• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생리적 검사

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Diagnostic Values of pH of Vaginal Discharge, Amine Test, and Microscopic Examination of Infectious Vaginitis (감염성 질염에 대한 질내 산도측정, Amine 검사 및 현미경 검사의 진단적 가치)

  • Choi, Jae-Dong;Kim, Gi-Duk;Koh, Min-Whan;Lee, Tae-Hyung;Chung, Wun-Yong
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 1988
  • Vaginitis is one of the most common disease in gynecologic field in recent days. About 90% of these patients suffer from the infection of the vagina caused by Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida, or Trichomonas, either alone or in combination. For the effective diagnosis and management, it is essential to get an accurate identification of the causative agent. Applying simple and easy diagnostic methods such as pH of vaginal discharge, amine test and microscopic examination of wet mount preparation of normal saline and 10% KOH to 549 cases of randomly selected patients visiting Out-patient Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Yeung-nam University Hospital through May 1st to Sept. 31st, 1987, the following results were obtained. 1. In the Gardnerella vaginitis vaginal pH was more than 5.0 in 81.0% of total cases, positive amine test in 62.8%, decreased lactobacilli in 77.4% & decreased WBC counts in 70.1%, In the Trichomonas vaginitis vaginal pH more than 5.0 was noted in 93.3% of the cases, negative amine test in 90%, decreased lactobacilli in 90% & increased WBC counts in 93.3%, whereas Candida vaginitis and normal groups showed vaginal pH of 3.0~4.0 in 83.2%, negative amine test in 100%, normal distribution of lactobacilli in 89.7%, normal WBC counts in 72.4%. 2. The accuracy rates of physical diagnosis by wet mount preparation of normal saline and 10% KOH revealed 26.3%, 47.5% % 70,0% in Gardnerella vaginitis, Candida vaginitis, and Trichomonas vaginitis, respectively. The vaginal pH and amine test showed 83.2% of accuracy rate in Candida vaginitis group, 60.6% in Gardnerella vaginitis group and 83.3% III Trichomonas vaginitis group. 3. In 23 cases of Gardnerella vaginitis showing vaginal pH of 3.0 or 4.0 and positive amine test, the clue cells were observed in 10% or less in 12 cases, 30% in 5 cases, 50% in 4 cases and 50% or more in 2 cases. In summary vaginal pH and amine test could be useful in screening and differentiating the different types of infectious vaginitis. Furthermore by adding microscopic examination of normal saline and 10% KOH wet mount preparation to them, they not only could obtain higher diagnostic accuracy rate but would be more valuable in selecting the patients requiring cultures to confirm the diagnoses.

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Deep Learning-based Automated Detection of Radio-Opaque Markers in X-Ray Images (딥러닝 기반 방사선 비투과성 표지자 자동 검출 기법)

  • Song, Youngmin;Lee, Byoung-Dai
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.40-43
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문은 딥러닝을 이용하여 대장통과시간(Colon Transit Time, CTT) 검사를 위한 단순복부 X-Ray 영상에서 방사선 비투과성 표지자(Radio-opaque Marker)를 자동으로 검출하는 기법을 제시한다. 대장통과시간 검사는 대장의 운동질환을 평가하는데 있어 가장 기본적인 방법으로 특히 만성 변비증 환자의 병태생리에 따른 유형 분류와 치료 계획을 설정하는데 큰 도움을 주고 있으며, 내과적 또는 외과적 치료 후 평가에도 유용한 검사이다. 대장통과시간 검사는 방사선 비투과성 표지자가 내재되어 있는 캡슐을 복용한 뒤 주기적으로 단순복부 X-Ray 촬영을 통해 구간별로 남아있는 표지자의 수를 세고, 이를 통해 구역별 통과시간을 측정한다. 이 과정에서 판독의가 직접 표지자의 위치 및 개수를 세기 때문에 많은 시간이 필요하게 된다. 따라선 본 논문에서는 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위해 딥러닝 기법을 사용하여 X-Ray 영상 내에서 표지자의 위치를 자동 파악하는 기법을 제시한다.

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Differences in Psycho-physiological Responses Depending on Rapport-building During Polygraph Test (폴리그래프 검사에서 라포 형성에 따른 심리생리적 반응 차이)

  • Kim, Hyeonji;Jo, Eunkyung
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2021
  • This study is an experimental study comparing the psycho-physiological response differences of subjects according to the rapport building in polygraph tests. We randomly assigned 84 adults into a 2(veracity: Truth vs. Lie) x 2(rapport; Rapport building vs. Non-rapport building) between-subject design and measured ESS total scores as psycho-physiological responses. In order to manipulate the veracity conditions, participants in the truthful condition were told to tell their actual scores on several simple tasks but those in the lie condition were asked to tell higher scores than their actual scores. Afterwards all participants were polygraph tested in the order of pre-interview and main examination. The rapport conditions were manipulated by structured pre-interview scripts. As a result, there were significant differences in the examinee's total ESS scores depending on the veracity and rapport conditions. For truth-tellers, the ESS total scores were greater in the positive(+) direction in the rapport building condition than in the non-rapport building condition, indicating a prominent true response in the former condition. For liars, however, the ESS total scores were not significantly greater in the negative(-) direction in the rapport building condition than in the non-rapport building condition. Based on this study's results, we discussed the importance of rapport building in the pre-interview phase of a polygraph test and the need to operationalize verbal and non-verbal rapport building techniques.

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Effects of Self Care Program on Hypertensive Control in Hypertensive Patient (고혈압환자에게 적용한 자가관리프로그램 중재 효과)

  • Kim, Ok-Ran
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.568-578
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to estimate the effects of self-care program on knowledge and symptoms related hypertension self-care and physiological index in essential hypertensive patients aged between 35-74 year. The subjects for the experiment group and the control group of this study were 70 men and women selected through random sampling from adults at Sangju Red Cross Hospital in Gyeongsanbuk-do, and the experiment was carried out during the period from the 15th of September to the 30th of April in 2002. This study measured systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP, the mean value of the two measures) and total cholesterol (TC) and surveyed the subjects' diet and life style in relation to hypertension using a self-report questionnaire. In order to study the significance of the effects of self-care program, the author carried out t-test, paired t-test, ANCOVA, chi-square analysis and effectiveness index (EI) analysis. Results of the study are as follows: The experiment group got higher mean scores than the control group in the degree of low sodium intake and the degree of high calcium and high potassium intake, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The effectiveness index of the self-care program in smoking was 0.797 at the 1st posttest and 0.601 at the 2nd posttest, and in physical activities 0.600 at the 1st posttest and 0.849 at the 2nd posttest. The rate of regular antihypertensive drugs intake of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. and the effectiveness index of the self-care program was 0.715. The mean score of the systolic blood pressure of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). In conclusion, these findings support usefulness of self-care programs in reducing systolic blood pressure and in promoting self-care related to diet and life style for treating and preventing hypertension.

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A case of neonatal peroneal neuropathy with intrauterine onset (신생아 종아리신경병증 1례)

  • Lee, Sang-Soo;Sim, Ji-Yun;Kim, Mi-Jung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.585-587
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    • 2007
  • Peroneal neuropathy presenting at birth is a rare disorder. Although neonatal mononeuropathies may be related to obstetrical complications, prenatal mechanisms should be also considered. We describe an infant who was born at term by cesarean section due to breech presentation with a unilateral footdrop. Lack of compound muscle action potential in the peroneal nerve and denervation potentials confined to the tibialis anterior and the extensor hallucis longus muscles in the electrophysiological studies on the fourth day of life strongly suggest an isolated peroneal neuropathy of intrauterine onset. Early and sequential electrodiagnostic studies will be important to provide better temporal and pathophysiologic definitions, the better timing of onset and prognosis for mononeuropathies presenting in newborn infants.

Synthesis and Phytotoxic Activities of (8S, 9S, 11R)-(-)-Monocerin and (9S, 11R)-(+)-Fusarentin 4, 5-dimethyl ether ((8S, 9S, 11R)-(-)-Monocerin and (9S, 11R)-(+)-Fusarentin 4, 5-dimethyl ether의 합성과 생리활성)

  • Ko, Byoung-Seob
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.402-408
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    • 1994
  • For the examination of the role of monocerin(1) on the biological activity, (8S, 9S, 11R)-(-)-monocerin(20) and (9S, 11R)-(+)-fusarentin 4, 5-dimethyl ether(19) were synthesized by a condensation of the benzylic anion of ethyl 2, 3, 4-trimethoxy-6-methylbenzoate(16) with modifyed (R)-ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate (9). In a key step, bioreduction with active dried baker's yeast in organic solvent system was employed to get a chiral aldehyde 12. Their phytotoxic activities were tested on rice seedlings and lettuce seeds.

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A Study on Psychological Factors and Gastric Physiological Activity in the Functional Dyspepsia -Using Gastric Emptying Test- (가능성 소화장애증 환자의 정신사회적 요인과 위장 생리활동성의 연관성에 관한 연구 -위 배출능 검사를 이용하여-)

  • Kim, Jin-A;Lim, Seung-Han;Moon, Seong-Keun;Lee, Sang-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the relationship between gastric emptying, psychopathology(especially anxiety and depression), and various factors that can mediate stress and response, such as coping style, social support and level of perceived stress. Methods : A total 30 patients who complained of the non-ulcer dyspepsia and did not have any abnormal finding on the gastroduodenal endoscopic examination, 24 hour ambulatory esophageal manometry and conventional gastroesophageal manometry were tested with gastric emptying that would be a functional examination of stomach. The correlations between the gastric emptying and psychological vaiable such as quantity of perceived stress, Symptom Checklist-90-Revision(SCL-90-R), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Spielberger Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI), Ways of Coping Checklist and Interpersonal Support Evaluation List were evaluated. Results : 1) The mean and standard deviation of the time for half of the meal to empty(T50%) was $118.50{\pm}23.64$ minute which showed no gastric stasis in terms of gastric emptying test. 2) There were significant positive correlations between T50% and the state anxiety, T50% and thedepression. 3) There was no significant correlation between T50% and the quantity of perceived stress, T50% and mediating factors(coping style and social support). Conclusion : These results suggested that psychopathology, especially emotional components such as depression and anxiety, could affect on the current physiological functional gastric activity(gastric emptying), but quantity of perceive stress and mediating factors of stress and response such as coping style and social support could not affected on the functional gastric activity. These results showed that psychological interventions should considered in management of the patients with functional dyspepia.

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MMPI 와 생리적 특성간의 상관성 분석

  • 박세권;정연수;김동수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Statistical Society Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 2004
  • 스트레스 수준이 논을 것으로 예상되는 공군사관학교 수험생의 신체검사 결과로부터 신체건강 지표인 혈액 내 생화학적 요인들과 정신건강 지표인 다면 인성검사 점수를 추출하여 통계적 상관성 및 유의성을 비교 분석하였다 사관생도들 중 $10\%$의 표본을 추출하여 사관생도와 수험생 집단간의 특성 비교를 위한 비교집단으로 이용하였다. 수험생과 사관생도 집단 간의 특성 요인 비교는 Mann-whitney U 검정과 Kruskal-Wallis 검정을 이용하였다. 수험생 집단 내에서 혈중 요인 및 정신건강 지표인 MMPI 점수는 정상범주에 있었고 두 요인 간 상관성은 발견할 수 없었다. 그러나 사관생도와 수험생 집단 간의 특성 요인들에 대한 유의성 검정 결과, 특히 2학년생도들의 혈액 내 혈구 수 및 활동성 또는 적극성과 관련된 MMPI 하위척도에서 수험생 집단과 매운 유의한 차이를 보이는 특이한 현상을 발견할 수 있었고 이에 대한 해석을 언급하였다.

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Development History of Pregnancy Test Technology (임신진단검사기술의 발전사)

  • Kwon, Young-Il
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.382-390
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    • 2018
  • The history of the pregnancy test started in ancient Egypt with a germination test using wheat and barley. Since then, unscientific methods have been used from the days of Hippocrates and Galen to the Middle Ages when uroscopy was used, even until the early 1800s. On the other hand, since the mid-1800s, scientific methods and evidence have begun to emerge, which led to scientific research on the physiological characteristics of pregnancy. The first attempt to utilize these scientific findings was initiated with the bioassay by Aschheim and Zondek using rats and mice in 1927, and then developed into experiments using rabbits and frogs. The immunoassay method, which started in the 1960s, contributed greatly to the generalization of the pregnancy tests while improving the problems of the bioassay. In 1976, a pregnancy test kit was introduced that can be used at home, contributing to the popularization of pregnancy tests. Since the 1980s, technological advances in diagnostic tests have also been applied to pregnancy tests to further improve the reliability of the diagnosis of pregnancy. In the 2000s, the accuracy and ease of use of the pregnancy test kits for home use have improved drastically. This study examined the history and scientific development of the pregnancy test.

Development of Computerized Neuropsychological Tests for Functional Localization of Brain (뇌의 기능적 국소화를 위한 전산화 신경심리 검사의 개발)

  • Lee, Sung-Hoon;Ahn, Chang-Bum;Park, Hae-Jung
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 1999
  • A Computerzed Neuropsychological Test(CNT) system using multimedia and object oriented technologies are developed for clinical application in psychiatry. The developed system is composed of 14 neuropsychologial tests which are capable of evaluation of various cognitive functions and functional localization of brain. The system employs Microsoft Window based graphic user interface for easy operation and it has a touch screen and a mouse as input devices from the patient. Speech perception test, color word test, verbal memory test, contingent continuos performance test, and trail making test were translated into korean language, so that usefulness of tests was maximized. Through the results of utilization of this system in the cases of patients with head trauma and psychiatric desorder, this system can be proved to be useful in the evaluation of cognitive function and functional localization of brain.

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