• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산소 요구도

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2축배향 금속기판을 이용한 YBCO coated conductor 제조를 위한 다층 산화물 박막 제조

  • Jung, Jun-Ki;Shi, Dong-Qi;Choi, Soo-Jung;Yang, Jian;Ko, Rak-Gil;Shin, Ki-Chul;Park, Yu-Mi;Song, Kyu-Jung;Park, Chan;Yoo, Sang-Im
    • Proceedings of the Korea Crystallographic Association Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.12-12
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    • 2003
  • 초전도 선재로의 응용을 위하여 Pulsed laser deposition(PLD)법으로 고온 초전도 체 YBa₂Cu₃O/sub 7-δ/(YBCO) coated conductor를 제조하였다. coated conductor는 금속기판/완충층/초전도층의 구조를 이루고 있는데 완충층은 금속 기판의 집합조직을 초전도층까지 전달하는 역할과 금속기판의 금속이 초전도층으로 확산되어 초전도층의 전기적 특성을 열화시키는 것을 막아주는 확산장벽으로의 역할 등을 수행한다. 완충층의 박막 성장이 제대로 이루어지지 않으면 우수한 초전도 특성을 가지는 초전도층을 얻을 수 없다. 완충층은 금속기판과의 lattice match, thermal match등이 요구되고, 화학적으로 금속기판 및 초전도층과 반응하지 않아야 하며, 긍속기판의 산화없이 epitaxial하게 박막증착이 이루어질 수 있는 재료이어야 한다. 이러한 조건을 만족하는 YBCO, CeO₂, YSZ 등이 주로 사용되고 있다. 전기연구원에서 YBCO coated conductor 선재를 제조하기 위하여 사용하고 있는 다층 박막의 구조는 YBCO/CeO₂/YSZ/CeO₂/Ni(002)과 YBCO/CeO₂/YSZ/Y₂O₃/Ni(002)이며, 최적의 증착조건을 찾기 위하여 성장시 챔버의 산소분압, 완충층의 두께, 기판 온도 등을 변화시켰다. 증착된 완충층 및 초전도층의 집합 조직은 D8-Discover with GADDS(General Area Detector Diffraction System)로 XRD분석을 했고, 미세구조는 SEM으로 관찰하였으며 4단자법을 이용하여 초전도 특성을 측정하였다.

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A Regression Program COVAFIT Accounting for Variance-Covariances in Experimental Nuclear Data (실험 핵자료의 분산-공분산을 고려한 회귀분석 프로그램 COVAFIT)

  • Oh, Soo-Youl;Jonghwa Chang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 1996
  • A computer program COVAFIT has been developed and applied to the evaluation of experimental cross sections for MeV energy incident particles. The program utilizes weighted least-square linear regression method with high-order polynomials derived in this study. Meeting the growing demand for the treatment of covariances in nuclear data, it deals with the variance and covariance data provided along with experimental cross sections and yields those for the evaluated ones. The evaluated results on two sets of neutron total cross section of oxygen and three sets of proton cross section for $C^{11}$ production reactions confirm the methodology formulated in and the applicability of the program.

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The Effect of Native Oxide on the $TiSi_{2}$ Transformation after HF Cleaning (HF 세정후 자연 산화막의 존재가 티타늄 실리사이드 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Jong-Uk;Hyeon, Yeong-Cheol;Yu, Hyun-Kyu;Lee, Jeong-Yong;Nam, Kee-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.464-469
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    • 1998
  • HF 세정후 자연 산화막의 존재가 급속 열처리 장비를 이용, 아르곤 분위기에서 열처리할 때 티타늄 실리사이드 형성을 관찰하였다. 고분해능 단면 투과 전자 현미경 관찰 결과 기판 온도가 상온일 때 자연산화막(native oxide)이 존재함을 확인하였으며 기판 온도가 40$0^{\circ}C$일 때는 실리콘 기판과 티타늄 박막의 계면 부위에서 자연산화막, 티타늄 및 실리콘이 혼합된 비정질층이 존재함을 확인하였다. 티타늄을 증착하는 동안 기판 온도를 40$0^{\circ}C$로 유지했을 때는 C54~$TiSi_2$상이 형성되는데 요구되는 급속 열처리(Rapid Thermal Annealing : RTA)온도가 기판 온도를 상오느로 유지 했을 때보다 $100^{\circ}C$정도 감소함을 확인하였다. 이 같은 결과는 산소불순물을 함유한 비정질 층이 핵생성 자리를 제공하여 이 상의 형성이 촉진된다는 사실을 말한다. 기판온도 $400^{\circ}C$에서 형성된 티타늄 실리사이드막의 경우 비저항 $\mu$$\Omega$cm임을 확인하였다.

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A Biological Reaction Modeling in Sewage Water Treatment Systems (하수처리장에서 생물학적 반응 특성에 대한 모델)

  • 이진락;양일화;이해영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2001
  • This paper resents a biological reaction model of describing processing features in treating wastewater via activated sludge A proposed model is designed by combining fuzzy rules investigating several elements which have influence on variables to be supervised BOD and SS are suggested as common variables in input and output variables, and O$_2$quantity is closed as input variable. We chose triangular type membership functions for input variables and determined the grades in each membership function based upon process data According to simulation result to show the validity of proposed model, fuzzy model's outputs give almost similar data to process output under same input conditions.

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Review of the Liquid Propulsion Technology (액체 추진기관 기술 동향)

  • Lee, Tae Ho;Lee, Chang-Hoan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2013
  • Liquid-propellant rocket engines are widely used all over the world, thanks to their high performances thrust, in particular high thrust-to-weight ratio. The sucess rate of the launching of the liquid propulsion is similar to the solid one even though it has more complex mechanical system. In general, liquid propulsion is seemed as a mature technology, the requirements of a renewed interest for space exploration has led to the development of a family of new engines, with more design margins, simpler to use and to produce associated with a wide variety of thrust and life requirements.

Experimental Study on Nozzle Ablation in Liquid Rocket Engine (액체로켓의 노즐 삭마에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, J.W.;Park, H.H.;Kim, S.K.;Kim, Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2000
  • In general liquid rocket nozzles are protected from hot combustion gas by regenerative cooling techniques. But due to the complexity of the cooling system, it causes increase of system cost and frequently source of the system malfunction. Recently, instead of regenerative cooing, ablative material are used to protect combustion chamber wall and nozzle. To determine the nozzle material erosion rate and erosion shape, more than 500 hot fire test were performed by using 100 lb thrust experimental liquid rocket. Test variable were propellant feed sequence, injector, position of igniter and liquid oxygen supply temperature.

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Seasonal Effects of Livestock Wastewater Treatment by a Constructed Wetland (인공습지에 의한 축산폐수의 처리시 계절적 영향)

  • Park, Jae-Hong;Kwon, Soo-Youl
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2005
  • Constructed wetlands are considered as an important tool for wastewater treatment, wastewater management and flooding control. In addition, one of the most promising technologies for application in many countries seems to be constructed wetlands due to their properties such as utilization of natural processes, simple construction, operation and maintenance, process stability, cost effectiveness, etc. This research is performed to find the possibility for treating livestock wastewater using a constructed wetland. The removal efficiencies of CODcr, TN, TP, SS, and color were 97.9%, 97.8%, 97.2%, 99.1%, and 84.9%, respectively. In particular, SS was completely removed. In conclusion, constructed wetlands could be applied to livestock wastewater treatment. Further, it needs time for stabilization to reduce the pollutants accumulated in soil.

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Development of $\textrm{SiN}_{x}$-based Membrane for X-ray Lithography Mask Application (실리콘 질화막을 이용한 X-ray Lithography마스크용 박막물질의 개발)

  • Lee, Tae-Ho;Jeong, Chang-Yeong;Lee, Gyu-Han;Lee, Seung-Yun;An, Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 1997
  • 본 연구에서는 LPCVD, PECVD, ECR plasma CVD방법을 이용하여 x선 노광 공정용 마스크의 투과막재료로써의 실리콘질화막의 증착과 그의 물성에 관하여 실험하였다. X선 노광 마스크용 투과막의 재질로써 요구되는 적정인장응력에 가지는 증착조건으로 실리콘질화막을 1$\mu\textrm{m}$정도의 두께로 증착하였으며 이 조건에서의 물성을 SIMS, XPS, ESR, AFM, spectrophoto-metry를 이용하여 비교 분석하였다. ECR plasma CVD방법으로 얻은 실리콘 질화막은 화학양론적 조성(Si/N=0.75)에 근접하는 막을 얻을 수 있었으며 표면 평활도와 가시광투과도가 가장 우수한 결과를 얻었다. 저온 증착법인 PECVD로 얻은 막은 Si/N비가 약 0.86정도이고 산소와 수소의 불순물함량이 가장 높게 나타났다. SiH$_{2}$CI$_{2}$를 이용한 LPCVD막의 경우는 Si-rich조성을 가지지만 수소 불순물의 함량이 가장 작게 나타났고 표면거칠기는 가장 나쁘게 나타났다. 그러나 위의 방법으로 얻은 실리콘 질화막의 최대 가시광투과도는 633nm파장에서 모두 90%이상의 값을 나타내었고, 또한 표면 평활도도 0.64-2.6nm(rms)로 현재 연구되고 있는 다른 X선 투과막재료보다 월등히 우수한 결과를 보였다.

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On-Line Measurement System for the Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (화학적 산소 요구량 측정을 위한 On-Line 측정 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 정형근;차기철
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 1998
  • A simple on-line measurement system consisting of a conventional peristaltic pump, a HPLC-type heater, and a flow-through spectrophotometer is introduced for the determination of chemical oxygen demand(CODI. The system was configured such that the reaction mixture in the highly concentrated surffuric acrid medium flowing through the PTFE reaction tubing was heated at 150℃ and the absorbance of dichromate was continuously moutored at 445 m. The same addation principle as in the standard procedure was employed akcept the use of CoSO4 as a new effective catalyst. To test the system, potassium hydrogen phthalate was selected as a COD standard material. With suitably optimized reaction condition, the applicable concentration range depends on the concentration of potassium dichromate in the oxidizing reagent. With 2.0×10-3 M and 5.0×10-4M dichromate, the linear dynamic range was observed up to 400 ppm and 100 ppm, respectively. The standards in the Unear ranges were shown to be completely oxidized, which was confirmed with sodium oxalate or Mohr's salt. In all cases, the typical reproduclbility for betweenruns was 2% or less. The proposed measurement system provides the valuable in- formation for the further development of automated analysis system based on the present standard procedure.

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Degradation of Phthalic Acid Isomers by Terephthalic Acid Degrading Bacteria Isolated from Kyonggi Area (경기도에서 분리된 terephthalic acid 분해균의 phthalic acid 이성질체 분해)

  • 이종훈;이유진
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2001
  • Eleven bacterial strains which were able to utilize terephthalic acid as a carbon and an energy source for growth were isolated from the soil of 7 water quality evaluation points in Kyonggi area of Korea. According to the report from the authorities, biochemical oxygen demands of the water at 4 points were reported over 20 ppm but those of 3 points were repOlted less than 2 ppm in 1997. Optimum temperatures of growth and terephthalic acid degrading activity of some isolates were not identical but optimum growth temperature was 30$^{\circ}$C. Most of the isolates utilized one or two of the phthalate isomers as a carbon source for growth and the isolates from the 4 contaminated points showed higher terephthalic acid degrading activity than those from the 3 clean points.

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