• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선원

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Effect of Photoperiod on Radiation-Induced Pink Mutations in Tradescantia Stamen Hairs (자주달개비 수술털에서 방사선에 의해 유발되는 분홍돌연변이에 대한 광주기의 영향)

  • 김원록;김진규
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.331-335
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    • 1999
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the combined effect of radiation and photoperiod (PP) regimes on Tradescantia 4430 somatic cell mutations. Potted plants were irradiated with 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 Gy of gamma radiation from 60Co source. The plants irradiated only with gamma radiation were used as control group (CT). The somatic cell mutation rate in 0.5 Gy irradiated CT and PP20 group started to increase on the 6th day and reached a maximum value on the l0th day and 9th day after irradiation while the rate in the experimental group under 4 hours of photoperiod a day (PP4) started to increase on the l0th day and reached a maximal value on the 16th day post-irradiation. The slope of dose-response curve in CT was 5.99 ($r^2$=0.99), while it was 6.93 ($r^2$=0.98) in PP20 and 11.74 ($r^2$=0.99) in PP4, respectively. The biological efficacy of radiation in the induction of pink mutation increased by 15.7% in PP20 and 95.9 % in PP4, respectively. It is suggested that photoperiod regimes unfavorable to the plant have an additive effect on radiation-induced mutations and a delaying or inhibiting effect on cell damage repair, as well.

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Induction of Petal Color Mutants through Gamma Ray Irradiation in Rooted Cuttings of Rose (장미 삽목묘의 감마선 처리에 의한 화색 돌연변이체 유기)

  • Koh, Gab-Cheon;Kim, Min-Za;Kang, Si-Yong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.796-801
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to establish a system for mutation breeding by irradiation of gamma-ray in $Rosa$ $hybrida$ Hort. The rooted cuttings of two roses, 'Spidella' and 'Cabernet' were irradiated with different gamma-ray doses (0, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 and 170 Gy) from a $^{60}Co$ source to reveal an optimal dose for induction of mutants. The irradiated plants were planted in a greenhouse, and investigated on the appearance of petal color mutants and shoot growth by gamma ray dose. The 50% lethal doses ($LD_{50}$) of plant were 110 Gy for 'Spidella' and 150 Gy for 'Cabernet', respectively. The 50% decrease dose of shoot length was observed at 70-90 Gy dose for 'Spidella', and 110 Gy dose for 'Cabernet'. Solid, chimeric and mosaic petal mutants with various colors were induced from pink petal of 'Spidella' and red petal of 'Cabernet' when 30-170 Gy dose was irradiated. The mutants obtained from 'Spidella' had white, ivory, pinky ivory, light pink and deep pink petal colors. The mutants obtained from 'Cabernet' had pink, deep pink, purple red (magenta), orange red and purple petal colors. It was suitable to irradiate 70-90 Gy dose for 'Spidella' and 90-110 Gy dose for 'Cabernet' for the induction of various mutants considering plant survival rate, shoot growth and mutant occurrence rate.

Evaluation of Neutron Flux Distributions of SMART-P IST Region for the Design of Ex-Core Detector (SMART 연구로 노외계측기 설계를 위한 IST 영역의 중성자속 분포 평가)

  • Koo, Bon-Seung;Kim, Kyo-Youn;Lee, Chung-Chan;Zee, Sung-Quun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2005
  • The evaluation of neutron flux distribution was performed for the ex-core detector design of SMART-P. DORT and MCNP code were used for the calculation of energy-dependent neutron flux distribution at 100% full power condition. Two code results show that maximum thermal flux appears at the $1^{st}$ water region in IST region and agree within 10% difference. In addition, another evaluation was performed code with assumptions that cote was composed of fission source and control rod without fuel assemblies. These assumptions make neutron count rate to be minimized. As a results, maximum thermal flux showed $6.99{\times}10^{-2}(n/cm^2-sec)$, when the strength of initial fission source was assumed as $1.0{\times}10^8(n/sec)$. The main reason of these results is due to the thermalization of fast neutrons in the water region and thermal flux is proportional to 80% of total neutron flux. Therefore, optimization of filler material of detector guide tube, position of installation and axial length of detector segments is necessary for the design of ex-core detector to enhance the neutron count rate and above results could be used in ex-core detector design as a fluence requirement.

Characteristic Evaluation of Exposed Dose with NORM added Consumer Product based on ICRP Reference Phantom (ICRP 기준팬텀 기반의 천연방사성핵종이 포함된 가공제품 사용으로 인한 피폭선량 특성 평가)

  • Yoo, Do Hyeon;Lee, Hyun Cheol;Shin, Wook-Geun;Choi, Hyun Joon;Min, Chul Hee
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2014
  • In Korea, July 2012, the law as called 'Act on Safety Control of Radioactive Rays Around Living Environment' was implemented to control the consumer product containing Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), but, there are no appropriate database and effective dose calculation system. The aim of this study was to develop evaluation technique of the exposure dose with the use of the consumer products containing NORM and to understand the characteristics of the exposed dose according to the radiation type and energy. For the evaluate of exposure dose, the ICRP reference phantom was simulated by the MCNPX code based on Monte Carlo method, and the minimum, medium, maximum energy of alphas, betas, gammas from the representative NORM of Uranium decay series were used as the source term in the simulation. The annual effective doses were calculated by the exposure scenario of the consumer product usage time and position. Short range of the alpha and beta rays are mostly delivered the dose to the skin. On the other hand, the gamma rays mostly delivered the similar dose to all of the organs. The results of the annual effective dose with $1Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$ radioactive stone-bed and 10% radioactive concentration were employed with the usage time of 7 hours 50 minute per day, the maximum annual effective dose of alphas, betas, gammas were calculated 0.0222, 0.0836, $0.0101mSv{\cdot}y^{-1}$, respectively.

Preliminary Study on Applicability of Accumulate Personal Neutron Dosimeter for Cosmic-ray Exposure of Aviators (운항승무원의 우주방사선 피폭 평가에 있어 누적형 개인 중성자 선량계의 적용가능성 예비 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Chang, Byung-Uck;Byun, Jong-In;Song, Myeong Han;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2013
  • ICRP recommended that cosmic ray exposure to the pilot and cabin crew would be considered as an occupational exposure due to their relatively high exposure. Since 2012 with the Act No. 10908 (Natural radiation management), the guideline of cosmic ray exposure to the pilot was established in Korea. The applicability of the solid-state nuclear track detector for personal dose assessment of pilot and cabin crew was evaluated. Dose linearity and angle dependence of dosimeters to the neutron were evaluated by $^{252}Cf$ neutron emitting source. The track density has a good agreement with the dose ($r^2$=0.99) and highly dependent on the degree of an angular of the dosimeter to the neutron source. In addition, the dosimeters (SSNTD) were exposed to cosmic ray in an aircraft during its cruising for more than two months in collaboration with Airline Pilots Association of Korea. Although the correlation between the track density from aircraft cruising altitude and expected neutron dose is low, however RSNS dosimeter could be used for personal neutron dosimeter. For application of RSNS as a personal dosimeter for pilot and cabin crew, additional studies are required.

Development of Neutron Skyshine Evaluation Method for High Energy Electron Accelerator Using Monte Carlo Code (몬테카를로 코드를 이용한 고에너지 전자가속기의 중성자 skyshine 평가방법 개발)

  • Oh, Joo-Hee;Jung, Nam-Suk;Lee, Hee-Seock;Ko, Seung-Kook
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2013
  • The skyshine effect is an essential and important phenomenon in the shielding design of the high energy accelerator. In this study, a new estimation method of neutron skyshine was proposed and was verified by comparison with existing methods. The effective dose of secondary neutrons and photons at the locations that was far away from high-energy electron accelerator was calculated using FLUKA and PHITS Monte Carlo code. The transport paths of secondary radiations to reach a long distance were classified as skyshine, direct, groundshine and multiple-shine. The contribution of each classified component to the total effective dose was evaluated. The neutrons produced from the thick copper target irradiated by 10 GeV electron beam was applied as a source term of this transport. In order to evaluate a groundshine effect, the composition of soil on the PAL-XFEL site was considered. At a relatively short distance less than 50 m from the accelerator tunnel, the direct and groundshine components mostly contributed to the total effective dose. The skyshine component was important at a long distance. The evaluated dose of neutron skyshine agreed better with the results using Rindi's formula, which was based on the experimental results at high energy electron accelerator. That also agreed with the estimated dose using the simple evaluation code, SHINE3, within about 20%. The total effective dose, including all components, was 10 times larger than the estimated doses using other methods for this comparison. The influence of multiple-shine path in this evaluation of the estimation method was investigated to be bigger than one of pure skyshine path.

Measurement Method of Final Residual Radioactivity of Radioactive Metallic Waste for Clearance (규제해제 대상 방사성 금속 폐기물 최종잔류방사능 측정법)

  • Seo, Bumkyoung;Ji, Youngyong;Hong, Sangbum;Lee, Keunwoo;Moon, Jeikwon
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.228-233
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    • 2013
  • It has been continuously generated the requirement for the replacement of the main components such as a steam generator due to the deterioration of the nuclear power plant all around the world. Also, a large amount of radioactive metal was generated during the decommissioning in a short period. It is required to make an accurate measurement of the residual radioactivity for recycling the metal waste for releasing from regulatory control. In planning the measurement procedures, the influence of geometry, self-absorption, density and other relevant factors on the representativeness of the measurements should be considered for the decommissioning metal waste. In this study, the method for measurement procedures, the source term evaluation, the ways to secure representative samples, the measurement device for wide area and the self-absorption correction factors for different density were evaluated. The metal samples for measurement were prepared for securing the simple geometry and representative by melting process. The developed correction method for measuring the radioactivity a variety density of metal waste could improve the reliability of the evaluation results for clearance.

Comparison of Monitor Units Obtained from Measurements and ADAC Planning System for High Energy Electrons (측정과 ADAC 치료계획 시스템에서 계산된 고에너지 전자선의 Monitor Unit Value 비교)

  • Lee, Re-Na;Choi, Jin-Ho;Suh, Hyun-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the monitor unit obtained from various methods for the treatment of superficial cancers using electron beams. Thirty-three breast cancer patients who were treated in our institution with 6, 9, and 12 MeV electron beams, were selected for this study. For each patient, irregularly shaped treatment blocks were drawn on simulation film and constructed. Using the irregular blocks, monitor units to deliver 100 cGy to the dose maximum (dmax) were calculated from measurement and three-dimensional radiation treatment planning (3D RTP) system (PINNACLE 6.0, ADAC Laboratories, Milpitas CA) Measurements were made in solid water phantom with plane parallel (PP) chamber (Roos, OTW Germany) at 100 cm source-to surface distances. CT data was used to investigate the effect of heterogeneity. Monitor units were calculated by overriding CT values with 1 g/㎤ and in the presence of heterogeneity. The monitor unit values obtained by the above methods were compared. The dose, obtained from measurement in solid water phantom was higher than that of RTP values for irregularly shaped blocks. The maximum differences between monitor unit calculated in flat water phantom at gantry zero position were 4% for 6 MeV and 2% for 9 and 12 MeV electrons. When CT data was used at a various gantry angle the agreement between the TPS data with and without density correction was within 3% for all energies. These results indicate that there are no significant difference in terms of monitor unit when density is corrected for the treatment of breast cancer patients with electrons.

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A Study on Improving the Efficiency of the Survival Rate for the Offshore Accommodation Barge Resident Using Fire Dynamic Simulation (화재시뮬레이션을 이용한 해양플랜트 전용생활부선 거주자의 생존율 향상에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Ouk;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.689-695
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    • 2015
  • The offshore plant crews that were commissioned in the commercial startup phase boarded the offshore plant in two shifts until the end of the project. The crews who were hired by the owner side stayed in the original offshore plant during the project. However, most of the offshore plant commissioned members who were dispatched from the shipyard were accommodated in the offshore accommodation barge. For this reason, they were exposed to many accidents since there are a lot of people staying in a small space. This study suggested a method for improving survival rate at offshore accommodation barge in terms of life safety. It is assumed that the fire accident among unfortunate events which take place in the offshore accommodation barge mainly occurred. So, this study analyzed the safety evacuation for offshore plant employees using fire simulation model based on both domestic and international law criteria. In particular, When fire occurs in the offshore accommodation barge, the periodically well trained crews are followed safety evacuation procedure. whereas many employees who have different background such as various occupations, cultural differences, races and nationality can be commissioned with improper evacuation behaviors. As a result, the risk will be greater than normal situation due to these inappropriate behaviors. Therefore, This study analyzed the Required Safe Escape Time (RSET) and Available Safe Escape Time (ASET). Also it was suggested the improvement of structure design and additional arrangement of safety equipment to improve the survival rate of the residents in offshore accommodation barge.

Analysing the Impact of New Risks on Maritime Safety in Korea Using Historical Accident Data (사고기록 데이터를 이용하여 국내 해상안전에 새로운 위기가 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Park, Deuk-Jin;Park, Seong-Bug;Yang, Hyeong-Sun;Yim, Jeong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.791-799
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this work is to analyse the impact of new accident risks on maritime safety in Korea. The new accident risks have been induced from new/rare or unprecedented events in world maritime transportation, as identified by 46 experts in the previous study. To measure the impact of these new accident risks on maritime safety in Korea, the statistical accident data reported by the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunals (KMST) has been used for calculation, and the concept of Risk Index (RI) = Frequency Index (FI) + Severity Index (SI)established in a Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) by the IMO has also been introduced. After calculating two kinds of weight for FI and SI from the statistical accident data, high ranked scenarios were identified and their relationships between new risks and these scenarios were analysed. The results from this analysis showed, the root cause of the top-ranked scenario to be "developing high technology", which leads to "shorten cargo handling time". These results differed from optimum RCOs such as "business competition" and "crewing problems" which were identified in the previous study.