• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사진 관리

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A Study on Digital Color Reproduction for Recording Color Appearance of Cultural Heritage (문화유산의 현색(顯色) 기록화를 위한 디지털 색재현 연구)

  • Song, Hyeong Rok;Jo, Young Hoon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.154-165
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    • 2022
  • The color appearance of cultural heritage are essential factors for manufacturing technique interpretation, conservation treatment usage, and condition monitoring. Therefore, this study systematically established color reproduction procedures based on the digital color management system for the portrait of Gwon Eungsu. Moreover, various application strategies for recording and conserving the cultural heritage were proposed. Overall color reproduction processes were conducted in the following order: photography condition setting, standard color measurements, digital photography, color correction, and color space creation. Therefore, compared with the color appearance, the digital image applied to a camera maker profile indicated an average color difference of 𝜟10.1. However, the digital reproduction result based on the color management system exhibits an average color difference of 𝜟1.1, which is close to the color appearance. This means that although digital photography conditions are optimized, recording the color appearance is difficult when relying on the correction algorithm developed by the camera maker. Therefore, the digital color reproduction of cultural heritage is required through color correction and color space creation based on the raw digital image, which is a crucial process for documenting the color appearance. Additionally, the recording of color appearance through digital color reproduction is important for condition evaluation, conservation treatment, and restoration of cultural heritage. Furthermore, standard data of imaging analysis are available for discoloration monitoring.

Management of Construction Fields Information Using Low Altitude Close-range Aerial Images (저고도 근접 항공영상을 이용한 현장정보관리)

  • Cho, Young Sun;Lim, No Yeol;Joung, Woo Su;Jung, Sung Heuk;Choi, Seok Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2014
  • Compare to other industrial sites, the civil construction work not only takes longer time but also has made of complicated processes, such as the integrated management, process control, and quality control until the completion. However, it is hard to take control the construction sites, since numerous issues are always emerged. The study purposes on providing the dataset to synthetically manage and monitor the civil construction site, main design, drawings, process, construction cost, and others at real-time by using the low altitude close-range aerial images, based on UAV, and the GPS surveying method for treating the three-dimensional spatial information quickly and accurately. As a result, we could provide the latest information for the quick decision-making following from planning to completion of the construction, and objective site evaluation by the high-resolution three-dimensional spatial information and drawings. Also, the present map, longitudinal map, and cross sectional view are developed to provide various datasets rapidly, such as earthwork volume table, specifications, and transition of ground level.

Development of Building Monitoring Techniques Using Augmented Reality (증강현실을 이용한 건물 모니터링 기법 개발)

  • Jeong, Seong-Su;Heo, Joon;Woo, Sun-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2009
  • In order to effectively distribute the resources, it is very critical to understand the status or progress of construction site quickly and accurately. Augmented Reality (AR) can provide this situation with information which is convenient and intuitive. Conventional implementation of AR in outdoor or construction site condition requires additional sensors or markers to track the position and direction of camera. This research is aimed to develop the technologies which can be utilized in gathering the information of constructing or constructed buildings and structures. The AR technique that does not require additional devices except for the camera was implemented to simplify the system and improve utility in inaccessible area. In order to do so, the position of camera's perspective center and direction of camera was estimated using exterior orientation techniques. And 3D drawing model of building was projected and overlapped using this information. The result shows that by using this technique, the virtual drawing image was registered on real image with few pixels of error. The technique and procedure introduced in this paper simplifies the hardware organization of AR system that makes it easier for the AR technology to be utilized with ease in construction site. Moreover, this technique will help the AR to be utilized even in inaccessible areas. In addition to this, it is expected that combining this technique and 4D CAD technology can provide the project manager with more intuitive and comprehensive information that simplifies the monitoring work of construction progress and planning.

Awareness of Urban Environment and LID for Expanding LID Application (LID 적용확대를 위한 시민의 도시환경 및 LID 인식)

  • Kim, Youngman;Kim, Lee-hyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2019
  • The future water management needs decentralization of facilities, diversity of technology and integration of management to overcome the waste of financial resources and increase in scale of facilities that occurred from centralized water management. In addition, citizen's environmental awareness and participation is important because all infrastructure installed in the watershed where citizens live should have the function of water management. Therefore, the research was performed by investigating the citizen's recognition about urban environment와 LID application to analyze citizen's perceptions and analyze the feasibility and possibility of LID application. The LID awareness of citizens was about 59%, but only about 46% of citizens agreed on the extension of application. However, after contacting LID photographs and information, 90% of respondents agreed on the application of LID, and 94% of respondents were able to distinguish between grey infrastructure and LID infrastructure. Citizens appeared to have a tendency to recognize green spaces as multi-functional LID infrastructure or green infrastructure. If citizens recognize multi-functional LIDs only as landscapjng area, it will be very difficult to extend the LID on the city areas. Therefore, for the extended application of the LID facilities, it is necessary to use public relations strategy to utilize the results and visual data on the actual effect verification. In addition, as every social infrastructure is formed in watershed where citizens live, it is necessary to plan and manage the infrastructure through governance with citizen participation.

Utilization of Coordinate-Based Image for Efficient Management of Road Facilities (효율적인 도로시설물 관리를 위한 좌표기반 영상의 활용)

  • Lee, Je-Jung;Kim, Min-Gyu;Park, Jun-Kyu;Yun, Hee-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2011
  • Update of road facilities database such as road sign, traffic lights, and street lights is interesting business in a local government. Recently, existing road facilities database, aerial photo and topographic map are referred for the installation and complement of road facilities. But it is difficult to comprehend road facilities' condition and additional expenses may appear in field survey. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and update road facility DB and many studies has been carried out to efficiently collect road related spatial data. In this study, the establishment of various complicated road facility DB was conducted by images that had been obtained by digital camera with a built-in bluetooth and DGPS. Results showed that road facility DB was constructed effectively and suggested the possibility of road facility management using images based on coordinate through accuracy analyses using total-station surveying. And using digital camera and DGPS is expected to effective real-time update and management of road facility DB.

Emergency Support System using Smart Device (스마트 기기를 활용한 응급 지원 시스템)

  • Jeong, Pil-seong;Cho, Yang-hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.1791-1798
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    • 2016
  • Recently, research about ESS(Emergency Support System) has been actively carried out to provide a variety of medical services using smart devices and wearable devices. Smart healthcare provides a personalized health care service using various types of bio-signal measuring sensors and smart devices. For the smart healthcare using a smart device, it is need to research about personal health monitoring using a smart wearable devices, and also need to research on service methods for first aid measures after an emergency. In this paper, we proposed about group management based emergency support system, that is monitoring about personal bio signal using smart devices and wearable devices to protect patient's life. The system notices to the medical volunteers based on the position information when an emergency situation. In addition, we have designed and implemented an emergency support system providing the information of the patient on the display when transmitting a picture of a patient using a smart device to the server.

An Analysis on the Status of Inappropriate Material Posting and Personal Information Exposure in Elementary Schools' Web Sites (초등학교 홈페이지에서의 불건전 정보 유통 및 개인정보 노출 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.489-500
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, an investigation on internet safety of 244 national or public elementary schools' web sites was performed with two points of view : inappropriate material posting and personal information exposure. The investigation results showed that obscene materials and commercial advertisements were uploaded into the bulletin board(67.2%) and students' personal information such as photograph, address, telephone number were exposed(87.3%). Most of the inappropriate materials were posted by auto-register programs. This problem was occurred due to reckless bulletin board opening and inappropriate management. On the contrary, personal information was exposed by teachers and students. They didn't not care about their personal information. It shows the fact that they have not recognized the danger of personal information exposure. Therefore managing real-name membership and enforcing permission to bulletin board were required to construct and use a safe school web site. Teachers have to understand not only negative effects appeared in a school web site but also latent dangerous factors.

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Development of a Smart work for After Service Business - Focused on Elevator industry - (에프터서비스 업무분야의 스마트워크 구축 - 엘리베이터 산업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sunggyun;Yoo, Woosik
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.273-281
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    • 2013
  • Smart work can classify three types. First, mobile office equipped with a portable computer and connect to the company servers and Intranet via mobile phones. Second, home working using video conference system. Third, smart work center. Smart work has enabled us to work efficiently, to work anytime and to work anywhere, beyond conventional office working. This paper presents development processes of a smart work for After Service Business, especially, for the elevator industry. we called implemented mobile office system "A/S work". A/S work using mobile devices has some advantages as compared with previous system. 1) Before/After photo management function 2) Assessment process of customer satisfaction 3) The work history management app. 4) The inquiry and confirmation function to current status of all workers 5) The group SMS function sending selected workers. 'M' elevator company has used A/S work as efficient smart work system.

A detection algorithm for the installations and damages on a tunnel liner using the laser scanning data (레이저 스캐닝 데이터를 이용한 터널 시설물 및 손상부위 검측 알고리즘)

  • Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lee, Jun-S.;Lee, Kyu-Sung;SaGong, Myung
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2007
  • Tunnel management is a time-consuming and expensive task. In particular, visual analysis of tunnel inspection often requires extended time and cost and shows problems on data gathering, storage and analysis. This study proposes a new approach to extract information for tunnel management by using a laser scanning technology. A prototype tunnel laser scanner developed was used to obtain point clouds of a railway tunnel surface. Initial processing of laser scanning data was to separate those laser pulses returned from the installations attached to tunnel liner using radiometric and geometric characteristics of laser returns. Once the laser returns from the installations were separated and removed, physically damaged parts on tunnel lining are detected. Based on the plane formed by laser scanner data, damaged parts are detected by analysis of proximity. The algorithms presented in this study successfully detect the physically damaged parts which can be verified by the digital photography of the corresponding location on the tunnel surface.

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A Study to Extract Landuse Information from Digital Topographic Map in Urban Area (수치지형도를 이용한 도시지역 토지이용정보 추출기법에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Sook-Joo;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kim, Kyoung-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2004
  • Landuse information is used to plan land use, urban and environmental management as base data. And, demand for landuse information is rising due to ecological consideration. But existing method to extract landuse information from aerial photographs or field survey is consume a lot of time and cost. In urban area where the pattern of landuse is densely aggregated, a landuse information needs to be classified in detail for urban planning and management. Therefore this study aims to examine the method to extract landuse information in detail from 1:1,000 digital topographic data. For the purpose, the method was applied to a part of metropolitan Seoul. The results of study shows that extraction of landuse information except forest area is possible. Forest area is needed to describe smaller spatial unit. For the future, the method of describing forest area is improved it will be effectively applicable for the city maintenance.

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