants of employment and wage of new college graduates by using Youth Panel Data(2003-2005) of the Work Information Center, and seeks assignments for mitigating unemployment and wage disparities of new college graduates. Results are summarized as follows. First, an analysis of the determinants of employment shows that the Kyunggi Inchon district in school locations, higher school records, and qualification certificates positively affect the employment rate, while the private college group in the non-capital area negatively affects the employment rate. Second, an analysis of determinants of standard employment demonstrates that the Kyunggi Inchon district in school locations, higher school records, qualification certificates, and the major group of medical science, pharmacy, nursing science and health science, and the major group of education positively affect the employment rate, while the private college group in the non-capital area, the junior college groups in the capital and non-capital areas negatively affect the employment rate. Third, an analysis of determinants of nonstandard employment shows that the junior college graduation in scholarly attainments, the junior college groups in the capital and non-capital areas positively affect the employment rate, while the private college group in the non-capital area negatively affects the employment rate. Fourth, an analysis of the determinants of wages demonstrates that male in sex, the older in ages, the major group of medical science, pharmacy, nursing science and health science, and the major group of education positively affect the wages, while nonstandard employment, Kyunggi Inchon and Cholla districts in school locations negatively affect the wages. These results suggest several implications. First, college education should be reformed to cultivate professional manpower who are required by industries. Second, alternative measures to mitigate sex discrimination in labor markets should be prepared. Third, the process of attaining qualification certificates should be reformed in order that it is actually connected to the abilities of work performances and the improvement of productivity. Fourth, a locally balanced development must be realized through the decentralization of industries. Fifth a systematic and comprehensive program need to be prepared to promote the employment of new college graduates.

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Effects of Covering Materials on Prevention of Freeze Damage and Labor Saving in Saururus chinensis Baill During Wintering (삼백초의 월동 피복재 종류별 동해방지 및 노동력 절감효과)

  • Nam, Sang-Young;Kim, In-Jae;Kim, Min-Ja;Yun, Tae;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Park, Sung-Gue;Lee, Woo-Young;Kim, Hong-Sig
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.287-292
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    • 2005
  • To investigate the effects of heat conservation materials on freeze damage and weed occurrence during overwintering in Saururus chinensis, Temperature difference was $6.9^{\circ}C$ in chaff, and was lower than those ranged from 9.7 to $14.4^{\circ}C$ in other materials. Heat conservation index, calculated from average temperatures below $-10^{\circ}C$ of earth's surface during the winter, was higher $1.7^{\circ}C\;and\;1.5^{\circ}C$ in chaff and lagging, respectively than in straw. Preservation of water is greater $9.6{\sim}26.1%$ in covering than in open field, and it increased in the order of lagging > chaff > straw among heat conservation materials. The survival rate of rhizome was increased in the order of 99% in lagging > 75% in chaff > 58% in straw, 32% in open field after overwintering, budbreak began fast, and the numbers of total budbreak per unit area were greater 22 times in lagging than 35.0 units in open field. Weeds occurrence was decreased in covering, i.e., $12.0{\sim}33.2\;units/m^2,\;7.3{\sim}10.7\;kg/10a$ of dry weight, and $5.6{\sim}6.4\;hours/10a$ of labor input compared with $157.2\;units/m^2,\;28.9\;kg/10a$ of dry weight, and 65.7 hours/10a of labor input in open field. Growth of top part was better in covering than in open field, and the number of tillers per unit area showed $347{\sim}396$ compared with 293 in open field. Marketable yields of dried stem and leaves and rhizome were higher $69{\sim}87%\;and\;58{\sim}88%$, respectively in covering than in open field, and among heat conservation materials, those were highest in lagging.