• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생리적 검사

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Quantitative Analysis of Electrophysiological Characteristics of CIDP and CMT Type 1: Sensory Nerve Research (CIDP와 CMT 1형의 전기생리학적 특성에 대한 정량 분석: 감각신경연구)

  • Kang, Ji-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2021
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a slowly progressive hereditary degenerative disease and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is an acquired immune-mediated disorder characterized by weakness and sensory deficits. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the electrophysiological characteristics observed in sensory nerve conduction studies (SNCS) of both diseases. A retrospective study of 65 patients with a diagnosis of CIDP (N=35) and CMT type I (N=30) was performed. This study analyzed No potentials ratio, distal compound nerve action potential (dCNAP) of various nerve types, and a correlation coefficient analysis of the sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV). As a result, I found that CMT 1 was more severe systemic demyelinating and axonal polyneuropathy better than CIDP (P<0.05). In a quantitative analysis of dCNAP and SNCV, especially sural nerve was the most severe nerve injury observed in both diseases. In correlation and scatter plot analysis, CMT 1 showed relatively high correlations compared to CIDP based on the correlation coefficient analysis (Fisher's Z test) of SNCV. The results of this study suggested that CMT 1 showed the slowness in SNCV, one of the characteristics of demyelinating polyneuropathy, and this slowing had a uniform pattern. In conclusion, electrophysiological characteristic of SNCS may be useful in the diagnosis and research between patients with CMT 1 and CIDP.

A Study on Interior Wall Color based on Measurement of Emotional Responses (감성 측정에 따른 실내 벽면 색채에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Yeon;Lee, Hyun-Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2009
  • This paper addresses analyzing affective color data for emotional interior design. Both the physical and psychological patterns for spatial colors were tested on thirty subjects, of which fifteen were male. All subjects participated in both the physiological and psychological experiments. The data on the reflecting subjects' affective moods is gathered through EEG physical experiments and SD (Semantic Differential Scale) method surveys. This research has suggested the relation of both experiments through affective color response. The methods of SPSS 10.0 and TeleScan Version 2 are used for analyzing response data to coordinate the colour palette with changeable moods. From the analysis of statistical data, all of the visual stimuli related emotional keywords and physiological responses. Finally, the initial goal of this research is to construct an affective colour database that is tested through human color perception by physical and psychological experiments.

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The effects of Preparatory Information and According to Premedication on the Level of Anxiety of Patients undergoing Bronchoscopy (사전정보제공과 진정제투여가 기관지내시경 검사 대상자의 불안 감소에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Young-Mi;Han, Jin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.4061-4067
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to verify the effects of preparatory information, the anxiety level of premedication as well as physiologic variable of patients undergoing bronchoscopy. Data collection was performed from June 4 from December 28 2007 with 102 patients. The degree of anxiety of the subjects was measured by the Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Korea version). A booklet constructed by researcher as a research tool was used or patients education. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 14.0 program. As a result of the effect that preparatory information and premedication to the subjects undergoing bronchoscopy was statistically effective in reducing the degree of anxiety(p=.005) and controlling pulse rate(p=.033), respiratory rate(p=.006) on the specific threatening procedure but show no significant effectiveness on stabilizing systolic pressure(p=.062) and diastolic pressure(p=.189). Therefore it is thought that it can be actively applied to clinical practice.

A Study on the Electrophysiological Response of the Cerebral Cortex by Olfactory Stimulation: Alpha Activity (후각자극에 의한 대뇌겉질의 전기생리학적 반응에 대한 연구: 알파 활동도)

  • Kang, Ji-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.462-467
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    • 2019
  • Many studies in recent decades have revealed that olfactory stimulation by perfume or malodor inhalation exerts various psychological and physiological effects on humans. The most recent studies have examined the electrophysiological response of olfactory stimulation on the activity of human cortical nerve cells. The purpose of this current study is to quantitatively analyze what changes occur in the alpha activity in healthy participants (N=12) on olfactory stimulation using two types of odors (acacia and butanol). Exposure to the odor of acacia perfume was associated with a significant increase (66.7%) in alpha activity when compared with that of the no-odor background EEG. Exposure to the odor of butanol was associated with a significant reduction (33.3% to 41.7%) in EEG alpha activity when compared with that of the no-odor control. The results of this study demonstrated the potential to alter the cerebral cortex activity by olfactory stimulation. The results also suggest that olfactory perception has stimulatory effects on the function of the nervous system. In other words, it could be concluded from this study that inhalation of olfactory stimulation affected brain wave activities and mood states. Further research is needed to completely understand and describe the electrophysiological effects of different odors on the central nervous system.

유아의 언어치료와 청각의 중요성

  • 김양희
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.02a
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 1996
  • 청각의 중요성은 새잠스럽게 말활 필요도 없고 농아가 말못하는 것은 누구나 다 알 수 있는 사실입니다. 그러나 음을 하나하나 습득하고 단어를 하나하나 반복하면서 언어습득을 시작하는 유년기에 있어서 청각은 더욱 독특한 역활을 합니다. 조국에 돌아와서 일하기 시작한지 일년이 조금 넘었으나 최초부터 우리 연구소에 찾아오는 어린이가 구주제국보다 훨씬 연소하고 또 수가 훨씬 많은 데 놀랐습니다. 그 중 대다수가 조음장애라든가 언어지연입니다. 더욱 놀라운 점은 이러한 장애가 정상지능의 어린이에게 많은 것입니다. 일반상식으로 어휘력과 발표력이 부족한 어린이들은 정신지체아와 혼동하게 됩니다. 연구소에 진단받으러 오는 어린이들을 체계적으로 청각 검사를 한 결과를 슬라이드를 통해서 말씀드리겠습나다. 검사받은 어린이 중 50-60%가 청각에 이상이 있는 것이 발견되었습니다. 동반한 어머니들은 너무나 놀라서 "우리 아이는 검사를 받았어요! 모두 정상이라고 그랬어요" 이 엄마 말씀도 정당하고 전검사도 정당활 것입니다. 그러나 이러한 어린이들의 문제는 특수합니다. 즉 경도난청에다 또 일시적 난청이기 때문에 명시에 생활하는 데는 큰 지장이 없고 때에 따라서는 청각이 거의 완전히 회복되고 또 몇 주후에 감기가 들거나 하면 다시 난청이 되는 것입니다. 이러한 난청문제가 일년에 3-4번씩 반복되어 어린이가 만 3-4세가 되면 약 1년간 청확한 음을 청취못한 셈이 됩니다. 조석에 기온차가 대단한 계절, 난방의 발달로 인하여 실내는 영상 24도이고 문 한겹만 열고 나가면 영하 10도 그 차이는 34도, 거리로 나가면 일산화탄소를 뿜고 쾌주 하는 차량, 버스나 트럭에셔 나오는 연기는 키가 작은 어린이 코속으로 직통하고 에어컨 시스댐으로 난방.냉방하는 지하상가, 백화점, 지하철 기타 대건물에는 바이러스 만연의 적절한 곳이 됩니다. 생리적 저항력이 없는 어린이들은 이러한 공해와 생활조건의 제일희생자가 되는 것입니다. 엄마들이 "얘는 감기, 비염, 편도선을 달고 삽니다...." "얘는 코감기, 목감기 번갈아 가면서 하도 앓고 있어서 양약율 중지하고 현재 한약을 먹고 있습니다." 이러한 역경은 극복할 수 있는가\ulcorner 질병의 메카니즘은 어떻게 작용되는가\ulcorner 등등을 육미회 센타에서 체험한 사례를 가지고 말씀드리고자 합니다.

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Diagnosis and Evaluation for the Early Detection of Delirium (섬망의 조기 발견을 위한 진단 및 평가 방법)

  • Chon, Young-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2011
  • Delirium is a common psychiatric disorder and occurs in many hospitalized older patients and has serious consequences including increased mortality rate. Despite its importance, health care clinicians often fail to recognize delirium or misdiagnosed as other psychiatric illness. Awareness of the etiologies and risk factors of delirium should enable clinicians to focus on patients at risk and to recognize delirium symptoms early. To improve early recognition of delirium, emphasis should be given to terminology, psychopathology and knowledge regarding clinical rating scale for delirium in the specific medical and surgical clinical settings. In this study, authors introduce rating scales for delirium and knowledge of clinical diagnostic process for delirium and give rise to appropriate assessment of delirium in the clinical situation.

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Experimental Analysis of the Healing Effect of Visual Forest Stimulation in Digital Environment (디지털 환경에서 시각적 산림자극의 치유효과에 대한 실험적 분석)

  • Il-Doo Kim;Won-Soep Shin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.473-483
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to find out the psychological or physiological healing effects of real natural forests and virtual forest experiences using virtual reality (VR) in an artificially-controlled digital environment. To find out this, 81 healthy undergraduate students from C University were experimented on visual forest stimulation effects in the digital environment from September 5 to December 9 in 2022. The experiment evaluated the psychological and physiological healing effects of visual forest stimulation in the digital forest environment (2D, 3D). The SRI (stress response inventory) experiment for analyzing psychological effect showed statistically significant differences among groups. As for the SRI experiment for measuring psychological stress, except Control group, 2D group in the digital environment showed little difference before and after the experiment. But 3D group showed less stress than before. As a result, it was proved that visual forest stimulation in a forest-based digital environment (2D, 3D) reduces psychological stress significantly. And when analyzing how visual forest stimulation changes EEG (electroencephalogram) in the digital environment, alpha waves (RA), which are activated during relaxation or stabilization, were more active than beta waves (RB), which are activated during tension or awakening. This study is expected to be used to create a psychological and physiological healing environment for those who cannot go to a natural forest due to mobility difficulties by providing them visual forest stimulation experiences in a digital environment. It is also expected that the results will be the basis for forest healing in the digital environment and virtual reality programs will help forest healing activities.

Optimization of Protocol for Injection of Iodinated Contrast Medium in Pediatric Thoracic CT Examination (소아 흉부 CT검사에서 조영제 주입에 관한 프로토콜의 최적화)

  • Kim, Yung-Kyoon;Kim, Yon-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.879-887
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a physiological injection protocol according to body weight, in order to minimize amount of contrast medium and optimize contrast enhancement in pediatric patients performing thoracic CT examinations. The 80 pediatric patients under the age of 10 were studied. Intravenous contrast material containing 300 mgI/ml was used. The group A injected with a capacity of 1.5 times its weight, and groups B, C and D added 5 to 15 ml of normal saline with a 10% decrease in each. The physiologic model which can be calculated by weight about amount of injection of contrast medium and normal saline, flow rate and delay time were applied. To assess image quality, measured average HU value and SNR of superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, ascending and descending aorta, right and left atrium, right and left ventricle. CT numbers of subclavian vein and superior vena cava were compared to identify the effects of reducing artifacts due to normal saline. Comparing SNR according to the contrast medium injection protocol, significant differences were found in superior vena cava and pulmonary artery, descending aorta, right and left ventricle, and CT numbers showed significant differences in all organs. In particular, B group with a 10% decrease in contrast medium and an additional injection of saline showed a low degree of contrast enhancement in groups with a decrease of more than 20%. In addition, the group injected with normal saline greatly reduced contrast enhancement of subclavian vein and superior vena cava, and the beam hardening artifact by contrast medium was significantly attenuated. In conclusion, the application of physiological protocol for injection of contrast medium in pediatric thoracic CT examinations was able to reduce artifacts by contrast medium, prevent unnecessary use of contrast medium and improve the effect of contrast enhancement.

Quality Characteristics of Jeungpyun with Added Rosemary Powder (로즈마리를 첨가한 증편의 품질특성)

  • Kang Suk-Hyang;Lee Kwang-Suck;Yoon Hye-Hyun
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.2 s.92
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    • pp.158-163
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    • 2006
  • This study developed rosemary Jeungpyun to increase the functional value and flavor of traditional Jeungpyun by adding rosemary Powder. Rosemary Jeungpyun containing 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% of rosemary powder was prepared and the moisture content, pH, color, texture and sensory properties of the samples were measured. With increasing rosemary powder content, the moisture content of rosemary Jeungpyun decreased, pH increased significantly, L-value decreased, and Hunter a and b-values significantly increased. Textural profile analysis showed that the hardness and brittleness were significantly increased but adhesiveness was decreased with increasing rosemary powder content. Sensory evaluation showing the highest value on air cell uniformity, flavor and overall acceptability of 0.5% rosemary Jeungpyun, which suggested the Possibility of rosemary Jeungpyun with improved sensory characteristics.


  • 김광문;김기령;윤주헌;김창규;박용재
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1991.06a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 1991
  • 후두의 생리적 기능은 하기도를 보호하는 방어기능과 호흡기능 그리고 발성기능으로 대별할 수 있는데 이 가운데 계통발생적으로 가장 원시적이지만 중요한 기능은 하기도 방어기능으로 이는 다른 기능과 달리 전적으로 불수의적이고 반사적으로 이루어진다. 이 기능은 후두내 점막에 존재하는 촉각 수용체(tactile receptor)가 자극되면서 후두근육이 수축 반사를 일으켜 성문이 닫히는 성문폐쇄반사(glottic closure reflex)로서 다접합뇌간반사(polysynaptic brain stem response)이다. 현재까지 후두의 신경장애에서 그 부위나 정도 또는 신경재생 상태 등을 검사하는 방법으로 근전도검사가 주로 쓰여져 왔으나 그것이 주는 정보가 극히 제한되어 있다. 그러나 최근 청각뇌간유발반응과 같이 후두뇌간유발반응 이라 명명된 wave가 존재한다는 사실이 밝혀져 이에 대한 연구가 이루어지고 있어 이것이 임상에 쓰여질 수 있다면 현재 성문폐쇄반사의 소실이나 이상이 원인으로 사료되는 idiopathic laryngospasm, gastroesophageal reflux, spastic dysphonia, stuttering, sudden infant death syndrome과 같은 질환의 진단과 치료에 커다란 진전이 있을 것이다. 이에 저자들은 고양이 6마리를 이용하여 상후두신경을 전기적으로 자극하여 유발되는 반응을 far field recording을 이용 평균 가산법으로 그 wave를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 상후두신경자극(2㎃, stimuli frequency 3/s, Band filter 320-1000, 0.2 ㎳ duration)에 의한 반회신경에의 유발 반응을 기록하였고 그 잠복시간은 평균 8.2 ㎳ 였다. 2. 상후두신경을 자극하여 후두뇌간유발반응을 기록하였고 후두뇌간유발반응은 4개의 양 wave와 4개의 음 wave로 구성되었다. 3. 각 wave의 평균 잠복시간은 P1은 0.8㎳, P2는 2.3㎳, P3는 3.6㎳, P4는 4.3㎳였고 N1은 1.5㎳, N2 은 2.7㎳, N3는 3.9㎳, N4는 5.5㎳ 였다.

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