Relation of Social Security Network, Community Unity and Local Government Trust (지역사회 사회안전망구축과 지역사회결속 및 지방자치단체 신뢰의 관계)
- Korean Security Journal
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- no.42
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- pp.7-36
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- 2015
This study aims at analyzing difference of social Security network, Community unity and local government trust according to socio-demographical features, exploring the relation of social Security network, Community unity and local government trust according to socio-demographical features, presenting results between each variable as a model and verifying the property of mutual ones. This study sampled general citizens in Gwangju for about 15 days Aug. 15 through Aug. 30, 2014, distributed total 450 copies using cluster random sampling, gathered 438 persons, 412 persons of whom were used for analysis. This study verified the validity and credibility of the questionnaire through an experts' meeting, preliminary test, factor analysis and credibility analysis. The credibility of questionnaire was
This study compared and reviewed the recognition determinants by applying the OECMs criteria, focusing on old big trees, plant of natural monument that are natural heritage under the national heritage system of the Cultural Heritage Administration, and the results are as follows. First, among the protected areas designated and managed by government agencies according to each protection purpose, it is necessary to actively introduce new conservation measures, OECMs, to fulfill the Biodiversity strategy for 2030 while the land area is already saturated. Second, the OECMs are geographically defined areas(CBD, 2018), not currently recognized as a protected areas, governed and managed in a way that achieves positived sustained and effective contribution to in situ conservation of biodiversity. Since the selection of term, the scope of application criteria, and the context of interpretation are inevitably different, it is necessary to separately legislate and establish related laws of the OECMs suitable for each country's situation. Third, as a result of reviewing the OECMs criteria for plant of natural monument, the final 58 potential resources were recognized. Important elements among the OECMs criteria are that buffer zones should be spaced apart from designated zones to secure a certain area, and that economic activities through commercial production should not occur and meet biodiversity standards. Among the potential candidates, 23 areas were analyzed to be geographically isolated and independent, such as Forest of Oriental Arborvitae in Do-dong, Daegu, and forest types such as Carstor Aralia of Gungchon-ri, Samcheok and Forest of Common Camellias in Maryang-ri, Seocheon. As a result of reviewing the application of OECMs criteria for plant of natural monument, it was confirmed that the functions as a traditional uses were specialized among the values of biodiversity, and ecosystem services and cultural and spiritual values were inherited through Korea's unique culture of old big trees and Dangsan ritual. In terms of biodiversity criteria, it can be used as an important factor in connecting human and natural ecosystem networks without the discovery of new species.
담배자판기의 신규설치를 금지하고 기존 설치된 자판기마저 전면철거하도록 하는 보건복지부의 초강력 규제안이 마침내 철회가 되게 되었다. 보건복지부는 올 들어 확대되는 금연정책에 편승, 기존 흡연 구역 내 담배자판기 신규설치를 금지하고, 기존 설치된 제품들마저 전면철거하는 규제를 담은 국민건강증진법 시행령 개정안을 지난 4월 공고하며 그 입법추진을 진행한 바 있다. 이 공고안은 그간 국무총리실 산하 규제개혁위원회 분과위원회에 상정되어 1,2차 심의를 진행해 오다 지난 9월 27일 본회의를 통해 '보건복지부의 흡연구역 내 담배자판기 신규설치 금지 및 기존 자판기 철거는 명백히 영업활동 자유 및 재산권 침해에 해당된다.'는 이유로 이를 철회토록 하는 결정을 진행했다. 이 결정을 담은 국민건강증진법 개정안은 조만간 법제처 심사 및 차관회의 등을 거쳐 최종 확정 되게 된다. 이같은 규제개혁위원회의 결정은 협회를 중심으로 한 산업의 적극적인 대응이 있었기에 가능했다. 성인인증장치 도입을 통해 청소년 흡연문제를 완전, 해결하겠다는 산업계의 적극적인 자율대책에도 불구하고 아예 담배자판기를 뿌리 채 뽑겠다는 보건복지부의 행정만능주의적인 발상은 도저히 수용하지 못할 부당한 처사라는 데 관련업계가 인식을 같이 했다. 따라서 이를 반대하는 산업계 입장을 분명히 하며 분명히 하며 적극적인 저지 대응을 최근까지 진행해 왔다. 협회에서는 1차적으로 보건복지부 건강증진과에 담배자판기 전면철거에 대한 산업계 반대 입장을 피력하는 소견서 제출하고 적극적인 산업계의 반대의지를 피력하는 작업을 진행했다. 또한 청소년보호위원회를 통해 청소년 흡연감소를 위한 성인인증 담배자판기 설치 활용방안 건의하며 담배자판기의 긍정적인 활용측면을 집중 부각시키기도 했다. 재정경제부를 통해서는 담배사업법 관련 담배자판기 설치기준에 대한 질의를 통해 현행 관련법 내에서의 설치기준을 명확히 하기도 했다. 이같은 대응에 있어서의 핵심 설득 논리는 담배자판기가 이제는 성인인증장치 부착을 통해 청소년 및 사회적 위해 요인을 극소화 할 수 있다는 점에 있었다. 과거와는 달리 담배자판기가 오히려 청소년의 담배 구입루트 차단이라는 긍정적 역할을 할 수 있는 시점에 있어 이를 전면규제하기보다는 합법적인 설치 환경을 확보하여 사회적으로 떳떳하게 존재가치를 평가받을 수 있게 해달라는게 산업계의 초지일관의 주장이었던 것. 협회는 이같은 주장이 결코 산업계의 이기만이 아니라 세계적인 추세라는 점, 또 담배자판기를 전면철거까지 하면서 과당규제를 할 명분이 부족하다는 점을 반대논리로 적극 내세웠다. 규제개혁위원회가 이번 공공 이용시설 중 흡연구역으로 지정된 장소 내에 담배자판기는 설치 금지 및 철거규제에 철회권고를 내리게 된 것은 이러한 산업계의 주장을 적극 수용함에 힘입은 바 크다. 규제개혁위원회는 이번 결정의 주된 이유로 우선 기설치된 자판기에 대한 철거는 재산권 침해로 위헌 소지가 있음을 들고 있다. 또한 흡연자를 위한 흡연구역내에서마저 자판기 설치를 금지하는 등의 규제는 과도하며 흡연자의 권익보호 역시도 필요함을 인정하고 있다. 따라서 전면적인 규제보다는 청소년 이용통제 가능한 흡연구역에 한하여 담배자판기를 설치토록한 현행규정의 실질적 관리를 강화하며, 전체적으로 흡연구역을 축소 제한하는 방향으로 추진함이 바람직하다는 의견을 제시했다. 규제개혁위원회의 이번 결정으로 흡연구역 내 담배자판기의 설치는 현행법의 적용을 받게 되며, 산업계의 자율대책대로 성인인증 장치를 부착한 담배자판기의 설치 확대가 크게 촉발될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 담배자판기가 적극적이고 능동적인 사회적 역할을 할 수 있을 때 자연 이를 반대할 수 있는 명분도 약해질 수 밖에 없다. 산업계는 보다 신뢰성 있게 청소년 이용을 차단할 수 있는 담배자판기 관련 기술 수준을 향상시켜야 할 것이며, 협회에서는 담배자판기의 공공성과 역할에 대한 지속적인 계몽 홍보를 통해 소비자 인식을 고양시켜 나갈 수 있게 해야 할 것이다. 비록 전면 규제 완화가 어렵고 힘든 길이기는 하지만 소비자에게 신뢰성을 부여하고 청소년의 담배 구입 루트 차단에 혁혁한 역할을 다할 수 있게 된다면 그 입지기반을 재평가 받을 수 있게 될 것이다. 담배자판기의 내일은 이제 암울함이 아닌 서서히 희망을 비치는 쪽으로 급선회되고 있다.
The purpose of this study is that I should look for a desirous directions about home economics by studying the requirements and perception of the high school parents who have finished the course of home economics. It was about 600 parents whom I have searched Seoul-Pusan, Ganwon. Ghynggi province, Choongcheong-Gyungsang province, Cheonla and Jeju province of 600, I chose only 560 as apparently suitable research. The questions include 61 requirements about home economics and one which we never fail to keep among the contents, whenever possible and one about the perception of home economics aims 11 about the perception of home economics courses and management. The collections were analyzed frequency, percent, mean. standard deviation t-test by using SAS program. The followings is the summary result of studying of it. 1. All the boys and girls learning together about the Idea of healthy lives and desirous human formulation and knowledge together are higher. 2. Among the teaching purposes of home economics, the item of the scientific principle and knowledge for improvements of home life shows 15.7% below average value. 3. The recognition degree about the quality of home economics is highly related with the real life, and about the system. we recognize lacking in periods and contents of home economics field and about guiding content, accomplishment and application qualities are higher regardless of sex. 4. The important term which we should emphasize in the subject of home economics is family part. 5. Among the needs of home economic requirement in freshman, in the middle unit, their growth and development are higher than anything else, representing 4.11, and by contrast the basic principle and actuality is 3.70, which is lowest among them. 6. In the case of second grade requirement of home economics content for parents in the middle unit young man and consuming life is 4.09 highest. 7. In the case of 3rd grade requirement of economics contents in the middle unit the choice of coming direction and job ethics is highest 4.16, and preparing meals and evaluation is lowest 3.50.
Recommender system has become one of the most important technologies in e-commerce in these days. The ultimate reason to shop online, for many consumers, is to reduce the efforts for information search and purchase. Recommender system is a key technology to serve these needs. Many of the past studies about recommender systems have been devoted to developing and improving recommendation algorithms and collaborative filtering (CF) is known to be the most successful one. Despite its success, however, CF has several shortcomings such as cold-start, sparsity, gray sheep problems. In order to be able to generate recommendations, ordinary CF algorithms require evaluations or preference information directly from users. For new users who do not have any evaluations or preference information, therefore, CF cannot come up with recommendations (Cold-star problem). As the numbers of products and customers increase, the scale of the data increases exponentially and most of the data cells are empty. This sparse dataset makes computation for recommendation extremely hard (Sparsity problem). Since CF is based on the assumption that there are groups of users sharing common preferences or tastes, CF becomes inaccurate if there are many users with rare and unique tastes (Gray sheep problem). This study proposes a new algorithm that utilizes Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques to resolve the gray sheep problem. We utilize 'degree centrality' in SNA to identify users with unique preferences (gray sheep). Degree centrality in SNA refers to the number of direct links to and from a node. In a network of users who are connected through common preferences or tastes, those with unique tastes have fewer links to other users (nodes) and they are isolated from other users. Therefore, gray sheep can be identified by calculating degree centrality of each node. We divide the dataset into two, gray sheep and others, based on the degree centrality of the users. Then, different similarity measures and recommendation methods are applied to these two datasets. More detail algorithm is as follows: Step 1: Convert the initial data which is a two-mode network (user to item) into an one-mode network (user to user). Step 2: Calculate degree centrality of each node and separate those nodes having degree centrality values lower than the pre-set threshold. The threshold value is determined by simulations such that the accuracy of CF for the remaining dataset is maximized. Step 3: Ordinary CF algorithm is applied to the remaining dataset. Step 4: Since the separated dataset consist of users with unique tastes, an ordinary CF algorithm cannot generate recommendations for them. A 'popular item' method is used to generate recommendations for these users. The F measures of the two datasets are weighted by the numbers of nodes and summed to be used as the final performance metric. In order to test performance improvement by this new algorithm, an empirical study was conducted using a publically available dataset - the MovieLens data by GroupLens research team. We used 100,000 evaluations by 943 users on 1,682 movies. The proposed algorithm was compared with an ordinary CF algorithm utilizing 'Best-N-neighbors' and 'Cosine' similarity method. The empirical results show that F measure was improved about 11% on average when the proposed algorithm was used