• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상징 표현

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A Study of Clothing Imagery Emerging from Shakespeare's Plays II -Focusing on MAcbeth, 1996 RSC production- (Shakespeare 희곡작품에 나타난 복식 이미저리 연구 II -1996년 RSC 공연의 Macbeth를 중심으로-)

  • Bae, Soo-Jeoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.33
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 1997
  • 와관과 실체의 갈등은 문학작품의 주제 중에서 가장 보편적이면서도 복잡한 양상을 지니고 있다 희곡 Macbeth에 있어서 이주제는 Shakespeare의 어느 작품에서보다도 핵심적인 역할을 하며 특히 외관과 실체의 주제를 시각적으로 보여주는 복식이미저리는 그의 주제를 상징적으로 나타내는 데 효과적일 뿐만 아니라 극적 분위기 창조 및 무대사에서배우들의 의상변화로 인한 시각적이미저리 효과를 극대화 시키고 있다 본 연구의 목적은 Macbeth에 내재된 복식 이미저리를 고찰하고 이를 가장 최근에 공연된 macbeth의 무대의상에 적용 분석함으로써 무대의상 제작시 복식 이미저리의 효과적인 무대적용 여부를 파악하는 것이다.연구의 방법은 먼저 이론적인 배경으로 희곡 Macbeth의 본문을 분석하여 복식이미지저리와 관계된느 대사 및 지문 등을 추출한 다음이를 하나의 케이스 연구대상으로 선정된 1996 RSC극단 공연의 Macbeth 무대의상에 적용하여 분석 고찰 하였다 본 연구에서 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다 첫째 자신의 실체를 파악하지 못한 인물이나 혼동하는 인물은 자신의 신분에 맞지 않은 남의 의상을 적응기간조차 없이 착용함으로써 결국은 자신을 파멸로 몰고가는 복식 이미저리가 제시되어 있었다 둘째 자신의 실체를 분명히 지각하고 있는 인물들은 새로운 복식이나 신분에의 적응은 많은 시간과 노력을 요한다는 것을 매우 잘 파악하고 있었으며 이것은 그들의 대사 중에 구체적으로 제시되어있었다 1막1장의 Banquo 의 대사 중에 나오는'새로운복식'과 '새로운 신분'에 비유 2막 4장의 macduff의 대사중에 나오는 '새로브'와 '헌로브'의 비유 5막 2장의 Caithness의 '자제력의혁대'등의 비유는 복식이미저리의 구체적인 표현으로 분석되었다. 셋째 복식 이미저리의 측면에 1996 RSC의 Macbeth 무대의상을 분한 결과 이의상들에는 '난쟁이가 훔쳐 입은 거인의 옷' 으로 대표되는 복식 이미저리가 직접적으로 제시되지는 않았지만 공연전체를 통하여 무대장치 및 의상에 변화를 주지 않음으로써 이 작품의 초시한성과 복식이미저리를 오히려 역설적으로 표현하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 따라서 이공연의 의상 계획은 복식 이미저리의 역설적인 한 표현으로 분석되었으며 관객에게 등장인물의 외곤은 그 실체를 그대로 반영한다는 Shakespeare 본래의 의도를 잘 보여주는 의상계획으로 파악되었다 이러한 결과는 Shakespeare극의 무대의상 디자인 및 제작시 무대의상이 단순한 무대의상 그 이상의 의미로 고려되어져야 함을 보여주며 이는 관객에세 의미 깊은 메시지로 전달될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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A study of Visual Effects of Light Focusing on Illustration (빛(Light)의 시각적 효과에 대한 연구 일러스트레이션을 중심으로)

    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 1999
  • Light is an essential element which make it possible for men to see things, and its important for painter cannot be too much emphasized. light has significant meanings in the history of painting as well as in human life. light playa an essential role in creating three- dimentional objects. Light has not only spiritural, psychological , and formative meanings but also in. itself in the field of drawing. In general, a study of light and colors should be understood not merely as visible effects but as something unconscious involving psychological experiences and spiritual symbols, thus, as a very subjective phenomena. The article analyzes new meanings and roles of light in modern area, examining ways in which studies of light has been performed. It also deals with the meaning and effects of light revealed in the history of oriental and western paintings, and their influence on modern illustrations through case studies in order to provide an opportunity to have a new understanding of light.

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Analysis on the Spatial Narrative of the Movie Hugo (영화 <휴고>의 공간서사 분석)

  • Chen, Hao-Shu
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2019
  • Time and space are the foundations of all the narrative. As the aim and content of narrative, spatial narrative plays an increasingly important role in the narrative movies. With the development and application of digital technique, the expressiveness of movie space is enhancing, and spatial narrative has become the focus of directors and critics. As a developing cinematic narrative form, spatial narrative is taking advantage in many aspects, including narrative structure, narrative effect, creative skills and audience acceptance, which can bring breakthrough and innovation to the creation of cinematic narrative. Based on the spatial theory in movies, the paper analyzes the space presentation approaches in the movie Hugo. Combined with the motivating factors, structure factors, symbolic significance and psychological factors of narrative space, the paper specifically analyzes the significance of spatial narrative in American movie Hugo. By researching the glamour of narrative space in the movie, the paper intends to provide certain reference value to the narrative expression of the movies today.

Hybridity Images of Miyazaki-hayao Animation (미야자키 하야오의 애니메이션에 나타난 혼종적 이미지(Hybridity Image))

  • Kim, Jun-Su
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2008
  • Animations consist of the created artificial images. To interpret of the meaning from analyzing the style of main images is an important element in understanding of animations. Therefore, to analyze images expressed in works of Miyazaki-hayao, this study substitutes the concept of 'hybridity' for images of characters, backgrounds, and mechanics created by him and explores how they are expressed, how they produce symbolic meanings and functions. It is confirmed that main images in selected works as a scope of research have hybridity of images between 'past, present, and future', 'eastern elements and western elements', 'real and virtual', 'human beings and animal' in narrative. From these results, it is concluded that because of hybridity between images, he can present fresh pleasures to spectators, simultaneously communicate thoughtful messages above mere enjoyment, which is a differentiable point with works of other directors.

Symbolism of Fashion Art in Contemporary Art (현대 미술에 표현된 예술의상의 상징성 연구)

  • Huh Jung-Sun;Geum Key-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.7 s.98
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    • pp.156-170
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    • 2005
  • As contemporary art tends to diverge from its fixed genres and intends to appeal to the public, fashion comes to contribute to the contemporary art area, by playing an important part in the creation of artistic value of art work. Nowadays, it is not unusual to see fashion work shown in an art exhibition parallel with art work, since some artists adopt costumes as the medium of their work in order to explore various means of expression. The occurrence of philosophical, sociological theories concerning human body parallelled with the prevalence of the post-structuralist ideas and occurrence of various styles of artistic expressions of body encouraged active research and attracted social attention to body. With such background, fashion art was formed by a means of the integration of body and fashion in order to create extreme artistic expression. 1 intend to investigate a variety of trends in fashion art from the viewpoint of body space. This study developed criteria for fashion image in contemporary art. Those criteria are based on the dichotomy that divides body into inner aspects and outer aspects. According to the criteria, Firstly, the extension type of body shape includes enlargement and reduction as its sub-types. Secondly, the opening-closure type includes opening type and closure type as its sub-types. Thirdly, the intensity type categorizes clothes into uniqueness and hybridity. Dynamism type classifies fashion art into fixation and moving. The various expressions of clothes type are interpreted as a means by which we can criticize many phenomena of modern society, such as loss of humanity, isolation of individuals, loss of identity, commercialism, and materialism. In the latter period of modern society, the integration of the double-faced nature of body and spirit was attempted and popular fashion was introduced into art in order to express desire, death, gender, identity, and sexual pleasure.

Aesthetic Symbolism in Lewis Mumford's Architectural Criticism (루이스 멈퍼드의 건축비평에서 미적 상징의 문제)

  • Seo, Jeongi
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2017
  • One of the essential characteristics of Lewis Mumford's architectural criticism is the coherent emphasis on symbolism. Such emphasis stems from his understanding of city and humanity in the context of civilization: first, that the architecture symbolizes institutions of urban civilization; second, that the technical aspect of human nature should be balanced with its artistic aspects. Mumford believed that each architectural type requires an appropriate symbolic expression corresponding to its purpose and that a new symbolic expression, in a new cultural context, should replace the conventional expression. He took symbolism for an intuitional expression, and read multi-layered meanings of architecture: 'practical function' by way of rational reason and 'symbolic function' by way of intuition. He pursued a balance between practicality and beauty to rectify the situation of modern civilization, in which symbolism, the expression of its intuitional aspect, is in crisis. Ultimately, for Mumford, the essential task of architectural critic is of the interpretation of symbolism, aiming at the correspondence and communication between the architect(artist)'s intuition and critic(interpreter)'s via the media of symbol. The critic can play some privileged role of interpreting even symbols unintended by the architect. The ideal architectural critic, after all, would be the one who is able to understand the city, technology and human beings in the perspective of civilization and to interpret the architect's artistic expression in its highest form through intuition. Mumford established himself as such a critic and evaluated the status of aesthetic accomplishment of his contemporary architecture and technological civilization, giving emphasis on the artistic practice in architecture as a solution.

A Study on the Symbolization of the Underground Visual Elements as a Signification-Function -Focus on the Environmental Graphics of the Subway Vehicle & Station in Seoul City- (지하 시각요소의 표지기능(標識機能)적 상징성에 관한 연구 -서울시 지하철 및 지하역(驛)의 환경그래픽을 중심으로-)

  • 김경만
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.18
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 1996
  • underground space have many negative environmental clements which should be confirmed on location and line of action by the artificial signs. iccordingly, environmental graphics as visual language for popular signification-function have to be studied on sign theory of symbolic meanings. Ho\/ever, its usage has not only decorated by microscopiC appreciative eye but also lost its meanlllg as a visual language which was caused by the negligence of systematic management of the facility in charge Result of study, Visual environmental factors as a cause of behavioral attitude based on the study, which has been carefully considered as a communication of the visual language. Therefore, considering the underground environmental graphics as the: sign or the signification-function, It has to be studied on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic viewpoint. SpeCifically, to maKe the color and formation language a signification-function as a generalized connotation to the public, a distinctive classified Visual language must be applied.

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An Inquiry into the Ancient Jewelry of Ancient Egypt Myth (고대 이집트 신화에 나타난 고대 장신구 연구)

  • Choi, Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 2009
  • The spiritual world of the ancient times has precious values which forms the origin of human thought. This study aims to reevaluate ancient people's particular views on man in their spiritual world reflected through gods' ornaments by studying the human race's fundamental spiritual world gradually disappearing due to science development from Egyptian gods' ornaments expressed symbolically in Ancient mythical components. Although evidently ornaments in Egypt served for decoration, the basic purpose was exorcism as amulets, a shamanistic purpose to be protected from mystical and hostile powers by carrying them on the vulnerable spots of the body. As this aspect indicates, the human race tried to solve their self-insoluble transcendental issues through the help of supernatural power, pursuing to lead their lives there within. As a result, Egyptian ornaments; First, the deity raised their value by deifying human-beings. Second, the nobility enhanced their dignity by having goddesses wear the same skirts as theirs. Thirds, all deities maintained their class society by wearing fpassiums, bracelets, and anklets. Fourth, the resurrection was symbolized through gods and goddesses in charge of the afterlife.

Men's Jewelry using Mario Botta's Architectural Images (마리오 보타의 건축이미지를 이용한 남성장신구)

  • Park, Seung-Chul;Ryu, Ki-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2009
  • Men's jewelry are thought to have a limited role as assisting women's jewelry or wedding gifts. The variety of designs are limited, and most of them are just copies of Japanese designs. In order to bring out a new kinds of variety in men's jewelry design, I have chosen architectural structures as a motif. Architectural structures have strong symbolical meanings that express man. They are powerful and challenging, and symbolize wealth and authority. Mario Botta, the wolrd famous architect is an architect with this kind of spirit. His architectural style does not lose his own color in a chaotic situation, but keeps the feeling of shape and space on the basis of locality. In this study I have started with a motif that may express specific and modem feelings by compressing the shape and spatial images of Mario Botta's structures minimally into men's jewelry in order to grope the possibilities in all aspects. I have done these in order to rediscover the beauty of the architectural structures by using the shape and spatial images that are found in Botta's structures, so that I may propose a new kind of men's jewelry with stresses on their shapes.

Correlation between Pragmatic Language and Executive Function in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury (후천성 뇌손상 환자의 화용언어와 집행기능 간 상관성)

  • Lee, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2016
  • Pragmatic language impairment is closely related to the executive function difficulties in patients with acquired brain injury(ABI). This study was designed to explore the correlation between two domains following ABI. Thirty-five participants with ABI were grouped into 21 aphasics due to stroke and 14 TBIs. All subjects were over 55 years old. Measures of two domains were administered to all participants. As a result, figurative language comprehension and functional/symbolic language were significantly correlated with the activating task in aphasic group. All tasks were significantly correlated in TBI group. Aphasic patients' figurative language comprehension significantly predicted the activating task. In TBI group, figurative language expression and functional/symbolic language were the predictable tasks of planning and activating, respectively. Current study demonstrates the evidence of a significant association between pragmatic language and executive function, and provides appropriate tasks used for cognitive-linguistic intervention of individuals with ABI.