• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생장 저해

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Studies on the Environmental Factors Affecting Growth and Tuber Formation of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi (올방개(Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi)의 생장(生長)과 괴경형성(塊莖形成)에 미치는 환경요인(環境要因))

  • Ku, Y.C.;Choung, S.G.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was conducted to understand the environmental factors affecting growth and tuber formation such as temperature, day length, tight intensity, water condition and cutting time of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi. Plant height, shoot number and dry weight of E. kuroguwai were higher at high temperature, 25/25C (day/night), while nitrogen content was higher at low temperature, 20/15C. Plant height was more affected by water temperature, while shoot number and dry weight were more affected by air temperature. Contents and absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in top parts of E. kuroguwai were higher under greater difference between air and water temperatures, i.e., 18/28C and 28/18C. The number and weight of tubers were increased under greater difference between air and water temperatures, i.e, 18/28C and 28/18C, while they were inhibited at low or high air/water temperatures (18/18C or 28/28C). Tubers of E. kuroguwai were formed at 8-or 12-hour day length, however, no tuber was formed at l6-hour day length. Photoinductive period for tuber initiation of E. kuroguwai was between 30 and 45 days after emergence, and the induction period of short-day treatment was less than 10 days. Tuber number and weight were reduced by shading due to inhibition of the growth of top and underground parts. Number of days from planting to tuber initiation was shortned as planting time was delayed and plant height, dry weight, and tuber number were also reduced by delayed planting. Tuber number at l0 to 15cm water depth was decreased 63 to 75% as compared with 1 to 5cm water depth. Tuber number and dry weight were not affected by the size of tubers at planting. Due to the reduced growth of top and underground parts, tuber number and dry weight of E. kuroguwai were decreased by delayed shoot cutting. The critical cutting time to inhibit the growth of E. kuroguwai was about 70 days after emergence.

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Effect of antioxidation and antibacterial activity on crude extract and Characterization of American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana L.) in Korea (국내 서식 미국바퀴(Periplaneta americana L.)의 특성 및 추출물의 항산화·항균 효과)

  • Kim, Jung-Eun;Kim, Seon-Gon;Kang, Sung-Ju;Kim, Chun-Sung;Choi, Yong-Soo
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2015
  • The American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana L. was the most important worldwide pest species. It has been an public health problems. We were determinated life cycle and extraction of crude extracts by chemical reagents from cockraches (P. americana L.). The extracted crude solution has been antibacterial activity to gram negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 6.44±1.03mm), gram positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, 1.88±0.40mm), and fungus (Candida albicans, 5.61±0.57mm) using radial diffusion assay. We were analysed of up-regulation of Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) stimulation, indicating that antioxidantial protein from various classes are simultaneously expressed in a single insect upon infection or injury. The gene from Periplaneta americana L. were cloned, analysed sequence, and measured protein expression by Real Time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Mulberry Leaves and Silkworm Excreta Extracts on Weight Performance, Blood Characteristics and Cecal Microflorae of Chicks (뽕잎과 잠분 추출물 급여가 육계의 생산성, 혈액 성상 및 맹장 내 미생물군에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Dong Wook;Ji, Sang Yoon;Hong, Seong Koo;Kim, Sang-Ho;Lee, Heui-Sam
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.150-160
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    • 2012
  • The object of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of mulberry leaves and silkworm excreta ethanol extracts on weight performances, blood characteristics, cecal microflorae of chickens. Two hundred forty male broiler chicks(Ross) were fed diets for five weeks containing 0.1%(MLA) and 1%(MLB) of mulberry leaves ethanol extracts, and 0.1%(SEA) and 1%(SEB) of silkworm excreta ethanol extracts. Weight performance did show no significant difference in all test groups which were fed with supplementation of mulberry leaves and silkworm excreta ethanol extracts. They showed better weight gain and feed conversion than the negative control group which was fed only with forage without antibiotics. ABTS(2'-azine-bis[3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]) test was conducted to investigate free radical scavenging activity of blood in tested groups. ABTS scavenging activities of tested groups were higher than control groups in significant level, though there was no significant difference(P = 0.396). Specifically, MLB group showed the highest scavenging activity. Blood-level concentration of MDA, which is an indicator of lipid peroxidation, was also decreased in tested groups and the lowest level was observed in SEA(P = 0.001). As storage time increased at 4C, muscle-level MDA concentrations of all tested groups were generally increased and significant difference was obsereved between tested groups and controls in total increase of MDA concentration(P=4.417×103). In cecal microflorae, SEA and SEB showed decreased total microbe population compared to NC(P=6.462×105) and even to PC. Supplementation of mulberry leave and silkworm excreta ethanol extract did show a similar inhibition effect against Salmonella sp., furthermore, MLB did enhanced the growth of Lactobacillus sp.(P=3.636×107). In summary, ethanol extract of silkworm excreta may be a potential alternative of antibiotics for chicks. In addition, both of ethanol extracts supplementation to broiler chicks would be very useful not only to improve antioxidant effect of blood but also to suppress lipid peroxidation without any loss of weight performance in poultry farming.

Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Probiotic Activities from Kimchi and Their Fermentation Properties in Milk (전통 김치로부터 Probiotic 유산균의 분리 및 우유 발효 특성)

  • Lim, Young-Soon;Kim, JiYoun;Kang, HyeonCheol
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2019
  • Lactic acid bacteria obtained from traditional Kimchi were selected on the basis of their caseinolytic activity and lactose usability and examined for availability as a starter in probiotic activity. Thirty-two strains were selected as lactic acid producing bacteria in BCP agar, and two strains (KC23 and KF26) with more than 90% resistance for both acid and bile salts were selected. The two strains were identified as L. plantarum (KC23) and L. paracasei (KF26) by API 50 CHL system and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. L. plantarum (KC23) was finally selected based on its biochemical characteristics for lactose and raffinose usability. Free tyrosine content increased rapidly in 10% skimmed milk medium, from 24.1μg/mL after 8 h to 43.9μg/mL after 16 h. Additionally, the caseinolytic clear zone of 12 mm of L. plantarum (KC23) was greater than the 9 mm zone of commercial L. acidophilus CSLA. The bacterium exhibited mesophilic growth and yielded 8.9×108CFU/mL when incubated at 37C for 12 h at pH 4.25. Moreover, L. plantarum KC23 exhibited antibacterial activity as it formed a clear zone of 8-13 mm for the 5 pathogens. Adherent activity was 2.23 fold higher than that of LGG. The acidity of 10% skimmed milk fermented for 12 h was 0.74%.

A History of Termite Control and Improvements to Prevent Termites in Wooden Architectural Heritage (국내외 흰개미 방제 기술의 발달 과정과 목조건축문화재의 흰개미 피해 저감을 위한 방안)

  • LEE, Sangbin;IM, Ikgyun;KIM, Sihyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.194-215
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    • 2021
  • Termites are important decomposers in the ecosystem. They are also economically significant structural pests. In this study, we reviewed the developments of termite control and recent research on termite management to provide information on the prevention and control of termites. In Korea, most of the damage to wooden historical buildings is caused by subterranean termites. Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis is the main species, which is widely found throughout the country. In the early 1900s, inorganic insecticides, such as arsenic dust, were used for termite control. After the synthesis of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide in the 1940s, it was widely utilized and demonstrated high termite control efficacy. However, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides were later banned, disappearing from markets after reports emerged concerning environmental contamination and toxicity to humans. Therefore, the termite control industry sought a new termiticide; hence many pesticides were utilized for termite control. Organophosphate (1960s), carbamate (1970s), pyrethroid, and insect growth inhibitor (1980s) were newly synthesized and adopted. In the 1990s, the first commercial baits using chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSI) were developed, providing a means to eliminate an entire colony of subterranean termites around a structure. Many studies have been carried out on soil termiticides (liquid termiticides) and CSI baits to increase their efficacy, and different baits such as aboveground bait stations, fluid bait, and high-durability bait were also developed in the 2000s. In addition, the paradigm of termite control has shifted from localized treatments using soil termiticides to area-wide pest management using CSI baits to create termite-free zones and protect buildings over time. Termite infestations in wooden historical buildings in Korea have been reported since 1980, and considerable attention was drawn in the 1990s when several UNESCO world heritages such as the Jongmyo Shrine and the Janggyeong Panjeon Depositories of Haeinsa Temple were infested by subterranean termites. Since then, a survey of termite infestation in wooden architectural heritage has been conducted, and the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Heritage Care Program regularly monitors those properties. Finally, we suggest termite management using primarily CSI baits, selective application of various soil treatments applied to the object, foundation soil treatment, research and development of durable termite baits, application of area-wide programs for wooden-building complexes, application of integrated termite management (ITM), and regular education for owners and managers to prevent and reduce termite damage.

Effect of Using Heavy Equipment to Remove High-Density Populations of the Invasive Alien Plant Solidago altissima along the Dongjin River (동진강 일대 생태계교란 식물 양미역취(Solidago altissima)의 고밀도 군락 내 중장비를 활용한 제거 효과)

  • Soo In Lee;Dong Hui Choi;Young Ha Kim;Hye Rin Yu
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.380-388
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    • 2024
  • Solidago altissima, an invasive alien species, is distributed nationwide in Korea. However, the areas surrounding the Dongjin River and Mankyung River are characterized by a large area with high-density distribution, making management urgent. Therefore, the regional environmental office conducted two physical removal operations in 2022. The first operation involved local residents who removed S. altissima by hand, pulling the plants out by the roots from an area of approximately 900m2. The second operation used heavy machinery, including excavators and agricultural equipment, to remove the above-ground parts and till the soil over an area of about 17,60m2. A vegetation survey was conducted, and growth characteristics (stem diameter, shoot length, and number of shoots) and physiological responses (chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) and chlorophyll content) were measured at both the control plots, where S. altissima was not removed, and the treatment plots, where it was removed, to evaluate the effectiveness of the removal. As a result, the importance value of S. altissima was lower in the treatment plots than in the control plots, while species diversity within the treatment plots increased. The number of shoots per unit area was lower in the treatment plots compared to the control plots. These findings indicate that removing the above-ground parts of S. altissima and tilling the soil using heavy machinery in high-density community effectively inhibited the growth of the S. altissima population. Meanwhile, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) values were higher in the treatment plots, reflecting the density-dependent characteristics of the plant. This suggests that continuous removal efforts are necessary for effective management.Continuous removal efforts must be accompanied by rigorous and ongoing monitoring, and annual development of tailored management plans is essential.

Studies on the physio-chemical properties and the cultivation of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) (느타리버섯의 생리화학적성질(生理化學的性質) 및 재배(栽培)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Jai-Sik
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.150-184
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    • 1978
  • Nutritional characteristics and physio-chemical properties of mycelial growth and fruitbody formation of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus)in synthetic media, the curtural condition for the commerical production in the rice straw and poplar sawdust media, and the changes of the chemical components of the media and mushroom during the cultivation were investigated. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. Among the carbon sources mannitol and sucrose gave rapid mycelial growth and rapid formation of fruit-body with higher yield, while lactose and rhamnose gave no mycelial growth. Also, citric acid, succinic acid, ethyl alcohol and glycerol gave poor fruit-body formation, and acetic acid, formic acid, fumaric acid, n-butyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol and iso-butyl alcohol inhibited mycelial growth. 2. Among the nitrogen sources peptone gave rapid mycelial growth and rapid formation of fruit-body with higher yield, while D,L-alanine, asparatic acid, glycine and serine gave very poor fruit-body formation, and nitrite nitrogens, L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine inhibited mycelial growth. Inorganic nitrogens and amino acids added to peptone were effective for fruit-body growth, and thus addition of ammonium sulfate, ammonium tartarate, D,L-alanine and L-leucine resulted in about 10% increase fruit-body yield. L-asparic acid about 15%, L-arginine about 20%, L-glutamic acid, and L-lysine about 25%. 3. At C/N ratio of 15.23 fruit-body formation was fast, but the yield decreased, and at C/N ratio of 11.42 fruit-body formation was slow, but the yield increased. Also, at the same C/N ratio the higher the concentration of mannitol and petone, the higher yield was produced. Thus, from the view point of both yield of fruit-body and time required for fruiting the optimum C/N ratio would be 30. 46. 4. Thiamine, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and magnecium sulfate at the concentration of 50μg. 0.2% and 0.02-0.03%, respectively, gave excellent mycelial and fruit-body growth. Among the micronutrients ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate showed synergetic growth promoting effect but lack of manganese resulted in a little reduction in mycelial and fruit-body growth. The optimum concentrati on of each these nutrients was 0.02mg%. 5. Cytosine and indole acetic acid at 0.2-1mg% and 0.01mg%, respectively, increased amount of mycelia, but had no effect on yield of fruit-body. The other purine and pyrimidine bases and plant hormones also had no effect on mycelial and fruit-belly yield. 6. Illumination inhibited mycelial growth, but illumination during the latter part of vegetative growth induced primordia formation. The optimum light intensity and exposure time was 100 to 500 lux and 6-12 hours per day, respectively. Higher intensity of light was injurous, and in darkness only vegetative growth without primordia formation was continued. 7. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 25C and for fruit-body formation 10 to 15\circiC. The optimum pH range was from 5.0 to 6.5. The most excellent fry it-body formation were produced from the mycelium grown for 7 to 10 days. The lesser the volume of media, the more rapid the formation of fruit-body; and the lower the yield of fruit-body; and the more the volume of media, the slower the formation of fruit-body, and the higher the yield of fruit-body. The primordia formation was inhibited by CO2. 8. The optimum moisture content for mycelial growth was over 70% in the bottle media of rice straw and poplar sawdust. 10% addition of rice bran to the media exhibited excellent mycelial growth and fruit-body formation, and the addition of calciumcarbonate alone was effective, but the addition of calcium carbonate was ineffective in the presence of rice bran. 9. In the cultivation experiments the total yield of mushroom from the rice straw media was 14.99kg/m2, and from the sawdust media 6.52kg/m2, 90% of which was produced from the first and second cropping period. The total yield from the rice straw media was about 2.3 times as high as that from the sawdust media. 10. Among the chemical components of the media little change was observed in the content of ash on the dry weight basis, and organic matter content decreased as the cultivation progressed. Moisture content, which was about 79% at the time of spawning, decreased a little during the period of mycelial propagation, after which no change was observed. 11. During the period from spawning to the fourth cropping about 16.7% of the dry matter, about 19.3% of organic matter, and about 40% of nitrogen were lost from the rice straw media; about 7.5% of dry mallet, about 7.6% of organic matter, and about 20% of nitrogen were lost from the sawdust media. For the production of 1kg of mushroom about 232g of organic matter and about 7.0g of nitrogen were consumed from the rice straw media; about 235g of organic matter and about 6.8g of nitrogen were consumed from the sawdust media, 1㎏ of mushroom from either of media contains 82.4 and 82.3g of organic matter and 5.6 and 5.4g of nitrogen, respectively. 12. Total nitrogen content of the two media decreased gradually as the cultivation progressed, and total loss of insoluble nitrogen was greater than that of soluble nitrogen. Content of amino nitrogen continued to increase up to the third cropping time, after which it decreased. 13. In the rice straw media 28.0 and 13.8% of the total pentosan and α-cellulose, respectively, lost during the whole cultivation period was lost during the period of mycelial growth; in the sawdust media 24.1 and 11.9% of the total pentosan and α-cellulose, respectively, was lost during the period of mycelial growth. Lignin content in the media began to decrease slightly from the second cropping time, while the content of reduced sugar, trehalose and mannitol continued to increase. C/N ratio of the rice straw media decreased from 33.2 at spawining to 30.0 at ending; that of the sawdust media decreased from 61.3 to 60.0. 14. In both media phosphorus, potassium, manganese and zinc decreased, at magnesium, calcium and copper showed irregular changes, and iron had a tendency to be increased. 15. Enzyme activities are much higher in the rice straw media than in the sawdust media. CMC saccharifying and liquefying activity gradually increased from after mycelial propagation to the second cropping, after which it decreased in both media. Xylanase activity rapidly and greatly increased during the second cropping period rather than the first period. At the start of the third cropping period the activity decreased rapidly in the rice straw media, which was not observed in the sawdust media. Protease activity was highest after mycelial propagation, after which it gradually decreased. The pH of the rice straw media decreased from 6.3 at spawning to 5.0 after fourth cropping; that of the sawdust media decreased from 5.7 to 4.9. 16. The contents of all the components except crude fibre of the mushroom from the rice straw media were higher than those from the sawdust media. Little change was observed in the content of the components of mushroom cropped from the first to the third period, but slight decrease was noticed at the fourth cropping.

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Studies on the Varietal Difference in the Physiology of Ripening in Rice with Special Reference to Raising the Percentage of Ripened Grains (수도 등숙의 품종간차이와 그 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Su-Bong Ahn
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    • v.14
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 1973
  • There is a general tendency to increase nitrogen level in rice production to insure an increased yield. On the other hand, percentage of ripened grains is getting decreased with such an increased fertilizer level. Decreasing of the percentage is one of the important yield limiting factors. Especially the newly developed rice variety, 'Tongil' is characterized by a relatively low percentage of ripened grains as compared with the other leading varieties. Therefore, these studies were aimed to finding out of some measures for the improvement of ripening in rice. The studies had been carried out in the field and in the phytotron during the period of three years from 1970 to 1972 at the Crop Experiment Station in Suwon. The results obtained from the experiments could be summarized as follows: 1. The spikelet of Tongil was longer in length, more narrow in width, thinner in thickness, smaller in the volume of grains and lighter in grain weight than those of Jinheung. The specific gravity of grain was closely correlated with grain weight and the relationship with thickness, width and length was getting smaller in Jinheung. On the other hand, Tongil showed a different pattern from Jinheung. The relationship of the specific gravity with grain weight was the greatest and followed by that with the width, thickness and length, in order. 2. The distribution of grain weight selected by specific gravity was different from one variety to another. Most of grains of Jinheung were distributed over the specific gravity of 1.12 with its peak at 1.18, but many of grains of Tongil were distributed below 1.12 with its peak at 1.16. The brown/rough rice ratio was sharply declined below the specific gravity of 1.06 in Jinheung, but that of Tongil was not declined from the 1.20 to the 0.96. Accordingly, it seemed to be unfair to make the specific gravity criterion for ripened grains at 1.06 in the Tongil variety. 3. The increasing tendency of grain weight after flowering was different depending on varieties. Generally speaking, rice varieties originated from cold area showed a slow grain weight increase while Tongil was rapid except at lower temperature in late ripening stage. 4. In the late-tillered culms or weak culms, the number of spikelets was small and the percentage of ripened grains was low. Tongil produced more late-tillered culms and had a longer flowering duration especially at lower temperature, resulting in a lower percentage of ripened grains. 5. The leaf blade of Tongil was short, broad and errect, having light receiving status for photosynthesis was better. The photosynthetic activity of Tongil per unit leaf area was higher than that of Jinheung at higher temperature, but lower at lower temperature. 6. Tongil was highly resistant to lodging because of short culm length, and thick lower-internodes. Before flowering, Tongil had a relatively higher amount of sugars, phosphate, silicate, calcium, manganese and magnesium. 7. The number of spikelets of Tongil was much more than that of Jinheung. The negative correlation was observed between the number of spikelets and percentage of ripened grains in Jinheung, but no correlation was found in Tongil grown at higher temperature. Therefore, grain yield was increased with increased number of spikelets in Tongil. Anthesis was not occurred below 21C in Tongil, so sterile spikelets were increased at lower temperature during flowering stage. 8. The root distribution of Jinheung was deeper than that of Tongil. The root activity of Tongil evaluated by α-naphthylamine oxidation method, was higher than that of Jinheung at higher temperature, but lower at lower temperature. It is seemed to be related with discoloration of leaf blades. 9. Tongil had a better light receiving status for photosynthesis and a better productive structure with balance between photosynthesis and respiration, so it is seemed that tongil has more ideal plant type for getting of a higher grain yield as compared with Jinheung. 10. Solar radiation during the 10 days before to 30 days after flowering seemed enough for ripening in suwon, but the air temperature dropped down below 22C beyond August 25. Therefore, it was believed that air temperature is one of ripening limiting factors in this case. 11. The optimum temperature for ripening in Jinheung was relatively lower than that of Tongil requriing more than 25C. Air temperature below 21C was one of limiting factors for ripening in Tongil. 12. It seemed that Jinheung has relatively high photosensitivity and moderate thermosensitivity, while Tongil has a low photosensitivity, high thermosensitivity and longer basic vegetative phase. 13. Under a condition of higher nitrogen application at late growing stage, the grain yield of Jinheung was increased with improvement of percentage of ripened grains, while grain yield of Tongil decreased due to decreasing the number of spikelets although photosynthetic activity after flowering was. increased. 14. The grain yield of Jinheung was decreased slightly in the late transplanting culture since its photosynthetic activity was relatively high at lower temperature, but that of Tonil was decreased due to its inactive photosynthetic activity at lower temperature. The highest yield of Tongil was obtained in the early transplanting culture. 15. Tongil was adapted to a higher fertilizer and dense transplanting, and the percentage of ripened grains was improved by shortening of the flowering duration with increased number of seedlings per hill. 16. The percentage of vigorous tillers was increased with a denser transplanting and increasing in number of seedlings per hill. 17. The possibility to improve percentage of ripened grains was shown with phosphate application at lower temperature. The above mentioned results are again summarized below. The Japonica type leading varieties should be flowered before August 20 to insure a satisfactory ripening of grains. Nitrogen applied should not be more than 7.5kg/10a as the basal-dressing and the remained nitrogen should be applied at the later growing stage to increase their photosynthetic activity. The morphological and physiological characteristics of Tongil, a semi-dwarf, Indica × Japonica hybrid variety, are very different from those of other leading rice varieties, requring changes in seed selection by specific gravity method, in milling and in the cultural practices. Considering the peculiar distribution of grains selected by the method and the brown/rough rice ratio, the specific gravity criterion for seed selection should be changed from the currently employed 1.06 to about 0.96 for Tongil. In milling process, it would be advisable to bear in mind the specific traits of Tongil grain appearance. Tongil is a variety with many weak tillers and under lower temperature condition flowering is delayed. Such characteristics result in inactivation of roots and leaf blades which affects substantially lowering of the percentage of ripened grains due to increased unfertilized spikelets. In addition, Tongil is adapted well to higher nitrogen application. Therefore, it would be recommended to transplant Tongil variety earlier in season under the condition of higer nitrogen, phosphate and silicate. A dense planting-space with three vigorous seedlings per hill should be practiced in this case. In order to manifest fully the capability of Tongil, several aspects such as the varietal improvement, culural practices and milling process should be more intensively considered in the future.he future.

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