• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산함량

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Comparison of Lipid Components and Amino Acid Composition of Sea Eel by Size (붕장어의 크기에 따른 지방질성분 및 아미노산 조성의 비교)

  • Oh, Kwang-Soo;Moon, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Eung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.192-196
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    • 1989
  • This experiment was carried out to compare the difference of lipid components, amino acid composition by size of sea eel. Large sea eel(length 57.5-60.0cm, weight 269.5-300.0g) was higher in moisture and crude protein content, and lower in crude lipid content than those of small sea eel(28.8-31.2cm, 39.5-43.6g). Total lipid(TL) of large and small sea eel were consisted of 89.7%, 93.3% neutral lipid, 8.9%, 5.2% phospholipid, and 1.4%, 1.5% glycolipid, respectively. In fatty acid composition of TL, large fishes revealed higher content in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as 20:5, 22:5, 22:6, while lower in saturates and monoenes such as 16:0, 16:1, 18:1 than those of small fishes. The major fatty acids of these fishes were generally 18:1, 16:0, 22:6, 16:1 and 20:5 in order. Total amino acid contents of large and small sea eel were 17022.7mg/100g, 15409.4mg/100g. And the main amino acids were aspartic acid, glutamic acid, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, arginine. Large fishes was higher in cystine, methionine, tyrosine, phenylalanine content, while lower in aspartic acid, glutamic acid than those of small ones.

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Variation in Taxol Content of Bark, Shoots and Needles of Seven Populations of Three Native Taxus Species (한국자생(韓國自生) 주목(朱木), 설악(雪岳)눈주목(朱木), 회율(檜率)나무의 집단(集團) 및 채취부위(採取部位)에 따른 탁솔함량(含量)의 변이(變異))

  • Lee, Yong Wook;Lee, Kyung Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to investigate variations in taxol contents of bark, shoots, needles of three native Taxus species in Korea. Sample materials were collected in early October of 1992 from five individual, trees each of the five populations of Taxus cuspidata located at Mt. Halla, Mt. Jiri, Mt. Deokyu, Mt. Sobaek, and Mt. Taebaek and two individual trees of Taxus cuspitosa in Mt. Seolak and in March of 1993 from the five individual trees of Taxus cuspidata var. latifolia in Ulleung Island. The collected materials were analyzed by HPLC to determine the amount of taxol content. Regardless of species and population, the taxol content was highest in bark and followed by shoots and needles. In Taxars cuspidata the taxol content in the bark was highest for the population of Mt. Halla (0.017%) and decreased in the order of Mt. Jiri, Mt. Sobaek, Mt. Deokyu, and Mt. Taebaek. The taxol content in the shoots was highest for the population of Mt. Halla(0.0053%) and decreased in the order of Mt. Sobaek, Mt. Jiri, Mt. Deokyu, and Mt. Taebaek. The taxol content in the needles was higher for the population of Mt. Halla(0.0013%) than any other populations and decreased in the order of Mt. Taebaek, Mt. Sobaek, Mt. Deokyu and Mt. Jiri. The taxol contents of Taxus caespitosa(0.0035%) were lower than that of Taxus cuspidate in all of the three plant parts. The taxol content of Taxus cuspidate var. latifolia(0.0064%) was higher than that of Taxus cuspidate for shoots and needles, but lower than that of Taxus cuspidate. There was a tendency of increasing taxol contents of bark and shoots of Taxus cuspidate, as latitude decreased. This study indicated that taxol content was relatively high in the populations of Taxus cuspidate. Particularly taxol content in the bark of the Taxus cuspidate in Mt. Halla population was about the same as that of pacific yew, indicating a high potential for commercial use.

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Studies on the Lipid and Fatty Acid Compositions of Ark-Shell, Anadara broughtonii (피조개 지질 및 지방산 조성에 관한 연구)

  • 문숙임
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.436-442
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    • 1992
  • The present study was designed to analyze the lipid and fatty acid compositions of ark shell, Anadara broughtonii. The crude lipid was extracted by Bligh and Dyer's method, and then fractionated by TLC and quantitatively analyzed by TLC scanner. Lipid extracted from ark shell was fractionated into neutral and polar lipid by column chromatography with silicic acid. The fatty acid composition of lipid fractions were determined by gas liquid chromatography. Total lipid content of ark shell was 0.83% base on wet weight. The content of unsaponifiable matter was 20.19%, and iodine value was 156.13. The main components of total lipids were triglyceride, diglyceride, hydrocarbon, and sterol ester. The fatty acid composition of total lipid chiefly consisted of $C_{17 : 0}$, $C_{16 : 0}$, $C_{18 : 1}$ and $CT_{16 : 1}$. The main fatty acids of neutral lipid were $C_{16 : 0}$, $C_{18 : 1}$, $C_{22 : 1}$, $C_{18 : 0}$ and $C_{16 : 1}$. The major fatty acids of polar lipid were $C_{16 : 0}$, $C_{18 : 2}$, $C_{20 : 5}$ and $C_{22 : 6}$. In total lipid fractionation, saturated acid contents were high in all (SA>MA> PA), in neutral lipid fractionation, menoenoic acid contents were high in all (MA > SA> PA), and in polar lipid fractionation, saturated acid con-tents were high in all (SA> PA> MA).

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Comparative Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds in Taiwan Apple Mango and Philippines Carabao Mango (대만 산 애플 망고와 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고의 휘발성 향기성분 분석)

  • An, Mi-Ran;Keum, Young-Soo;Lee, Si-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2015
  • We investigated the physicochemical properties and volatile flavor compounds in Taiwan Apple Mango (TAM) and Philippines Carabao Mango (PCM). The volatile flavor compounds were extracted using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed by GC/MS. TAM and PCM have significantly different chemical composition, except for their crude ash. The moisture and crude fat contents were higher in TAM, whereas the crude protein and carbohydrate contents were higher in PCM. The major free sugars in order of concentration were sucrose, fructose, and glucose. We identified 56 and 59 volatile flavor compounds in TAM and PCM, respectively. Terpenes and their derivatives comprised 94.42% of the volatile flavor compounds in TAM, but only 63.79% of those in PCM. The acidic compound contents were higher in PCM than in TAM. ${\delta}$-3-Carene was the dominant flavor compound in these two mango cultivars. ${\alpha}$-Copaene, ${\alpha}$-guaiene, germacrene D, ${\alpha}$-bulnesene, and ${\gamma}$-gurjunene were found only in TAM, whereas ${\beta}$-myrcene, ${\alpha}$-phellandrene, ${\beta}$-phellandrene, ${\alpha}$-terpinolene, and cis-3-hexenyl butyrate were identified in PCM. Based on the results, we suggest that these compounds might contribute to the distinguishing flavor properties in different varieties of mango.

A Study on the Amino Acid Components Soil Humus Composition (토양부식산(土壤腐植酸)의 형태별(形態別) Amino 산(酸) 함량(含量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jeong-Je;Lee, Wi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.254-263
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    • 1988
  • Contents and distribution of amino acids in the humic acid and fulvic acid fractions of different types ($R_p$, B, A, P) were investigated. Extracted humic and fulvic acids were purified and analyzed. The results are summarized as the following: (1) Composition of Humus The total humus ($H_T$), amount of humic acid (a), amount of fulvic acid (b), and ${\Delta}logK$ all decrease in the order of $R_p$ > B > A > P type. The same trend was observed in the total nitrogen and carbon. (2) Contents and composition of amino acids in humic acids. 1) The total amounts of amino acids in the humic acid fraction of different types were in the following order for soils under coniferous forest trees: $R_p$ > B > A > P type, but for soils under deciduous forest trees the order was P > A > $R_p$ > B type. There were positive correlationships between total amino acids and total carbon and ${\Delta}logK$ for humic acids from soils under coniferous forest trees, but a negative correlationship was existed. between total amino acids and C/N ratios. No significant correlation was found for samples taken from soils under deciduous forest trees. 2) The ratios of one group of amino acids to the others were compared. The ratios of acidic amino acids were in the order of P > $R_p$ > B > A type. those of neutral amino acids followed the order of $R_p$ > B > A > P type and those of the basic amino acids were in the order of B > A >$R_p$ > P type for soils under coniferous forest trees. Contents of total amino acids were in the order of the neutral > the acidic > the basic amino acids. For the soils under deciduous forest trees the order of the ratio was different. Acidic amino acids followed the order of A > P > B > $R_p$ type, neutral ones followed the order of P > $R_p$ > A > B type, and the basic amino acids did the order of $$P{\geq_-}$$ A > B $$\geq_-$$ $-R_p$ type where the difference was very small. 3) In general aspartic aicd, glycine and glutamic acid were the major components in all samples. Histidine, tyrosine and methionine belonged to the group contained in a small amount. (3) Contents and composition of amino acids in fulvic acids. 1) The total amounts of amino acids of different types of fulvic acids were in the order of $R_p$ > B > P > A type regardless of origin of samples. There were positive correlationships observed between the toal amino acids and total carbon and ${\Delta}logK$ for soils under coniferous forest trees. For soils under deciduous forest trees, positive correlationships were observed among total amino aicds, total nitrogen, total humus ($H_T$), total humic aicd (a), and ${\Delta}logK$, but a negative correlationship existed between total amino acids and C/N ratio. 2) Thr ratio among acidic amino acids, neutral amino acids and basic amino acids of different types were $R_p$ > B > P > A type. In this respect there was no difference between the two soils. 3) In general glycine, aspartic acid, and alanine were the major constituents in all samples of different types, while tyrosine and methionine were contained in a small amount. Virtually no amount of arginine was measured.

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Food Components and Volatile Flavors in Rhodiola sachalinensis Roots (홍경천(Rhodiola sachazinensis) 뿌리의 식품학적 성분 및 휘발성 향기성분)

  • 이은정;임지순;박채규;전병선;김석창
    • Food Industry And Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2004
  • 홍경천(Rhodiola sachalinensis)의 성분을 분석하여 식품학적 특성을 검토하고 식품소재로서의 기초자료로 활용할수 있도록 건조된 홍경천을 분쇄, 분말화한 후 일반성분 및 무기성분, 유리당, 구성아미노산, 유리지방산, 그리고 향기성분을 분석하였다. 홍경천 건조분말의 수분은 10.14%, 조단백 3.90%, 조지방 1.33%, 총당 41.17%, 환원당 11.40% 회분은 3.05%로 분석되었고, 무기성분은 Ca, K, Kg이 높은 함량으로 나타났다. 유리당으로는 glucose, fructose, sucrose 등으로 특히 glucose와 fructose가 높게 함유되어있었다. 주된 구성아미노산은 glutmic acid, cystine arginine, proline, aspartic acid, isoleucine, histidine 등의 함량 순으로 나타났으며, 특히 glutamic acid, cystine, arginine 함량이 각각 176.24, 168.60, 159.90 mg%로 높은 함량 수준을 보였다. 유리지방산은 linoleic acid가 32.46%로 함량이 가장 높았으며 그 다음으로 palmitic acid가 21.42%, lignoceric acid 14.83%, oleic acid 13.09% behenic acid가 5.80% 순으로 나타났다. 향기성분은 GC-MS로 분석한 결과 2-cinnamic aldehyde 함량이 가장 높았으며 geraniol, myrtenol, octanol 등의 함량이 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때 홍경천 뿌리는 다양한 일반성분 조성과, 필수아미노산, 불포화지방산, 필수 무기질 등이 균형있게 함유된 식품학적 성분 가치가 충분한 소재임이 확인되었다. 따라서 향후 홍경천 뿌리에서 유효성분을 추출하여 생리활성 및 동물실험을 통해 이들 식품학적 성분들의 유용성을 탐색하는 작업이 필요하리라 사료된다.

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Seasonal Changes of Body Composition and Elasticity between Wild and Cultured Brown Croaker, Miichthys miiuy (자연산 및 양식산 민어, Miichthys miiuy의 체성분 및 탄력의 계절적 변화)

  • Yoon, Ho-Seop;Seo, Dae-Chol;An, Yun-Keun;Choi, Sang-Duk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.24 no.2 s.62
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated the seasonal changes of body composition and elasticity between wild and cultured brown croaker, Miichthys miiuy. The wild fish were analyzed and compared with cultured fish in moisture, crude protein, lipid, ash and many kinds of amino acids. Cultured fish was higher in moisture content and lower in crude lipid and protein content than those of wild one. The wild fish were more abundant in the total amino acid compositions than those of cultured one. As result E/A ratio there was a little significant differences between wild and cultured. In highly unsaturated fatty acid, EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) content of cultured fish were higher than wild one. On the other hand, the gel strength, max weight and hardness of wild fish were higher than cultured one.

Studies on the Chemical Components of Elephant - foot Produced in Korea (한국산 곤약의 성분 조성에 관한 연구)

  • 이성갑
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 1995
  • Korean fresh elephant -foot (Amorphophalus Konjak K. Koch) and its powder were analyzed and compared with foreign samples for the purpose of investigating the physico -chemical characteristics of Korean konjak. The Korean fresh konjak contains 80.64% of moisture and most of the solid component comprises sugar, protein and trace of fat and fibre. The mannan content of Korean konjak powder is far smaller than those of Japanese and Chinese konjak powder. The analysis of the korean konjak protein tells that 45% of glutamic acid, aspartic acid and argi-nine is included other remaining amino acid is larger with the order of valine, serine, leucine, and gly-cine. The Korean konjak contains a moderate amount of K component and other inorganic component increases with the order of P Na and Ca. The yield of konjak refined powder from dried chip was 61% and 51.5% of korean and chinese re-spectively. The whiteness degree of chinese konjak powder was slightly higher than that of korean product but the difference could not be recognized by the naked eye.

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Studies on the Nutritonal Components of Mushroom(Sarcodon aspratus) (능이버섯의 영양성분에 관한 연구)

  • 이숙희;김남우;신승렬
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2003
  • This paper was performed to analyze the nutritional components for the basic of studies to estimate the nutritional and functional valuation of mushroom(Sarcodon aspratus) The contents of moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat and carbohydrate in mushroom were 89.93, 1.18, 3.67. 0.96 and 4.26%, respectively. The major free sugar were glucose, sucrose, trehalose, xylose, and cantained more trehalose than other sugars. The total content of amino acids was 796.85mg/100g-fr.wt. And the contents of essential and non-essential amino acid of hydrolyzed amino acid was 300.77 and 486.08mg/100g-fr.wt, respectively. Mushroom contained mush valine, leucine, threonine, Iysine, alanine, glycine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. The contents of essential and non-essential amino acid of free amino acid was 124.95, 138.52mg/100g-fr.wt., respectively. and were cantained mush methionine, Iysine, valine arginine, Aspartic arid, and tyrosine. The content of Amino acid derivatives 46.81 mg/100g-fr.wt., and were contained mush mornithine, sarcosine, ${\beta}$-alanine, and phosphoserine. The content of vitamin C was 5.43 mg/100g-fr.wt. The contents of sodium and potassium were 375.73, 61.82mg/100g, respectively.

An Analysis of the Nutritional Quality of Spreadable Liver Product (Spreadable 돼지 간제품의 영양학적 품질)

  • Kim, Young-Boong;Jeon, Ki-Hong;Lee, Nam-Hyuk;Lee, Hyun-Jung
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the nutritional properties of spreadable liver product. The composition of fresh hog liver used as raw material was 70.5% moisture, 5.2% fat, 20.3% protein and 1.2% ash. The composition of the spreadable liver product was 55.3% moisture, 19.4% protein, 21.6% fat and 3.7% ash. The total amino acid content of fresh liver was 18.69 g/100 g with glutamic acid at the highest level of 2.57 g/100 g. The total amino acid content of liver product was 18.03 g/100 g with glutamic acid at 2.28 g/100 g. The essential amino acid content was found to be 42% of total amino acids. The fatty acid analysis of fresh liver revealed oleic acid to be present at the highest level of 28% in the unsaturated fatty acid portion, and palmitic acid to be highest at 20.7% in the saturated fatty acid portion. The oleic acid content of the liver product was 40%, and the palmitic acid content was 20.4%. The level of cholesterol in fresh liver was 178.0 mg/100 g compared to 118.0 mg/100 g in the liver product. Regarding mineral analysis, the K and P contents of fresh liver were 362.2 mg/100 g and 339.1 mg/100 g, respectively, and 336.1 mg/100 g and 213.3 mg/100 g in the liver product, respectively. Many other minerals including Na, Mg, Ca and Fe were present in the product. Based on these results, the spreadable liver product made with hog liver was found to be a quality food with nutritional benefits and that is easy to consume.