• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산악효과

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The Analysis of Terrain Height Variance Spectra over the Korean Mountain Region and Its Impact on Mesoscale Model Simulation (한반도 산악 지역의 지형분산 스펙트럼과 중규모 수치모의에서의 효과 분석)

  • An, Gwang-Deuk;Lee, Yong-Hui;Jang, Dong-Eon;Jo, Cheon-Ho
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.359-370
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    • 2006
  • Terrain height variance spectra for the Korean mountain region are calculated in order to determine an adequate grid size required to resolve terrain forcing on mesoscale model simulation. One-dimensional spectral analysis is applied to specifically the central-eastern part of the Korean mountain region, where topographical-scale forcing has an important effect on mesoscale atmospheric flow. It is found that the terrain height variance spectra in this mountain region has a wavelength dependence with the power law exponents of 1.5 at the wavelength near 30 km, but this dependence is steeply changed to 2.5 at the wavelength less than 30 km. For the adequate horizontal grid size selection on mesoscale simulation two-dimensional terrain height spectral analysis is also performed. There is no directionality within 50% of spectral energy region, so one-dimensional spectral analysis can be reasonably applied to the Korea Peninsula. According to the spectral analysis of terrain height variance, the finer grid size which is higher than 6 km is required to resolve a 90% of terrain variance in this region. Numerical simulation using WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) was performed to evaluate the effect of different terrain resolution in accordance with the result of spectral analysis. The simulated results were quantitatively compared to observations and there was a significant improvement in the wind prediction across the mountain region as the grid space decreased from 18 km to 2 km. The results will provide useful guidance of grid size selection on mesoscale topographical simulation over the Korean mountain region.

Rainfall Estimation Using Meteorological Satellite Image and Conditional Merging Method (기상위성과 조건부 합성기법을 이용한 면적강우량 산정 및 평가)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.390-390
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 기초기술연구회의 위성정보 활용 지원 운영사업(과제명: 위성영상을 이용한 하천정보 생산 및 활용에 관한 연구)의 연구비 지원에 의해 수행되었습니다. 지난 2010년 6월 발사된 천리안 위성이 약 9개월간의 정지궤도 시험운행을 마치고 본격적으로 위성자료 서비스를 시작함에 따라 한반도 악기상 관측 및 예측 정확도 향상에 기여할 것으로 예상된다. 최근 기후분야 외에도 수자원, 방재, 농업, 해양 등 다양한 응용분야에서 기상위성을 활용하고자 하는 연구가 수행되고 있으며 자료제공 시간의 단축과 기상자료 산출물의 제공으로 천리안 위성은 향후 광범위하게 활용 될 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구는 천리안 위성의 수자원 분야 활용을 위한 기반연구로 천리안 위성과 동일한 채널 특성을 보유한 MTSAT-1R 기상위성을 이용하여 면적강우량을 추정하고 이를 지상관측소를 이용하는 강우보정기법에 적용하며 강우산정 결과를 레이더 및 티센, 크리깅 등과 비교하였다. 강우추정은 NOAA NESDIS의 Power-law 공식을 이용하였으며 지상관측소를 이용한 강우보정은 조건부 합성기법을 적용하였다. 연구대상 유역은 충주댐 유역과 충주댐 유역 상류에 위치한 영월수위표 지점 상류유역을 대상으로 하였으며 레이더 차폐에 따른 레이더 강우량의 감쇄 효과를 분석하고 지형적 특성에 영향 받지 않는 기상위성을 이용한 강우량 산정 기법의 활용성을 제시하였다. 연구결과 레이더 차폐에 영향 받지 않는 영월 수위표 상류유역의 경우 레이더를 이용한 강우량 산정결과와 기상위성을 이용한 결과가 큰 차이가 없으나 전체 유역면적의 절반 정도가 레이더 차폐 지역에 포함되는 충주댐 유역의 경우 레이더를 이용할 경우 20%~35% 가량 강우량이 과소 추정되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 토대로 산악지형에 의해 레이더 차폐가 발생되는 유역에 대해 기상위성의 활용을 기대할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.

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A Study on Cross Member Strength Improvement of Korean Light Tactical Vehicle (한국형 전술차량 크로스멤버 강도개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Gon;Kim, Sun-Jin;Shin, Cheol-Ho;Kang, Tae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.758-764
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    • 2019
  • The chassis of the Korean light tactical vehicle adopts a frame-on-body structure that uses lightweight design technology in terms of equipment operating characteristics. Military vehicles are operated in much harsher conditions compared to civilian vehicles, including mountainous terrain, especially steep slopes. Due to this characteristic, frame-welded cracks were found on some military vehicles. Therefore, in this paper, road damage analysis was conducted by identifying various roads including the military unit's road. The result confirmed that the operating environment of some military units' tactical road was much harsher than the endurance road test condition. A solution was derived through defect analysis, design review, and actual vehicle driving test. This study can be used as a reference by suggesting the development direction for the durability test of a new vehicle.

Investigation of Indicator Kriging for Evaluating Proper Rock Mass Classification based on Electrical Resistivity and RMR Correlation Analysis (RMR과 전기비저항의 상관성 해석에 기초하여 지시크리깅을 적용한 최적 암반 분류 기법 고찰)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ju;Ha, Hee-Sang;Ko, Kwang-Buem;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.407-420
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    • 2009
  • In this study geostatistical technique using indicator kriging was performed to evaluate the optimal rock mass classification by integrating the various geophysical information such as borehole data and geophysical data. To get the optimal kriging result, it is necessary to devise the suitable technique to integrate the hard (borehole) and soft (geophysical) data effectively. Also, the model parameters of the variogram must be determined as a priori procedure. Iterative non-linear inversion method was implemented to determine the model parameters of theoretical variogram. To verify the algorithm, behaviour of object function and precision of convergence were investigated, revealing that gradient of the range is extremely small. This algorithm for the field data was applied to a mountainous area planned for a large-scale tunneling construction. As for a soft data, resistivity information from AMT survey is incorporated with RMR information from borehole data, a sort of hard data. Finally, RMR profiles were constructed and attempted to be interpreted at the tunnel elevation and the upper 1D level.

Studies on the Substitution of Raw Material for Soy Sauce -Part III. Use of Corn and Barley- (간장양조용 원료대체에 관한 연구 -III. 옥수수와 겉보리의 이용-)

  • Lee, Jai-Moon;Kim, Yu-Sam;Hong, Yun-Myung;Yu, Ju-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.182-186
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    • 1972
  • The possibility of substituting corn or barley for the wheat, one of the raw materials for soy sauce, was studied by measuring the amylase and proteolytic activities of koji. Also optimum conditions of koji making were determined. It was found that substitution of up to 60% of wheat content (of the total bean and wheat content) with corn, yielded good quality of soy sauce. It is also found that barley can substitute 70% of wheat content (35% of the total content).

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The State-of-the-Art of Geophysical Exploration Technology applied to Site Characterization in Civil Engineering and Construction in Japan (일본에서의 토목${\cdot}$건설 지반조사를 위한 물리탐사 활용 현황)

  • Park, Sam-Gyu;Kim, Hee-Joon
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.08a
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1999
  • In Japan, geophysical exploration methods have been widely applied to civil engineering and construction fields for a long time. In particular, seismic refraction has long played a significant role in geotechnical site investigations for tunnels, dams and landslides. However, our growing interest on the social and natural environment makes the methods available and its application fields diversify. Digital technologies such as personal computer have revolutionized our ability to acquire large volumes of data rapidly, and to produce more reliable results for subsurface image. Also, color graphics easily visualizes survey results In a more understandable manner, These days geophysical methods are essential to assessing grouting effects, predicting the front of tunnel cutting face, monitoring the movement, pollution and purification process of groundwater. Now three-dimensional exploration techniques have developed for the site characterization in civil engineering and construction needs.

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Moor Vegetation of Mt. Shinbul in Yangsan (양산 신불산의 습원 식생)

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Han, Seung-Uk
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2005
  • This study emphasizes syntaxonomy and syndynamics of intermediate (Zwischen) moor (area: 14,000 $m^2$) at Mt. Shinbul in Yangsan, southeastern Korean Peninsula. A total of 105 vascular plant species including 26 monitor-species were recorded. Analysis by the $Z\"{u}rich$-Montpellier School's method distinguished eight vegetation units: Eleocharitis-Blyxetum echinospermae ass. nov., Eriocaulon sikokianum-Utricularia racemosa community, Eleocharis wichurai-Molinia japonica community, Platanthero-Molinietum japonicas, Miscanthus sinensis for. purpurascens community, Tripterygium regelii community, Symplocos chinensis-Quercus mongolica community, Symplocos chinensis-Quercus dentata community. PCoA (Principal Coordinates Analysis) shows that vegetation changes and distributional aspects are associated with both moisture condition and sunlight on the ground layer and soil nutrient level (mesotrophic to oligotrophic). Most important to Molinietea japonicas being representative intermediate moor vegetation at the southeasternmost fringe of the Korean Peninsula is the local cooling effect by mountainous cloud and mist zone resulting in shorter and wetter growing season. The Yangsan moor vegetation was compared with earlier descriptions of related Mujechi moor from anthropogenic and natural moor vegetations.

How Do Landscape and Road Barriers Affect Road Crossing of Multihabitat Mammals (경관과 도로침입 방어막이 범서식지 포유류종의 도로 횡단에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • BYUN, Ye-Seul;KWON, Ji-No;KIM, Jeong-Hwan;SHIN, Moon-Hyun;LEE, Sang-Don
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2016
  • This study examined spatial disposition of wildlife highway mortality using road-kill GIS database and Naver panoramic 360 degree views to find out which habitat and road variables most influenced road-kill numbers for each mammal species and how the landscape and road elements are connected on highway. Road-kills on Yeongdong(YD) and Jungbu highway(JB) generally tended to be higher in natural barren, grassland and cropland due to its value of preferred habitats of nocturnal and multihabitat species like water deer(Hydropotes inermis argyropus), raccoon(Nyctereutes procyonoides) and hare(Lepus coreanus). Land cover in YD showed no difference between species (p=0.165) while JB did by species (p=0.001). This may be explained by disparate landscape between mountain and urban or the fact that YD in long term operation might have enabled consistent crossing pattern compared to JB experiencing continuous extension works which may in turn have deviated the road crossing. Although road-kill prevention effect of local topography alone was appreciable, compared to less significant or ineffective fence and guardrail, gentle slope declining in a direction to the road turned out to offset the preventive effect of juxtaposed fence. Furthermore, green patches on road near intersection were deemed a visual stepping stone facilitating wildlife attempted crossing and local roads juxtaposed with a highway were especially left defenceless to road-kill without road barriers.

A Methodology for Rain Gauge Network Evaluation Considering the Altitude of Rain Gauge (강우관측소의 설치고도를 고려한 강우관측망 평가방안)

  • Lee, Ji Ho;Jun, Hwan Don
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2014
  • The observed rainfall may be different along with the altitude of rain gauge, resulting in the fact that the characteristics of rainfall events occurred in urban or mountainous areas are different. Due to the mountainous effects, in higher altitude, the uncertainty involved in the rainfall observation gets higher so that the density of rain gauges should be more dense. Basically, a methodology for the rain gauge network evaluation, considering this altitude effect of rain gauges can account for the mountainous effects and becomes an important step for forecasting flash flood and calibrating of the radar rainfall. For this reason, in this study, we suggest a methodology for rain gauge network evaluation with consideration of the rain gauge's altitude. To explore the density of rain gauges at each level of altitude, the Equal-Altitude-Ratio of the density of rain gauges, which is based on the fixed amount of elevation and the Equal-Area-Ratio of the density of rain gauges, which is based on the fixed amount of basin area are designed. After these two methods are applied to a real watershed, it is found that the Equal-Area-Ratio generates better results for evaluation of a rain gauge network with consideration of rain gauge's altitude than the Equal-Altitude-Ratio does. In addition, for comparison between the soundness of rain gauge networks in other watersheds, the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of the rain gauge density by the Equal-Area-Ratio is served as the index for the evenness of the distribution of the rain gauge's altitude. The suggested method is applied to the five large watersheds in Korea and it is found that rain gauges installed in a watershed having less value of the CV shows more evenly distributed than the ones in a watershed having higher value of the CV.

Analysis of the Meterological Characteristics of Rainfall in Basin (유역 호우의 기상특성 분석)

  • Lee Sang Jin;Hwang Man Ha;Ko Ick Hwan;Lee Bae Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.599-604
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    • 2005
  • 최근 일부 댐유역에서 게릴라성 집중호우와 태풍 등과 같은 특이 호우에 대하여 강우-유출분석을 실시한 결과 유출율이 $100\%$를 상회하는 경우가 발생함에 따라 효율적이고 안전한 치수 및 방재업무를 실시하는데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구에서 일부 댐유역의 유출율이 $100\%$를 상회하는 원인으로 강우 관측자료의 신뢰성이 결여되어 나타나는 것으로 보았으며, 만일, 강우관측소에서 계측된 강우자료의 신뢰성이 결여 되어 있다면, 이로 인한 유역 강우의 추정오차는 제거될 수 없을 것이다. 일반적으로 강우관측소에서 발생하는 계측오차는 관측소의 고도, 지형적인 장애(산악영향, 지장물 등) 및 기상학적인 장애(기단의 이동방향, 호우의 발생원인, 돌풍 등) 등 외부적인 요인으로 인해 발생할 수 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 강우관측소에서 발생하는 계측오차의 다른 여러 외부적 요인들 중 가장 큰 요인으로 돌풍과 같은 풍속에 의해 발생하는 것으로 판단하였고, 연구대상 유역인 임하댐 유역의 유출율과 치대 풍속간의 상관분석을 실시하였으며 분석결과 유출율은 최대 풍속에 커다란 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 결국, 유출율이 $100\%$를 상회하는 호우에서 강우관측소의 강우는 강우시 돌풍과 같은 외부적인 요인으로 인해 적게 관측된 것으로 추정되며 저평가된 강우자료로부터 산정된 면적평균강우의 추정오차로 인해 유출율이 $100\%$를 상회하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 유출율과 풍속간의 관계로부터 강우보정계수 추정식을 산정하였으며, 추정된 보정계수를 이용하여 관측된 강우자료를 보정한 후 강우-유출분석을 실시한 결과 댐유입수문곡선을 보정전에 비해 보다 근사하게 모의하였다. 위해서는 대상유역에 적합한 선행 강우일수의 결정이 중요하리라 판단된다.인 분석을 수행하고, 배수갑문 개방에 의한 수질개선효과를 최대화하기 위한 환경관리 방안 제시에 중점을 두어 수행하였다.ncy), 환경성(environmental feasibility) 등을 정성적으로(qualitatively) 파악하여 실현가능한 대안을 선정하였다. 이렇게 선정된 대안들은 중유역별로 검토하여 효과가 있을 것으로 판단되는 대안들을 제시하는 예비타당성(Prefeasibility) 계획을 수립하였다. 이렇게 제시된 계획은 향후 과학적인 분석(세부평가방법)을 통해 대안을 평가하고 구체적인 타당성(feasibility) 계획을 수립하는데 토대가 될 것이다.{0.11R(mm)}(r^2=0.69)$로 나타났다. 이는 토양의 투수특성에 따라 강우량 증가에 비례하여 점증하는 침투수와 구분되는 현상이었다. 경사와 토양이 같은 조건에서 나지의 경우 역시 $Ro_{B10}(mm)=20.3e^{0.08R(mm)(r^2=0.84)$로 지수적으로 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 유거수량은 토성별로 양토를 1.0으로 기준할 때 사양토가 0.86으로 가장 작았고, 식양토 1.09, 식토 1.15로 평가되어 침투수에 비해 토성별 차이가 크게 나타났다. 이는 토성이 세립질일 수록 유거수의 저항이 작기 때문으로 생각된다. 경사에 따라서는 경사도가 증가할수록 증가하였으며 $10\% 경사일 때를 기준으로 $Ro(mm)=Ro_{10}{\times}0.797{\times}e^{-0.021s(\%)}$로 나타났다.천성 승모판 폐쇄 부전등을 초래하는 심각한 선천성 심질환이다. 그러나 진단 즉시 직접 좌관상동맥-대동맥 이식술로 수술적 교정을 해줌으로

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