• Title/Summary/Keyword: 설계적정성

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Estimate of Optimum Plot Size and Shape for Soybean Yield Trials (대두수량검정포의 최적크기와 모양의 추정)

  • Shin-Han Kwon;Kun-Hyuk Im;Cheong-Yeol Sohn
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    • v.14
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    • pp.87-90
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    • 1973
  • Optimum plot shape and size in a uniformity trial in the newly founded experimental farm of KAERI were determined for seed yield with the basic units consisted of 2.5m $\times$ 0.6m plot. Various plot sizes and shapes were made by combination of the basic units. Coefficients of variations for yield were 21% in local branch type variety Kumkang-Dairip and 20% in the introduced branchless type variety Clark. This result indicates that the field in the new experimental farm is appropriate for soybean yield trials when adequate number of replications are employed in the field experiment. In general, C. V. values were gradually decreased with increase of plot sizes. Although the data were not consistant, the errors for the long narrow plots tend to have somewhat smaller than for the square shape plots. A sharp decrease in C.V. value was found from the $4.5\textrm{m}^2$ plot in the variety Kumkang-Dairip and from the $6\textrm{m}^2$ plot in the variety Clark. These results imply that 5-$6\textrm{m}^2$ plot could be used for yield trials in early generations of hybrid progenies. 2.5-5m long plot with 3-4 replications will be practical for yield trials in the early hybrid generations. The C.V. values with 7.5m long plot was about 16% in both varieties and 15.3% in 10m plot. These results indicate that 7.5-10m plot with 3-4 replications could be employed in accurate yield test in the advanced generations.

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A Study on the Contextual Layout Process of Exhibit Space With a Focus on the expo Comm Wireless Korea '99-KT Pavilion (전시공간 맥락화 구성 프로세스 사례연구 expo Comm Wireless Korea '99 -한국통신관을 중심으로)

  • 김준호
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2000
  • This study can be expressed by gathered and formed into the exhibition space's structure practical progress/ application. For the one model of fascinating exhibition's space thru inter-space's pertinent adjustment, production between spactator and exhibition constituent on an exhibition story-line, I adjusted the focus to follow mentioned methods systematically for the example; An exhibition space is completed to be very impressive and attractive space by proper adjustment and production of M-M/C interface in exhibition storyline. Quantity space is transfered into quality space through the transmission of an exhibition which can be define as the point of an exhibition structure. And also could de transferd into a bodily sensation space that inherent full of interactive constituent. Changeable exhibition constituents (exhibition item and text) that sporadically expatiated (not trimed, the original form) in the process of an exhibition structure draw much higer quality of the optimal solution in optimize process which is given when aggregate again to contextual flow of synthetic exhibition scenario. Reconstruction of individual exhibition constituents to the new story, that is, transference of exhibition text to exhibition context is inspirit to an exhibition by maximize the exhibition effect in connection can be systematized through carrying out an outcentripetalpart. However, since pattern of an exhibition structure that consequtively meet variety spacetime of an exhibittion environmental can't be exist, this study presents centralizing the exhibition plan of Korea communication pavilion of the annual Expo Comm Wireress Korea, sustained process from design proposal, research and analysis to synthesis, development, transmission and management to an example of an applying crystallization.

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Evaluation of Road Safety Audit on Existing Freeway by Empirical Bayes Method (경험적 베이즈 방법에 의한 공용중인 고속도로 교통안전진단사업의 효과평가)

  • Mun, Sung-Ra
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2012
  • Road safety audit is the preventive enhancement strategy for safety. : it gets rid of beforehand the potential factor of a traffic accident in the stage of road planning and design and it evaluates the appropriation for road geometric structure or safety facility to prevent traffic accident in the stage of operation after the construction. Since this strategy is introduced to our country in the early 2000s, various projects have been processed and it was legislated recently. And now, the evaluation of past project for its continuation is needed. Therefore, in this study the evaluation of road safety audit on existing freeway is performed. The spatial extent of this study is Yong-dong line on which the safety treatment was executed in 2005 and 2006. And, the temporal range of this study is each 2-year of before and after from 2005 and 2006. The empirical bayes method of observational evaluation studies is applied to analyze. As a result, there is an effect of improvement on most of treated sections. But there is ineffective or negligible on some sections. Compared with the detail of treatment on each section, the effect of multiple or various treatments is good for that section. On the other hand, the section on which effect doesn't appear is the result of single or unimportant treatments. Throughout these results, the concrete analysis can be performed and the countermeasures designed for the section on which effect doesn't appear. Also it is used as reference to the future plan and direction of road safety audit on existing freeway.

A Study on the Proper Crown Height of GT 100,000Ton Cruise ship and DWT 100,000Ton Container ship (10만톤급 크루즈선과 컨테이너선의 적정 마루높이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seungyeon;Lee, Yunsok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2018
  • The increase of risk in port due to the increase in ship size and sea level rises, the standard crown height will increase. In this study, cruise and container ships will need to raise their crown height due to the projected wind pressure areas becoming larger due to the ships' size increase. The mooring assessment was evaluated with the rise of the crown height. The cruise ship of GT 100,000 tons exceeded the permissible breaking force of the mooring line under the crown height conditions of wind speed of 30 kts when the wind direction was $45^{\circ}$ to the direction of the bow. Also, the elevation angle of the pier and mooring line was analyzed and exceeded the crown height, and it was determined that it is necessary to adjust the crown height. Container ships of DWT 100,000 tons were analyzed to exceed the limit of sway motion at the crown height and it was determined that they need to be adjusted to the minimum crown height standard.

GIS based Effective Methodology for GAS Accident Management (GIS를 이용한 효율적인 가스사고관리 방법에 관한 연구)

  • 김태일;김계현;전방진;곽태식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2004
  • 최근 급속한 도시의 팽창과 산업의 발전으로 인하여 가스시설은 급속히 확대되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 가스시설물의 중요성을 인식하고 많은 도시가스업체에서는 가스관망 시설정보를 전산화하여 항상 최신의 현황을 유지할 수 있는 가스시설물관리시스템을 개발하여 사용하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 시스템은 가스시설물의 현황파악 및 유지관리를 위한 기본적인 기능만을 제공하는 관계로, 가스 누출사고 발생시 정확한 사태의 파악과 함께 신속한 대책 마련을 위한 의사결정 지원이 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 체계적인 가스사고관리를 수행할 수 있는 응용시스템의 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 본 연구에서는 가스사고분석을 신속하고 체계적으로 수행할 수 있는 가스사고관리 적용알고리즘 분석 및 최적의 알고리즘을 정립하여 가스사고관리시스템을 구현하였다. 본 연구를 통한 결과는 1ㆍ2차 차단밸브의 산정이 가능해짐으로써 빈번한 가스 누출사고 발생시 실시간으로 적정대처방안의 제시가 가능하게 되었다. 또한, 누출 최대가스량을 제시함으로써 누출에 대한 피해예상 분석을 위한 정보 제공 및 가스의 신속한 재공급을 위해 필요한 의사결정 지원 정보의 제공이 가능하게 되었다. 아울러, 가스누출사고에 의한 가스공급중단 관로 및 수용가에 대한 속성현황의 파악은 물론 시각적인 도식을 통한 전체적 현황파악이 가능하였다. 이러한 가스사고관리시스템의 개발을 통하여 사고 발생시 신속한 사고방안 제시 및 사고피해의 최소화를 위해 필요한 의사결정 지원 정보의 제공이 가능하게 됨으로써 국민의 안전 및 복지와 도시가스업체의 업무 효율화로 인한 예산절감 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 가시권 분석기능을 이용하여 실제 지형공간상에서 전파경로 손실치를 도시화함으로써 전파관리자가 무선서비스지역 설계, 전파음영지역 판단, 최적 중계기와 기지국 위치 선정에 기여할 것으로 판단된다.하지 않은 지역과 서로 다른 분광특성을 나타내므로 별도의 Segment를 형성하게 된다. 따라서 임상도의 경계선으로부터 획득된 Super-Object의 분광반사 값과 그 안에서 형성된 Sub-Object의 분광반사값의 차이를 이용하여 임상도의 갱신을 위한 변화지역을 탐지하였다.라서 획득한 시추코아에 대해서도 각 연구기관이 전 구간에 대해 동일하게 25%의 소유권을 가지고 있다. ?스굴 시추사업은 2008년까지 수행될 계획이며, 시추작업은 2005년까지 완료될 계획이다. 연구 진행과 관련하여, 공동연구의 명분을 높이고 분석의 효율성을 높이기 위해서 시료채취 및 기초자료 획득은 4개국의 연구원이 모여 공동으로 수행한 후의 결과물을 서로 공유하고, 자세한 전문분야 연구는 각 국의 대표기관이 독립적으로 수행하는 방식을 택하였다 ?스굴에 대한 제1차 시추작업은 2004년 3월 말에 실시하였다. 시추작업 결과, 약 80m의 시추 코아가 성공적으로 회수되어 현재 러시아 이르쿠츠크 지구화학연구소에 보관중이다. 이 시추코아는 2004년 8월 중순경에 4개국 연구팀원들에 의해 공동으로 기재된 후에 분할될 계획이다. 분할된 시료는 국내로 운반되어 다양한 전문분야별 연구에 이용될 것이다. 한편, 제2차 시추작업은 2004년 12월에서 2005년 2월 사이에 실시될 계획이다. 수백만년에 이르는 장기간에 걸쳐 지구환경변화 기록이 보존되어 있는 ?스굴호에 대한

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A Study on the Driver's Preferences of Prividing Direction Information in Road Signs (방향표지 정보제공 방법에 대한 운전자 선호도 연구)

  • Chong, Kyusoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2015
  • Although traffic information has been actively analyzed using big data, it has not been used as much with the consideration of driver characteristics. Among the various types of information, road signs can directly affect the driver. Road signs must provide the optimal information that enables drivers to reach their destinations with ease as well as information suitable for navigation systems. However, present road sign rules provide standardized information, regardless of the road type or size. This study suggests a method for providing road information that will help drivers determine their behavior. First, the minimum character size that can be used on a road sign for each design speed was obtained with respect to the visibility and decipherability of a road sign. Instead of conventional diagram-based direction guidance, a scenario using split-based direction guidance was created. To verify the effectiveness of the provided information, a three-dimensional simulated road environment was constructed, and a driving simulator was used for the test. At a simple plane intersection, the driver was not greatly influenced by directional guidance, but at a complex, three-dimensional intersection, the driver preferred summary-based directional guidance, which is instinctive guidance, over diagram-based guidance. On the basis of the test results, a secondary verification test that applied split-based guidance at a three-dimensional intersection confirmed that the driver had no problems in making decisions.

Applying TMO-Based Object Group Model to Area of Distributed Real-Time Applications and Its Analysis (분산 실시간 응용 분야에 TMO 기반 객체그룹 모델의 적용 및 분석)

  • 신창선;정창원;주수종
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.432-444
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we construct the TMO-based object group model on distributed environment, and analyze and evaluate the executability for distributed real-time service of our object group model by developing the distributed real-time application simulator applying the model. The Time-triggered Message-triggered Object(TMO) is a real-time server object having real-time property itself. The TMO-based object group is defined as a set of objects which logically reconfigured the physically distributed one or more TMOs on network by a given distributed application. For supporting group management of the server objects, the TMO-based object group we suggested provides the functions which register and withdraw the solver objects as a group member to an arbitrary object group, and also provides the functions which insert and delete the access rights of server objects from clients. Also, our model was designed and implemented to support the appropriate object selection and dynamic binding service for a single TMO as well as the duplicated TMOs, and to support the real-time scheduling service for the clients which are requesting the service. Finally, we developed the Defence System against Invading Enemy Planes(DSIEP) simulator as a practical example of distributed real-time application by applying our model, and evaluated the adaptability of distributed service strategies for the group components and the executability of real-time services that the TMO-based object group model provides.

Analysis of Apparatus Variables for Deformation Strength Test of Asphalt Concrete Based on Correlation with Rutting and Prediction Model for Rutting (소성변형과의 상관성 및 추정모델을 통한 변형강도 시험장치 변수 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Moon-Sup;Kim, Sung-Tae;Lee, Soon-Jae
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.4 no.4 s.14
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2002
  • This study dealt with analysis of size effect of testing apparatus for Kim test which measures rut resistance characteristics of asphalt mixture under static loading. Two columns in different diameter with each column having different radios of round cut (Curvature) at the bottom were used for testing asphalt mixture. Deformation load ($P_{max}$) and deformation strength ($K_D$) were found to have relatively high correlation with rut depth and dynamic stability of asphalt concrete. Diameter of specimen was not a significant factor in this test. From the statistical correlation analysis with rutting properties, the radius of curvature and diameter of loading column were found to be important factor affecting the results of the test. Among the radios (r) of curvatures, r=0.5cm and 1.0cm showed much higher correlation than the column without curvature, and r=1.0cm being better between the two. The column with diameter of 4cm showed better correlation than diameter of 3cm. Therefore, the column of 4cm diameter with r=1.0cm was found to be the best among various apparatus sizes. Prediction models for rut depth and dynamic stability were developed for each aggregate mixture based on Kim test variables using SAS STEPWISE procedure. Therefore, if this test method is validated through further study, Kim test can be used for selecting asphalt mixture with the highest resistance against permanent deformation.

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A Study on System Construction to the Product Liability Law-with focus on a small & medium business (제조물책임법에 대응하기 위한 시스템 구축에 관한 연구 -중소기업을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Min-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.596-608
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    • 2017
  • In 2002, the government arranged an institutional strategy to make it possible for a consumers to make a claim for damages caused by product defects against a business that produces and sells a product by enforcing the Product Liability Law(hereinafter referred to as 'PL'). On the other hand, due to the recent humidifier sterilizer accident, approximately 12 cases of related bills, such as a revised bill for the product liability law, have been proposed to the National Assembly at present in an effort to introduce the group action system and punitive compensation system for the purpose of the strengthening of the corporate product liability, and consumer damage relief. Ironically, as much as 62.6% of small & medium businesses, which are actual interested parties to this bill, are unaware of this. Many companies are responding to PL with the rationalization of document preparation & storage, clarification of responsibility relations with related business operators, and PL insurance policy purchase, or securing compensation funds as a means of Product Liability Defense(PLD), but the methods of preparation such as this leave much room for limits on the considerations of product design and product safety. This paper presents the individual management system model with more focus on product safety by looking into the clear concept of PL and the countermeasures against it, grasping the relevance between the PL system and individual management system, and integrating the PL response system in preparation for the PL. It is hoped that the result of this research objective will be evaluated as a rational countermeasure for small & medium businesses to respond effectively to the PL.

Smart Synthetic Path Search System for Prevention of Hazardous Chemical Accidents and Analysis of Reaction Risk (반응 위험성분석 및 사고방지를 위한 스마트 합성경로 탐색시스템)

  • Jeong, Joonsoo;Kim, Chang Won;Kwak, Dongho;Shin, Dongil
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.781-789
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    • 2019
  • There are frequent accidents by chemicals during laboratory experiments and pilot plant and reactor operations. It is necessary to find and comprehend relevant information to prevent accidents before starting synthesis experiments. In the process design stage, reaction information is also necessary to prevent runaway reactions. Although there are various sources available for synthesis information, including the Internet, it takes long time to search and is difficult to choose the right path because the substances used in each synthesis method are different. In order to solve these problems, we propose an intelligent synthetic path search system to help researchers shorten the search time for synthetic paths and identify hazardous intermediates that may exist on paths. The system proposed in this study automatically updates the database by collecting information existing on the Internet through Web scraping and crawling using Selenium, a Python package. Based on the depth-first search, the path search performs searches based on the target substance, distinguishes hazardous chemical grades and yields, etc., and suggests all synthetic paths within a defined limit of path steps. For the benefit of each research institution, researchers can register their private data and expand the database according to the format type. The system is being released as open source for free use. The system is expected to find a safer way and help prevent accidents by supporting researchers referring to the suggested paths.