• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서식지 지도

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Physiological Response along with Drought Tolerance of Quercus gilva and Quercus glauca (개가시나무(Quercus gilva)와 종가시나무(Quercus glauca)의 건조 내성에 따른 생리 반응)

  • Yoonkyung Choi;Jungmin Lee;Euijoo Kim;Jiwon Park;Yoonseo Kim;Gyeongmi Cho;Sehee Kim;Gyuri Kim;Juseon Lee;Younghan You;Ara Seol
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.41-41
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    • 2022
  • 제주 내 크게 6개 지역에 흩어져 분포하고 있는 곶자왈은 화산활동으로 형성되었으며 제주 산림생물자원의 46%가 분포하여 생물종다양성이 매우 높은 것으로 알려져 있다. 곶자왈은 자갈과 바위로 이루어져 있으며 토양이 적게 발달하여 건조에 직면할 가능성이 크다. 본 연구는 곶자왈에서 서식하는 멸종위기종이자 산림청에서 희귀식물로 지정한 개가시나무(Quercus gilva)와 같은 속이면서 공존하고 있는 종가시나무(Quercus glauca)의 건조 내성에 대한 반응을 알아보고자 실내에서 생리 반응을 연구하였다. 온도(22±2.94℃)와 토양 양분(10%)은 자생지의 값을 기준으로 처리하였으며 수분 처리는 토양을 채운 화분에 물이 화분 밑으로 새어나가기 직전까지 포장용수량 700mL를 공급한 후 27일간 단수하였다. 단수기간에 수분함량의 변화는 토양수분함량측정기(Watch Dog)를 설치하여 데이터를 수집하였다. 항목은 토양수분함량에 따른 광합성률, 증산률, 수분이용효율, 기공전도도, Fv/Fm, Fo, Fm, 엽록소함량을 측정하였다. 토양수분함량은 25, 27일째를 제외한 기간에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. 광합성률은 27일째를 제외한 기간에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. 증산률은 4, 5, 11, 14, 25, 27일째에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 낮았다. 수분이용효율은 13일째를 제외한 기간에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. 기공전도도는 3, 9일째에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. Fv/Fm은 22, 27일째를 제외한 기간에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. Fo은 3, 14일째를 제외한 기간에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. Fm과 엽록소함량은 기간에 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 높았다. 이와 같은 실험 결과로 보았을 때 개가시나무가 종가시나무보다 건조 내성에 강한 것으로 판단된다.

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Analysis of Ecological Space Connectivity and Forest axis in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do (대구·경북 생태공간 연결성 및 산림축 분석)

  • Jae-Gyu CHA
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.80-96
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    • 2023
  • The expansion of human activities and road development has led to the loss and fragmentation of ecological spaces, which is a negative factor for biodiversity. In particular, urban areas where land use and land cover have rapidly changed into urbanization zones are regions where ecological spaces are lost and isolated, making it difficult for wildlife to inhabit. Furthermore, the loss and fragmentation of ecological spaces due to urbanization can have a negative impact on ecosystem services. Therefore, to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban and national land, it is necessary to establish a practical ecological axis that reflects the current status of the city. Thus, this study analyzed the connectivity of ecological spaces and forest axis that can be used for spatial planning related to urban ecological axis of local governments in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do. The ecological connectivity was analyzed by dividing the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region into 31 local government units, distinguishing between forests and natural areas using land cover data. Subsequently, the study area was divided into 20,483 hexagonal grids of 1 square kilometer each, and the restoration effects for ecological fragmentation within 100 meters were spatially clustered to visualize priority restoration areas. The forest axis was derived by considering regional conditions such as land cover, building area, slope, and others to connect 1,534 forests of 100 hectares or more. The research results are expected to be used as fundamental data for spatial planning, goal setting, and the selection of restoration areas for improving ecological connectivity.

Analyzing the Socio-Ecological System of Bees to Suggest Strategies for Green Space Planning to Promote Urban Beekeeping (꿀벌의 사회생태시스템 분석을 통한 도시 양봉 활성화 녹지 계획 전략 제시)

  • Choi, Hojun;Kim, Min;Chon, Jinhyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 2024
  • Pollinators are organisms that carry out the pollination process of plants and include Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera. Among them, bees not only pollinate plants but also improve urban green spaces damaged by land use changes, providing a habitat and food for birds and insects. Today, however, the number of pollinating plants is decreasing due to issues such as early flowering due to climate change, fragmentation of green spaces due to urbanization, and pesticide use, which in turn leads to a decline in bee populations. The decline of bee populations directly translates into problems, such as reduced biodiversity in cities and decreased food production. Urban beekeeping has been proposed as a strategy to address the decline of bee populations. However, there is a problem asurban beekeeping strategies are proposed without considering the complex structure of the socio-ecological system consisting of bees foraging and pollination activities and are therefore unsustainable. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the socio-ecological system of honeybees, which are pollinators, structurally using system thinking and propose a green space planning strategy to revitalize urban beekeeping. For this study, previous studies that centered on the social and ecological system of bees in cities were collected and reviewed to establish the system area and derive the main variables for creating a causal loop diagram. Second, the ecological structure of bees' foraging and pollination activities and the structure of bees' ecological system in the city were analyzed, as was the social-ecological system structure of urban beekeeping by creating an individual causal loop diagram. Finally, the socio-ecological system structure of honey bees was analyzed from a holistic perspective through the creation of an integrated causal loop diagram. Citizen participation programs, local government investment, and the creation of urban parks and green spaces in idle spaces were suggestedas green space planning strategies to revitalize urban beekeeping. The results of this study differ from previous studies in that the ecological structure of bees and the social structure of urban beekeeping were analyzed from a holistic perspective using systems thinking to propose strategies, policy recommendations, and implications for introducing sustainable urban beekeeping.

Characteristics of Breeding Bird Community in Relation to Altitude and Vegetation in Jirisan National Park (지리산국립공원 해발고도와 식생에 따른 번식기 조류군집의 특성)

  • Lee, Do-Han;Kwon, Hye-Jin;Song, Ho-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of breeding bird community in relation to altitude and vegetation in Jirisan National Park. The survey was carried over 4 study sites by point counts method to figure out habitat environment and breeding bird community from March to August in 2006. The study results are summarized as follows: Total 32 species were recorded, and 27 species and density of 37.31 ea/ha in low altitude mixed forest, 23 species and 34.99 ea/ha in low altitude deciduous forest, 18 species and 23.95 ea/ha in high altitude mixed forest, 19 species and 20.21 ea/ha in high altitude deciduous forest, respectively. Eleven species were observed only in the low altitude sites, 4 species were observed only in the high altitude sites. Number of species and density were high in the low altitude sites, and they were high in the mixed forests. In nesting guild analysis, the low altitude sites are similarly found species number of three types but canopy nesting species in the high altitude sites are advent less. In foraging guild analysis, the species number of canopy foraging appeared most highly in all study sites. In the difference analysis of each species density. Four species which are showed the difference in the low altitude sites, owing to vegetation. Long-tailed Tit(Aegithalos caudatus) and Great tit(Parus major) are difference because of difference in volume of canopy layer, and Coal Tit(Parus ater) was difference because of coniferous forest preference quality. Four species(Hazel Grouse, Winter Wren, Pale Thrush, Yellow-throated Bunting) which are showed the difference of the density in the high altitude sites because of thick growth of the bush layer. Ten species which are showed the difference in study sites, owing to altitude. Oriental Cuckoo(Cuculus saturatus), Winter Wren(Troglodytes troglodytes), Siberian Blue Robin(Luscinia cyane), Arctic Warbler(Phylloscopus borealis), Coal Tit(Parus ater), and Yellow-throated Bunting(Emberiza elegans) appeared highly in the high altitude sites, Pale Thrush(Turdus pallidus), Long-taild Tit(Aegithalos caudatus), Varied Tit(Parus varius), and Eurasian Nuthatch(Sitta europaea) appeared highly in the low altitude sites. It seems that bush layer coverage volume and canopy layer total coverage volume do influences on the breeding bird community, because the bush layer was thick growth, and canopy layer coverage volume was difference. It would be needed the management and maintenance of bush layer coverage volume and canopy layer with multi-layer structure to increase foliage height diversity and total coverage volume for the protection and management of bird community in Jirisan National Park.

Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Constructed Small-scale Ponds for Ecological Improvement in Paddy Fields (논 생태 증진을 위해 설치된 둠벙의 물리.화학적 및 생물학적 특성)

  • Kim, Jae-Ok;Shin, Hyun-Sang;Yoo, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Heon;Jang, Kyu-Sang;Kim, Bom-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to gain preliminary data for restoration and management of constructed small-scale ponds in paddy fields through analysis of their physicochemical and biological properties. A field survey was performed at 13 small-scale ponds located in paddy fields from August 2009 to October 2010. Structural properties, water quality, soil characteristics and fish fauna were measured. Results showed that small-scale ponds without frames might lose their function over time because of crumbling walls. Therefore, it is necessary for these ponds to have frames for soil protection and sustainable maintenance. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentration were higher than the water quality standard for agricultural water in small-scale ponds. In particular, TN concentration was 8.03 mg $L^{-1}$ and over 8 times the water quality standard because of the presence of livestock such as cows and pigs in the study areas. Sand, organic matter and available phosphorus contents of soil in small-scale ponds was 53.4${\pm}$16.6%, 21.8${\pm}$9.74 g $kg^{-1}$ and 12.8${\pm}$7.59 mg $kg^{-1}$, respectively indicating that sand and available phosphorus contents were suitable for plants in small-scale ponds, but organic matter contents was somewhat low in newly constructed small-scale ponds, and would take some time to stabilize for plant growing. Fish fauna was not diverse with only 4 species at all sites surveyed. Collected fishes share a common feature that they all inhabit paddy fields or canals with shallow water depth. In this study, all ponds were not linked to the streams and canals around them. It appears that connection to adjacent streams was the major factor controlling fish fauna in small-scale ponds. The results of statistical analysis were classified into three groups. Factor 1 was 26.3%, which shows a structural properties such as area and depth of small-scale pond. As for factor 2, it appears on 20.1%, showing water quality like a TP, suspended solids (SS) and COD. Small-scale ponds were classified into three groups by factor scores. Group I consisted of 6 small-scale ponds, which were larger than the others. Group III had higher water quality than the others. We conclude that the most important points to be considered for restoration and management of small-scale ponds is connection with adjacent streams or ditches and depth and size of the small-scale pond.

A Basic Study on Establishment of the Ecological Landscape Planning Model (경관생태계획 모형설정을 위한 기초적 연구)

  • Ra, Jung-hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hyun-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.48-64
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this research is to set a systemic Ecological Landscape Planning Model to cope with the destroyed landscape problems which was caused by massive development project and thoughtless development in country areas. The summary of research result are as follows. As a result of analysis on domestic and international literature, there are 60 planning index items which are nature conservation area, landscape conservation area, and build and manage wetland biotope and so on. total number of planning index is 34 after finalizing the physical index items. As a result of on-spot research, all 34 planning index after literature analysis is existing. Also, there are 38 finally-selected index which includes 4 added planning index in the process of research like natural vegetation in frequently-used spot. As a result of importance analysis on detailed planning index, most are above 5 points, which is relatively high. As a result of factor analysis on patterning for the detailed planning index, it was classified with seven elements. The first Ecological Landscape Planning model was set with integrated analysis on result of pattering for the detailed planning index and importance of detailed planning index. Based on first model, to make more systematic landscape, the analysis of MCB was conducted. As a result of MCB analysis according to planning index, it is confirmed that each planning index shows maximum. As a result of importance analysis on the 9 plans keynote, the average importance point was 4.62 for conservation area and 4.54 for enrichment area respectively. By integrating the result of importance analysis on basic aims of the first model, MCB analysis and plans, we set the second Ecological Landscape Planning model. In vertical transition, for example, 'conservation area' showed the importance point above 5.2 for all planning index except setting recreational space. Also, the analysis on parallel structure showed that relation between 'additional improvement, management, and connection' and other planning index is above 5.3 and importance on correlation with 'the part which should be protected from nature and landscape' marked 6.07 which is the highest.

Studies on the Propagation of the Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan) Reared in the Laboratory (담수산 징거미새우, Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan)의 증${\cdot}$양식에 관한 생물학적 기초연구 1. 생식생태에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon Chin-Soo;Lee Bok-Kyu
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 1991
  • This paper deals with the reproductive ecology e.g., number of the pre-spawning moults, morphological characteristics of the pre-spawning moult the common moult, daily ration druing a molting cycle mating behavior, structures of spermatozoa and spermatophore, structure of vas deferens, mechanisms of the oviposition and brooding into the egg-chambers, a suitable time for the artificial mating and fertilization, time sequence of the oviposition and brooding into egg-chambers from the copulation, responses to temperature and chlorinity on the egg development and hatching, effect of temperatures on duration of egg development, physical mechanism of the egg hatching, to make an attempt for the artificial spawning and brooding to establish a suitable system of the artificial seedling-production for the aquaculture. 1. Females molted commonly $8{\~}10$ times at an interval of $17{\~}18$ days at $28^{\circ}C,\;3.26\~4.35\%_{\circ}$ while the prespawning moltings were $4{\~}5$ times at an interval of $13{\~}14$ days. The suitable state for artificial copulation was within 14 hours elapsed from the prespawning moltings (most suitable state was within 8 hours). Males discharged a gelatinous spermatophore and placed it on the females sternum during copulation. Oviposition was seen $6{\~}17$ hours after copulation. External fertilization was considered to take place at oviposition. Fertilized eggs held in egg-chambers forming between pleopods were about $5000{\~}6000$ in females those sizes about 6.5 cm in body length. 2. Eggs immediately after oviposition were elliptic shape, measuring $0.58{\times}0.48$ mm up to hatching. Their sizes increased with egg development and finally reached $0.85{\times}0.54$ mm up to hatching. The relationship between the long axis of the egg(Y in U) and days elapsed(X) was expressed as Y= 5.60194 + 0.007358X. The eggs performed superficial cleavage and their cleavage furrows became visible at the 4-daughter-nucleus stage. The eggs showed normal development up to hatching at water temperature range of $22{\~}30^{\circ}C$ (optimum temperature : $26{\~}28^{\circ}C$) and at chlorinity range of $0.00\~6.64\%_{\circ}$ (optimun chlorinity : $2.21{\%}_{\circ}$). The relationship between incubation period (Y in days) and water temperature(X in $^{\circ}C$) could be expressed as Y= 50.803-1.3555X. The eggs hatched $12{\~}13$ days after oviposition at $28.0{\~}28.6^{\circ}C$ 3. The pre-spawning moltings were appreciably different in the morphologic structure from those of common moltings. Breeding setae and dresses were formed on the thoracic regions, abdominal epimerae and the bases of the first to fourth pleopods in order to prepare and support oviposition, transfering and supporting eggs in egg-chambers up to hatching. These supplementary breeding organs were observed only at reproductive seasons.

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A Study on Distribution of Soil Microarthropods in Pinus rigida Plantations following Strip-Cutting (대상벌채(帶狀伐採)한 리기다소나무 조림지(造林地)의 토양미소절지동물(土壤微小節肢動物) 분포(分布)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Kwang-In;Cho, Hi-Doo;An, Ki-Wan;Jang, Seog-Ki;Chung, Jin-Chul;Kim, Choon-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.3
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to investigate composition and distribution of the soil microarthropods in Pinus rigida plantations following strip-cutting from May 1998 to April 1999. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The individuals of soil microarthropods found during the research periods were 181, 904 and were identified into 21 orders in 7 classes. The classes were Arachnida, Insecta, Malacostra, Pauropoda, Diplopoda, Chilopoda and Symphyla. 2. The population density of the soil microarthropods was 82,962 individuals at the control area, 62,688 individuals at the reserve area and 36,254 individuals at the cutting area. The microarthropods in the control area were 2 times higher than those in the cutting area. 3. Although the major dominant taxa, Acari and Collembola, decreased in densities at the cutting area, the density reduction in Acari was higher than that in Collembola. This resulted in the increase of Collembola in terms of the relative abundance at the cutting area. 4. Among the total soil microarthropods, Arachnida was 59.74%, followed by Insecta of 39.82%. Such two groups comprise 99.56% of soil microarthropods. 5. According to the relative population density, Acari was 99.18% in Arachnida and 59.25% in the total and Collembola 93.99% in Insecta and 37.42% in the total. Therefore, individuals of Acari and Collembola was 96.67% of the total individuals. And the next abundant groups were Hymenoptera (0.95%), Diptera (0.64%) and Pseudoscorpiones (0.39%). 6. The population density of the soil microarthropods fluctuated seasonally, showing the bimodal pattern, being high in fall and spring. The highest density occurred in November and the lowest in July.

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Soil Chemical Characteristics and Comparison with Infested Status of Nematode(Meloidogyne spp.) in Plastic House Continuously Cultivated Oriental Melon in Songju (성주 지역 시설참외 연작지의 토양특성 및 토양선충 변화)

  • Jun, Han-Sik;Park, Woo-chul
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted for ten years to evaluate the effective soil management for preventing the infection of root-knot nematode in the field of continuous cultivation with oriental melon under plastic house in Songju area of kyongbuk province. The content of available phosphate, total nitrogen, organic matter, CEC, and exchangeable base in the soil increased with the increase of continuous cultivation year. Especially salt content in the soil increased form 1.2 to 4.55 mS/cm and the yield of oriental melon dramatically decreased with the continuous cultivation year. The number of root-knot nematode was 91 per $300\;cm^3$ of soil in the field of continuous cultivation for 3 years and showed slight damage on the oriental melon, but it was 518 in the field of $4{\sim}6$ years continuous cultivation and showed that 50% of plants died in August, and the yield of late season was less than 50% compared to normal plant. For the seasonal changes in infection rate of root-knot nematode on oriental melon plant, 15% of the normal plant was infected by nematode in February and increased gradually by $10{\sim}20%$ per month, 60% of plants was infected in July. The density of root-knot nematode nymph was 167 in February and increased to 1,625 in August. The infection rate of nematode was 35%, and the number of nematode was about 54 in nursery soil originated from paddy soil, upland soil, and river sand. There were no relationship between the number of nematode and available phosphate or exchangeable base in the soil of plastichouse where oriental melon plants were grown.

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A Study on the Image Registration Algorithms for the Accurate Application of Multimodality Image in Radiation Treatment Planning (방사선치료 계획시 다중영상 활용의 정확도 향상을 위한 영상정합 알고리즘 분석)

  • 송주영;이형구;최보영;윤세철;서태석
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2002
  • There have been many studies on the application of the reciprocal advantages of multimodality image to define accurate target volume in the Process of radiation treatment planning. For the proper use of the multimodality images, the registration works between different modality images should be performed in advance. In this study, we selected chamfer matching method and mutual information method as most popular methods in recent image registration studies considering the registration accuracy and clinical practicality. And the two registration methods were analyzed to deduce the optimal registration method according to the characteristics of images. Lung phantom of which multimodality images could be acquired was fabricated and CT, MRI and SPECT images of the phantom were used in this study. We developed the registration program which can perform the two registration methods properly and analyzed the registration results which were produced by the developed program in many different images' conditions. Although the overall accuracy of the registration in both chamfer matching method and mutual information method was acceptable, the registration errors in SPECT images which had lower resolution and in degraded images of which data were removed in some part were increased when chamfer matching method was applied. Especially in the case of degraded reference image, chamfer matching methods produce relatively large errors compared with mutual information method. Mutual information method can be estimated as more robust registration method than chamfer matching method in this study because it did not need the prerequisite works, the extraction of accurate contour points, and it produced more accurate registration results consistently regardless of the images' characteristics. The analysis of the registration methods in this study can be expected to provide useful information to the utilization of multimodality images in delineating target volume for radiation treatment planning and in many other clinical applications.

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