• 제목/요약/키워드: 선택적환원촉매

검색결과 261건 처리시간 0.027초

디젤엔진 배출가스 질소산화물 저감을 위한 Solid SCR용 Ammonium Carbonate 중간생성물인 재응고 물질의 분석 연구 (Analytical Study on Re-solidification Materials(Ammonium Carbonate Intermediates) for NOx Reduction of Exhaust Emissions in Diesel Engine with Solid SCR)

  • 신종국;이호열;윤천석;김홍석
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.152-159
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    • 2014
  • Urea solution as a reductant of SCR has been widely used to reduce NOx emissions from diesel engine. But it has lots of problems which are freezing at low temperature due to liquid state, deposition of solid formation in the exhaust, dosing device, and complex package such as mixers for uniform concentration of ammonia. In order to overcome these obstacle, ammonium carbonate which is one of solid ammonium materials to produce ammonia gas directly by sublimation process is considered. Simple reactor with visible widow was designed to predict equilibrium temperature and pressure of ammonium carbonate. To simulate real operation conditions under automobile environment, several cycles of heating and cooling condition were settled, two different re-solidification materials were extracted from the reactor and visible window. Analytical study is performed to characterize these unknown materials by XRD(X-Ray Diffraction), FT-IR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), and EA(Elemental Analyzer). From analytical results, re-solidification materials from heating and cooling cycles are very similar to original material of ammonium carbonate.

Solid SCR용 암모니아 저장물질인 Calcium Ammine Chloride의 합성방법 및 물질분석 연구 (A Study on Synthetic Method and Material Analysis of Calcium Ammine Chloride as Ammonia Transport Materials for Solid SCR)

  • 신종국;윤천석;김홍석
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2015
  • Solid materials of ammonia sources with SCR have been considered for the application of lean NOx reduction in automobile industry, to overcome complex problems of liquid urea based SCR. These solid materials produce ammonia gas directly with proper heating and can be packaged by compact size, because of high volumetric ammonia density. Among ammonium salts and metal ammine chlorides, calcium ammine chloride was focused on this paper due to low decomposition temperature. In order to make calcium ammine chloride in lab-scale, simple reactor and glove box was designed and built with ammonium gas tank, regulator, and sensors. Basic test conditions of charging ammonia gas to anhydrous calcium chloride are chosen from equilibrium vapor pressure by Van't Hoff plot based on thermodynamic properties of materials. Synthetic method of calcium ammine chloride were studied for different durations, temperatures, and pressures with proper ammonia gas charged, as a respect of ammonia gas adsorption rate(%) from simple weight calculations which were confirmed by IC. Also, lab-made calcium ammine chloride were analyzed by TGA and DSC to clarify decomposition step in the equations of chemical reaction. To understand material characteristics for lab-made calcium ammine chloride, DA, XRD and FT-IR analysis were performed with published data of literature. From analytical results, water content in lab-made calcium ammine chloride can be discovered and new test procedures of water removal were proposed.

차량 추적 실험을 통하여 디젤 후처리 장치가 입자상 물질 배출에 미치는 영향 파악 (On-road Investigation of PM Emissions of Diesel Aftertreatment Technologies (DPF, Urea-SCR))

  • 이석환;김홍석;박준혁;조규백
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2011
  • To measure the traffic pollutants with high temporal and spatial resolution under real conditions, a mobile emission laboratory (MEL) was designed. The equipment of the mini-van provides gas phase measurements of CO, NOx, $CO_2$, THC (Total hydrocarbon) and number density & size distribution measurements of fine and ultra-fine particles by a fast mobility particle sizer (FMPS) and a condensation particle counter (CPC). The inlet sampling port above the bumper enables the chasing of different type of vehicles. This paper introduces the technical details of the MEL and presents data from the car chasing experiment of diesel bus equipped with aftertreatment system. The dilution ratio was calculated by the ratio of ambient NOx and tail-pipe NOx. Most particles from the diesel bus were counted under 300 nm and the peak concentration of the particles was located between 30 and 60 nm. The total PM number emission from diesel bus equipped with DPF was 10 orders of magnitude lower compared to those emitted from base diesel bus. And the total PM number emission from diesel bus equipped with SCR was comparable to the particle emission from base diesel bus.

SCR 시스템의 믹서 구조 특성에 따른 유동 혼합 특성에 관한 연구 (The Study on the Effects of Mixer Configurations on Fluid Mixing Characteristics in SCR Systems)

  • 서진원;이규익;오정택;최윤호;이종화;박진일
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.192-199
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    • 2008
  • The key issues for the reduction technologies of the exhaust gas from diesel engine being developed are to reduce particulate matters and NOx. The SCR system is known to be one of the most efficient and stable technologies to remove NOx through the mixing of NOx and urea solution. In the present research, the effects of mixer configurations of SCR system have been investigated to enhance the SCR performance. First, a Schlieren technique is employed to visualize the mixing characteristics of urea solution and exhaust gas. The results show that a mixer is essential to obtain proper fluid mixing. In addition, numerical studies have been made to understand the mixing characteristics through the comparison of the mal-distribution index of concentration at the several locations of the diffuser. In particular, the effects of number of blade and mixer angles on mixing characteristics were studied. The results show that the blade angle has a larger effect on the mixing characteristics than the number of blades.

국내 EGR과 SCR 장착 중형트럭 대기오염물질 배출 특성 (Characteristics of Air Pollutants Emission from Medium-duty Trucks Equipped EGR and SCR in Korea)

  • 손지환;김정화;정성운;유흥민;홍희경;문선희;최광호;이종태;김정수
    • 한국분무공학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2016
  • NOx and PM are important air pollutants as vehicle management policy aspect. Medium-duty truck is the main source of the pollutants although the vehicle market share is only 3.5%. National emission portion of NOx and PM form the mobile sourece are 14% and 16% respectively. In this study it was investigated that characteristics of air pollutants emission on medium duty truck equipped with EGR and SCR system. Vehicle's test reflected driving cycle on the chassis dynamometer, and applied test cycle was WHVC(World Harmonized Vehicle Cycle) mode. The test cycle include three segments, represent urban, rural and motorway driving. Based on the test results NOx, PM, HC were less emitted form SCR vehicle than EGR vehicle. And CO was less emitted form EGR vehicle than SCR vehicle due to CO oxidation reaction on DPF surface. And most air pollutants reduced as average vehicle speed increased. Pollutants were less emitted on motorway section than urban and rural sections. But highly NOx emission on motorway section was verified according to increased EGR ratio on fast vehicle speed. HC and CO additional emission was identified as 68%, 58% respectively during SCR vehicle's cold engine start emission test. NOx additional emission was detected by 24% on SCR vehicle's condition of engine cold start while not detected on vehicle equipped with EGR. SCR vehicle's additional NOx emission was derived from low reaction temperature during engine cold start condition. medium-duty truck emission characteristics were investigated in this study and expected to used to improve air pollutants management policy of medium-duty truck equipped with SCR & EGR.

SCR 시스템 전산해석을 통한 압력 강하 및 유동 균일도 분석 (Numerical analysis of the characteristics of pressure drop and flow uniformity inside a SCR system)

  • 김도리;금시찬;응웬득하이;임호;김량균;김규보;박영도;한경완;박성군
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2024
  • The study investigates the application of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems in steel manufacturing processes. To calculate the pressure drop occurring in the SCR system's catalytic plates under various operating conditions, we assumed a porous filter model. The pressure drop along the gas flow path is determined by theoretical calculations and computational simulations. The discrepancy in the data obtained from the both approach happens in the region of curved sections of SCR system where secondary flows occur. The pressure drop was calculated depending on different flow rate, by which a correlation between the pressure drop and the flow rate was made based on the simulation results. Inside the SCR system, boundary layer separation occurs before the SCR chamber, causing the flow to deviate in one direction. As a result, the flow uniformity decreases in the SCR chamber, which could lead to a decrease in the reaction performance on the catalytic plates. By installing baffles at the inlet region of the SCR chamber, the uniformity is enhanced by around 18.8% based on the standard deviation.

탈질설비 내에서 입구유동 NOx 분포에 따른 AIG유동제어의 전산해석적 연구 (The Numerical Study on the Flow Control of Ammonia Injection According to the Inlet NOx Distribution in the DeNOx Facilities)

  • 서덕철;김민규;정희택
    • 청정기술
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.324-330
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    • 2019
  • 선택적 촉매환원법은 산업 설비에서 분사되는 배기가스의 탈질 과정에 유용한 방법이다. 촉매 층 입구에서의 암모니아-질소산화물의 혼합비 분포는 탈질 과정에서 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 전산해석 기법을 이용하여 탈질설비의 입구 배기가스 내 질소산화물의 유동 분포에 따른 암모니아 분사 노즐의 유량을 조절하여 NH3/NO 몰 비의 균일도를 개선하였다. 출구 X/H = 3 지점에서의 몰 비에 의한 평균제곱근오차 값을 최적화 변수로 선정하였고 실험계획법을 기반 한 최적화 알고리즘을 도입하였다. 균일, 포물선, 상향 솔림, 임의 등 4가지 입구 유동 형태에 대해 8개의 분사 노즐의 암모니아 분사 유량을 도출하였다. 정상상태의 비압축성 점성 이차원 유동장 해석을 위해 상용 소프트웨어인 ANSYS-FLUENT에 k-𝜖 난류모델을 적용하였다. 본 해석의 결과, 입구 배기가스의 유동 형태 별로 9.58%에서 80.0% 의 몰 비 개선 효과를 나타내었다.

바나듐 계열 촉매를 통한 NOx의 NH3-SCR에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the NH3-SCR of NOx over a Vanadium-based Catlayst)

  • 정희찬;심성민;김영득;정수진;김우승
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2012
  • The $NH_3$-SCR characteristics of $NO_X$ over a V-based catalyst are experimentally examined over a wide range of operating conditions, i.e., $170-590^{\circ}C$ and $30,000-50,000h^{-1}$, with a simulated diesel exhaust containing $NH_3$, NO, $NO_2$, $O_2$, $H_2O$, and $N_2$. The influences of the space velocity and oxygen concentration on the standard-SCR reaction are analyzed, and it is shown that the low space velocity and high oxygen concentration promote the SCR activity by ammonia. The best $deNO_X$ efficiency is obtained with a $NO_2/NO_X$ ratio of 0.5 because of an enhanced chemical activity induced by the fast-SCR reaction, while at the $NO_2/NO_X$ ratios above 0.5 the $deNO_x$ activity decreases due to the slow-SCR reaction. The oxidation of ammonia begins to take place at about $300^{\circ}C$ and the reaction products, such as $N_2$, NO, $NO_2$, $N_2O$, and $H_2O$, are produced by the undesirable oxidation reactions of ammonia, particularly at high temperatures above $450^{\circ}C$. Also, $NO_2$ decomposes to NO and $O_2$ at temperatures above $240^{\circ}C$. Therefore, $NO_2$ decomposition and ammonia oxidation reactions deteriorate significantly the SCR catalytic activity at high temperatures.

일체형 PM/NOx 동시저감장치의 최적 설계에 대한 기초 연구 (A Basis Study on the Optimal Design of the Integrated PM/NOx Reduction Device)

  • 최수정;;이원주;김준수;김정국;박호용;임인권;최재혁
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.1092-1099
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    • 2022
  • 대기오염물질과 온실가스 배출량을 저감 시키기 위한 배기 후처리 장치에 대한 연구는 활발히 진행 중이지만 그 중 선박용 입자상물질/질소산화물(PM/NOx) 동시저감 장치에서는 엔진에 미치는 배압 및 필터 담체 교체에 대한 문제가 발생하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 PM/NOx를 동시저감 할 수 있는 일체형 장치의 최적 설계를 위해 장치 내부 유동과 입·출구 압력을 통한 배압의 변화를 연구하여 적절한 기준을 제시하였다. Ansys Fluent를 활용하여 디젤미립자필터(DPF) 및 선택적촉매환원법(SCR)에 다공성 매체 조건을 적용하였고 공극률은 30 %, 40 %, 50 %, 60 % 및 70 %로 설정하였다. 또한, 엔진 부하에 따른 Inlet 속도를 경계 조건으로 7.4 m/s, 10.3 m/s, 13.1 m/s 및 26.2 m/s로 적용하여 배압에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. CFD 분석 결과, 장치의 입구 온도 보다 입구 속도에 따른 배압의 변화율이 크고 최대 변화율은 27.4 mbar였다. 그리고 모든 경계 조건에서의 배압이 선급 기준인 68 mbar를 초과하지 않았기 때문에 1800 kW 선박에 적합한 장치로 평가되었다.

CFC-113로부터 CFC-1113의 합성시 Ni/SiO2(또는 Al2O3) 촉매상에서 다른 금속의 첨가효과 (An Influence of Additional Metals over Ni/SiO2 or Ni/Al2O3 on the Formation of CFC-1113 from CFC-113)

  • 김진호;박건유;하백현
    • 공업화학
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.237-241
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    • 1999
  • 니켈을 알루미나와 실리카 담체에 담지 한후 CFC-113 ($CF_2Cl$-$CFCl_2$)을 수소 기류 중에서 3FCl ($CF_2$=CFCl, CFC-1113)로 하는 환원반응을 실시하였다. 실리카나 알루미나의 경우 모두 활성이 급격히 저하하였으며 니켈의 함량이 증가할수록 저하속도는 현저하였다. 그러나 선택성은 80% 수준을 유지하면서 변하지 않았다. 알루미나 상에 동과 리티움을 니켈과 동시에 담지 시켰을 시는 활성과 선택성이 크게 개선되었다. 그러나 과량의 리티움의 증가는 활성과 선택성을 모두 저하시켰다. 담체로 실리카를 사용한 경우에는 활성이 급격히 저하되었는데, 이는 반응중 생성 된 HF가 Silica와 반응, $SiF_4$로 증발됨으로서 표면적이 큰 실리카 담체의 손실 또는 알카리 금속의 첨가로 인한 활성점의 감소에 의한 것으로 보여 진다.

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