• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회적 관계공간(社會關系空間)

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An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul (서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석)

  • Choe, Ji-Young;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2022
  • The History and Culture Park and the Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall will be built in Songhyeon-dong, Seoul. Political games from the Joseon Dynasty to the present greatly influenced the historicity of Songhyeon-dong. However, place analysis was limited to changes in landowners and land uses rather than a historical context. Therefore, this study analyzed the context in which the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed according to the emergence of cultural hegemony using the perspective of modern cultural geography and comparative history. As a result of the analysis, cultural hegemony in historical transitions, such as Sinocentrism, maritime expansion, civil revolutions, imperialism, nationalism, popular art, and neoliberalism, was found to have created new intellectuals in Bukchon, including Songhyeon-dong, and influenced social systems and spatial policies. In this social relations, the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed as follows. First, the founding forces of Joseon created pine forests as Bibo Forests to invocate the permanence of the dynasty. In the late Joseon dynasty, it was an era of maritime expansion, and as Joseon's yeonhaeng increased, a garden for the Gyeonghwasejok, who enjoyed the culture of the Qing dynasty, was built. Although pine forests and gardens disappeared due to the development of housing complexes as the population soared during the Japanese colonial era, Cha Gyeong's landscape aesthetics, which harmonized artificial gardens and external nature, are worth reinterpreting in modern times. Second, the wave of modernization created a new school in Bukchon and a boarding house in Songhyeon-dong owned by a pro-Japanese faction. Angukdongcheon-gil, next to Songhyeon-dong, was where thinkers who promoted civil revolution and national self-determination exchanged ideas. Songhyeon-dong, the largest boarding house, served as a residence for students to participate in the March 1st Movement and was the cradle of the resulting culture of student movements. The appearance of the old road is preserved, so it is a significant part of the regeneration of walking in the historic city center, connecting Gwanghwamun-Bukchon-Insadong -Donhwamunro. Third, from the cultural rule of the Government General of Joseon to the Military Government, Songhyeon-dong acted as a passage to western culture with the Joseon Siksan Bank's cultural housing and staff accommodations at the U.S. Embassy. Ancient and contemporary art coexisted in the surrounding area, so the modern and contemporary art market was formed. The Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall is expected to form a cultural belt for citizens with the gallery, Bukchon Hanok Village, the Craft Museum, and the Modern Museum of Art. Discourses and challenges are needed to recreate the place in harmony with the forests, gardens, the street of citizens' birth, history and culture park, the art museum, and the surrounding walking network.

A Study on the integrated art & culture education using short animations of Korea (한국단편애니메이션을 활용한 주제중심 통합교육 모형 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Woong;Ko, Min-Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.20
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2010
  • Art & Culture Education for improving quality of life and cultural empowerment through the enjoyment of culture and the arts has spread as a variety of programs. However, Art & Culture Education in school has problems in the aspect of functional and superficial contents and ways of class. To achieve the ultimate purpose of Art & Culture Education and to take place as a effective education, quantitative growth in addition to qualitative depth should be considered. The purpose of this study is to develop the integrated Art & Culture Education model in elementary school curriculum using short animations of Korea, for improving the quality and vitalization of Art & Culture Education. For the interdisciplinary education short animation can be an effective asthetical teaching material, which transmits the world view, personality, social and historical reflection of the director. (2003) is a modern interpretation of a myth, which is Woncheongang Bonfuri from Cheju, and folkore paintings. This film can be such a stuff for the interdisciplinary class Korean and Ethics that language intellect and reflection intellect can be motivated. Moreover the thoughts and feelings about the film can be formulated in text, toon, painting that students can extend their language intellect and space intellect. communicates typically korean emotion and nature with its rural atmosphere and boy figure. With this film we can deliver a interdisciplinary class of science and art.

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The Establishment of Labor Archive and Its New Development Strategy : An Attempt to Build Participatory Archive of the Institute of Labor History in SKHU (노동아카이브의 형성과 발전방향 모색 성공회대 노동사연구소의 '참여형 아카이브' 시도를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chongkoo;Lee, Jaeseong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.41
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    • pp.175-212
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    • 2014
  • In 2001 a large amount of labor record have been donated from Jeontaeil Labor Archive-Institute to SungKongHoe University(SKHU). Institute of Labor History in SKHU was established in the wake of the installation of the labor archive. Development of oral archive raised the awareness of the various relationships between the use and production of labor record. Interviewees of oral testimony expressed dissatisfaction and the role of the researchers was not sufficiently exhibited. Examining the main cases of Korea union movement history, we can find contradictions between the use and production of labor record clearly. Interval of interpretation and memory was too big between the parties of 'democratic' union movement in the 1970s. While among the parties who took part in Guro Alliance Strike of 1985, there is a group that remains in the "winner" in history on the one hand, but "loser" on the other without any reasonable criterion. Active intervention of the record users(researchers) is very limited. Among citizens or workers how will be resolved such "struggle of memory" in due process can not be seen. This is one of the reasons why labor archive is not rooted in the region. In this paper, I present a methodological alternatives for the production and use of records through the construction of participatory labor archive. Further, the reconstituted contents of the "documenting locality" strategy by complementing the theoretical part of the method of participation. The study of local and locality requires a "scale" dimension that will make up the identity recognition space, a memory and identity, a social relationship rather than the dimension of the physical space. Alternative "documenting locality" strategy will be able to contribute to solve the problems that occur between the production and use of the recording in labor archive.

The Characteristics of Coastal Settlements -Focused on the Fishery Ports(Songjeong, Gudeokpo, Gongsu) in Busan- (연안정주지 특성에 관한 연구 -부산시 어항(송정항, 구덕포항, 공수항)을 중심으로-)

  • Kwon, Do-Heon;Lee, Seok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1770-1777
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    • 2014
  • Coastal settlements have a diversity of tangible or intangible local assets and are environmentally sensitive areas. The value of tangible or intangible local assets is often overlooked and there is no enough consideration for the inhabitants who have a various and acute stake in the development process of coastal settlements. The development of coastal settlements without consideration for the local circumstance, resident's needs, and local characteristics makes it difficult to achieve sustainable regeneration. There are also alienation, conflicts, and the loss of a authentic sense of place because of physical oriented development without regard to the social, economic, and cultural aspects. This research defines the components and types of coastal settlements and draws the characteristics of them around the fishery ports in Busan in the aspect of sustainable regeneration. It will be the important methods for an integrated regeneration including not only spatial and physical regeneration but also social and economic regeneration which has the preservation of local culture with living conditions, local economy activation, and community building. It will also provides the bases of sustainable development, attractiveness, and competitiveness of coastal settlements.

The Alternatives of Communication Model and Geographic Visualization (커뮤니케이션 이론에 대한 대안과 지리적 시각화)

  • Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 1998
  • The communication model has been accepted as the basic research paradigm of cartography since Board(1967) discussed the map/model analogy. In that paradigm, the function of maps was limited to the media of communication, and the functionality of maps was extremely emphasized. Therefore the model could not play its own role under the new environments such as computer, GIS, scientific visualization. Nowadays, the model has been attacked on several grounds and several alternatives have been suggested. Among the objections raised are (1) geographic visualization in which maps are considered as the tool of scientific visualization, (2) the contributions of art which are ignored in the positivist cartographic research, and (3) deconstructionist arguments which deny the scientific epistemology of map as an objective form of knowledge and recognize the textuality of maps including their metaphorical and rhetorical nature. Since a publication by McCormick et al, the scientific visualization based on the powerful computer graphics is used in a wide context. Maps are treated as the tools of scientific visualization and emphasis is on exploration of the geographic data to gain understanding and insight in the geographic visualization processes. The research on geographic visualization have stayed in the early stage of developing the conceptual model and the basic visualization tools. But, it is expected that the geographic or visual thinking which is emphasized in the geographic visualization will contribute the reestablishment of links between cartography and geography. Also, the development of scientific visualization tools and strategies will offer the opportunities to suggest a fresh idea, to synthesize information and develop holistic approaches to geographical problems.

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A Study of the Relationship between Perception and Activities in the News Replies -Focused on News Perception and Credibilities- (온라인 댓글 인식과 댓글 활동의 관계에 관한 연구 -댓글의 신뢰도와 인터넷뉴스 수용자의 수용경향 중심으로-)

  • Kweon, Sang-Hee;Kim, Ik-Hyun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.42
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    • pp.44-78
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    • 2008
  • The present study explored the agenda setting effects of replies called "Daet-Gul", and perception of the news replies. This study has established three research questions: 1) the recognition of the online communication 2) the degree of the reading and writing on online spare 3) the amount of the effects on the online communication. This study is performed using survey method. The survey results indicated in that the participants are very passive readers and writers on the online spare. In addition, the survey repliers evaluated that replies' mechanical device and antigravitational speed have high score, whereas they marked low store in the content and credibility of 'the replies. Therefore, they did not estimate the effects of the replies highly. All the results indicate that 'the replies' is not the fundamental factors of the deliberative democracy. It's because online communication with 'the replies' are thought to be fated the abuse and slander. Therefore, it's essential to improve the online communication with 'the replies', through the introduction of the 'trackback', which is a sort of the 'remote replies'

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A Study on Detection of Deforested Land Using Aerial Photographs (항공사진을 이용한 훼손 산지 탐지 연구)

  • Ham, Bo Young;Lee, Chun Yong;Byun, Hye Kyung;Min, Byoung Keol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2013
  • With high social demands for the diverse utilizations of forest lands, the illegal forest land use changes have increased. We studied change detection technique to detect changes in forest land use using an object-oriented segmentation of RED bands differencing in multi-temporal aerial photographs. The new object-oriented segmentation method consists of the 5 steps, "Image Composite - Segmentation - Reshaping - Noise Remover - Change Detection". The method enabled extraction of deforested objects by selecting a suitable threshold to determine whether the objects was divided or merged, based on the relations between the objects, spectral characteristics and contextual information from multi-temporal aerial photographs. The results found that the object-oriented segmentation method detected 12% of changes in forest land use, with 96% of the average detection accuracy compared by visual interpretation. Therefore this research showed that the spatial data by the object-oriented segmentation method can be complementary to the one by a visual interpretation method, and proved the possibility of automatically detecting and extracting changes in forest land use from multi-temporal aerial photographs.

Factors Influencing the Reuse Intention of Social Commerce Foodservice Product - Perceived Risk and Price Consciousness - (소셜커머스 외식상품 재이용의도의 영향요인 - 지각된 위험과 가격의식성을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Hyeon-Mo;Kwon, Na-Kyung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.114-127
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    • 2016
  • The study, focused on social commerce food service consumers, attempted to test the relationship between perceived risk and price consciousness, and suggested that perceived risk and price consciousness, the the degree to which price is considered when purchasing goods, affect reuse intention. Through such test results, the study aimed to provide useful practical implications for establishing marketing strategies of companies related to food service social commerce, and those looking into behavioral intentions of social commerce using food service consumers. The subjects of the study were male and female residents of Korea over 2-years of age who have had some experience purchasing a dining out item through social commerce. The social commerce company selected for sampling was Coupang, which was the number 1 shopping App in 2014 based on the number of yearly visitors. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on respondents who had indicated that they had experience purchasing foodservice goods through Coupang. The results revealed that source risk, privacy risk, psychological risk, and time-loss risk had negative influences on reuse intention. However, social risk and financial risk did not exhibit any influences. Price consciousness had positive influences on reuse intention. The study explored perceived risk and price consciousness as elements to affect continuous use of social commerce of foodservice consumers.

Developing Content System for Home Economics Curriculum in Connection with Education for Sustainable Development(ESD): Focusing on the 'Life Environment and Sustainable Choice' Area (지속가능발전교육(ESD)을 연계한 가정과 교육과정의 내용체계 개발: '생활환경과 지속가능한 선택' 영역)

  • Yoon, So Hee;Sohn, Sang-Hee;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.145-161
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a content system for the home economics curriculum that integrates Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) and provides basic material for ESD implementation in schools. In view of this, the content elements of the revised home economics curriculum for 2022 were analyzed, and a content system for the home economics curriculum, linked to ESD, was proposed based on the implications drawn from the analysis. The results are as follows. First, the three components of competencies, namely knowledge, values, and skills, were organized equally as a whole. However, the association between the content elements and key competencies in sustainability was found to be insufficient. Consequently, it is proposed that key competencies in sustainability should be cultivated integrally. Second, no content element was identified that can promote social participation. Therefore, it is proposed that solutions should be dealt with at the level of social participation. Third, the connection with Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) was observed in only six of the 28 content elements. Wherever relevant, it is proposed to incorporate key issues related to SDGs. Fourth, the analysis confirmed that only the environmental dimension of sustainable development was considered. Therefore, it is proposed to pursue coexistence based on temporal and spatial relationship and consider the dimensions of environment, society, and economy in an integrated manner.

Estimations of Forest Growing Stocks in Small-area Level Considering Local Forest Characteristics (산림의 지역적 특성을 고려한 시군구 임목축적량 통계 산출 기법 개발)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Kim, Cheol-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2015
  • Forest statistics of local administrative districts have many social needs, nevertheless we have some difficulties for working out an accurate statistics because of insufficient data in small-area level. Thus, new small-area estimation method has to set aside additional data, decrease errors of statistics and consider the local forest characteristics at the same time. In this study, we researched the spatial divisions that can set aside additional data for statistics production and satisfy the major premise, which is "forest characteristics of spatial divisions have to be equal to that of small-area". And we compared synthetic estimation methods based on three different spatial divisions(provinces, neighbor districts and new expanded districts). New expanded districts were divided based on the criteria of climate, soil type and tree species composition that affects local forest characteristics. Small-area statistics were assessed in terms of the ability to estimate local forest characteristics and consistency within large-area statistics. As a result, new expanded districts synthetic estimation was assessed to calculate statistics that reflects local forest characteristics better than other two estimation methods. Moreover, this synthetic estimation method produced the statistics that was included within 95% confidence interval of large-area statistics and was the closer to large-area statistics than the neighbor districts synthetic estimation.