• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산책로 조성 개념

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A Trail Plan for At-Risk Walkers in Mountainous Urban Park - A Focus on Umyen Nature Park - (산지형 도시공원 내 보행약자를 위한 산책로 조성 연구 -우면산도시자연공원을 대상으로-)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Bae, Jung-Hee;Ahn, In-Su;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2009
  • This study was undertaken to provide a basis for planning trail standards, providing rights of movement, improvement of health and the experience of nature for at-risk walkers for application to the Umyen Park site. This study researched related laws, manuals, scholastic writing and the established site, a raku-raku mountain trail in Osata, Japan. By referencing these results and similar standards, a conceptual trail plan for at-risk walkers was created. The plan suggests five points -- accessibility, convenience, social aspects, economic efficiency, and environmentally-friendliness -- and referenced an evaluation of outdoor living environments for the elderly. The planning standards are comprised of four steps that are ranked in order and are related to the selection of location, trail structure, route patterns, and equipment. Plans for trails catering to at-risk walkers in Umyen Park were then based on these standards. As a result, it was found that the mountain has both a high elevation and abundant natural resource, both of which must be taken into account during planning. This study is valuable because it is one of the first studies of trail plans for at-risk walkers made in mountainous urban parte. Subsequent research can use the standards of this study for further evaluation while future modifications must reflect changing needs and details.

A Master Plan for the 2002 World Cup Sports Complex in the Suwon City, Korea (수원시 2002 월드컵 종합체육공원 기본계획)

  • Kim, Sung-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 수원시의 다양한 레크레이션의 수요증대와 지역주민을 위한 운동시설의 부족에 대응하기 위해 지역주민의 근린생활 체육시설을 확충하고, 수원시 연고의 삼성 블루윙즈 프로축구팀의 축구전용구장 및 연습구장 마련 및 2002널 월드컵 축구대회를 유치하고자 조성된 복합 스포츠판지에 대한 기본계획안이다. 개발방향은 1) 21세기의 생활패턴에 맞는 생활체육공간 조성, 2) 국제적 수준의 운동시설 및 인프라구축, 연중이용이 가능한 시민을 위한 커뮤니티 공간조성, 3) 친환경적이고 지속가능한 공간조성, 4) 복합적 토지 이용 개념을 도입하여 토지 활용도 및 재정 수입의 증대, 5) 쾌적한 보행시스템 제공, 6) 도시의 랜드마크로서 주변 도시체계와 연계성 강화, 7) 수원의 역사, 문화적 상징성 제고 등이다. 이를 위해 축구전용구장, 보조경기장, 잔디연습구장, 흙연습구장, 헬리포트장 능 축구전용구장 관련시설, 실내체육관, 실내 아이스링크 등 기타 체육시설, 야외 수영장, 농구장, 테니스장, 게이트볼장, 볼링장, 헬스장 등 생활체육시설, 스포츠용품 몰, 식음시설 등 편익시설, 야외공연장, 어린이정원, 영화관, 축구박물관 등 위락/문화시설, 산책로, 체력단련코스, 전망대 등 휴양시설, 그리고 주차장, 녹도, 녹지 등 기타 부대시설이 도입되었다. 본 연구는 종합체육공간이 단순히 체육시설이 모여 있는 곳이 아니라 시민들이 운동과 더불어 휴식, 등산, 놀이, 자연 학습 등 다양한 여가활동을 할 수 있도록 계획되었다. 상업시설, 커뮤니티 시설 등이 복합적으로 개발되어 있기 때문에 경기가 열릴 때뿐만 아니라 4계절 내내 주중, 주말 및 휴가기 간에 가족과 더불어 휴식을 취할 수 있는 레크레이션 및 커뮤니티 공간으로 중요한 역할을 하도록 계획된 새로운 개념의 체육공간이라는데 의의가 있다.

Study on the Effects of Pedestrian Improvement Projects (생활도로 보행환경 개선사업의 효과 연구)

  • Lim, Samjin
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.347-361
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    • 2012
  • To find out the major factors affecting the pedestrian satisfaction, the quantitative evaluation on the walking environment were carried out using questionnaire with the 5-point Likert scale in the selected 6 community roads in Seoul. Data were analyzed using descriptive, correlation, and regression analysis. One of main findings reported that pedestrians are not satisfied yet with pedestrian environment(Mean=2.88, S.D.=1.12). The correlation analysis reported 'Safe to walk' (R=.640,p=.001), 'Feel like walking' (r=.603, p=.001), 'Enjoyable to walk'(R=.601,p=.001), and 'Adequate for walking & dialogue'(R=.586,p=.001), are top four factors that positively correlate with overall pedestrian satisfaction. Results indicate that safety should be considered in priorities but amenity development be thought to be important in pedestrian improvement projects. And a broad public participation in decision-making is needed for the effectiveness of the project.

The Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Universal Design Project on Geonjisan Forest Trail Jeonju City, South Korea (전주시 건지산 숲길 Universal Design 사업 이용후 평가)

  • Park, Sun-A;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2012
  • The project on Geonjisan Universal Design Forest Trail in Jeonju City was designed and constructed by an NGO called 'Jeonbuk Forest for Life' which was a winner for the '2008 Open Competition by the 'Committee for Greening Society' established in Korea Land Corporation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the design satisfaction of UD forest trail. Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) method was applied to measure the user satisfaction and the total number of users. The main result of the study were as follows: the major users of the Geonjisan UD forest trail were people aged over 60 years old(37%) and the main purpose of trail usage were to 'walk and rest'(51.5%) and to 'exercise and rehabilitation' (40.6%). Furthermore, the overall user rating for the UD forest trail design was "satisfied"(3.91 point in 5-point Likert Scale). The three most influencing factors of the overall user satisfaction were facility management, user conflict, and trail width and slope. About forty-five people were found to be End-user in the UD forest trail while six people were found as End-user in non-UD trails. Most importantly, the number of End-user observed on the UD forest trail was greater than the number found in non-UD forest trail. The result implies that the UD forest trail attracts more End-users and provides opportunity for gathering and interaction with the other users. Moreover, the satisfaction rate for the UD forest trail landscape is found to be high in Likert scale, which we can assume that the well-grown existing trees and topographic features as well as appropriately designed wood-paths influence the high satisfaction rate of the users. The POE of UD forest trail revealed the importance of universal design concept due to its convenient uses of the handicapped, old, weak, pregnant woman or children.

Geo-educational Values of the Jebudo Geosite in the Hwaseong Geopark, Korea (화성 지질공원 제부도 지질명소의 지질교육적 가치)

  • Ha, Sujin;Chae, Yong-Un;Kang, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Sun;Park, Jeong-Woong;Shin, Seungwon;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Cho, Hyeongseong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.311-324
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    • 2021
  • Recently, ten geosites have been considered in Hwaseong for endorsement as national geoparks, including the Jebudo, Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils, and Ueumdo geosites. The Jebudo geosite in the southern part of the Seoul metropolitan area has great potential for development as a new geoscience educational site because it has geological, geographical (landscape), and ecological significance. In this study, we described the geological characteristics through field surveys in the Jebudo geosite. We evaluated its potential as a geo-education site based on comparative analysis with other geosites in Hwaseong Geopark. In addition, we reviewed the practical effect of field education at geosites on the essential concepts and critical competence-oriented education emphasized in the current 2015 revised science curriculum. The Jebudo Geosite is geologically diverse, with various metamorphic rocks belonging to the Precambrian Seosan Group, such as quartzite, schist, and phyllite. Various geological structures, such as clastic dikes, faults, joints, foliation, and schistosity have also been recorded. Moreover, coastal geological features have been observed, including depositional landforms (gravel and sand beaches, dunes, and mudflats), sedimentary structures (ripples), erosional landforms (sea cliffs, sea caves, and sea stacks), and sea parting. The Jebudo geosite has considerable value as a new geo-education site with geological and geomorphological distinction from the Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils and Ueumdo geosites. The Jebudo geosite also has opportunities for geo-education and geo-tourism, such as mudflat experiences and infrastructures, such as coastal trails and viewing points. This geosite can help develop diverse geo-education programs that improve key competencies in the science curriculum, such as critical thinking, inquiry, and problem-solving. Furthermore, by conducting optimized geo-education focused on the characteristics of each geosite, the following can be established: (1) the expansion of learning space from school to geopark, (2) the improvement of understanding of specific content elements and linkage between essential concepts, and (3) the extension of the education scope throughout the earth system. There will be positive impacts on communication, participation, and lifelong learning skills through geopark education.

A Study on the Characteristics of Each Section Based on Visitor's Satisfactions of the Dulegil in Bukhansan National Park (북한산국립공원 둘레길 탐방객 만족도에 따른 구간별 특성화 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo;Hur, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Sun-Hee;An, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of Dulegil in Bukhansan National Park in dispersing peak climbing hikers, characterize each section of Dulegil and suggest ideas of improvement. This study was conducted based on the survey completed by visitors in all 21 sections of Dulegil. After the construction of Dulegil, the number of visit to Dulegil grew and it was analyzed that Dulegil attracted new visitors given that the rate of young people(aged 19~30) who visited for the first time was quite high. Regarding the frequency of peak climbing, 7.6% of the respondents said "decreased" and 46.2% said "increased", showing that Dulegil's effect to disperse peak climbing hikers is nominal. Seven qualities were evaluated regarding Dulegil's level of satisfaction. Out of those seven, the quality of recreational place and taking a walk achieved high scores of 3.74 and 3.61 respectively. The quality of culture and history scored the lowest with 3.09. The analysis on the characteristic of each section of Dulegil, reason of visit, and the visitors' level of satisfaction showed that Dulegil is now regarded as a place where they can improve their health through light exercise and walking. In addition, a positive effect can be expected for a long time since there are different ways of utilizing the resources of the National Park, such as getting in touch with nature, preserving ecology, learning history and enjoying beautiful landscapes. If infrastructure and programs specific to each section of Dulegil were improved in a long-term perspective, it would be effective to encourage peak climbers and enjoy the lower parts of the mountain.