• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성노동

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Effect of Wage Peak System on Labor Market Integration of Senior Workers base on Age Integration Paradigm (연령통합적 관점에 기초한 임금피크제의 고령근로자 노동시장 통합 효과)

  • Choi, Hyeji;Jeon, Haesang;You, Yonglim;Chung, Soondool
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 2016
  • This study stemmed from the notion that effects of wage peak system were investigated exclusively on management efficiency from the perspective of workplace. As a way to overcome the limitation of previous studies, This study examined the effects of wage peak system on age integration of senior workers. Quantitative analyses with data from workplace panel survey were executed. Results revealed that percent of workers aged 50 and over was significantly higher in work places that implemented wag peak system than that of those did not. Also Average year of employment for full time workers was higher in work places that implemented wag peak system than that of those did not, suggesting that wage peak system was related to labor market integration of aged workers in some ways.

The polarization of labour market and social integration - social integrative law & institutions and labour market policy (노동시장양극화와 사회통합방안 - 사회통합적 법·제도와 노동시장정책을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ho-Geun
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.261-304
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    • 2013
  • This article is aiming intensively to analyze the polarizing tendency of labour market and social integration. The polarization of labour market is being regarded as one of the hottest issues not less important than those problems of economic growth, employment, income distribution and national security etc. in the national policy. In this article, we will first follow up the important phenomena of labour market polarization and the background as well as its consequence. Especially, it asks if the present labour policy in the new government which is now being concentrated on the improvement of employment rate(from the present 63% to the 70% in the future) could deserve to diminish the polarization of labour market in korea. At one side, this article makes the special attention on the diversifying tendency of labour market and the various phenomena of fragmentation and segmentation in the labour market according to the forms and types of employment and according to the employee's status as much as the company's size. At the other side, it emphasizes that to overcome the polarization of labour market should require the wide reform from the legal measure to the improvement of the wage system, and the qualification system and the social investment as well as the human resource development. Furthermore, this article stresses the importance of integrative approach between the active market policy and the social policy instead of choosing each policy option, seperatively.

Vulnerability Index for Workplace Spot Inspection (취약지수를 이용한 사업장 근로감독과 지방노동관서 평가)

  • Kim, Sung Tai;Park, Wonju;Jeon, Yongil
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.29-58
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    • 2011
  • Using careful background research and methodology, we proposed a revised sectoral index of vulnerability that is directly applied to two central labor examples: working hours and minimum wages. The valued calculated by each specific index represent the degree of weakness in corresponding conditions at the level of workplace units. Our proposed vulnerability index promises to be applicable to all business units under labor spot inspection. Also, it can be easily updated as the business environment evolves. The index is useful in selecting certain groups of business units and in evaluating the effectiveness of each regional government office.

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Analysis on the Impacts of Characteristics of role and Social Support of Dental Hygienist on Emotional Labor (치과위생사의 직무역할 특성과 사회적 지원이 감정노동에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Ga-Ryoung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1707-1715
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted using structured questionnaire to 103 dental hygienists who agreed to research among dental hygienists working at Ulsan-based dental clinics in an attempt to analyze the impact of dental roles and social support on emotional labor. Statements of collected data were performed on t-test and ons-way ANOVA, correlation and multiple regression using the SPSS Statistics ver 18.0 for windows program. The study found that the higher role conflicts and greater role ambiguity in relation to direct trade and emotional labor, the higher the intensity of emotional labor, and the more social support, the lower the intensity of emotional labor. The emotional labor of dental hygienists can be solved at a personal level by trying to improve their relationship with members at a dentist's office and by making clear and more professional work segmentation according to their working characteristics. This will help develop a plan to manage the emotional labor of dental hygienists.

The Impact of Employment Precariousness on Depression: Focusing on the Multidimensional Concept of Precarious Employment (고용 불안정성이 우울에 미치는 영향: 불안정 고용의 다차원적 개념을 중심으로)

  • Che, Xianhua;Moon, Daseul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.677-688
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    • 2022
  • Precarious employment is negatively associated with mental health including depression. The aim of the study is to suggest the multidimensional definition of precarious employment and examine its impacts on depression. Using the fifth save of the Korean Working Condition Survey, we first measured six different dimensions of employment precariousness: temporariness, disempowerment, vulnerability, difficulty exercising rights, unpredictability of working times, and low wage. All of six precariousness indicators consisted of a scale from 0 to 100. Then, we conducted logistic regression to examine the association between employment precariousness and depression. For men, the risk of depression increased by 3.1%, 1%, and 0.5%, respectively, for each one point increase in vulnerability, difficulty in exercising rights, and unpredictability of working times. For women, the risk increased by 0.5%, 2.3%, and 0.8%, respectively, for each one point increase in temporariness, vulnerability, and difficulty in exercising rights. Our findings suggest that not only a secure employment contract, but also their substantive labor rights should be guaranteed for health for workers.

The effects of emotional labor and job burnout of the ski resort workers on service level (스키리조트 종사자의 감정노동과 직무소진이 서비스 제공수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Won-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.449-457
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was empirically to reveal the effects of emotional labor and job burnout of the ski resort workers on service level. For the study, a survey of 215 people working in domestic ski resorts was conducted. Emotional labor was composed of two sub-factors: surface acting and deep acting. Service level was composed of three sub-factors: tangibles, responsiveness, endeavor. The following results were obtained by confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis. First, in emotional labor which ski resort worker perceived, surface acting had a positive effect on job burnout, while deep acting had a negative effect on it. Second, surface acting had a positive effect on tangibles and responsiveness of service level and deep acting had a positive effect on tangibles, responsiveness and endeavor of service level. Third, job burnout which ski resort worker perceived had a negative effect on tangibles, responsiveness and endeavor of service level. This study suggested that implications and limitations of the relationship between outcomes and emotional labor which people working at sport organizations such as a ski resort have experienced.

싱가폴 출장을 다녀와서

  • Jeong, Gwang-Taek
    • Journal of the Korea Construction Safety Engineering Association
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    • s.15
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 1995
  • 재해예방의 선진국인 싱가폴 방문연수를 통하여 싱가폴의 재해예방제도 및 활동을 참고하여 국내의 건설대해 예방활동의 발전방향을 모색하고자, 싱가폴 노동성의 협조를 얻어 '94년 9월 4일부터 9월11일까지 싱가폴내 대표적인 건설현장의 가설구조 설치 및 안전관리에 대한 현황 그리고 노동성의 안전관리 측면에 대한 행정적인 실태를 알아보았다.

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The Effect of Minimum Wages on New Hiring of Low-wage Workers (최저임금의 저임금 근로자의 신규 채용 억제효과)

  • Kim, Dae Il
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.29-50
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    • 2012
  • This paper estimates the effect of minimum wages on new hiring of low wage workers from a time-series. The results indicate that minimum wages tend to reduce the new hiring of low wage workers, in particular, among women, less educated and older population. The strongly negative effect on new hiring suggests that the burden of reduced labor demand arising from higher minimum wages tend to fall mostly upon the unprotected low-wage job searchers due to the short-term rigidity of employment adjustment among the existing workers.

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A Preliminary Study on the Japanese Gender Policy Measures in the 1990s (1990년대 일본여성노동력에 대한 사회적 보호정책의 새로운 흐름)

  • 김미숙
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.163-195
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    • 1999
  • 이 글은 '강력한 남성 부양자'국가로서 90년대 일본사회가 제시한 여성노동력에 대한 사회적 보호정책을 살펴보고 평가하는데 그 목적이 있다. 논의의 초점은 크게 3가지로 구분되는데 어머니로서는 보육정책을, 노동자로서는 노동정책을, 부인으로서는 사회보장 정책에 대한 논의가 그것이다. 보육정책의 경우 급격한 소자녀와 추세에 따라서 94년에 도입된 "엔젤 플랜"의 성격을 소개하였다. 노동정책은 99년 4월 실시된 개정 '노기법', 균등법', 휴업법' 내용을 다루었다. 정책내용에 담겨 있는 성이 여성의 규정방식을 평가하였다. 90년대 이후 지속되는 일본경제의 장기 불황 그리고 전세계적으로 도입되고 있는 신자유주의적 사조는, 90년대 이루어진 여성노동력에 대한 사회적 보호정책 개정의 효과를 반감시키는 요인으로 작용할 수 있다. 즉, 최근 개정된 일련의 여성노동력에 대한 사회적 보호정책의 기조는 '강력한 남성부양자' 국가인 일본사회의 남성 중심성을 수정 보완하기에는 역부족으로 보인다.

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Hydroponic Adoptabilities of Major Cultivars of Cucumber Plants in Retarding Culture (주요 오이품종들의 억제작형 양액재배 적응성 비교)

  • 임준택;김학진;정순주;이범선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.200-203
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    • 1999
  • 양액재배는 고품질의 농산물을 다수확할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 환경부하를 적게 할 수 있는 재배법이면서 노동력을 경감시킬 수 있는 생력시스템으로 평가되어지고 있으며, 현재의 농업생산과정에서 발생하고 있는 여러 가지 문제점들을 해결할 수 있는 대응기술로써 각광을 받고 있다. 특히, 영농후계자의 감소와 농업인구의 노령화에 따라 농업노동력이 갈수록 줄어드는 상황하에서 첨단과학영농기술을 개발ㆍ보급함으로서 노동력절감은 물론 노동생산성을 크게 향상시킬 수 있는 시스템의 생산이 가능하고, 주년생산에 따른 연간 노동력의 배분을 상당한 정도로 균등화시킬수 있으며, 작업환경이 청정하여 노동의 질적 향상을 꾀할 수 있고, 컴퓨터 등 첨단 시설 및 장비의 도입으로 재배관리전반을 자동화할 수 있는 재배기술이 바로 양액재배이다. (중략)

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