• Title/Summary/Keyword: 색상보정

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Digital Processing and Acoustic Backscattering Characteristics on the Seafloor Image by Side Scan Sonar (Side Scan Sonar 탐사자료의 영상처리와 해저면 Backscattering 음향특성)

  • 김성렬;유홍룡
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 1987
  • The digital data were obtained using Kennedy 9000 magnetic tape deck which was connected to the SMS960 side scan sonar during the field operations. The data of three consecutive survey tracks near Seongsan-po, Cheju were used for the development of this study. The softwares were mainly written in Fortran-77 using VAX 11/780 MINI-COMPUTER (CPU Memory; 4MB). The established mapping system consists of the pretreatment and the digital processing of seafloor image data. The pretreatment was necessary because the raw digital data format of the field magnetic tapes was not compatible to the VAX system. Therefore the raw data were read by the personal computer using the Assembler language and the data format was converted to IBM compatible, and next data were communicated to the VAX system. The digital processing includes geometrical correction for slant range, statistical analysis and cartography of the seafloor image. The sound speed in the water column was assumed 1,500 m/sec for the slant range correction and the moving average method was used for the signal trace smoothing. Histograms and cumulative curves were established for the statistical analysis, that was purposed to classify the backscattering strength from the sea-bottom. The seafloor image was displayed on the color screen of the TEKTRONIX 4113B terminal. According to the brief interpretation of the result image map, rocky and sedimentary bottoms were very well discriminated. Also it was shown that the backscattered acoustic pressurecorrelateswith the grain size and sorting of surface sediments.

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Studies on the Mixture Wine Processing using Omija and Pear (오미자와 배를 이용한 혼합 발효주 제조 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Jeong, Seok-Tae;Kong, Mun-Hee;Yeo, Soo-Whan;Choi, Ji-Ho;Choi, Han-Seok;Han, Gwi-Jung
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.896-902
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    • 2010
  • Omija contains high organic acid content (5~7%) that must be reduced in order to produce high quality wine for consumption. In this study, we used pear, which has low total acid but plenty of sugar, to relieve the sourness of Omija material. Our group mixed Omija and pear at a ratio of 1:9 to 1:15 in order to attain a 0.5~0.7% total acid level, similar to commercial wine. As Omija was mixed with pear, the red color of Omija changed to a lighter red color. Alcohol fermentation solution of Bokbunja and Gaeryangmeoru were used to make up for the light red color of Omija pear wine. The red color of Bokbunja was confirmed to be similar to the original red color of Omija. It was proven that addition of 3~5% Bokbunja to Omija pear mixture wine produced replicated the red color image of Omija. Our results show that addition of 2~5% xylitol to Omija pear mixture wine was good by sensory test.

Recognition of Colors of Image Code Using Hue and Saturation Values (색상 및 채도 값에 의한 이미지 코드의 칼라 인식)

  • Kim Tae-Woo;Park Hung-Kook;Yoo Hyeon-Joong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2005
  • With the increase of interest in ubiquitous computing, image code is attracting attention in various areas. Image code is important in ubiquitous computing in that it can complement or replace RFID (radio frequency identification) in quite a few areas as well as it is more economical. However, because of the difficulty in reading precise colors due to the severe distortion of colors, its application is quite restricted by far. In this paper, we present an efficient method of image code recognition including automatically locating the image code using the hue and saturation values. In our experiments, we use an image code whose design seems most practical among currently commercialized ones. This image code uses six safe colors, i.e., R, G, B, C, M, and Y. We tested for 72 true-color field images with the size of $2464{\times}1632$ pixels. With the color calibration based on the histogram, the localization accuracy was about 96%, and the accuracy of color classification for localized codes was about 91.28%. It took approximately 5 seconds to locate and recognize the image code on a PC with 2 GHz P4 CPU.

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Road Image Enhancement Method for Vision-based Intelligent Vehicle (비전기반 지능형 자동차를 위한 도로 주행 영상 개선 방법)

  • Kim, Seunggyu;Park, Daeyong;Choi, Yeongwoo
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-71
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents an image enhancement method in real road traffic scenes. The images captured by the camera on the car cannot keep the color constancy as illumination or weather changes. In the real environment, these problems are more worse at back light conditions and at night that make more difficult to the applications of the vision-based intelligent vehicles. Using the existing image enhancement methods without considering the position and intensity of the light source and their geometric relations the image quality can even be deteriorated. Thus, this paper presents a fast and effective method for image enhancement resembling human cognitive system which consists of 1) image preprocessing, 2) color-contrast evaluation, 3) alpha blending of over/under estimated image and preprocessed image. An input image is first preprocessed by gamma correction, and then enhanced by an Automatic Color Enhancement(ACE) method. Finally, the preprocessed image and the ACE image are blended to improve image visibility. The proposed method shows drastically enhanced results visually, and improves the performance in traffic sign detection of the vision based intelligent vehicle applications.


  • Shin, Ki-Sung;Cho, Kyoung-Mo;Cho, Yong-Bum;Shin, Dong-Hoon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.575-585
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    • 1998
  • Use of the digital camera as a color measuring device was proposed. Digital camera can save, adjust and transmit image using computer. But it has great disadvantage that color of image possibly altered by environment of image capturing state, so the color reproducibility of digital camera can severly damage, Casmatch, the supplement for color correction, was proposed for enhance the color reproducibility of digital camera. Thus for study the efficacy of the Casmatch in enhancing the color reproducibility of digital camera, image of 78area in 39teeth was captured three times during two days and color reproducibility was evaluated and analyzed in terms of the use of Casmatch, teeth positions, and area within the tooth and comparatively analyzed. Results were as follow ; 1. ${\Delta}$E the color reproducibility of digital camera was 6.90${\pm}$3.27 in same day and 7.43${\pm}$3.94 in different day, and the color reproducibility when using Casmatch correction was 6.21${\pm}$3.86, 7.59${\pm}$4.48, there is no enhancement in using Casmatch correction. 2. There is no difference in color reproducibility between teeth, but color reproducibility of the middle third was greater(p<0.05) than the gingival third before color correction using Casmatch.

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Temporal Stereo Matching Using Occlusion Handling (폐색 영역을 고려한 시간 축 스테레오 매칭)

  • Baek, Eu-Tteum;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2017
  • Generally, stereo matching methods are used to estimate depth information based on color and spatial similarity. However, most depth estimation methods suffer from the occlusion region because occlusion regions cause inaccurate depth information. Moreover, they do not consider the temporal dimension when estimating the disparity. In this paper, we propose a temporal stereo matching method, considering occlusion and disregarding inaccurate temporal depth information. First, we apply a global stereo matching algorithm to estimate the depth information, we segment the image to occlusion and non-occlusion regions. After occlusion detection, we fill the occluded region with a reasonable disparity value that are obtained from neighboring pixels of the current pixel. Then, we apply a temporal disparity estimation method using the reliable information. Experimental results show that our method detects more accurate occlusion regions, compared to a conventional method. The proposed method increases the temporal consistency of estimated disparity maps and outperforms per-frame methods in noisy images.

An Embedded Information Extraction of Color QR Code for Offline Applications (오프라인 응용을 위한 컬러 QR코드의 삽입 정보 추출 방법)

  • Kim, Jin-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.1123-1131
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    • 2020
  • The quick-response (QR) code is a two-dimensional barcode which is widely being used. Due to several interesting features such as small code size, high error correction capabilities, easy code generation and reading process, the QR codes are used in many applications. Nowadays, a printed color QR code for offline applications is being studied to improve the information storage capacity. By multiplexing color information into the conventional black-white QR code, the storage capacity is increased, however, it is hard to extract the embedded information due to the color crosstalk and geometrical distortion. In this paper, to overcome these problems, a new type of QR code is designed based on the CMYK color model and the local spatial searching as well as the global spatial matching is introduced in the reading process. These results in the recognition rate increase. Through practical experiments, it is shown that the proposed algorithm can perform the bit recognition rate improvement of about 3% to 5%.

A Robust License Plate Extraction Method for Low Quality Images (저화질 영상에서 강건한 번호판 추출 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Woo;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kang, Woo-Yun;Kim, Gyeong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a robust license plate extraction method from images taken under unconstrained environments. Utilization of the color and the edge information in complementary fashion makes the proposed method deal with not only various lighting conditions, hilt blocking artifacts frequently observed in compressed images. Computational complexity is significantly reduced by applying Hough transform to estimate the skew angle, and subsequent do-skewing procedure only to the candidate regions. The true plate region is determined from the candidates under examination using clues including the aspect ratio, the number of zero crossings from vertical scan lines, and the number of connected components. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using compressed images collected under various realistic circumstances. The experimental results show 94.9% of correct license plate extraction rate.

Development of the Full color LED displays using the control algorithm of histogram distribution (히스토그램 분포 제어가 가능한 풀칼라 LED 디스플레이장치 개발)

  • Ha, Young-Jae;Jin, Byung-Yun;Kim, Sun-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.1708-1714
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the full color LED billboard or a general quality improvement methods of quality gamma correction, brightness, and brightness adjustment, etc., regardless of the overall color of images uniformly bright or dark have been taken care of. The video itself, but simply expressed as a uniform brightness of a certain size, how to adjust the brightness of input video signal does not reflect the characteristics of the entire screen with just a lighter or darker line is only feeling was brought. So, unlike conventional video transmission system with new LED display technology in the histogram analysis of image data is input by the input image data by determining the luminance values of the attributes are reflected, as appropriate based on the histogram of the distribution of brightness values By controlling the LED display is expressed in the uniform image can improve the brightness control, histogram distribution of the image as full color billboards driven processing technology is proposed.

Retinex Algorithm Improvement for Color Compensation in Back-Light Image Efficently (역광 이미지의 효율적인 컬러 색상 보정을 위한 Retinex 알고리즘의 성능 개선)

  • Kim, Young-Tak;Yu, Jae-Hyoung;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a new algorithm that improve color component of compensated image using Retinex method for back-light image. A back-light image has two regions, one of the region is too bright and the other one is too dark. If an back-light image is improved contrast using Retinex method, it loses color information in the part of brightness of the image. In order to make up loss information, proposed algorithm adds color components from original image. The histogram can be divided three parts that brightness, darkness, midway using K-mean (k=3) algorithm. For the brightness, it is used color information of the original image. For the darkness, it is converted using by Retinex method. The midway region is mixed between original image and Retinex result image in the ratio of histogram. The ratio is determined by distance from dark area. The proposed algorithm was tested on nature back-light images to evaluate performance, and the experimental result shows that proposed algorithm is more robust than original Retinex algorithm.