• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상태기반유지보수

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Stochastic Disaggregation and Aggregation of Localized Uncertainty in Pavement Deterioration Process (포장파손과정의 지역적 불확실성에 대한 확률적 분해와 조합)

  • Han, Daeseok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.1651-1664
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    • 2013
  • Precise analysis on deterioration processes of road pavements is not so simple matter due to severe uncertainty originated from a lot of explanatory variables engaged in. For those reasons, most analytical models for pavement deterioration prediction have often preferred to probabilistic approaches than deterministic models. However, the general probabilistic approaches that treat overall characteristics of population or entire sample would not be suitable for providing detail or localized information on their changing process. Considering the aspects, this paper aimed to suggest a stochastic disaggregation method to analyze the localized deterioration speeds and its variances changed by time and condition states. In addition, life expectancies and their uncertainty were estimated by probabilistic algorithm using the disaggregated stochastic process. For an empirical study, pavement inspection data (crack) accumulated from 2003 to 2010 from Korean national highway network was applied. This study can contribute to securing reliability of life cycle cost analysis, which is one of the primary analyses in road asset management, with much advanced deterioration forecasting functions. In addition, it would be meaningful trials as fundamental research for preventive maintenance strategy that demands essential understanding on changing process of the deterioration speed of pavement.

A Basic Study on Data Structure and Process of Point Cloud based on Terrestrial LiDAR for Guideline of Reverse Engineering of Architectural MEP (건축 MEP 역설계 지침을 위한 라이다 기반 포인트 클라우드 데이터 자료 구조 및 프로세스 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Park, Sang-Chul;Kang, Tae-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.5695-5706
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    • 2015
  • Recently adoption of BIM technology for building renovation and remodeling has been increased in construction industry. However most buildings have trouble in 2D drawing-based BIM modeling, because 2D drawings have not been updated real situations continually. Applying reverse engineering, this study analysed the point cloud data structure and the process for guideline of reverse engineering of architectural MEP, and deducted the relating considerations. To active usage of 3D scanning technique in domestic, the objective of this study is to analyze the point cloud data processing from real site with terrestrial LiDAR and the process from data gathering to data acquisition.

An Analysis of Operation and Considerations for the Introduction of Performance Warranty Contracting (해외 성능계약제도의 운영현황 및 국내 도입시 고려사항 제시)

  • Cho, Su-Kyung;Seo, Yong-Chil;Lee, Sang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.446-449
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    • 2007
  • For the restoration of construction industry, the government have offered the policy since the end of 1990. It has offered to develop the world-class technology and establish the effective production structure. In the government policy, the delivery and contracting method has improved so that construction industry could be recognized. Foreign countries have conducted the R&D and application of Innovative Contracting for improvement of facilities, reduction of LCC and innovation of contractor. Among the Innovative Contracting, 'Performance Warranty Contracting' is defined that A guarantee of the integrity of a product and of the makers responsibility for the replacement or repair of deficiencies. Performance Warranty Contracting is used for technology developments of contractor, improvement of quality, reduction of LCC, prevention of early deficiencies and reduction of owner's inspection works. This paper analyzes concept and effects of Performance Warranty Contracting and presents considerations according to the introduction.

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Design and Implementation HDTV Relay Transmission System for Overlay Multicast (오버레이 멀티캐스트를 위한 HDTV 중계전송 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Son, Seung-Chul;Kwag, Yong-Wan;Heo, Kwon;Lee, Hyung-Ok;Nam, Ji-Seung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.1A
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2007
  • The overlay multicast that has been recently presented as IP alternative for the IP multicast has been getting much persuasion by the computing power of the hardware and the advancement of the network techniques to enforce Routing in application-level. In an overlay multicast, the system resource and the network bandwidth must be utilized efficiently to service real-time HDTV images. Specifically, the system must consider the delay and the jitter that can be incurred at the application-level. In this paper, we implement a server and a client to broadcast HDTV, in the session composed by the existing overlay multicast protocol. The broadcasting server performs the service using a TV tuner, An HDTV camcorder, and files, clients constituting a multicast group relay the received data to other clients. At this time, the information that the clients report periodically, including their delay and the network state, to the server is used as an important information to maintain an overlay session. The implementation is based on the DirectX and its performance is evaluated by the LAN test bed that has been set.

Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration using Acoustic Backscatter (초음파 산란도를 활용한 하천 부유사 농도 측정 기법 개발)

  • Seo, Kang Hyeon;Kim, DongSu;Kim, JongMin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.377-377
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    • 2015
  • 부유사 자료는 유사이송해석에 필수적인 요소로 하천의 흐름 변화 및 하상 변동을 발생시키고, 하천 구조물의 설계, 수자원 개발 및 관리를 위한 하천계획의 전반에 있어 매우 중요한 자료이다. 부유사 농도는 수자원의 이용뿐만 아니라 하천 생태계에까지 피해를 미친다는 점에서 하천의 유지 관리 및 보수와도 밀접한 관련이 있다. 부유사량을 산정하는 방법에는 수리량 및 하상토 특성 자료를 유사량 공식에 대입하여 계산하는 간접적인 방법과 유사량을 직접 측정하는 방법으로 나뉜다. 현재 국내에서는 유사량 채집기를 사용하여 실제 하천의 유사량을 채집하는 방식으로 많이 사용되고 있으나, 많은 인력과 시간이 소모되기 때문에 다지점 계측과 지속적인 계측이 힘들다는 한계점를 보이고 있다. 또한 국내 하천에서는 홍수기를 거치면서 하천의 수리학적 특성이 변화하는 경향을 보여주고 있어 유량-부유사 관계식을 자주 갱신해야 한다는 어려움이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현재 국내에서 사용하고 있는 직접적인 측정 방법의 한계점을 보완하고자 직접적인 측정 방법 중 초음파를 이용하여 횡단면 전체의 유사량 측정을 연속적으로 할 수 있는 수평초음파도플러유속계(H-ADCP)를 활용하여 유사량을 추정할 수 있는 기법을 개발하고자 한다. 본 연구의 연구는 건설기술연구원 하천실험센터의 직선수로에서 수행되었다. H-ADCP (SonTek SL3000, 셀 크기 4 cm)를 사용하여 자연상태 흐름조건 (유속 0.7 m/s)에서 초음파산란도(Backscatter, 혹은 신호대잡음비 SNR) 및 유속자료를 2분 간격으로 확보하였다. 그리고 부유사 농도(SSC)의 측정 정확도가 높다고 평가되고 있는 레이저부유사측정기(LISST-100)를 활용하여 부유사 농도를 실측하여 초음파산란도와 실측 SSC의 관계를 도출하고 그 경향을 분석하였다. 또한 초음파산란도의 흡수 등을 보정하고 실측 부유사자료와의 관계식을 기반으로 H-ADCP를 활용하여 실시간으로 부유사 농도를 산정할 수 있는 소프트웨어를 개발하였다.

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A Study on the Maintenance Data Analysis of Vehicle Parts of Yongin Light Rail and Condition-Based Prediction Maintenance (용인경전철 차량부품 정비 데이터 분석 및 상태기반 예지 유지보수 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Kyeong Ho;Lee, Joong Yoon;Kim, Yeong Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • The Yongin Light Rail train was manufactured by Bombardier Transportation in Canada in 2008 and is a privately invested railway line that has been operating in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, since 2013. When the frequency of train failure increases due to aging, and there is a delay in the delivery period of imported parts used in the Bombardier manufactured trains, timely vehicle maintenance may not be performed due to lack of parts. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build a 'vehicle parts maintenance demand forecasting system' that analyzes the accurate and actual maintenance demand annual based on the condition of vehicle parts. The full scope of analysis in this paper analyzes failure data from various angles after opening of Yongin light rail vehicle to analyze failure patterns for each part and identify replacement cycles according to possible failures and consumption of parts. Based on this study, it is expected that Yongin Light Rail's maintenance system will change from the existing time-based replacement (TBM) concept to the condition-based maintenance (CBM) concept. It is expected that this study will improve the efficiency of the Yongin Light Rail maintenance system and increase vehicle availability. This paper is a fundamental for establishing of a system for predicting the replacement timing of vehicle parts for Yongin Light Rail. It reports the results of data analysis on some vehicle parts.

Implementation of Analysis System for H.323 Traffic (H.323 트래픽 분석 시스템의 개발)

  • Lee Sun-Hun;Chung Kwang-Sue
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.4 s.107
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2006
  • Recently, multimedia communication services, such as video conferencing and voice over IP, have been rapidly spread. H.323 is an international standard that specifies the components, protocols and procedures that provide multimedia communication services of real-time audio, video, and data communications over packet networks, including IP based networks. H.323 is applied to many commercial services because it supports various network environments and has a good performance. But communication services based on H.323 may have some problem because of current network trouble or mis-implementation of H.323. The understanding of this problem is a critical issue because it improves the quality of service and is easy to service maintenance. In this paper, we implement the analysis system for H.323 protocol wihch includes H.245, H.225.0, RTP, RTCP, and so on. Tills system is able to capture, parse, and present the H.323 protocol in real-time. Through the operation test and performance evaluation, we prove that our system is a useful to analyze and understand the problems for communication services based on H.323.

Load balancing of a deployment server using P2P (P2P를 이용한 배포 서버의 부하 분산)

  • Son Sei-Il;Lee Suk-Kyoon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.13A no.1 s.98
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2006
  • To perform on-line maintenance for Distributed Information System, it is indispensable to disseminate files to participant nodes in the network. When users' requests for file deployment occur simultaneously in a short period a deployment server falls into overload phase, which is often called Flash Crowds. h common solution to avoid Flash Crowds is to increase hardware capacity. In this paper, we propose a software solution based on P2P, which does not cost any additional expense. In the proposed solution, nodes in the network are grouped into subnetworks one of which is composed of only neighboring nodes. In each subnetwork, copies of deployment files can be transferred to each other. Consequently, it brings about the effect of load balancing in deployment server. To raise the effectiveness, target files for deployment are packed into one package. Before being transferred, each package is divided into multiple equal-sized segments. A deployment server in a normal phase transmits a package requested from nodes in segment units. However a deployment server is overloaded, if segments already exist in the subnetwork participant nodes in the subnetwork receive necessary segments from neighboring nodes. In this paper, we propose data structures and algorithm for this approach and show performance improvement through simulation.

The study on scheme for train position detection based on GPS/DR (GPS/DR기반의 차상열차위치검지방안 연구)

  • Shin, Kyung-Ho;Joung, Eui-Jin;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.802-810
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    • 2006
  • For a thorough train control, the precise train position detection is necessarily required. The widely used current way for train position detection is the one of using track circuits. The track circuit has a simple structure, and has a high level of reliability. However trains can be detected only on track circuits, which have to be installed on all ground sections, and much amount of cost for its installation and maintenance is needed. In addition, for the track circuit, only discontinuous position detection is possible because of the features of the closed circuit loop configuration. As the recent advances in telecommunication technologies and high-tech vehicle-based control equipments, for the train position detection, the method to detect positions directly from on trains is being studied. Vehicle-based position detection method is to estimate train positions, speed, timing data continuously, and to use them as the control information. In this paper, the features of GPS navigation and DR navigation are analyzed, and the navigation filters are designed by constructing vehicle-based train position detection method by combining GPS navigation and DR navigation for their complementary cooperation, and by using kalman filter. The position estimation performance of the proposed method is also confirmed by simulations.

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Material Analysis and Surface Condition Monitoring of Standing Buddha Statue in the Gwanchoksa Temple, Nonsan, Korea (논산 관촉사 석조미륵보살입상의 재질분석과 표면상태 변화 모니터링)

  • Lee, Myeong Seong;Choie, Myoungju;Yoo, Ji Hyun;Ahn, Yu Bin
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2019
  • Medium to coarse-grained biotite granodiorite was used to build the Standing Buddha Statue in the Gwanchoksa temple. An ancient document revealed the period and place of constructing the statue: it was made in the northwest of Mt. Banyasan and then moved eastward. Also, the comparison of standing Buddha statue and basement rock in terms of texture, magnetic susceptibility, and gamma spectrometer shows that they have similar characteristics, which is considered to be the same provenance rock. The damage caused by surface contaminants observed in the statue seems to be a combined effect of environmental factors and aging of the epoxy resin. After removal of the contaminants in 2007, the contamination has resumed, and continuous monitoring is necessary. Algal engraftment becomes faster when biological contamination occurs on the surface of stone cultural heritage. Since the secondary lichen growth forms a symbiosis with mold, it is necessary to observe the spatial and distributional changes. Also, the aging epoxy resin may cause secondary damage due to contaminants generated due to the determination of salts, and deterioration of bonding strength due to breaking out. Thus it is desirable to secure stability through proper conservation management.