• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선택적환원촉매

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A Study on the Mixing of Dilution Air and Ammonia in the Ammonia Mixing Pipe of the Thermal Power Plant De-NOx Facility (화력발전소 탈질설비의 암모니아 혼합 관에서 희석 공기와 암모니아의 혼합에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Ho;Ha, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2022
  • According to reinforce environmental regulations, coal power plants have used selective catalytic reduction using ammonia as a reducing agent to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide generation. The purpose of the present study was to derive a mixing device for effectively mixing dilute air and ammonia in the ammonia mixing pipe by performing computational fluid dynamic analysis. The mixing effect was compared by analysing the %RMS of ammonia concentration at the down stream cross section in the mixing pipe and the 16 outlets based on the case 1-1 shape, which is an existing mixing pipe without a mixing device. The mixing device was performed by changing the positions of a square plate on the downstream side of the ammonia supply pipe and an arc-shaped plate on the wall of the mixing pipe. In the case of the existing geometry(Case 1-1), the %RMS of ammonia concentration at the 16 outlets was 29.50%. The shape of the mixing device for Case 3-2 had a square plate on the downstream side of the ammonia supply pipe and an arc plate was installed adjacent to it. The %RMS of ammonia concentration for Case 3-2 was 2.08% at 16 outlets and it could be seen that the shape of Case 3-2 was the most effective mixing shape for ammonia mixing.

An Study on Estimating Cargo Handling Equipment Emission in the Port of Incheon (인천항 하역장비 대기오염물질 배출량 산정 연구)

  • Zhao, Ting-Ting;Pham, Thai-Hoang;Lee, Hyang-Sook
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.21-38
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    • 2020
  • Currently, in-port emissions are a serious problem in port cities. However, emissions, especially non-greenhouse gases, from the operation of cargo handling equipment (CHE) have received significant attention from scientific circles. This study estimates the amount of emissions from on-land port diesel-powered CHE in the Port of Incheon. With real-time activity data provided by handling equipment operating companies, this research applies an activity-based approach to capture an up-to-date and reliable diesel-powered CHE emissions inventory during 2017. As a result, 105.6 tons of carbon monoxide (CO), 243.2 tons of nitrogen oxide (NOx), 0.005 tons of sulfur oxide (Sox), 22.8 tons of particulate matter (PM), 26.0 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and 0.2 tons of ammonia (NH3) were released from the landside CHE operation. CO and NOx emissions are the two primary air pollutants from the CHE operation in the Port of Incheon, contributing 87.71% of the total amount of emissions. Cranes, forklifts, tractors, and loaders are the four major sources of pollution in the Port of Incheon, contributing 84.79% of the total in-port CHE emissions. Backward diesel-powered machines equipped in these CHE are identified as a key cause of pollution. Therefore, this estimation emphasizes the significant contribution of diesel CHE to port air pollution and suggests the following green policies should be applied: (1) replacement of old diesel powered CHE by new liquefied natural gas and electric equipment; (2) the use of NOx reduction after-treatment technologies, such as selective catalytic reduction in local ports. In addition, a systematic official national emission inventory preparation method and consecutive annual in-port CHE emission inventories are recommended to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of green policies conducted in the future.

Development and Validation of Urea- SCR Control-Oriented Model for NOX and NH3 Slip Reduction (NOX 및 NH3 Slip 저감을 위한 Urea-SCR 제어기반 모델 개발 및 검증)

  • Lee, Seung Geun;Lee, Seang Wock;Kang, Yeonsik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • To satisfy stricter $NO_X$ emission regulations for light- and heavy-duty diesel vehicles, a control algorithm needs to be developed based on a selective catalytic reaction (SCR) dynamics model for chemical reactions. This paper presents the development and validation of a SCR dynamics model through test rig experiments and MATLAB simulations. A nonlinear state space model is proposed based on the mass conservation law of chemical reactions in the SCR dynamics model. Experiments were performed on a test rig to evaluate the effects of the $NO_X$ and $NH_3$ concentrations, gas temperature, and space velocity on the $NO_X$ conversion efficiency for the urea-SCR system. The parameter values of the proposed SCR model were identified using the experimental datasets. Finally, a control-oriented model for an SCR system was developed and validated from the experimental data in a MATLAB simulation. The results of this study should contribute toward developing a closed-loop control strategy for $NO_X$ and $NH_3$ slip reduction in the urea-SCR system for an actual engine test bench.

Study on the On-Board Test of After-Treatment Systems to Reduce PM-NOx in Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine (선박용 저속디젤엔진 적용을 위한 PM-NOx 동시저감 배출저감설비 해상실증 연구)

  • Dong-Kyun Ko;Suk-Young Jeong;In-Seob Kim;Gye-Won An;Youn-Woo Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 2023
  • In this study, Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) + Diesel particulate filter (DPF) system was installed on a ship with a low-speed engine to conduct the on-board test. The target ship (2,881 gross tons, rated power 1,470 kW@240 rpm ×1) is a general cargo ship sailing in the coastal area. Drawing development, approvals and temporary survey of the ship were performed for the installation of the after-treatment system. For performance evaluation, the gaseous emission analyzer was used according to the NOx technical code and ISO-8178 method of measurement. The particulate matter analyzer used a smoke meter to measure black carbon, as discussed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Tests were conducted using MGO (0.043%) and LSFO (0.42%) fuels according to the sulfur content. The test conditions were selected by considering the engine rpm (130, 160 and 180). Gaseous emission and particulate matter (smoke) were measured according to the test conditions to confirm the reduction efficiency of the after treatment system. The results of NOx emission and particulate matter (smoke) revealed that reduction efficiency was more than 90%. The exhaust pressure met the allowable back pressure (less than 50 mbar). This study confirms the importance of the on-board test and the potential of SCR + DPF systems as a response technology for reducing nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.

A Numerical Study on the Optimization of Urea Solution Injection to Maximize Conversion Efficiency of NH3 (NH3 전환효율 극대화를 위한 Urea 인젝터의 분사 최적화에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Moon, Seongjoon;Jo, Nakwon;Oh, Sedoo;Jeong, Soojin;Park, Kyoungwoo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2014
  • From now on, in order to meet more stringer diesel emission standard, diesel vehicle should be equipped with emission after-treatment devices as NOx reduction catalyst and particulate filters. Urea-SCR is being developed as the most efficient method of reducing NOx emissions in the after-treatment devices of diesel engines, and recent studies have begun to mount the urea-SCR device for diesel passenger cars and light duty vehicles. That is because their operational characteristics are quite different from heavy duty vehicles, urea solution injection should be changed with other conditions. Therefore, the number and diameter of the nozzle, injection directions, mounting positions in front of the catalytic converter are important design factors. In this study, major design parameters concerning urea solution injection in front of SCR are optimized by using a CFD analysis and Taguchi method. The computational prediction of internal flow and spray characteristics in front of SCR was carried out by using STAR-CCM+7.06 code that used to evaluate $NH_3$ uniformity index($NH_3$ UI). The design parameters are optimized by using the $L_{16}$ orthogonal array and small-the-better characteristics of the Taguchi method. As a result, the optimal values are confirmed to be valid in 95% confidence and 5% significance level through analysis of variance(ANOVA). The compared maximize $NH_3$ UI and activation time($NH_3$ UI 0.82) are numerically confirmed that the optimal model provides better conversion efficiency of $NH_3$. In addition, we propose a method to minimize wall-wetting around the urea injector in order to prevent injector blocks caused by solid urea loading. Consequently, the thickness reduction of fluid film in front of mixer is numerically confirmed through the mounting mixer and correcting injection direction by using the trial and error method.

Study on Enhancement of Ammonia Generation for Effective Collision Frequency (유효충돌빈도를 고려한 암모니아 생성 증대기법 연구)

  • Sejin Kim;Yongseok CHoi;Hyunchul Park
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • Research, such as developing alternative energy in the transportation field, including aviation, is being actively conducted to solve the issue of current climate change. Interest in ammonia fuel as a carbon free energy (CFE) source is increasing due to the ease of liquefaction and transportation and similarity in energy density to that of methanol. However, explosiveness and toxicity of ammonia make it difficult to handle. Therefore, in this study, stable ammonia production was attempted using relatively easy-to-handle urea water solution (UWS). High temperature steam was used to promote the hydrolysis of ammonia. In order to determine the causes for ammonia production below the theoretical equivalent ratio, it was suggested that there were not enough collisions to promote the hydrolysis based on the kinetic theory of gases. The hydrolysis of unreacted isocyanic acid (HNCO) was tested according to the change in water supply. As a result, an increased amount of ammonia produced was confirmed. The increased amount of ammonia produced in a certain section was dependent on the steam temperature and the flow rate of water supplied.

Comparison of Combustion Characteristics On the Basis of the Dilution Ratio in Diesel Engines with LPL EGR (저압 EGR을 적용한 디젤엔진의 희석비에 따른 연소 특성 비교)

  • Lim, Gi-Hun;Park, Jun-Hyuk;Choi, Young;Lee, Sun-Youp;Kim, Yong-Min
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.525-531
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    • 2011
  • Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is more effective than selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or lean $NO_x$ trap (LNT) for the reduction of $NO_x$ emissions in diesel engines. A large amount of EGR gas is necessary to satisfy the stringent regulations on $NO_x$ emissions. Low pressure loop (LPL) EGR is almost independent of the variable geometry turbocharger (VGT) at a specific boost pressure, so LPL EGR is better than conventional high pressure loop (HPL) EGR in terms of EGR supply. We compare the influence of HPL EGR and LPL EGR on the combustion characteristics at a constant boost pressure in a diesel engine. The dilution ratio was employed as an independent parameter to analyze the effect of the dilution of the intake charge for each EGR loop. At the same level of $NO_x$ emissions, the fuel consumption and smoke opacity were slightly lower for LPL EGR than for HPL EGR.

Various Technologies for Simultaneous Removal of NOx and SO2 from Flue Gas (배출가스의 질소산화물과 이산화황 동시 저감 기술)

  • Park, Hyun-Woo;Uhm, Sunghyun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.607-618
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    • 2017
  • Harmful air pollutants are exhausted from the various industrial facilities including the coal-fired thermal power plants and these substances affects on the human health as well as the nature environment. In particular, nitrogen oxides ($NO_x$) and sulfur dioxide ($SO_2$) are known to be causative substances to form fine particles ($PM_{2.5}$), which are also deleterious to human health. The integrated system composed of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) have been widely applied in order to control $NO_x$ and $SO_2$ emissions, resulting in high investment and operational costs, maintenance problems, and technical limitations. Recently, new technologies for the simultaneous removal of $NO_x$ and $SO_2$ from the flue gas, such as absorption, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), non-thermal plasma (NTP), and electron beam (EB), are investigated in order to replace current integrated systems. The proposed technologies are based on the oxidation of $NO_x$ and $SO_2$ to $HNO_3$ and $H_2SO_4$ by using strong aqueous oxidants or oxidative radicals, the absorption of $HNO_3$ and $H_2SO_4$ into water at the gas-liquid interface, and the neutralization with additive reagents. In this paper, we summarize the technical improvements of each simultaneous abatement processes and the future prospect of technologies for demonstrating large-scaled applications.

A Study on Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and Stability of Incineration Facility by the Food Wastewater Incineration (음식물류 폐수 소각처리에 따른 질소산화물 저감 및 소각설비의 안정성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Seung-Min;Chung, Jin-Do;Song, Jang-Heon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.901-908
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    • 2009
  • We examine the processing method of the food wastewater to direct spray at living waste incinerator. The demoscale stoker system is used as a incineration facility. The results show that it brings effect on the reduction of nitrogen oxide ($NO_x$) concentration as well as the ammonia ($NH_3$) amount in SNCR (selective non-catalytic reduction) by the incineration of food wastewater which is containing a plentiful ammoniac nitrogen ($NH_3$-N). Furthermore, the stability of incineration facility and the extension of operation period is actualized as a improvement of clogging phenomenon on outer wall of water pipe as the 870~$950^{\circ}C$ maintain of exit temperature in a second combustor by spray of the food wastewater. The 26 items of air pollution matter of nitrogen oxide ($NO_x$), sulfur oxide ($SO_x$) and dioxin etc. are measured. The results show that it is under the value of allowable exhaust standard.

A Study on the Uniform Mixing of Ammonia-Air with the Change of Ammonia Supply Device Shape in a De-NOx System (탈질설비에서 암모니아 혼합기의 형상에 따른 암모니아-공기 균일 혼합에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2019
  • Selective catalytic reduction(SCR) method is widely used among various methods for reducing nitrogen oxides in combustion devices of coal power plant. In the present study, the computational fluid dynamic analysis was accomplished to derive the optimal shape of ammonia-dilution air mixing device in a ammonia injection grid. The distribution characteristics of flow and $NH_3$ concentration had been elucidated for the reference shape of ammonia mixing device(Case 1). In the mixing device of Case 1, it could be seen that $NH_3$ distribution was shifted to the wall opposite to the inlet of the ammonia injection pipe. For the improvement of $NH_3$ distribution, the case(Case 2) with closing one upper injection hole and 4 side injection holes, the case(Case 3) with installing horizontal plate at the upper of ammonia injection pipe, the case(Case 4) with installing horizontal plate and horizontal arc plate at he upper of ammonia injection pipe were investigated by analyzing flow and $NH_3$ concentration distributions. From the present study, it was found that the % RMS of $NH_3$ for Case 4 was 4.92%, which was the smallest value among four cases, and the range of $R_{NH3}$ also has the optimally uniform distribution, -10.82~8.34%.