• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선박 안전 운항

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A Study on the Revision of the Notification Form and Procedures of Marine Incident (준해양사고 통보서식 및 절차 개정에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Suk-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2020
  • Accident prevention is more important than follow-up, which is based on Heinrich's law. The marine incident system is a very meaningful system that can prevent similar accidents, and was introduced in 2010 in Korea in accordance with the enforcement of the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents (CI Code). Based on the CI Code, ship owners or ship operators are required to notify the Central Chief Inspector using the designated notification form in the event of a marine incident, but the number of voluntary notifications is still small. In this regard, this study intends to provide a direction for improvement by conducting an in-depth analysis focusing on the lack of notification procedures and forms of the marine incident system. To this end, we analyzed related regulations, cases of excellent overseas shipping countries such as the United Kingdom and Singapore, cases of similar domestic transportation systems such as aviation and railways, and marine incident notification procedures and forms of leading shipping companies. Major improvements in the notification process include the transition of the marine incidents to voluntary reporting, the expansion of the reporting subjects, and the identification of the security of the informer's identity. The main contents of the notification form revision include the use of the term "reporting" instead of "notification," the content of the identity guarantee in the notification form, and the increase in statistical value through the expansion of optional entries.

Experimental Study on Structure Characteristics of Particulate Matter emitted from Ship at Various Sampling Conditions (다양한 샘플링 조건에 따른 선박 배기가스 내 입자상물질의 구조 특성에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ju;Jang, Se-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Yoon;Kang, Mu-Kyoung;Chun, Kang-Woo;Cho, Kwon-Hae;Yoon, Seok-Hun;Choi, Jae-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.547-553
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    • 2016
  • Black carbon (BC) contained in particulate matter (PM) originating from the exhaust gases of ships' diesel engines has been receiving great attention as a cause of glacial melting and warming in the polar regions. In this study, we took samples from various locations of PM emitted from the training ship (T/S) HANBADA's main engine, in cooperation with the Korea Maritime and Ocean University. We analyzed the structure and characteristics of these samples using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and applied our findings as fundamental research for developing PM reduction technology. We also employed our results to determine appropriate preemptive action to meet upcoming PM/BC regulations. In addition, we confirmed the emission trend of pollutants from exhaust gases under various engine operating conditions using an exhaust gas analyzer. Results obtained from the analysis of HR-TEM images showed that the structure of the PM is chain-like wispy agglomerates consisting of a number of individual spherical particles. As the sampling location was moved away from the turbo charger (T/C) towards the funnel, more condensates were observed at a low temperature and the molecular structure of the PM lost its characteristic BC structure as an amorphous structure gradually appeared. Furthermore, through the analysis of exhaust gases, we predicted a decrease in PM concentration in the exhaust stream as engine rpm increase.

인마새트 위성 서비스 동향 및 향후 전망

  • 목진담
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.95-98
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    • 2003
  • 전 세계에 위성이동통신 서비스를 제공하고 있는 인마새트 시스템은 해사통신 및 선박의 안전운항을 목적으로 UN산하 국제해사위성기구(INMARSAT: International Maritime Satellite Organization)로 설립되었다. 그 후 기존에 제공하던 해상 위주의 서비스 외에 항공 및 육상 이동통신서비스가 추가되면서 국제이동위성기구(INMARSAT: International Mobile Satellite Organization)라는 이름과 병행하여 사용하여 오다가 최근 민영화되었다. 이에 따라 인마새트는 육상, 해상, 항공서비스를 제공하면서 86개의 회원국으로 운영되어오다가 민영화되면서 이들 회원국은 모두 투자사로 전환되었다. 하지만 기존에 제공하여온 해상조난안전통신 등 공익성을 갖는 기능에 대해서는 향후에도 지속적인 서비스가 제공되도록 별도로 IMSO(International Maritime Satellite Organization)라는 감독기관을 두어 관장하고 있다. 인마새트는 전세계적으로 글로벌 위성이동통신 서비스를 최초로 제공한 이래 아직까지도 해상, 육상, 항공 등 전 분야에 통신서비스를 제공하는 유일한 사업자이다. 더구나 최근 저궤도 위성을 이용한 GMPCS의 성장추세가 예상보다 크게 둔화되면서 상대적으로 비용이 저렴한 정지궤도 위성 시스템인 인마새트 서비스가 더욱 활성화되는 추세이다. 이에 인마새트 서비스를 위한 신형 장비도 추가 개발되고 있으며 서비스 영역이 확장되는 등 그 중요성이 부각됨에 따라 향후 상당기간동안 인마새트 시스템에 부가기능을 추가하면서 재난시 비상연락수단은 물론이고 일상적인 통신수단의 영역까지 확대될 것으로 전망된다.인 방법이다. 활성물질의 생성시간과 가공시간은 불과 수십 $\mu\textrm{s}$ 및 수 sec 에 불과하므로, 1 kton/h 용량의 수산기활성제 제조장치의 환산소비동력은 약 200 kW이고, 장치의 체적은 10~30 ㎥의 공간으로 충분하므로, 소형선박으로 상당면적의 적조피해를 효과적으로 해결할 수 있다.의 특성을 이용하여 워터마크를 삽입한다.송 시스템을 구현될 수 있음을 검증하였다.출량을 비교한 결과 토사 유출 억제효과는 한지형과 나지형잔디들의 혼합형(MixtureIII)과 자생처리구(MixtureV), Italian ryegrass와 자생식물의 혼합형(MixtureIV)등에서 비교적 낮은 수치를 토사유출량을 기록하였다. 이러한 결과는 자생식물들이 비록 초기생육속도는 외래도입초종에 떨어지지만 토사유출의 억제효과면에서는 이들 외래초종에 필적할 수 있음을 나타낸다고 할 수 있겠다.중량이 약 115kg/$m^2$정도로 나타났다.소 들(환경의 의미, 사람의 목적과 지식)보다 미학적 경험에 주는 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 모든 사람들에게 비슷한 미학적 경험을 발생시키는 것 이 밝혀졌다. 다시 말하면 모든 사람들은 그들의 문화적인 국적과 사회적 인 직업의 차이, 목적의 차이, 또한 환경의 의미의 차이에 상관없이 아름다 운 경관(High-beauty landscape)을 주거지나 나들이 장소로서 선호했으며, 아름답다고 평가했다. 반면에, 사람들이 갖고 있는 문화의 차이, 직업의 차 이, 목적의 차이, 그리고 환경의 의미의 차이에 따라 경관의 미학적 평가가 달라진 것으로 나타났다.corner$적 의도에 의한 경관구성의 일면을

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Flow-Induced Noise Prediction for Submarines (잠수함 형상의 유동소음 해석기법 연구)

  • Yeo, Sang-Jae;Hong, Suk-Yoon;Song, Jee-Hun;Kwon, Hyun-Wung;Seol, Hanshin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.930-938
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    • 2018
  • Underwater noise radiated from submarines is directly related to the probability of being detected by the sonar of an enemy vessel. Therefore, minimizing the noise of a submarine is essential for improving survival outcomes. For modern submarines, as the speed and size of a submarine increase and noise reduction technology is developed, interest in flow noise around the hull has been increasing. In this study, a noise analysis technique was developed to predict flow noise generated around a submarine shape considering the free surface effect. When a submarine is operated near a free surface, turbulence-induced noise due to the turbulence of the flow and bubble noise from breaking waves arise. First, to analyze the flow around a submarine, VOF-based incompressible two-phase flow analysis was performed to derive flow field data and the shape of the free surface around the submarine. Turbulence-induced noise was analyzed by applying permeable FW-H, which is an acoustic analogy technique. Bubble noise was derived through a noise model for breaking waves based on the turbulent kinetic energy distribution results obtained from the CFD results. The analysis method developed was verified by comparison with experimental results for a submarine model measured in a Large Cavitation Tunnel (LCT).

A Study of the Information Structuring of an Integrated Navigation System (INS) Based on User Experience using a Card Sorting Test (카드 소팅 분석을 통한 사용자 경험 기반의 통합항해시스템 정보 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Bora, Kim;Yun-sok, Lee;Young-Joong Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2023
  • An INS is a composite navigation system providing "added value" so defined if work stations provide Multi-Function Displays(MFDs) integrating information and functions for navigational tasks. Even though the minimum requirements for an INS are defined by IMO performance standards, a generic list of the devices and functions that constitute an INS does not exist, so the configuration of the INS is different for each manufacturer, and guidelines based on users' perspectives are also insufficient. This study was conducted to enhance the usability of the INS by analyzing the information required by users according to the ship's operating status and tasks and effectively structuring it in the MFD of the INS. By analyzing INS-related international standards and manufacturers' component equipment lists, mandatory navigation information was selected and card sorting tests were conducted on ship operators with experience in using MFDs to group the information required for each INS task. The results of the study can serve as a basic guideline for manufacturers to structure information based on users' experience when designing products.

A Study on the Hazard Area of Bunkering for Ammonia Fueled Vessel (암모니아 연료추진 선박의 벙커링 누출 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ilsup Shin;Jeongmin Cheon;Jihyun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.964-970
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    • 2023
  • As part of the International Maritime Organization ef orts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the maritime industry is exploring low-carbon fuels such as liquefied natural gas and methanol, as well as zero-carbon fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, evaluating them as environmentally friendly alternatives. Particularly, ammonia has substantial operational experience as cargo on transport ships, and ammonia ship engines are expected to be available in the second half of 2024, making it relatively accessible for commercial use. However, overcoming the toxicity challenges associated with using ammonia as a fuel is imperative. Detection is possible at levels as low as 5 ppm through olfactory senses, and exposure to concentrations exceeding 300 ppm for more than 30 min can result in irreparable harm. Using the KORA program provided by the Chemical Safety Agency, an assessment of the potential risks arising from leaks during ammonia bunkering was conducted. A 1-min leak could lead to a 5 ppm impact within a radius of approximately 7.5 km, affecting key areas in Busan, a major city. Furthermore, the potentially lethal concentration of 300 ppm could have severe consequences in densely populated areas and schools near the bunkering site. Therefore, given the absence of regulations related to ammonia bunkering, the potential for widespread toxicity from even minor leaks highlights the requirement for the development of legislation. Establishing an integrated system involving local governments, fire departments, and environmental agencies is crucial for addressing the potential impacts and ensuring the safety of ammonia bunkering operations.

Uncertainty Analysis of BAG by GNSS Correction (해저지형 표면자료의 GNSS 보정방법에 따른 불확실도 연구)

  • OH, Che-Young;KIM, HO-Yong;LEE, Yun-Sik;CHOI, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • In the recent marine sector, the development and standardization regarding S-100, which is the universal hydrographical data model standard for development of marine space information, was progressed, and for the effectiveness of marine chart production work and the multi-purpose use of water level data in S-100, S-102(Bathymetric Surface grid) standard development and various studies of BAG formats combined with water level and uncertainty, property information is being progressed. Since the water level information that is important in the operation of the ship is provided based on S-102, the calibration method of the location information when producing S-102 is an important factor in deciding the water level. In this study, the hydrographical surveying was conducted by piloting the standardized method for the production of S-102 in Korea, and have compared the accuracy of water level information according to the GNSS post treatment calibration method. As a result of comparing the water level in 2 places in the rocky terrain of the study area, the northern water level of Namu-do was shown as DL 0.79~0.83m, the eastern water level of Daeho-do was DL 12.63~12.91m, and the horizontal position errors of the intermittent sunshine water level were confirmed to be within 1m. As a result, the intermittent sunshine water level according to the location calibration method when producing the BAG was confirmed that it was in the available range for a ship's safe voyage. However, the accuracy verification for the location of the ship when conducting hydrographical surveying was judged that there is a need for a various additional study about regional characteristics and environment factor.

A Study on Collection and Usage of Panel Data on On-board Job Taking and Separation of Korean Seafarers (한국선원의 승선과 이직에 대한 패널자료 구축과 활용방안)

  • Park, Yong-An
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2016
  • Seafarers are an essential resource in maritime industries, which provide navigation skills, vessel maneuvering skills and fishing skills in the fishery industry. They also work as a driving force in pilotage, port operation, vessel traffic service, and marine safety. Other areas in maritime services, which rely on seafarer include safety management of ships, supervisory activities, and maritime accident assessment. In these ways, Korean seafarers have contributed to the growth of Korean economy. However, there have been issues of high separation rate, shortage of supply, multi-nationality, multiplicity of culture caused by employment of foreign seafarers, and aging. The present paper finds that maritime officers and fishery officers demonstrate differences in the statistics of on-board job taking and separation: the separation rate of fishery officers is higher than that of maritime officers. The existing data and statistics by the Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center could be improved by changing its structure from time series to panel data. The Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center is the ideal institution for collecting the panel data, as it has already accumulated and published relevant statistics regarding seafarer. The basic design method of the panel data is to adopt and improve it by including the information on ratings of maritime and fishery industries, ranks in a ship, personal information, family life, and career goal. Panel data are useful in short- and long-term forecasts of supply of Korean seafarers; demand evaluation of education, training, and reeducation of the seafarers; demographical dynamic analysis on Korean seafarers; inducement policy of long-term on board job taking in harmony with man-power demands in marine industries such as pilotage service; implementation of job attractiveness policy on Korean seafarers; and employment stabilization of Korean seafarers.

Basic Study to Establish Marine Activity Criteria Based on the Seakeeping Performance of Less Than 10-tons Fishing Vessels(I) (내항성능 기반 10톤 미만 어선의 해양활동 기준 마련 기초 연구(I))

  • Choi, Gwang-Young;Song, Chae-Uk;Park, Young-Soo;Park, Jun-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.965-972
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    • 2022
  • This is a basic study to establish marine activity criteria based on the seakeeping performance of less than 10-tons fishing vessels. These vessels account for approximately 95% of Korea's currently registered fishing vessels, and accidents and loss of life are also occurring during marine activities such as navigation, and fishing. Accordingly, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries has set a regulation of vessel traf ic control to restrict the operation of fishing vessels when the high seas watch takes effect, but it is applied equally without criteria according to the ship ton level and wave height; therefore, many differences may exist in ship fluctuations. Because the fluctuation of the ship owing to the wave height can be a factor in marine accidents by reducing the sense of boarding and performance of equipment, the seakeeping performance must be reviewed during waves to secure safe marine activities such as navigation and fishing. However, the review for the fishing vessel of established marine activity criteria based on the seakeeping performance is insufficient. Accordingly, the seakeeping performance was evaluated for a 10-ton class (G/T 9.77 tons) fishing vessel in Korea, and the level of marine activity according to the significant wave height and ship speed was interpreted by applying the operation and survival of the established seakeeping performance criteria. The analysis results indicated that the roll of the ship exceeded the operation criteria from 0.4m and the survival criteria from 2.2m. The pitch of the ship exceeded the operation criteria from 1.7m and did not exceed the survival criteria until 3.0m. However, the rolling exceeding the survival criteria from 2.2m may not be safe. Therefore, fishing vessels with less than 10-tons can leave before the high seas watch takes effect. However, they did not satisfy the criteria for evaluating the performance of the sea in relation to marine activities. Although this study was limitedly evaluated for 10-ton fishing vessels, it is expected to be of great help in preparing marine activity criteria.

A Study on the Design of Data Model for Route Information based on S-100 (S-100 기반의 항로정보 데이터 모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Byung-Moon;KIM, Jae-Myeong;CHOI, Yun-Soo;OH, Se-Woong;JUNG, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.50-64
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    • 2019
  • According to the Maritime Safety Act, there are all 34 routes including 5 traffic safety zones, 3 traffic separation schemes, 26 routes designated by regional maritime affairs departments in the Republic of Korea. In the SOLAS convention, the route information should be is effectively used for the safe navigation. However, the route information is complicatedly composed of the location of the route, the navigation rule by each route, the restriction of the navigation, and the anchorages. Moreover, the present method of providing information using the navigational chart and other publications is not effective for users to grasp the navigational information. Therefore, it was conducted to study the design of the S-100 based routing information data model developed by the International Hydrographic Organization to find ways to more effectively provide route information. To do this, the analysis of route requirement, selection of items, encoding test and users' review were carried out. Through expert user review, it was evaluated that the study on the design of the route information data model can be utilized as a good basic data for the route information integration service. Future research on the development of route information data models is expected to provide integrated route information services.