• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상징 표현

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A Psychological Interpretation of a Korean Fairy Tale "I live on my Fortune" - From the Perspective of Analytical Psychology - (민담 <내 복에 산다>의 분석심리학적 해석)

  • Young Sun Pahk
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.163-193
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    • 2010
  • A Korean fairy tale, "I live on my fortune" is discussed and interpreted from the perspective of analytical psychology. Analytical psychology understands fairy tales are stories in which the workings of archetypes of unconsciousness are represented symbolically. Therefore they are intended to achieve psychic wholeness compensating collective consciousness. The fairy tale is found in almost every region of Korea. There are several parallel stories that share similar motifs, such as Samgongbonpoori, a mythological story and a tale on the king Mooh. The father in the story asked his three daughters whose fortune they lived on. The youngest was expelled by her father for she answered, "I live on my own fortune." Then she came into a humble cottage in the mountain marrying a poor charcoal maker and she found gold there. She became rich, made the charcoal maker a decent learned man and seeked for and took care of her parents who had become beggars. This fairy tale is interpreted as a story about individuation process of a woman who integrated 'inferior' aspects and unconscious animus through actively accepting the suffering from being expelled and commitment to the unconscious world, and also about how rigid collective psyche, under patriarchal system, changes toward wholeness through the workings of the unconscious.

A Study on Lyricism Expression of Color & Realistic Expression reflected in Oriental Painting of flower & birds (전통화조화의 사실적(寫實的) 표현과 시정적(詩情的) 색채표현)

  • Ha, Yeon-Su
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.10
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    • pp.183-218
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    • 2006
  • Colors change in time corresponding with the value system and aesthetic consciousness of the time. The roles that colors play in painting can be divided into the formative role based on the contrast and harmony of color planes and the aesthetic role expressed by colors to represent the objects. The aesthetic consciousness of the orient starts with the Civility(禮) and Pleasure(樂), which is closely related with restrained or tempered human feelings. In the art world of the orient including poem, painting, and music, what are seen and felt from the objects are not represented in all. Added by the sentiment laid background, the beauty of the orient emphasizes the beauty of restraint and temperance, which has long been the essential aesthetic emotion of the orient. From the very inception of oriental painting, colors had become a symbolic system in which the five colors associated with the philosophy of Yin and Yang and Five Forces were symbolically connected with the four sacred animals of Red Peacock, Black Turtle, Blue Dragon, and White Tiger. In this color system the use of colors was not free from ideological matters, and was further constrained by the limited color production and distribution. Therefore, development in color expression seemed to have been very much limited because of the unavailability and unreadiness of various colors. Studies into the flow in oriental painting show that color expression in oriental painting have changed from symbolic color expression to poetic expression, and then to emotional color expression as the mode of painting changes in time. As oriental painting transformed from the art of religious or ceremonial purpose to one of appreciation, the mast visible change in color expression is the one of realism(simulation). Rooted on the naturalistic color expression of the orient where the fundamental properties of objects were considered mast critical, this realistic color expression depicts the genuine color properties that the objects posses, with many examples in the Flower & Bird Painting prior to the North Sung dynasty. This realistic expression of colors changed as poetic sentiments were fused with painting in later years of the North Sung dynasty, in which a conversion to light ink and light coloring in the use of ink and colors was witnessed, and subjective emotion was intervened and represented. This mode of color expression had established as free and creative coloring with vivid expression of individuality. The fusion of coloring and lyricism was borrowed from the trend in painting after the North Sung dynasty which was mentioned earlier, and from the trend in which painting was fused with poetic sentiments to express the emotion of artists, accompanied with such features as light coloring and compositional change. Here, the lyricism refers to the artist's subjective perspective of the world and expression of it in refined words with certain rhythm, the essence of which is the integration of the artist's ego and the world. The poetic ego projects the emotion and sentiment toward the external objects or assimilates them in order to express the emotion and sentiment of one's own ego in depth and most efficiently. This is closely related with the rationale behind the long-standing tradition of continuous representation of same objects in oriental painting from ancient times to contemporary days. According to the thoughts of the orient, nature was not just an object of expression, but recognized as a personified body, to which the artist projects his or her emotions. The result is the rebirth of meaning in painting, completely different from what the same objects previously represented. This process helps achieve the integration and unity between the objects and the ego. Therefore, this paper discussed the lyrical expression of colors in the works of the author, drawing upon the poetic expression method reflected in the traditional Flower and Bird Painting, one of the painting modes mainly depending on color expression. Based on the related discussion and analysis, it was possible to identify the deep thoughts and the distinctive expression methods of the orient and to address the significance to prioritize the issue of transmission and development of these precious traditions, which will constitute the main identity of the author's future work.

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Entre l' espace sculptural et, l' espace architectural (조각공간과 건축공간의 관계)

  • Lee Bong-Soon
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.5
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    • pp.175-216
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    • 2003
  • 시각이 아닌 오감체계에 관계하는 때문에 현대미술은 외관만으로 이루어지지 않는다. 곧 예술 작품들은 하나의 장소를 관객에게 제공하여, 심리적, 물리적, 또는 예술이 존재여부에 관한 갖가지 질문들을 제기한다. 모든 예술 작품은 메시지를 담고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 개념 또는 아이디어에 우선하는 현대미술은 그들의 메시지를 전달하기 위해 우리의 사회적 배경과 보편성을 간과할 수 없다. 우리의 물체 인식은 결국 우리의 경험체계를 통해서 이루어진다고 간주하면, 현대미술의 새로운 형태는 보편적 특질들이 그 특질들 이상의 상태로 보여지도록 유도한다. 이러한 창조 행위의 시작은 현대인간의 문화 읽기이며 문화는 인간과 자연의 긴밀한 관계 속에서 이루어진다. 역사는 지나간 시간을 기록한 것이며, 이 또한 우리의 지식과 정보 체계에 속한다. 회화가 평면에 입체감을 표현하는 것과는 달리 조각은 자연 속, 즉 실재공간 속에 있는 모든 것을 표현하기 때문에 시각(visible) 이외에도 촉각(tangible)이 관여하게 된다. 조각의 특수성은 촉각(tangible)이 우선하는 것이다. 그러나 시각과 촉각은 매우 적극적으로 미학적 경험에 참여하는 감각으로 이들을 서로 분리하여 생각하기가 무척 힘들다. 왜냐하면 어떤 경험에 있어서 기억연합 또는 감각 연합에 의해 하나의 감각이 다른 여러 감각을 촉발하여 연쇄반응 혹은 '형태 Gestalt'를 이루기 때문이다. 대부분의 근대 조각 작품들은 조각대 위에 고정되어 있는 구상 형태를 지녔기 때문에 조각작품 자체가 지닌 외적 형태와 그 자체내의 공간이 더욱 중요한 역할을 하게 된다. 말하자면 미로의 비너스 조각은 대리석과 비너스 형태의 결합이다. 때문에 관객은 그 주변을 돌면서 우리 신체의 내적 공간과 시각에 의존하면서 그 작품의 중량감, 양감, 형태 등의 특질과 만나게 된다. 그러나 현대 추상조각과 개념조각은 이보다 좀 더 확장된 공간을 제시한다. 이것은 현대조각이 건축개념을 수용한 때문이며, 그것이 때로는 안 쪽에서 때로는 바깥 쪽에서 그 형태를 결정하며, 보고 듣고 느끼고 만져지고 왕래하는 등의 인식 영역인 관객의 오감체계에 직접적으로 관계하기 때문이다. 우리는 건축 공간에서, 시각 외에도 청각이나 촉각을 통해 지각한다. 대강 요약하자면 공간은 객관적 상태이기보다는 인식영역의 주관성을 통해 받아들여진 우리가 지나쳐온 것들이나 체험된 공간이다. 여기서 '받아들여지는' 일은 과거 경험들의 주체들, 언어와 문화에 의해서 이루어져야 한다. 건물, 즉 둘러싸고 있는 공간은 중앙이 아니다. 중앙은 바로 나, 둘러싸여진 나이다 나는 나의 동작에 따라 그 공간의 시스템을 변화시킬 수 있는 유동적인 중심이다 (이때의 나는 위치의 축을 변화시키는 것이 아니라, 그들을 탐색하는 것이다). 작품이 대형화되면서 이러한 건축공간개념이 현대 조각가들의 작품개념에 이용되었다고 본다. 현대미술에서 In situ작업과 특정한 장소를 위한 기획되어진 최근의 프로젝트 작업들은 대형화되어있으며, 건축에서처럼 특정한 장소를 만들어낸다. 로잘린드 크라우스(Rosalind Krauss)는 또한 '조각영역의 확장 (La sculpture dans le champ elargi)'에서 현대조각이 건축과 환경의 영역을 침범하고 있음을 지적한다. 그녀에 의하면, 1960년대 이후의 현대조각은 이러한 탈 귀속성과 조각의 자율성을 획득함으로써 조각은 건축물이 아니면서 건축물 주변에 위치하거나 풍경이 아니면서 풍경 안에 자리잡게 되었다. 이와 같이 현대의 대형조각 작품들 - 예를 들어 대형화된 미니별 조각이나 개념미술, 또는 대지예술 등 -은 풍경의 실재가 아니기 때문에 환경으로부터 구분된다고 언급하고 있다. 이들 조각은 더 이상 만져지는 실체이거나 점유하는 공간의 상징언어를 지닌 조각의 범주에 한정되지 않게 된다. 조각과 건축의 공간인식을 인체의 크기와 관련하여 보면, 메를로 퐁티(Merleau-Ponty)의 '지각의 현상학' 은 우리가 논하는 작품의 공간체계를 분석하는데 지침표가 되어준다. 메를로 퐁티가 말하는 지각은 정신에 의해서만 이루어지는 것이 아니며, 몸과 함께 이루어지는 현상이다. 지각은 우리가 부단히 눈을 움직이고 만지고 냄새를 맡고 주변을 돌아 다니면서 세계와의 직접적인 접촉을 통해 이루어 진다. 몸의 움직임을 통하여 나타나는 신체적 표현은 몸 자체가 원천적으로 지향적 활동의 주체로서 파악되는 한 이미 항상(恒常, constant) 의미 현상을 지니다. 우리의 지각이 움직이는 몸의 지향 활동을 통해 이루어진다는 것은 우리의 몸의 지향활동이 의식에 선행함을 의미한다. 몸의 움직임은 의식의 의도를 표현할 때에만 의미를 나타내는 기호가 되는 것이 아니라, 이미 그 자체가 살아있는 표현이다. 우리의 몸짓, 표정은 우리 의식이 의도하기 전에 이미 의미가 담겨있다. 몸은 그 자체가 기호(Signe)적이다. 결국. 메를로 퐁티에게서 세상(le monde entier)은 그 자신이 주체가 되어 인식한다, 그리고 이 인식 구조에는 우리의 몸이 구심점(le point centripete)이 된다. 만약 우리가 이러한 메를로 퐁티의 개념을 염두에 둔다면, 예술작품의 특성에 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 재료와 크기를 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

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A Study on the Emotional Reaction to the Interior Design - Focusing on the Worship Space in the Church Buildings - (실내공간 구성요소에 의한 감성반응 연구 - 기독교 예배공간 강단부를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Gyoo-Baek
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological reaction to the image of the worship space in the church buildings and to quantify its contribution of the stimulation elements causing such reaction, and finally to suggest basic data for realizing emotional worship space of the church architecture. For this, 143 christians were surveyed to analyze the relationship between 23 emotional expressions extracted from the worship space and 32 images of the worship space. The combined data was described with the two dimensional dispersion using the quantification theory III. The analysis found out that 'simplicity-complexity' of the image consisted of the horizontal axis (the x-axis) and 'creativity' of the image the vertical axis(the y-axis). In addition, to extract the causal relationship between the value of emotional reaction and its stimulation elements quantitatively, the author indicated 4 emotional word groups such as simple, sublime for x-axis and typical creative for y-axis based on its similarity by the cluster analysis, The quantification theory I was also used with total value of equivalent emotional words as the standard variance and the emotional stimulation elements of the worship space as the independent variance. 9 specific examples of the emotional stimulation elements were selected including colors and shapes of the wall and the ceiling, shapes and finish of the floor materials, window shapes, and the use of the symbolic elements. Furthermore, 31 subcategories were also chosen to analyse their contribution on the emotional reaction. As a result, the color and finish of the wall found to be the most effective element on the subjects' emotional reaction, while the symbolic elements and the color of the wall found to be the least effective. It is estimated that the present study would be helpful to increase the emotional satisfaction of the users and to approach a spatial design through satisfying the types and purposes of the space.

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A Study on the Major Attraction and Space Recognition in Anuisamdong(安義三洞), through the People of the 16th to 19th centuries (16~19세기 인물을 통해 본 안의삼동(安義三洞)의 주요 유람처와 공간인식)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Shin, Hyun-Sil;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to examine the spatial recognition of the characters who visited Anuisamdong(安義三洞) in the past and left it in the literature. Thus, the school's relationship between people identified in the relevant literature was analyzed and the elements of landscape were extracted. The results were as follows; First, The figures who authored the literature on Anuisamdong were related to scholars living in Anuihyun(安義縣), along with the Yeongnam confucian genealogy. Starting with Jung, Yeo-Chang(鄭汝昌) in the 15th century, a relationship centered on Nammyeong School(南溟學派) in the 16th century was formed. At that time, people had toured the Anuisamdong regardless of the academic background. In the 17th century, Nammyeong School were in conflict with Toegye School(退溪學派), so Toegye School's influence had no record. In the 18th century, the proportion of Nammyeong School, Toegye School, and Kiho School(畿湖學派) appeared similar as they evolved into the Yeongnam School(嶺南學派). After the 19th century, the proportion of patriots who participated in the anti-Japanese movement was higher than that of schools. Second, The main places used in the literature related to Anuisamdongwere the order of Wonhakdong(猿鶴洞), Hwrimdong(花林洞) and Simjindong(尋眞洞). There are a total of 21 major elements used for the related literature, of which Suseungdae Rock(搜勝臺), Morijae House(某里齋), Nongwaljeong Pavilion(弄月亭), Sasundae Rock(四仙臺) and Cheoksuam Rock(滌愁巖) were the main subjects. Elements of Wonhakdong have been in the spotlight since the 16th century, focusing on Suseungdae Rock. Although the elements of Hwarimdong have been increasing gradually since the 18th century, the ratio of Simjindong to Wonhakdong and Hwarimdong was relatively small. Third, The relationship between the figures who visited the Anuisamdong and the spatial recognition of the Anuisamdong was divided into landscape awareness, emotional awareness and symbolic recognition. The Anuisamdong's scenic view is mostly identified by its description of the waterscape and topographical landscape, which people may have perceived as a scenic site centered on the valley view at the time. The mutual influence of Nammyeong School and Toegye School in the 16th and 17th centuries led to a scene in which the major figures of each school recognized pleasure as a culture of training, and a feeling of longing for the traces of past ancestors as the 18th century travel culture and the 19th century chaotic situation. In addition, the symbolic expression that usually appears is likely to have been recognized as a unworldly place, as the location of the immortal world is confirmed.

A Semantic Interpretation of the Design Language in the ChwuiseokJeong Wonlim of Gochang - Focusing on the Alegory and Mimesis in 'Chwuiseok' and 'Chilseongam' - (취석정원림에 담긴 조형언어의 의미론적 해석 - '취석'과 '칠성암'에 담긴 알레고리와 미메시스를 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Jung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.76-89
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at carrying out a semantic interpretation of the core Design language that seemed to influence deeply in the creation of the ChwuiseokJeong wonlim of Gochang. Especially, this paper aimed at inferring how the spiritual culture of seclusion of the 16th century influenced the creation of the wonlim by understanding the metaphor and symbolism by grasping the transmission meaning and reception meaning of the creators and the people concerned with keywords like Eunil(隱逸: seclusion), Chwuiseok(醉石), and Chilseongam(七星巖). 'Building up a wall' was intentionally carried out in order to represent 'Seven Stars(The Big Dipper)' inside of the wonlim. This is a kind of two-dimensional 'enframement', and a result of active creation of a meaningful landscape. From Chilseongam that was created by assembling, we presumed that Kyung-Hee Kim, Nohgye(蘆溪), the creator showed the recognition and thoughts of astronomy as a Confucian scholar that the ChwuiseokJeong Wonlim where he secluded is the center of the universe. The interpretation of words in Nohgyezip, an anthology, showed that the articles and writtings of Nohgye, his decsendants, and the people of ChwuiseokJeong included alcohols, Chwuiseok, Yeon-Myung Do, and Yuli(栗里) where Do secluded; this means that Nohgye ranked himself with Do because Nohgye also lived in peace by drinking alcohols and enjoying nature like Do did. 'Drinking' was what expressed the mind of Nohgye who wanted to be free and have the joy of enjoying mountains, water, and their landscape like Do did. In other words, 'Drinking' is the symbol of freedom that makes him forget himself and equate himself with nature. These are the representation, imitation, and mimesis of respecting Yeon-Myung Do. As the alegory of 'speaking something with other things' suggested, it is possible to read 'Chwuiseok', came from the story of Yeon-Myung Do, in multiple ways; it superficially points out 'a rock on which he laid when he was drinking', but it also can be interpreted as 'an object' that made him forget his personal troubles. In addition, it means freewill protecting unselfish mind with the spiritual aberration of drinking, 'Chwui(醉)', mentally; also, it can be interpreted metaphorically and broadly as a tool that makes Nohgye reach to the state of nature by the satisfied mind of Yeon-Myung Do. 'Chwuiseok' was a design language that showed the situation of Nohgye by comparing his mind with the mind of Yeon-Myung Do from the Confucian point of view, and a kind of behavioral mimesis based on his respect to Do and 'aesthetic representation of objective reality.' It is not coincidental that this mimesis was shown in the engraved words on Chwuiseok and the creation of ChwuiseokJeong that has the same name with Chwuiseok in Korea and China.

About a Wind-chime excavated from WolnamSaji(月南寺址) in GangJin (강진 월남사지(月南寺址) 출토 금동풍탁(金銅風鐸)에 대하여)

  • Sung, Yun-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.18-41
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    • 2017
  • The Gangjin WolnamSaji(月南寺址) is a small site where three-story pagodas and a destroyed tombstone remained. In 1973, it was discovered that the destroyed tombstone was that of the second master of Susunsa, Hye shim(慧諶), who had a special relationship with the military regime in Goryeo, and it once again attracted attention as a result of the recent excavation of the Rooftile of Yeonhwamun(蓮花文). In particular, the Windchime excavated in 2012 is a large-sized one group with a length of 23cm, and a relatively large Sanskrit character was decorated on four sides of the body. In addition, it was also confirmed in preservation process that the word 'gaecheon(盖天)' was engraved. The Sanskrit characters(梵字) om( , oṃ), a( , a), hum( , hūṃ), brum( , bhrūṃ) were decorated on the body of the Wind-chime excavated in WolnamSaji. Om( , oṃ), a( , a), hum( , hūṃ) are known as the Sammiljineon(三密眞言) and brum( , bhrūṃ) has the meaning of having the highest honor. In addition, the Sammiljineon(三密眞言) allows us to understand the truth by responding to the principle of universe, which is the Vairocana Buddha(毘盧遮那佛), and brum( , bhrūṃ) has the meaning of unity. In the end, the meaning of the Sanskrit decorating the four sides of the Wind-chime, of WolnamSaji(月南寺址), can be interpreted as the expression of the Buddha's doctrine, or the willingness to be combined with Buddha, the highest existence in itself. It is possible that the word 'gaecheon(盖天)' carved on the body can be regarded as the name of the master craftsman related to the making of the Wind-chime, but it is unlikely that it is the name of the master craftsman, considering that it is a place where the location is not easily seen. If so, you can think of the original function that the Wind-chime has. In other words, it can be interpreted symbolically and implicitly that the wish of the sound of the airwaves symbolized by the words of the Buddha covers the sky and spreads all over the place. It is thought that the Wind-chime excavated in WolnamSaji(月南寺址) was made in the mid to late 13th century considering the comparisons with another wind-chime excavated from the temple site, the historical situation in the late Goryeo, the publication date of the scriptures(經典) of Esoteric Buddhism(密敎).

A Study on the Space Planning and Landscape of 'Unjoru(雲鳥樓)' as Illustrated in the Family Hereditary Drawing, "Jeolla Gurye Ohmidong Gado(全羅求禮五美洞家圖)" ('전라구례오미동가도(全羅求禮五美洞家圖)'를 통해 본 운조루(雲鳥樓)의 공간배치계획과 경관 고찰)

  • Shin, Sang-sup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.48-63
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    • 2013
  • The results of the study on the space planning and landscape design of Unjoru(雲鳥樓) through the 'Jeolla Gurye Omidong Gado(全羅求禮五美洞家圖)' drawn using GyeHwa(界畵) technique are as follows. First, 'Omidong Gado' is believed to date back to the period when Unjoru(1776~1783) was established for the following reasons: (1) The founder, Yoo-IJu(柳爾?), sent the drawing for the house while he was serving as the governor of YongCheon county(龍川府史). (2) It shows the typical dwelling houses' space division and its location is in a good spot with mountain in the back and water in front(背山臨水) and there is every indication of scheme drawing. (3) Front gate was changed and remodeled to a lofty gate in 1804. Second, Nogodan & Hyeongjebong of Jiri Mountain sit at the back of Unjoru, and faces Obong mountain and Gyejok mountain. In addition, the Dongbang stream flowing to the east well illustrates the Pungsu theory of mountain in the back and water in the front. Third, the house is structured in the shape resembling the character 品, divided into 5 areas by hierarchical order in the cross line from all directions. The site, which includes the outdoor yard and the back garden, consists of 5 blocks, 6 yards and 2 gardens. Fourth, the outdoor yard with aesthetical value and anti-fire function, is an ecological garden influenced by Confucianism and Taoism with a pond (BangJiWonDo Type, 方池圓島形) at the center. Fifth, the Sarang yard(舍廊庭) is decorated with terrace garden and flower garden, and the landscaping components such as oddly shaped stone, crane, plum, pine tree, tamarisk tree and flowering plants were used to depict the ideal fairy land and centrally placed tree for metaphysical symbolism. The upper floor of Sarangchae commands distant and medium range view, as well as upwards and downwards. The natural landscape intrudes inside, and at the same time, connects with the outside. Sixth, pine forest over the northern wall and the intentionally developed low hill are one of the traditional landscaping techniques that promotes pleasant residential environment as well as the aesthetics of balanced fullness.

A Study on the Characteristics of Commemoration in the World War II Cemeteries - Focus on the Military Cemeteries of United States, the Commonwealth, and Germany in Western Europe - (제2차 세계대전 전쟁 묘지에 나타난 기념성 - 서유럽에 있는 미국군, 영연방군, 독일군 묘지를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze commemoration characteristics of the United States of America, the Commonwealth, and Germany through representative 14 military cemeteries of World war II in Western Europe. Based on the commemoration characteristics such as spacial characteristic, commemorative elements, and graves and headstone, the commemoration culture among U.S., the Commonwealth. and Germany were studied comparatively. The results are as follows. First, taking geometrical form with mainly square type, rarely circle and spiral patterned, most cemeteries were structured spatial central axis with symmetry, those cemeteries were styled neoclassical, but some of the U.S. cemeteries were modernistic, connecting spaces organically with curved line layout. Second, chapel, the wall of missing, the wall of battle map, and sculpture in the U.S military cemeteries, and 'the cross of sacrifice' and 'the stone of remembrance' as classical monument in the Commonwealth war cemeteries were commonly applied standardized commemorative elements, but commemorative monuments in German military cemeteries were restricted except monumental cross. Third, the symbolic cross of christianism was used all cemeteries to console and cherish the soul of soldiers, specially the Latin crosses in the U.S military cemeteries delivered political message as the american martyr for Western Europe and also the power of the U.S., but the cross in German and the Commonwealth war cemeteries were basically cherish and comfort individual spirit. Fourth, showing the power of victory with national patriotism, the U.S. strongly represented christianism and liberal democracy against communism, the Commonwealth showed imperialistic style, and German military cemeteries were quietly appeared as traditional style forwarding reconciliation and peace. This study suggest the war cemeteries have national identity with typical form and symbolic aesthetics. Further study will be required to materialize sublime commemoration in national cemeteries and to form advanced commemorative culture in Korea.

Le Moi naturel et la cosmogonie chez Paul Valéry : au point de vue de la mythologie indienne (폴 발레리Paul Valéry의 본성적 '자아'와 우주 발생론 : 인도 신화를 중심으로)

  • JEANG, Kwangheam
    • Korean Association for Visual Culture
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    • v.23
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    • pp.463-524
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    • 2013
  • En exprimant 'la découverte de l'homme', Valéry, dans la Philosophie de la danse, représente «un plaisir qui allait jusqu'à une sorte d'ivresse, et si intense parfois, qu'un épuisement total de ses forces, une sorte d'extase d'épuisement pouvait seule interrompre son délire, sa dépense motrice exaspérée». Dans le même sens du plaisir, Jayadéva, dans son dithyrambe du Gîta-Govinda, représente la danse de Harî, une des nombreuses formes de Vichnou. Excités par le brûlant désir des jeux de la volupté, Hari et son amante Râdhâ cherchent au cours de la danse Râsa l'énergie vitale. Voilà la source du plaisir mystérieux valéryen. Ensuite l'eau, «élément essentiel de toute vie», est la mesure du temps de même que le soleil, l'eau est le principe de l'harmonie comme celui du monde. Finalement, chez Valéry, sous les diverses infleunces de l'eau mythique, la mer devient l'Océan de lait, soit le lieu de naissance, soit la substance maternelle, soit l'essence da la création universelle. Or tout au long de 「La Dormeuse」, Valéry évoque l'image de 'Vichnou-Narayana' sous l'influence de la mythologie indienne. Et sous une autre influence de Flaubert, Valéry évoque « d'étranges mondes abstraits». Malgré tout, Valéry crée lui-même, dans 「La Dormeuse」, une nouvelle image d'un monde abstrait : 'Vichnou-Narayana' couché sur un lit de lotus, porté par les replis du grand serpent Ananta, qui élève au-dessus du dieu endormi méditant, ses sept têtes formant une éspèce de dais - du sein de Narayana, richement décoré d'un collier d'étoiles et d'une couronne de pierres précieuses en forme de disque, croit un lotus qui porte Brahma dans son calice ; Lakchmi est aux pieds de son divin époux. L'épisode des dieux indiens est à un stade encore plus avancé de la destruction du symbole. Ils sont réduits à des formes symboliques obscures, non commentées et même difficilement identifiables. Le dieu rose qui mord son orteil dans une attitude à la fois mystérieuse et grotesque, c'est Vichnou qui a, selon le vichnouisme, le premier rôle dans la création du monde. Il flottait avant la création sur les eaux, couché sur une feuille de figuier, sous la forme d'un jeune enfant qui porte son pied vers sa bouche. Cette scène évoque la méditation et le repli sur soi de la divinité avant le commencement. Valéry désigne la cosmogonie particulière d'une religion bien déterminée(le vichnouisme) sans la nommer et en la vidant de son sens pouratnt capital, laissant subsister un symbole guetté par le grotesque, un dieu en enfance ; d'autre part, cette cosmogonie est télescopée et intégrée par une cosmogonie d'origine différente : le désemboîtement des trois dieux renvoie à la théorie sivaiste du Lingam, l'arbre de vie. Les dieux de la tirinité iendienne se détachent les un après les autres et il ne reste plus que la fleur sous la garde de Vichnou. Le désemboîtement des dieux paraît bien se référer à cette conception, malgré l'absence du lingam. Enfin toute la forme veille ; et tous les yeux sont ouverts.