• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상호 결합 제어

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Cross-Coupled Control for Multi-axes Servo System (다축 서보시스템의 상호결합 제어)

  • Kang, Myung-Goo;Lee, Je-Hie;Huh, Uk-Youl
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.186-188
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, Cross-Coupled Controller proposed for multi axes servo system. Tracking error and contouring error exist when a machine tool moves along the trajectory in multi exes system. The proposed scheme enhances the contouring performance by reducing contour error. Feedforward compensator reduces the effects of a nonlinear disturbance such as friction or dead zone. The proposed control scheme reduces the contour error which occured when the tool tracks the reference trajectory. Simulation results show that this scheme improves the contouring performance along the reference trajectory in XY-table.

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CRE: Perception Based Behavior Control Architecture for Human-Robot Interaction (CRE: 인간-로봇 상호작용을 위한 인지기반 행위제어 소프트웨어)

  • Lee, Suk-Han;Baek, Seung-Min;Park, Yeon-Chool
    • Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
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    • v.24 no.3 s.202
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2006
  • 서비스 로봇의 지각과 행동에서의 신뢰성은 각 개별 요소기술의 완벽함으로부터 얻어지는 것이 아니라 비록 성능이 불완전한 요소기술들을 사용하더라도 각 요소기술들의 정보를 융합하고 능동적인 행위를 발생시키는 시스템적인 접근방식으로부터 얻어진다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 자연스러운 HRI 구현을 위하여 "로봇인지 엔진"이라는 독창적인 통합 구조를 제안하였으며, 비동기/병렬 정보처리 구조, 다양한 지각정보들의 융합, 행위 결합을 위한 능동적인 지각정보 수집의 특징을 갖는다.

Design of a direct multivariable neuro-generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller (직접 다변수 뉴로 일반화 최소분산 자기동조 제어기의 설계)

  • 조원철;이인수
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a direct multivariable self-tuning controller using neural network which adapts to the changing parameters of the higher order multivariable nonlinear system with nonminimum phase behavior, mutual interactions and time delays. The nonlinearities are assumed to be globally bounded, and a multivariable nonlinear system is divided linear part and nonlinear part. The neural network is used to estimate the controller parameters, and the control output is obtained through estimated controller parameter. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm the computer simulation is done to adapt the multivariable nonlinear nonminimm phase system with time delays and changed system parameter after a constant time. The proposed method compared with direct multivariable adaptive controller using neural network.

Cross-Coupled Control for the Friction Compensation of CNC Machines (CNC 공작 기계의 마찰력 보상을 위한 상호 결합 제어)

  • Joo, Jeong-Hong;Lee, Hyun-Chul;Lee, Yun-Jung;Jeon, Gi-Joon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.462-470
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we proposed a cross-couple controller for compensating nonlinear friction of the X-Y table of CNC machines. Due to the nonlinearity of the frictions, large contour errors, referred to as quadrant glitches, occur when each axis of the X-Y table makes a zero velocity crossing. To reduce the quadrant glitches the friction compensators and nonlinear friction observers for estimating Coulomb frictions are employed in the proposed method. A hyperbolic tangent function is used in reducing the magnitude of quadrant glitches and the CEM (Contour Error Model) is utilized for the estimation of the velocities. The performance of the proposed compensators is evaluated for several trajectories by computer simulations.

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Fuzzy Output-Feedback Controller Design for PEMFC: Discrete-time Nonlinear Interconnected Systems with Common Inputs Approach (고분자 전해질 연료전지 시스템의 퍼지 출력 궤환 제어기 설계: 공통 입력을 갖는 이산시간 비선형 상호결합 시스템 접근)

  • Koo, Geun-Bum;Park, Jin-Bae;Joo, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.851-856
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, the fuzzy output-feedback controller is addressed for a discrete-time nonlinear interconnected systems with common input. The nonlinear interconnected system is represented by a T-S (Takagi-Sugeno) fuzzy model. Based on T-S fuzzy interconnected system, the fuzzy output-feedback controller is designed with common input. The stability condition of the closed-loop system is represented to the LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality) form. PEMFC model is given to show the verification of the controller discussed throughout the paper.

The analysis of KEPCO $\pm40MVA$ SSSC dynamic characteristics (FACTS Pilot Plant $\pm40MVA$ SSSC 동특성 분석)

  • Yoon Jong Su;Jeon Young Soo;Kim Soo Yeol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • summer
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    • pp.174-176
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    • 2004
  • FACTS 기술은 송전계통에 전압원 인버터를 설치하여 모선 전압과 전력조류를 제어하므로 송전용량 증대 및 계통 안정도 향상을 가능케하는 신기술이다. 국내에서는 2003년 최초의 FACTS Pilot Plant인 80MVA UPFC가 154kV 강진 변전소에 설치되었다. UPFC는 STATCOM과 SSSC가 DC 커패시터를 통하여 결합된 구조로 되어 모선전압과 유효/무효전력 조류의 독립적인 제어가 가능하며 계통 운전 상황에 따라 STATCOM과 SSSC의 단독운전 또한 가능하다. 따라서 STATCOM 및 SSSC 단독운전시의 계통영향에 대한 분석이 필요하다 본 논문은 EMTDC 모델을 이용하여 현재 운전중인 강진 변전소 UPFC의 직렬 운전모드인 40MVA SSSC의 제어특성과 운전효과 분석에 대하여 기술하였다.

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Multi-channel Access Control for Wireless Body Area Networks (무선 BAN을 위한 다중채널 액세스 관리기법)

  • Lee, Wangjong;Rhee, Seung Hyong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.1198-1201
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    • 2009
  • 무선 BAN은 인체를 중심으로 3m 이내에서 이루어지는 통신을 위한 기술이다. 무선 BAN은 인체 내 외부에서 의료용 서비스를 위하여 여러 개의 채널로 구성된 MICS(Medical Implanted Communication Service) 주파수 대역을 사용한다. MICS는 다중 채널 환경에서 LBT(Listen Before Talk)와 AFA(Adaptive Frequency Agile)을 사용하여 장치간의 간섭을 최소화한다. 경쟁기반의 LBT와 AFA는 데이터 전송의 안정성을 보장하지 못할 뿐만 아니라 채널 홉핑(Hopping)으로 인한 전력 소비를 야기한다. 본 논문에서는 의료용 데이터의 주기적인 특성과 전송 안정성을 고려하여 예약 기법의 채널 액세스 관리 기법을 제안한다. 여러 채널 가운데 하나의 채널을 제어 채널로 설정하고 나머지는 데이터 전송을 위한 채널로 설정한다. 코디네이터는 제어 채널에서 beacon을 전송하여 디바이스에게 데이터 채널을 할당한다. 예약방식을 통하여 채널 할당의 안정성을 확보할 뿐만 아니라 디바이스의 요구 사항에 따라 채널을 유동적으로 결합함으로써 채널의 효율성을 개선한다. 또한 제어 채널 관리 방안을 통하여 LBT 장치와 상호 운용성을 확보하고, 시뮬레이션을 통하여 예약방식의 채널 관리 방안의 효율성을 검증한다.

Optimal Tuning of Biaxial Servomechanisms Using a Cross-coupled Controller (상호결합제어기를 이용한 2축 서보메커니즘의 최적튜닝)

  • Bae Ho-Kyu;Chung Sung-Chong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.10 s.253
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    • pp.1209-1218
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    • 2006
  • Precision servomechanisms are widely used in machine tool, semiconductor and flat panel display industries. It is important to improve contouring accuracy in high-precision servomechanisms. In order to improve the contouring accuracy, cross-coupled control systems have been proposed. However, it is very difficult to select the controller parameters because cross-coupled control systems are multivariable, nonlinear and time-varying systems. In this paper, in order to improve contouring accuracy of a biaxial servomechanism, a cross-coupled controller is adopted and an optimal tuning procedure based on an integrated design concept is proposed. Strict mathematical modeling and identification process of a servomechanism are performed. An optimal tuning problem is formulated as a nonlinear constrained optimization problem including the relevant controller parameters of the servomechanism. The objective of the optimal tuning procedure is to minimize both the contour error and the settling time while satisfying constraints such as the relative stability and maximum overshoot conditions, etc. The effectiveness of the proposed optimal tuning procedure is verified through experiments.

Design of the $H_{\infty}$Controller for a Planner Robot System (2차원 평면운동 로봇 시스템에 대한 $H_{\infty}$ 제어기 설계)

  • 조도현;이상철;이종용
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TE
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.96-104
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, an $H_{\infty}$ robust controller has been designed for a large-scale system consisted of subsystems of mutually coupled plants. The physical plant, a two-dimensional horizontal movement robot system, has two subsystem plants mutually coupled by links. The designed $H_{\infty}$controller has been designed to get not only the robust stability for exogenous inputs to each plant but also the good tracking performance for the reference input to each plant. The $H_{\infty}$controller has shown the superior tracking performance and robust stability compared with the proportional-plus-derivative controller through computer simulations and physical experiments.

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A Design of the Recurrent NN Controller for Autonomous Mobil Robot by Coadaptation of Evolution and Learning (진화와 학습의 상호 적응에 의한 자발적 주행 로봇을 위한 재귀 신경망 제어기 설계)

  • Kim, Dae-Jin;Gang, Dae-Seong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2000
  • This paper proposes how the recurrent neural network controller for a Khepera mobile robot with an obstacle avoiding ability can be determined by co-adaptation of the evolution and learning, The proposed co-adaptation scheme consists of two folds: a population of NN controllers are evolved by the genetic algorithm so that the degree of obstacle avoidance might be reduced through the global searching and each NN controller is trained by CRBP learning so that the running behavior is adapted to its outer environment through the local searching. Experimental results shows that the NN controller coadapted by evolution and learning outperforms its non-learning equivalent evolved by only genetic algorithm in both the ability of obstacle avoidance and the convergence speed reaching to the required running behavior.

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