• 제목/요약/키워드: 상관성 연구

검색결과 14,298건 처리시간 0.053초

Results of Radiation Therapy for Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix (자궁경부암의 방사선치료 성적)

  • Lee Kyung-Ja
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.359-368
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    • 1995
  • Purpose : This is a retrospective analysis for pattern of failure, survival rate and prognostic factors of 114 patients with histologically proven invasive cancer of the uterine cervix treated with definitive irradiation. Materials and Methods : One hundred fourteen patients with invasive carcinoma of the cervix were treated with a combination of intracavitary irradiation using Fletcher-Suit applicator and external beam irradiation by 6MV X-ray at the Ewha Womans University Hospital between March 1982 and Mar 1990. The median age was 53 years(range:30-77 years). FIGO stage distribution was 19 for IB, 23 for IIA, 42 for IIB, 12 for IIIA and 18 for IIIB. Summation dose of external beam and intracavitary irradiation to point A was 80-90 Gy(median:8580 cGy) in early stage(IB-IIA) and 85-100 Gy(median:8850 cGy) in advanced stage(IIB-IIIB). Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the survival rate and multivariate analysis for progrostic factors was performed using the Log likelihood for Weibull Results : The pelvic failure rates by stage were $10.5{\%}$ for IB. $8.7{\%}$ for IIA, $23.8{\%}$ for IIB, $50.0{\%}$ for IIIA and $38.9{\%}$ for IIIB. The rate of distant metastasis by stage were $0{\%}$ for IB, $8.7{\%}$ for IIA, $4.8{\%}$ for IIB. $0{\%}$ for IIIA and $11.1{\%}$ for IIIB. The time of failure was from 3 to 50 months and with median of 15 months after completion of radiation therapy. There was no significant coorelation between dose to point A($\leq$90 Gy vs >90 Gy) and pelvic tumor control(P>0.05). Incidence rates of grade 2 rectal and bladder complications were $3.5{\%}$(4/114) and $7{\%}$(8/114), respectively and 1 patient had sigmoid colon obstruction and 1 patient had severe cystitis. Overall 5-year survival rate was $70.5{\%}$ and disease-free survival rate was $53.6{\%}$. Overall 5-year survival rate by stage was $100{\%}$ for IB, $76.9{\%}$ for IIA, $77.6{\%}$ for IIB $87.5{\%}$ for IIIA and $69.1{\%}$ for IIIB. Five-rear disease-free survival rate by stage was $81.3{\%}$ for IB, $67.9{\%}$ for IIA, $46.8{\%}$ for IIB, $45.4{\%}$ for IIIA and $34.4{\%}$ for IIIB. The prognostic factors for disease-free survival rate by multivariate analysis was performance status(p= 0.0063) and response rate after completion of radiation therapy(p= 0.0026) but stage, age and radiation dose to point A were not siginificant. Conclusion : The result of radiation therapy for early stage of the uterine cervix cancer was relatively good but local control rate and survival rate in advanced stage were poor inspite of high dose irradiation to point A above 90 Gy. Prospective randomized studies are recommended to establish optimal tumor doses for various stages and volume of carcinoma of uterine cervix, And ajuvant chemotherapy or radiation-sensitizing agents must be considered to increase the pelvic control and survival rate in advanced cancer of uterine cervix.

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Tuberculin Skin Test and Plasma Prostaglandin $E_2$ In Patients of New and Intractable Pulmonary Tuberculosis (초치료 및 난치 폐결핵 환자의 투베르쿨린 피부검사와 혈장 Prostaglandin $E_2$)

  • Kim, Ji-Hong;Choi, In-Hwan;Kim, Mee-Ae;Shin, Chul-Shik;Song, Sun-Dae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제42권5호
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 1995
  • Background: The cell-mediated immunity is needed for eradicating the tubercle bacilli. Prostaglandin(PG), especially PG $E_2$, is involved in cellular immunosuppression. It is known that the PG $E_2$ is suppressed by indomethacin. For using indomethacin as a immunomodulator of intractable pulmonary tuberculosis(Tbc) patients, we measured the tuberculin skin test(TST) and the plasma PG $E_2$ levels. Method: The forty-eight inpatients with sputum positive acid-fast stain bacilli were classified into 6 groups according to antiTbc chemotherapy history(new and intractable cases), plain chest roetgenogram(minimal and far advanced cases), and TST reaction(nagative and positive cases). Except for one group(n=2; new, minimal, and negative cases of TST reaction) of the 6 groups, all subjects(n=46) were measured for the plasma PG $E_2$, levels with radioimmunoassay. Results: 1) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels among A group(far advanced and positive TST reaction cases, n=10, $11.22{\pm}2.86\;pg/ml$), B group(minimal and negative TST reaction cases, n=9, $11.35{\pm}2.20$) and C group(far advanced and positive TST reaction cases, n=7, $11.11{\pm}2.30$) in the new cases(p>0.05). 2) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between positive(n=10, $9.25{\pm}2.21$) and negative(n=10, $8.25{\pm}1.13$) groups by TST in the intractable cases(p>0.05). 3) Comparing the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between new(n=26, $11.35{\pm}2.41$) and intractable(n=20, $8.75{\pm}1.78$) groups, the intractable group had significi- andy lower plasma PG $E_2$ levels(p<0.05). 4) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between negative(n=19, $9.88{\pm}2.43$) and positive(n=27, $10.46{\pm}2.56$) groups by TST(p>0.05). 5) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels between male(n=32, $10.07{\pm}2.44$) and female(n=14, $10.56{\pm}2.70$)(p>0.05). 6) There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels among 2nd(n=5, $10.21{\pm}2.86$), 3rd(n=9, $9.97{\pm}2.47$), 4th(n=13, $11.35{\pm}2.33$) and 5th(n=19, $9.57{\pm}2.48$) decades(p>0.05). 7) There was no significant correlation between the induration sizes of the TST and the plasma PG $E_2$ levels(r=0.054, p>0.05). Conclusion: From the above results, the plasma PG $E_2$ levels of intractable group are not higher as the authors had expected. There was no significant difference in the plasma PG $E_2$ levels by the lesion sizes of plain chest roentgenogram and the induration sizes of TST, so more study will be needed to use the indomethacin as a immunomodulator for intractable pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

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6·25 Special Play Study (6·25 특집극 <최후의 증인> 연구)

  • Song, Chihyuk
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • 제42호
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    • pp.47-75
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    • 2021
  • This thesis looks into the interpretation of the Korean War and mystery genre in Korea in the 1970s by analyzing the special drama , in which the theme was directly related to the Korean War, airing through MBC in 1979. It begins by finding the change in direction in the 1970s when the world of TV was dictated through the heavy censorship and the memory of the war by the government. It also looks at the intentions of the producer who was taking in the new way and the viewers who also accepted this drama and its reflections. In order to gain some insights into these issues, it compares between the drama "The Last Witness" and the original novel by Seong-jong Kim who holds the same time to see the way in which this is dramatized. The drama, "The Last Witness", was produced with a plan to generate a high-quality special drama which combined both artistry and sense of purpose. Nevertheless, as watching TV became a leisurely past-time during this period, TV dramas become more aggressive and suggestive in order to attract viewers. This ultimately was encored with obstacles due to the regime and the heavy censorship at the time. The genre of special drama that is well known in South Korea, is designed as an art form to satisfy both their unique artistry and its purpose. The conflict is seen between the key elements of the artistic drama crated by the producers and the 'encouraged' elements that often are needed to engage the viewers. Thus, more often than not, special dramas defeat the original intention of national harmony, encouraged by the regime. This is due to the 'novelty' aspect which grows from the effort of bringing enjoyment to viewers whilst also trying to achieve the artistic drama to life. Alongside this, crime element in this drama is designed in a way that visually embodies the process of deduction, becoming a new possibility to secure the reality of the times. However, it was also a paradoxical existence since it was indicated as an example of unrefined culture that lost its original intention. In that way, it is worth to think that detective suspense stories, which were not popular in Korea, influenced viewers as a tv drama series in the 1970s through the various elements that compose the genre. They went through a process of transplantation and acceptance whilst also attempting to satisfy the viewers and their encouraged elements to engage them. As is well known, crime drama in Korea has its own style by mixing anticommunism and detective reasoning. This combination is found in the way in which the genre naturally forms through the elements selected and excluded in the dramatization of "The Last Witness". The point is that the special drama "The Last Witness" can be seen as an intermediate form that shows the tendency of transformation from the detective reasoning form alongside the crime aspects as TV dramas began to include anticommunism messaging and investigation in the 1970s. In conclusion, when the detective reasoning is used as an element in a TV drama, it shows the trust of the public system and it constantly seeks the possibility of circumventing the political interpretation. The memories of the war is seen as a tool that neutralizes the dismal imaginations inscribed on the dark side of society and the system. As a result, "The Last Witness", broadcasted at the end of the Yushin regime in Korea, is a strange result which combines the logic of a special drama and the encouraged characteristics of television dramas. The viewers' desire which is the discussion about the hidden traces from the texts needs to be restored again.

Characteristics and Sensory Optimization of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) under Different Aging Conditions for Food Application of Black Taro (흑토란의 식품재료화를 위한 숙성 조건에 따른 토란의 특성 및 관능 최적화)

  • Jeon, Yu-Ho;Lee, Ji-Won;Son, Yang-Ju;Hwang, In-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2016
  • The physicochemical properties, antioxidant capacities, and sensory optimization of taro (Colocasia esculenta) under different aging conditions were investigated to develop black taro. Black taro was processed in three steps (steaming: $95{\pm}3^{\circ}C$ for 1 h; aging: 85, 90, $95^{\circ}C$ for 20, 40, and 60 h; drying: $60^{\circ}C$ for 24 h) and ground into a powder for all experiments. Black taro showed an increased crude fiber content and browning index compared to raw taro. Calcium oxalate contents, reducing sugar contents, moisture contents, and lightness values were decreased during the processing of taro. Improvements in total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP) were observed in the black taro samples aged at higher temperature. Response surface methodology was used for sensory optimization, and the optimum aging conditions with the highest acceptance values were found to be $88.73^{\circ}C$ for 39.50 h for taste, and $88.82^{\circ}C$ for 42.60 h for overall acceptance.

The Usefulness of Dyspnea Rating in Evaluation for Pulmonary Impairment/Disability in Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease (만성폐질환자의 폐기능손상 및 장애 평가에 있어서 호흡곤란정도의 유용성)

  • Park, Jae-Min;Lee, Jun-Gu;Kim, Young-Sam;Chang, Yoon-Soo;Ahn, Kang-Hyun;Cho, Hyun-Myung;Kim, Se-Kyu;Chang, Joon;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Won-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.204-214
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    • 1999
  • Background: Resting pulmonary function tests(PFTs) are routinely used in the evaluation of pulmonary impairment/disability. But the significance of the cardiopulmonary exercise test(CPX) in the evaluation of pulmonary impairment is controvertible. Many experts believe that dyspnea, though a necessary part of the assessment, is not a reliable predictor of impairment. Nevertheless, oxygen requirements of an organism at rest are different from at activity or exercising, and a clear relationship between resting PFTs and exercise tolerance has not been established in patients with chronic pulmonary disease. As well, the relationship between resting PFTs and dyspnea is complex. To investigate the relationship of dyspnea, resting PFTs, and CPX, we evaluated the patients of stabilized chronic pulmonary disease with clinical dyspnea rating(baseline dyspnea index, BDI), resting PFTs, and CPX. Method: The 50 patients were divided into two groups: non-severe and severe group on basis of results of resting PFTs(by criteria of ATS), CPX(by criteria of ATS or Ortega), and dyspnea rating(by focal score of BDI). Groups were compared with respect to pulmonary function, indices of CPX, and dyspnea rating. Results: 1. According to the criteria of pulmonary impairment with resting PFTs, $VO_2$max, and focal score of BDI were significantly low in the severe group(p<0.01). According to the criteria of $VO_2$max(ml/kg/min) and $VO_2$max(%), the parameters of resting PFTs, except $FEV_1$ were not significantly different between non-severe and severe(p>0.05). According to focal score($FEV_1$(%), FVC(%), MW(%), $FEV_1/FVC$, and $VO_2$max were significantly lower in the severe group(p<0.01). However, in the more severe dyspneic group(focal score<5), only $VO_2$max(ml/kg/min) and $VO_2$max(%) were low(p<0.01). $FEV_1$(%) was correlated with $VO_2$max(%)(r=0.52;p<0.01), but not predictive of exercise performance. The focal score had the correlation with max WR(%) (r=0.55;p<0.01). Sensitivity and specificity analysis were utilized to compare the different criteria used to evaluate the severity of pulmonary impairment, revealed that the classification would be different according to the criteria used. And focal score for dyspnea showed similar sensitivity and specificity. Conclusion : According to these result, resting PFTs were not superior to rating of dyspnea in prediction of exercise performance in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases and less correlative with focal score for dyspnea than $VO_2$max and max WR. Therefore, if not contraindicated, CPX would be considered to evaluate the severity of pulmonary impairment in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases, including with severe resting PFTs. Current criteria used to evaluate the severity of impairment were insufficient in considering the degree of dyspnea, so new criteria, including the severity of dyspnea, may be necessary.

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Resolving the 'Gray sheep' Problem Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) in Collaborative Filtering (CF) Recommender Systems (소셜 네트워크 분석 기법을 활용한 협업필터링의 특이취향 사용자(Gray Sheep) 문제 해결)

  • Kim, Minsung;Im, Il
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2014
  • Recommender system has become one of the most important technologies in e-commerce in these days. The ultimate reason to shop online, for many consumers, is to reduce the efforts for information search and purchase. Recommender system is a key technology to serve these needs. Many of the past studies about recommender systems have been devoted to developing and improving recommendation algorithms and collaborative filtering (CF) is known to be the most successful one. Despite its success, however, CF has several shortcomings such as cold-start, sparsity, gray sheep problems. In order to be able to generate recommendations, ordinary CF algorithms require evaluations or preference information directly from users. For new users who do not have any evaluations or preference information, therefore, CF cannot come up with recommendations (Cold-star problem). As the numbers of products and customers increase, the scale of the data increases exponentially and most of the data cells are empty. This sparse dataset makes computation for recommendation extremely hard (Sparsity problem). Since CF is based on the assumption that there are groups of users sharing common preferences or tastes, CF becomes inaccurate if there are many users with rare and unique tastes (Gray sheep problem). This study proposes a new algorithm that utilizes Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques to resolve the gray sheep problem. We utilize 'degree centrality' in SNA to identify users with unique preferences (gray sheep). Degree centrality in SNA refers to the number of direct links to and from a node. In a network of users who are connected through common preferences or tastes, those with unique tastes have fewer links to other users (nodes) and they are isolated from other users. Therefore, gray sheep can be identified by calculating degree centrality of each node. We divide the dataset into two, gray sheep and others, based on the degree centrality of the users. Then, different similarity measures and recommendation methods are applied to these two datasets. More detail algorithm is as follows: Step 1: Convert the initial data which is a two-mode network (user to item) into an one-mode network (user to user). Step 2: Calculate degree centrality of each node and separate those nodes having degree centrality values lower than the pre-set threshold. The threshold value is determined by simulations such that the accuracy of CF for the remaining dataset is maximized. Step 3: Ordinary CF algorithm is applied to the remaining dataset. Step 4: Since the separated dataset consist of users with unique tastes, an ordinary CF algorithm cannot generate recommendations for them. A 'popular item' method is used to generate recommendations for these users. The F measures of the two datasets are weighted by the numbers of nodes and summed to be used as the final performance metric. In order to test performance improvement by this new algorithm, an empirical study was conducted using a publically available dataset - the MovieLens data by GroupLens research team. We used 100,000 evaluations by 943 users on 1,682 movies. The proposed algorithm was compared with an ordinary CF algorithm utilizing 'Best-N-neighbors' and 'Cosine' similarity method. The empirical results show that F measure was improved about 11% on average when the proposed algorithm was used

    . Past studies to improve CF performance typically used additional information other than users' evaluations such as demographic data. Some studies applied SNA techniques as a new similarity metric. This study is novel in that it used SNA to separate dataset. This study shows that performance of CF can be improved, without any additional information, when SNA techniques are used as proposed. This study has several theoretical and practical implications. This study empirically shows that the characteristics of dataset can affect the performance of CF recommender systems. This helps researchers understand factors affecting performance of CF. This study also opens a door for future studies in the area of applying SNA to CF to analyze characteristics of dataset. In practice, this study provides guidelines to improve performance of CF recommender systems with a simple modification.

  • Studies on Nutrio-physiological Response of Rice Plant to Root Environment (근부환경(根部環境)에 따른 수도(水稻)의 영양생리적(營養生理的) 반응(反應)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

    • Park, J.K.;Kim, Y.S.;Oh, W.K.;Park, H.;Yazawa, F.
      • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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      • 제2권1호
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      • pp.53-68
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      • 1969
    • The nutriophysiological response of rice plant to root environment was investigated with eye observation of root development and rhizosphere in situation. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) The quick decomposition of organic matter, added in low yield soil, caused that the origainal organic matter content was reached very quickly, in spite of it low value. In high yield soil the reverse was seen. 2) In low yield soil root development, root activity and T/R value were very low, whereas addition of organic matter lowered them still wore. This might be contributed to gas bubbles around the root by the decomposition of organic matter. 3) Varietal difference in the response to root environment was clear. Suwon 82 was more susceptible to growth-inhibitine conditions on low-yield soil than Norin 25. 4) Potassium uptake was mostly hindered by organic matter, while some factors in soil hindered mostly posphorus uptake. When the organic matter was added to such soil, the effect of them resulted in multiple interaction. 5) The root activity showed a correlation coeffieient of 0.839, 0.834 and 0.948 at 1% level with the number of root, yield of aerial part and root yield, respectively. At 5% level the root-activity showed correlation-coefficient of 0.751, 0.670 and 0.769 with the uptake of the aerial part of respectively. N, P and K and a correlation-coefficient of 0.729, 0.742 and 0.815 with the uptake of the root of respectively N.P. and K. So especially for K-uptake a high correlation with the root-activity was found. 6) The nitrogen content of the roots in low-yield soil was higher than in high-yield soil, while the content in the upper part showed the reverse. It may suggest ammonium toxicity in the root. In low-yield soil Potassium and Phosphorus content was low in both the root and aerial part, and in the latter particularly in the culm and leaf sheath. 7) The content of reducing sugar, non-recuding sugar, starh and eugar, total carbohydrates in the aerial part of plants in low yield soil was higher than in high yield soil. The content of them, especially of reducing sugar in the roots was lower. It may be caused by abnormal metabolic consumption of sugar in the root. 8) Sulfur content was very high in the aerial part, especially in leaf blade of plants on low yield soil and $P_2O_5/S$ value of the leaf blade was one fifth of that in high yield soil. It suggests a possible toxic effect of sulfate ion on photophosphorization. 9) The high value of $Fe/P_2O_5$ of the aerial part of plants in low yield soil suggests the possible formation of solid $Fe/PO_4$ as a mechanical hindrance for the translocation of nutrients. 10) Translocation of nutrients in the plant was very poor and most nutrients were accumulated in the root in low yield soil. That might contributed to the lack of energy sources and mechanical hindrance. 11) The amount of roots in high yield soil, was greater than that in low yield soil. The in high-yield soil was deep, distribution of the roots whereas in the low-yield soil the root-distribution was mainly in the top-layer. Without application of Nitrogen fertilizer the roots were mainly distributed in the upper 7cm. of topsoil. With 120 kg N/ha. root were more concentrated in the layer between 7cm. and 14cm. depth. The amount of roots increased with the amount of fertilizer applied.

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    Studies on the Natural Distribution and Ecology of Ilex cornuta Lindley et Pax. in Korea (호랑가시나무의 천연분포(天然分布)와 군낙생태(群落生態)에 관한 연구(研究))

    • Lee, Jeong Seok
      • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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      • 제62권1호
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      • pp.24-42
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      • 1983
    • To develop Ilex cornuta which grow naturally in the southwest seaside district as new ornamental tree, the author chose I. cornuta growing in the four natural communities and those cultivated in Kwangju city as a sample, and investigated its ecology, morphology and characteristics. The results obtained was summarized as follows; 1) The natural distribution of I. cornuta marks $35^{\circ}$43'N and $126^{\circ}$44'E in the southwestern part of Korea and $33^{\circ}$20'N and $126^{\circ}$15'E in Jejoo island. This area has the following necessary conditions for Ilex cornuta: the annual average temperature is above $12^{\circ}C$, the coldness index below $-12.7^{\circ}C$, annual average relative humidity 75-80%, and the number of snow-covering days is 20-25 days, situated within 20km of from coastline and within, 100m above sea level and mainly at the foot of the mountain facing the southeast. 2) The vegetation in I. cornuta community can be divided that upper layer is composed of Pinus thunbergii and P. densiflora, middle layer of Eurya japonica var. montana, Ilex cornuta and Vaccinium bracteatum, and the ground vegetation is composed of Carex lanceolata and Arundinella hirta var. ciliare. The community has high species diversity which indicates it is at the stage of development. Although I. cornuta is a species of the southern type of temperate zone where coniferous tree or broad leaved, evergreen trees grow together, it occasionally grows in the subtropical zone. 3) Parent rock is gneiss or rhyolite etc., and soil is acidic (about pH 4.5-5.0) and the content of available phosphorus is low. 4) At maturity, the height growth averaged $10.48{\pm}0.23cm$ a year and the diameter growth 0.43 cm a year, and the annual ring was not clear. Mean leaf-number was 11.34. There are a significant positive correlation between twig-elongation and leaf-number. 5) One-year-old seedling grows up to 10.66 cm (max. 18.2 cm, min. 4.0 cm) in shoot-height, with its leaf number 12.1 (max. 18, min), its basal diameter 2.24 mm (max. 4.0 mm, min. 1.0 mm) and shows rhythmical growth in high temperature period. There were significant positive correlations between stalk-height and leaf-number, between stalk-height and basal-diameter, and between number and basal diameter. 6) The flowering time ranged from the end of April to the beginning of May, and the flower has tetra-merouscorella and corymb of yellowish green. It has a bisexual flower and dioecism with a sexual ratio 1:1. 7) The fruit, after fertilization, grows 0.87 cm long (0.61-1.31 cm) and 0.8 cm wide (0.62-1.05 cm) by the beginning of May. Fruits begin to turn red and continue to ripen until the end of October or the beginning of November and remain unfading until the end of following May. With the partial change in color of dark-brown at the beginning of the June fruits begin to fall, bur some remain even after three years. 8) The seed acquision ratio is 24.7% by weight, and the number of grains per fruit averages 3.9 and the seed weight per liter is 114.2 gram, while the average weight of 1,000 seeds is 24.56 grams. 9) Seeds after complete removal of sarcocarp, were buried under ground in a fixed temperature and humidity and they began to develop root in October, a year later and germinated in the next April. Under sunlight or drought, however, the dormant state may be continued.

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    효소적 방법에 의한 참돔(Pagrus major) 품질판정에 관한 연구

    • 배진한;정호진;여해경;심길보;김태진;조영제
      • Proceedings of the Korean Aquaculture Society Conference
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      • 한국양식학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회 논문요약집
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      • pp.153-154
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      • 2003
    • 운동여부와 운동횟수 그리고 어체 크기에 대한 양식산 어종의 품질판정을 위한 지표를 검색하기 위하여 효소적 방법 즉 ATP 관련화합물과 양식산 활어의 건강한 상태와 칼슘의 노출, 염도의 감소, 산소의 부족, 궁핍 등과 같은 스트레스를 받은 상태를 판단하는 adenylate energy charge (AEC)를 근육의 품질판정을 위한 지표로써 조사하였다. 운동사육구와 비운동사육구에서의 참돔육에 대한 ATP 관련화합물의 변화는 운동 0일에는 ATP함량은 8.62 μmol/g이었지만 20일차에는 8.59 μmol/g으로 운동기간이 길어짐에 따라 ATP의 함량은 약간의 감소를 보였다. 이는 운동이라는 자극요인으로 인하여 ATP의 소모가 촉진되었을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 운동 0일차의 ADP함량은 0.72 μmo1/g이었지만 20일차에는 0.93μmol/g로 ATP의 소모만큼 약간의 증가를 보이고 있다. 반면, 비운동사육구에서 0일차의 ATP함량은 5.78 μmol/g이었지만 20일차에서는 6.31 μmol/g로 운동사육구와 대조적으로 기간이 길어짐에 따라 ATP함량이 약간의 증가를 보여주고 있다. 생리적으로 동물에 가혹한 환경에 두거나 스트레스를 가하면 adenylate energy charge (AEC)가 영향을 받아 변화게 된다. AEC는 (ATP + ½ ADP)/(ATP + ADP + AMP)의 비율로 정의되는데, AEC의 범위는 0∼1사이로써 0은 ATP 관련화합물이 AMP로 전환된 상태를 말하며, 1은 모든 ATP 관련 화합물이 ATP로 존재하는 것을 의미한다. 그러므로, 이들결합의 상관적인 정도는 개개의 세포에서 에너지의 효용성을 측정하는 것으로 이용되고 있다. AEC 수치는 운동수조에서 0.91∼0.92 건강상태가 좋았지만 비운동수조는 0.87∼0.88로 운동수조에 비해 값이 낮게 나왔다. 운동횟수에 관계없이 운동시킨 어육의 AEC는 0.90∼0.91로 건강한 상태였다. 어체크기에 따른 ATP 관련화합물의 변화는 0.7∼0.9kg의 크기를 가진 참돔에서는 ATP 함량이 7.88 μmole/g, 1.5∼l,7kg의 크기를 가진 참돔에서는 ATP함량이 9.61μmole/g로 많았고 다른 크기에서는 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 그리고 ADP함량은 어체의 크기가 증가할수록 함량은 감소하였다. 그러나, 어체의 크기에 따른 ATP관련화합물의 변화는 거의 없었다. 건강도의 지표인 AEC는 0.89∼0.94로 전체적으로 건강상태로 나타났다. 하루 2회 운동시킨 육에서의 ATP함량은 0일차에 8.75 μmole/g, 10일차에 8.46 μmole/g, 20일차에 8.51μmole/g로 약간의 감소를 보여준다. ADP함량은 일까지는 증가하지만 그 이후에는 큰 변화를 보이지 않는다. 6시간 운동시킨 그룹의 ATP함량은 0일차에 8.63 μmole/g, 5일차에 8.52 μmole/g, 10일차에 8.4μmole/g, 20일차에 8.51 μmole/g로 10일까지는 감소하지만 그 이후에는 큰 변화를 보이지 않는다. ADP함량은 0일차에 0.72 μmole/g, 10일차 0.84 μmole/g, 20일차에 0.83 μmole/g으로 10일차까지는 약간 증가하지만 그 이후에는 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다. 참돔의 근원섬유에 있어서 Ca/sup 2+/이 존재할 때 Mg/sup 2+/-ATPase 활성의 변화는 운동시킨 참돔 근원섬유의 Mg/sup 2+/-ATPase 활성은 0.35μmol Pi/minㆍmg였으며, 비운동구에서 0.34μmol Pi/minㆍmg으로 운동시킨 참돔의 육에서 ATPase 활성이 약간 높은 것으로 나타났다. 운동사육시킨 참돔은 운동기간이 증가할수록 ATPase활성이 증가하여 운동 20일에는 0.42μmo1 Pi/minㆍmg의 함량을 나타내었으나, 비운동사육에서는 큰 차이를 보이지 않고 있다. 근원섬유의 Ca/sup 2+/가 첨가되지 않았을때의 Mg/sup 2+/-ATPase 활성을 나타내었다. 운동시키전에는 각각 0.10μmol Pi/minㆍmg, 0.14μmol Pi/minㆍmg 나타나 비운동구가 운동구에 비하여 Mg/sup 2+/(-Ca/sup 2+/)-ATPase 활성이 높았으며 사육기간동안 활성이 서서히 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. Ca/sup 2+/-ATPase의 활성 또한 사육기간 동안 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다. 그러므로, 참돔의 운동여부에 따라서 ATPase활성을 살펴본 결과, 운동기간에 따른 약간의 차이는 보이고 있으나, 품질지표로써 사용하기가 어렵다고 판단된다. 효소적인 방법을 이용한 양식산 활어의 품질지표로써 ATP 관련화합물, ATPase 활성은 운동여부, 크기에 따라 객관적인 지표로써의 사용이 어려우므로, 건강도를 측정할 수 있는 AEC의 수치를 적용하는 것이 적합하다고 판단된다. 즉, 양식산 참돔의 AEC 수치가 1∼0.9의 범위에서는 건강한 활어로 상급의 등급을, 0.8∼0.7의 AEC 수치는 중급의 등급으로, 그 이하의 수치에서는 하급으로 적용가능 하다고 판단된다.

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    A Study on the Relationship of [i] Sound Wave to Sasang Constitution - by Sasang Constitution Analysed with PSSC-2004 ([i]음성파형과 사상체질과의 상관성연구 - 사상체질음성분석기(四象體質音聲分析機)(PSSC-2004)를 이용하여)

    • Song, Hak-Soo;Jung, Woon-Ki;Choi, Min-Ki;Kim, Jong-Chae;Kim, Dal-Rae;Yoo, Jun-Sang
      • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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      • 제18권2호
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      • pp.68-82
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      • 2006
    • 1. Objectives and Methods The purpose of this study was to objectify the diagnosis of Sasang constitution. It was analyzed the adult men and women's [i] sound into 23 factors with PSSC-2004. The study was conducted by subjects inputting 2.5-3 sec of [i] of 586 adult men and women's voices to PSSC-2004. The statistical analysis are applied to three groups : total group, male group, female group. The group of total 586 was composed with 155 Soyangin, 230 Taeumin and 201 Soeumin. The male group was composed with 61 Soyangin, 127 Taeumin and 87 Soeumin. The female group was composed with 94 Soyangin, 103 Taeumin and 114 Soeumin. 2. Results (1) In total group, the Soyangin's code3 was significantly low compared with the others(P=0.011). In total group, the Taeumin's code2 and the Soyangin's code1 were significantly high compared with the others(p=0.007)(P=0.030). (2) In total group, the Soyangin's peak, 50 up in peak and under 3 in peak were significantly low compared with the others(P=0.003) (P=0.005)(P=0.023). (3) In total group, the Taeumin's rank7, rank8, rank9 and rank10 were significantly high compared with the others (P=0.013)(P=0.015) (P=0.016)(P=0.003). (4) In male group, the Soeumin's code3 was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.002). (5) In male group, the Soeumin's peak sum was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.009). It was significant for distinction between Soeumin and Soyangin at the result of post mortem. In male group, the Soeumin's 50 up in peak, 50 down in peak were significantly high compared with the others(P=0.049)(p=0.037). In male group, the Soeumin's under 3 in peak was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.016). It was significant for distinction between Soeumin and Soyangin at the result of post mortem. (6) In male group, the Soeumin's rank 2, rank 3 and rank 4 were significantly low compared with the others(P=0.011) (0.011)(0.024). (7) In female group, the Taeumin's code2 was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.023). In female group, the Soyangin's code1 was significantly low compared with the others (P=0.046). In female group, Soyangin's code-1 was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.024). It was significant for distinction between Taeumin and Soyangin at the result of post mortem. (8) In female group, the Taeumin's peak sum was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.024). It was significant for distinction between Taeumin and Soyangin at the result of post mortem. In female group, the Taeumin's 50 up in peak was significantly high compared with the others(P=0.012). (9) In female group, the Taeumin's rank 7, rank 8, rank 9 and rank 10 were significantly high compared with the others (P=0.009) (P=0.013)(P=0.016)(P=0.023). 3. Conclusion From above result, there is the possibility of efficiency standardguide for constitutional diagnosis by analyzation of the voices.

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