Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
The purpose of this study is to explore changes in future sports by introducing baseball robot umpire. The study was conducted using qualitative research methods, and participants selected five baseball fans who were interested in baseball. The results of the study are as follows. First, baseball fans expressed displeasure with the frequent misjudgment in Korean Professional Baseball game, and doubted the fairness of the umpire's judgment. And repeated misjudgment of professional baseball has contributed to the decline in viewing and viewing of baseball. Second, baseball fans were positive about the introduction of robot umpire as a way to reduce bad calls in baseball games, and considered the accuracy, consistency, and recordability of robot umpire to complement their limitations. Third, the application of baseball robot umpire will serve as a basis for strengthening the fairness and efficiency of baseball games, which will positively change the image of sports. As a result, the introduction of robot umpire in baseball games could exert desirable influence on people and contribute to restoring the ethics of sports and strengthening fairness.
Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
2020년 8월 섬진강 유역에서 100년 빈도 이상의 대홍수가 발생함에 따라 제방이 붕괴되거나 하천 범람이 발생하는 피해가 발생하였다. 8월 홍수를 대상으로 섬진강 본류 남원(신덕리) 수위국에서 기존의 수위-유량 관계 곡선식(이하 Rating curve)의 최대 적용 가능 수위는 2.53m 이지만, 해당 기간 첨두 수위는 10m 이상을 기록하였다. 이러한 대홍수의 경우 기왕의 관측데이터가 없을 뿐만 아니라 기존의 Rating curve를 외삽하여 활용하는 것에도 한계가 있어 간접적으로 유량을 산정할 수 있는 기법이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같이 유량측정이 어려운 지점을 대상으로 주어진 유량에 대하여 수위를 재현할 수 있는 K-water에서 개발된 K-River모형(1차원 하천수리해석모형)과 Monte Carlo 시뮬레이션 기법을 활용하여 간접적으로 유량을 산정할 수 있는 기법을 개발하였다. 개발된 방법론은 고수위 구간에 대한 Rating curve의 불확실성으로 인하여 본류와 지류의 유입량 추정이 어려웠던 섬진강 요천 합류부에 적용하였다. 대상구간은 본류(섬진강) 26km 및 지류(요천) 15km로 구성되어 있으며, 본류와 지류의 상류인 수위국 남원(신덕리) 관측소와 남원(동림교) 관측소에는 각각 기존의 Rating curve가 존재한다. 불확실성이 높은 Rating curve의 고수위 구간에 대한 매개변수를 조정하여 다수의 Rating curve를 생성하고, 이를 기반으로 관측수위를 다수의 상류 시계열 유량자료(경계조건)로 환산하였다. 다음으로 이 유량자료를 기반으로 앙상블 모의를 수행 후 대상구간의 중간지점에 위치한 수위국(고달(고달교) 관측소, 송동(요천대교) 관측소, 곡성(금곡교) 관측소)에서 수위재현성(NSE, RSR등 활용)을 평가하여 최적 샘플 추출을 추출하였다. 추출된 샘플로부터 상류 경계지점의 적정 Rating curve 선정과 각 지점에서의 시계열 수위 및 유량을 역으로 추정하였다. 이를 통해 실제 유량측정결과 없이도 간접적으로 신뢰도 높은 유량 자료를 확보할 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었으며, 향후 수자원의 효율적 관리 및 홍수관리를 위하여 효율적으로 활용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
Park, Sang-Eun;Jo, Soo-Hyun;Jang, Ji-Woong;Lee, Chung-Hwan
Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
Entering the modern society, due to changes in daily life as well as social life, the sleep deprivation and unsatisfactory sleep environment that modern people have, ranked the lowest in the sleep deprivation nation in the world and the lowest in the nation considered to be sleep deprivation. This is about 'sleep pillows using Arduino,' which can improve the 'sleep environment', which is the 2nd largest cause of sleep deprivation. The few minutes before you go to sleep, the moment of time, can determine the quality of your sleep, and the quality of your sleep determines the satisfaction of your daily life. Using Arduino, you can improve the quality of your sleep through various functions. Through Arduino, you can create a sleeping environment for the sleeper by adjusting the sleeper's breathing measurement, lighting, and Bluetooth speaker and create an environment that suits you. Through this, we will be able to improve the sleep deprivation of modern people and have a more prosperous life.
The purpose of this study was to explore educational awareness and meaning by applying an role-playing game (RPG) type class based on constructivism in physical education class in middle school. Regarding the research method, data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, observations, and related documents, and data analysis was performed using case record analysis, inductive category analysis method, and case extraction process. Results of the study First, in terms of teachers' perceptions, there are both positive and negative aspects of teachers' perceptions of middle school physical education classes using the role-playing game (RPG) format. Second, in terms of educational meaning, the educational meaning of middle school physical education classes using the role-playing game (RPG) format emphasizes the need for a systematic lesson plan and sufficient support system. In conclusion, positive attitudes toward physical education as well as educational implications can be formed, and the basic foundation of the constructivist physical education class method and its preparation are thought to be of greater significance than anything else.
There is a lot of research on using a combination of graph neural networks and recurrent neural networks as a way to account for both temporal and spatial dependencies. In particular, graph neural networks are an emerging area of research. Seoul's bicycle rental service (aka Daereungi) has rental stations all over the city of Seoul, and the rental information at each station is a time series that is faithfully recorded. The rental information of each rental station has temporal characteristics that show periodicity over time, and regional characteristics are also thought to have important effects on the rental status. Regional correlations can be well understood using graph neural networks. In this study, we reconstructed the time series data of Seoul's bicycle rental service into a graph and developed a rental prediction model that combines a graph neural network and a recurrent neural network. We considered temporal characteristics such as periodicity over time, regional characteristics, and the degree importance of each rental station.
Ju Sang Gyu;Huh Seung Jae;Han Youngyih;Seo Jeong Min;Kim Won Kyou;Kim Tae Jong;Shin Eun Hyuk;Park Ju Young;Yeo Inhwan J.;Choi David R.;Ahn Yong Chan;Park Won;Lim Do Hoon
Radiation Oncology Journal
Purpose: To improve the management of a medical linear accelerator, the records of operational failures of a Varian CL2l00C over a ten year period were retrospectively analyzed. Materials and Methods: The failures were classified according to the involved functional subunits, with each class rated Into one of three levels depending on the operational conditions. The relationships between the failure rate and working ratio and between the failure rate and outside temperature were investigated. In addition, the average life time of the main part and the operating efficiency over the last 4 years were analyzed. Results: Among the recorded failures (total 587 failures), the most frequent failure was observed in the parts related with the collimation system, including the monitor chamber, which accounted for $20\%$ of all failures. With regard to the operational conditions, 2nd level of failures, which temporally interrupted treatments, were the most frequent. Third level of failures, which interrupted treatment for more than several hours, were mostly caused by the accelerating subunit. The number of failures was increased with number of treatments and operating time. The average life-times of the Klystron and Thyratron became shorter as the working ratio increased, and were 42 and $83\%$ of the expected values, respectively. The operating efficiency was maintained at $95\%$ or higher, but this value slightly decreased. There was no significant correlation between the number of failures and the outside temperature. Conclusion: The maintenance of detailed equipment problems and failures records over a long period of time can provide good knowledge of equipment function as well as the capability of predicting future failure. Wore rigorous equipment maintenance Is required for old medical linear accelerators for the advanced avoidance of serious failure and to improve the qualify of patient treatment.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
This study describes on the erosion control effects of the several grasses and its mixtures for the man-made slopes. The grasses used for this experiment include cool-season grasses such as Festuca rubra L. (Creeping redfescue), Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky bluegrass), Lolium perenne L. (Perenial ryegrass), Lolium multiflorum LAM. (Italian ryegrass), Festuca arundinacea Schrel. (Tall fescue), and warm-season grasses such as Eragrostis curvula Schrad. (Weeping lovegrass), Zoysia japonica Steud. (Zoysiass) and native plants (Artemisia princeps var. orientalis Hara, Lespedeza cuneata G. Don, Arundinella hirta var. ciliata K.) This study was conducted at Dan-kook University from April, 1988 to Octover, 1989. The results are summurized as follows; 1.Cool-season grasses covered the ground quickly in early stage, and weekened slowly during sumer season. Warm-season grasses and native-plants covered the ground slowly in early stage, but during summer season they grew vigorously, so outweighed cool season grasses. 2. The amount of aboveground growth of weeping locearass and underground growth of Artemisia prinoepts are quite differant from others. Since Arumdinella hirta has deep root system, it is thought to very useful protection of unstable for hrdro-seeding. Because cool-season grasses are useful for quick coverage, and native plants or warm-season grow well during summer season with the better compatability to weeds. 3.Mixture III(cool-season and warm-season grasses), mixtureIV(native spp. and Italian ruegrass), and mixtureV(native spp.) resulted in better control of erosion control on man-made slopes. Native spp. has equivallent capacity of erosion control compared to several foreign grasses.
Background: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) involves use of an initial priming volume which can cause side effects such as hemodilution, transfusion, inflammatory reaction and edema. Hence, there have been efforts made tore-duce the initial priming volume. We compared this traditional method to a CPB method that uses a minimized priming volume (MPV). Material and Method: For 97 patients who underwent congenital cardiac surgery between July 2007 to June 2008, we discussed each case and decided which method to use. We reviewed the medical records and cardiopulmonary bypass sheets of the patients. Result: We used a MPV method for 46 patients, and a traditional method for the other 51. There were no significant differences in preoperative and intraoperative characteristics between the two groups, such as body weight, age, cardiopulmonary bypass time, lowest body temperature, etc. However, the priming volume was much smaller in the MPV group than the traditional group (p<0.001). The volume of initially mixed packed RBC was also much smaller in the MPV group (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in postoperative mortality and neurologic complications. Conclusion: We could significantly reduce the initial priming volume and initially mixed pRBC volume with the revised CPB method. We suggest that this method be used more widely for congenital cardiac surgery.
Kwon, Kyung Min;Lee, Yong Joo;Choi, Chang Jin;Kim, Chul Min;Yoon, Jo Hi;Kim, Min Hee
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
Purpose: Up to 90% of pancreatic cancer patients suffer from neuropathic pain. In a palliative care setting, pain control in pancreatic cancer patient is one of the major goals. Ketamine is a N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, effective in neuropathic pain. Additionally, there have been studies about the opioid sparing effect of ketamine. This study was held in the palliative care unit among pancreatic cancer patients to determine the factors related to ketamine use and the opioid sparing effect. Methods: The medical records of pancreatic cancer patients admitted to St. Mary's hospital palliative care unit between January, 2013 and December, 2014 were reviewed. Patients were divided into 2 categories according to ketamine use. Also, opioid use before and after ketamine use was compared in the ketamine group. Results: Compared to the non-ketamine use group, patients in the ketamine group required a higher dose of opioid. The total opioid dose, daily opioid dose, number of daily rescue medications, and daily average rescue dose were statistically significantly higher in the ketamine group. The opioid requirement was increased after ketamine administration. Conclusion: In this retrospective study, ketamine was frequently considered in patients with severe pain, requiring higher amount of opioid. Studies about palliative use of ketamine in a larger number of patients with diverse types of cancer pain are required in the future.
Stage 1 sleep provides important information regarding interpretation of nocturnal polysomnography, particularly sleep onset. It is a short transition period from wakeful consciousness to sleep. Lack of prominent sleep events characterizing stage 1 sleep is a major obstacle in automatic sleep stage scoring. In this study, we attempted to utilize simultaneous EEC and EOG processing and analyses to detect stage 1 sleep automatically. Relative powers of the alpha waves and the theta waves were calculated from spectral estimation. Either the relative power of alpha waves less than 50% or the relative power of theta waves more than 23% was regarded as stage 1 sleep. SEM (slow eye movement) was defined as the duration of both eye movement ranging from 1.5 to 4 seconds and regarded also as stage 1 sleep. If one of these three criteria was met, the epoch was regarded as stage 1 sleep. Results f ere compared to the manual rating results done by two polysomnography experts. Total of 169 epochs was analyzed. Agreement rate for stage 1 sleep between automatic detection and manual scoring was 79.3% and Cohen's Kappa was 0.586 (p<0.01). A significant portion (32%) of automatically detected stage 1 sleep included SEM. Generally, digitally-scored sleep s1aging shows the accuracy up to 70%. Considering potential difficulties in stage 1 sleep scoring, the accuracy of 79.3% in this study seems to be robust enough. Simultaneous analysis of EOG provides differential value to the present study from previous oneswhich mainly depended on EEG analysis. The issue of close relationship between SEM and stage 1 sleep raised by Kinnariet at. remains to be a valid one in this study.
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① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.