• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서식지 지도

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Current Status of Exotic Turtles Found in Jungnang Stream Located in Urban Area, Seoul, Republic of Korea (한국의 서울 도심에 위치한 중랑천의 외래거북 현황)

  • Seung-Min Park;Jea-Hyeok Choi;Jung-Suk Lee;Ha-Cheol Sung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2023
  • Invasive species are introduced for various purposes, such as pets and food, and the trade of reptiles among them has continuously increased due to their unusual or rare external character traits. As their imports increase, the number of exotic reptiles in the wild is also increasing, and most of the recently discovered exotic turtles have been found near urban areas. Therefore, this study aims to report the current status of exotic turtles inhabiting the Jungnang Stream in downtown Seoul, Republic of Korea. As a result of the survey, seven species of exotic turtles were identified: Chrysemys picta picta, Pseudemys concinna, P. nelsoni, Trachemys scripta elegans, T. s. scripta, T. s. troostii, and Mauremys sinensis. One native turtle species was found: Pelodiscus maackii. Six species are designated as "ecosystem disturbance species" in the Republic of Korea. The dominant species was P. concinna, and C. p. picta, which is still traded in pet shops, was also found. The results have confirmed the current status of exotic turtles in urban rivers, and it was determined that the results show that they are continuously entering the wild.

A Study on Conservation Management Systems based on Deterioration Diagnosis of the Fossil Site: Tracksite of Dinosaurs and Pterosaurs in Sanbuk-dong, Gunsan, Korea (화석지 손상도 정밀진단 기반 보존관리체계 연구: 군산 산북동 공룡발자국과 익룡발자국 화석산지)

  • Hye Ri Yang;Gyu Hye Lee;Chan Hee Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.675-695
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    • 2023
  • The tracksite of dinosaurs and pterosaurs in Sanbuk-dong of Gunsan is the largest early Cretaceous dinosaur footprint fossil site in Korea, and all the footprints are important evidence indicating that large ornithopod and theropod dinosaurs inhabited the Korean peninsula during the early Cretaceous. The Sanbuk-dong site was covered with waterproof sheet in an outdoor environment until the installation of a protective enclosure in 2021. As a result, various factors such as shear force, load reduction, temperature and humidity fluctuations, acid rain, salinity and microorganisms have complexly interacted in the substrate of fossils, exacerbating the damage to footprints. For 159 footprints in 12 trackways among the footprints found in the site, the damage types were classified in detail and the level of each damage was assessed. The damages were classified into 6 types through the classification of deterioration degree of individual footprints. As a result of ultrasonic physical property evaluation on the surface of the fossil site, most of these footprints are in the completely weathered (CW) stage. Furthermore, various weathering patterns were observed in the study area, and surface contaminants were analyzed along the stratigraphy. Although the patterns of freshness and contaminants varied at different points within the fossil site, the chemical compositions were similar. Based on the results, an efficient conservation management system for dinosaur footprint fossils was established, and a conservation treatment type for each footprint was proposed.

대농갱이 인공종묘생산

  • 이춘희;정만복;김중환;이정열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Aquaculture Society Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.51-51
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    • 2003
  • 대농갱이는 체형이 동자개와 비슷하나 지금까지 인공부화는 물론 산란습성에 관해서도 잘 알려져 있지 않은 미개발 어종으로 양식품종의 다양화 및 경쟁력 있는 새로운 품종 개발을 위하여 인공종묘생산 시험을 시도하였다. 본 연구에 사용한 대농갱이 친어는 금강 중류역에서 서식하고 있는 자연산 친어로 암컷 210마리, 수컷 148마리를 사용하였다. 호르몬주사에 의한 인공 배란효과 조사를 위해 암컷 한 마리당 HCG 1,000 IU 주사군(75마리)과 2,000 IU 주사군(135마리)으로 나누어 배란율을 조사하였으며, 수컷은 주사하지 않고 정소를 적출하여 막자사발에 갈아서 등조액과 혼합하여 사용했다. 수정 방법은 난을 착출하면서 정자 등조액을 동시에 흘리는 방법, 난을 그릇에 받은 후 정자 등조액을 혼합 수정하는 방법, 채란용기에 정자 등조액을 미리 넣고 암컷의 난을 짜 넣어 수정시키는 방법 등 3가지 방법을 사용하였다. 부화된 자어는 초기먹이로 알테미아(3일 급이), 실지렁이(6일 급이), 배합사료 순으로 급이하였으며 수온 25~28$^{\circ}C$에 유지관리하면서 성장도 시험을 실시하였다. 호르몬 주사에 의한 배란효과는 HCG 2,000 IU 주사군(채란율 88.9%)이 1,000 IU 주사군(37.3%)에 비해 월등히 높았으며 난의 성숙상태도 좋았다. 수정방법에 있어서는 채란과 동시에 정자 등조액을 흘려 수정시키는 방법과 채란용기에 미리 정자 등조액을 넣고 암컷의 난을 한 마리씩 짜서 수정한 후 바로 부화지로 이동하여 고르게 뿌려 준 경우가 수정율 및 부화율이 좋았다. 부화수온은 23$\pm$1$^{\circ}C$에서 96시간, 26$\pm$1$^{\circ}C$에서는 72시간만에 부화되었으며 부화여건이 좋으면 단시간에 부화할 수 있도록 하는 것이 수생균 발생을 억제할 수 있어서 효과적이었다. 자치어의 성장도 실험에서는 사육수온 25~28$^{\circ}C$에서 직선식으로 나타낼 수 있어서 평균체장은 Y=0.9943X+0.7867, 평균체중은 Y=0.8800-0.6800로 각각 표시되었다.

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Setting Ecological Goals and Success Criteria Items for Ecological Restoration Projects : Focusing on the Coastal Restoration Projects (생태복원사업의 생태적 목표 및 성공 판단기준 항목 설정 : 연안복원사업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sukmo;Lee, Dongjoo;Seo, Jinhyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2017
  • This study established ecological goals and success criteria by using results of the coastal ecosystem restoration demand survey. The ecological goals are set for species diversity, regulation of seawater flow, improvement of purification, erosion prevention and habitat provision by ecosystem types. The indicators of success criteria are chosen the number of emergence species and community characteristics of target organism and pertinent items of hydrologic, water quality and sediment environment by ecological goals among the investigation items of tidal flat investigation guideline.

Phenol Contents of Solvent Extraction in Several Domestic Thymus Quinquecostatus Celak (국내 자생 백리향의 추출용매에 따른 페놀함량)

  • Baik, Jung-Ae;Baek, Yi-Hwa;Chiang, Mae-Hee
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 2009
  • Thyme leaves of aerial part in 5 domestic species was extracted by several solvens, and chemical composition of extracts was analyzed by GC-MS to determine the effective solvent for phenol compound extracts. Total phenol contents containing thymol and carvacrol according to methanol extracts of Ulleung island, Jeju middle mountain, Kyeonggido, Jeju alpine species, and Gangwondo were 92.21, 84.92, 77.43, 74.16, and 73.51%, while them of ethanol extracts of Gangwondo, Jeju middle mountain, Kyeonggido, Ulleung island, and Jeju alpine species were in the order of and their contents were 93.64, 93.62, 90.74, 89.52, and 72.65%, separately. Hexane extracts of Gangwondo and Ulleung island thyme were almost composed by phenol contents containing thymol for 100 and 95.71%.

Systematic Studies of Korean Rodents. V. Morphometric and Chromosomal Analyses on Island Populations of Striped Field Mice (Apodemus agrarius coreae) in Southwestern coasts of the Korean Peninsula (한국산 설치류의 계통분류학적 연구 5.한반도 남서해안의 섬들에 살고 있는 등줄쥐들의 형태적 형질 및 염색체의 분석)

  • Koh, Hung Sun
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1989
  • Samples of striped field mice, Apodemus agrarius Pallas, from eight localities in s southwestern islands and coasts in Korea were collected and analyzed together with samples from the mainland and Jeju island. In chromosomal analyses no variation was revealed in karyotypes among samples from Korea. In morphometric analyses samples from Wan and Bogil islands formed a large-size g group (A. agrarius chejuensis) with those from Jeju island, whereas samples from Jin and H Hajo islands formed a small-size group (A. agrarius coreae) with those from the mainland including southwestern coasts It is supposed that small-size population of striped field mice in Wan and Bogil islands w were extinct and replaced by large-szie population of striped field mice immigrated from Jeju island by humans.

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A Study on the Wildlife Corridor for Connecting Fragmented Habitat -Focused on Site Selection and Design Methods- (단편화된 서식처의 연결을 위한 야생동물 이동통로의 조성 -대상지 선정 및 조성기법을 중심으로-)

  • 김귀곤;최준영;손삼기
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.70-82
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    • 2000
  • This is a study to generate a theoretical base for the development of wildlife corridor as a solution to the problems of wildlife population size reduction and declining bio-diversity resulting from the fragmented habitats caused by road constructions. This study seeks to examine and define techniques in very aspect of wildlife corridor including planning, site selection, design and development, and maintenance through an actual application. The results of this study are as follows. 1) The wildlife corridor should be developed in an approach supplementing a landscape ecological approach and a restoration ecological approach bilaterally. To this end, systematic methodology and process are required. 2) It was restored an ecosystem as close as possible go to the forest ecosystem before road development. In addition, in order to allow it to function as an ecological corridor, topography restoration, stream development, and ecological plantation were implemented. 3) The result of monitoring activities that continued for one year since the development confirmed the migration and inhabitation of a number of animals including small mammals. It is judged that it functions as a corridor in fragmented habitats as initially expected. 4) Through continuous monitoring in the future, the effects of corridor development on ecological restoration need to be reviewed in a long-term perspective. There is also a need to develop and refine a comprehensive maintenance plan for wildlife corridors and their surroundings. Based on such study results, actual data on the development of wildlife corridor should be accumulated. In follow-up studies, after continuous monitoring for a long period of time, the effects of wildlife corridor development should be evaluated comprehensively and wildlife corridor applicable to Korea should be standardized by correcting disclosed problems.

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Assessment of Characteristics and Functions of Abandoned Rice Paddy Wetlands as Habitats for the Amphibia within Land Development Districts (택지개발지구내 양서류 서식처로서 묵논습지의 특성과 기능평가)

  • Lee, Eun Yeob;Moon, Seok Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2011
  • The current study analyzed appropriateness of abandoned rice paddy wetlands as habitats for the Amphibia by assessing functions and value of abandoned rice paddy wetlands within land development districts as a habitat for living creatures and researching into the Amphibia living in the subject districts. For this purpose, the study designated abandoned rice paddy wetlands within Hwaseong A District and Pangyo B District under land development as subject lands. Those wetlands went through succession after abandonment of farming. Detailed study results are as follows. From classification of wetland types and an analysis of their characteristics, it was found that herbaceous plants such as smartweed communities, horsetail communities and reed communities, and woody plants such as pussy willow communities appeared in both districts. These abandoned rice paddy wetlands shows typical characteristics of palustrine wetlands. As a result of a vegetation structure research, it was observed that succession has been progressed for at least over 2~3 years. In assessment of wetland functions by item, it was found that they are developing into fine wetlands in terms of functions because they are ranked over Moderate Class except separate distance from streams. Also from a research into animals living in the abandoned rice paddy wetlands, it was found that main inhabitants are Rana nigromaculata,Rana dybowskii, Hyla japonica, Bufo bufo gargarizans, etc. It can be confirmed that the abandoned rice paddy wetlands are providing appropriate conditions as habitats to the Amphibia in a view that those species have life cycles of inhabitation (shores and wetlands) - egg-laying (rice paddy, puddles and swampy places) - hibernation (rice field banks and swampy places). From this point of view, it was found that abandoned rice paddy wetlands that developed because of abandonment of farming can be used as means to improve structure and functions of habitats.

Effect of Individual Breeding and Feeding on the Growth of Juvenile Mauremys reevesii (개별 사육 및 먹이 급여가 멸종위기종 남생이 유체 성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Koo, Kyo Soung;Song, Jae Young
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2018
  • Mauremys reevesii is a Korean endemic turtle, and designed as an endangered species and national monument in South Korea. Recently, the population of the species has been dramatically declining because of habitat destruction, pollution and illegal capture. Moreover, small population size, difficulty of securing individuals, and lack of research are factors that impede the effective management of the species. In this study, we tested the effect of individual breeding and feeding on the seven juveniles of M. reevesii. Our results showed individual breeding and feeding were guaranteed the effective growth and development. Noticeable growth was confirmed in both body weight and carapace length. Moreover, the size difference among the individuals appeared at the start of this study decreased at the end of this study. Artificial breeding during the wither season was not caused disorders on the growth, behavior and morphology. This individual breeding may lead to effective growth and development, and it will be a way to increase the survival rate when the juveniles released into the wild.

Consideration for Application of Wind Environment Assement on Ecological Parks in Cities (도시 생태공원의 풍환경 평가 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Wonsul;Jung, Il Won;Kwon, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.spc
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2019
  • City parks play an important role in reducing the air pollution and mitigating the city heat island effect caused by global warming. However, from July 2020, restricted parks over 20-year will be partially lifted due to sunset regulation on parks. As a result, the government and local governments have been making efforts to revitalize parks, such as creating ecological parks and securing park sites. However, building winds generated by high-rise buildings constructed around ecological parks in the city may cause discomfort to pedestrians and threaten the ecosystems of plants and animal that live in ecological parks. There are no clearly proposed as standards for wind environment assessment in Korea, but also it has been rarely studied on pedestrian wind environment. In this study, wind environment studies have been reviewed to find the important parameters related to wind environment assessment. Further, wind climate analysis using wind data obtained by Seoul meterological station was performed to examine the possibility of applicability of the wind environment assessment on the city ecological parks.