• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비환원주의

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Changes on the Components of Yam Snack by Processing Methods (제조방법에 따른 마 스낵의 성분 변화)

  • Shin Seung-Ryeul
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.516-521
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    • 2004
  • The study was intended to develop a yam snack to increase the consumption and the added value of the yam which has many kinds of medicinal effects and functions. Moisture content of a freeze-drying yam snack was higher than those of hot wind drying and vacuum drying yam snack. However, carbohydrate content was opposed to it. The content of soluble proteins in freeze drying yam snack was 6.43 mg/100g, and lower than that those in hot wind drying and vacuum drying yam snack. The contents of total sugar and reducing sugar were not noticeably different by processing methods. The major organic acids of yam snack were malic, acetic, acids, and acetic acid. Citric acid were rich contented in hot wind and vacuum dried yam snack, but the content of malic acid in freeze dried yam snack was higher than those in hot wind and vacuum dried yam snack. The contents of the amino acids and total amino acids showed the highest contents in vacuum dried snack and the next came in hot wind dried snack and freeze dried snack order. The content of free amino acids were not different by processing methods. Total content of vitamin C were not different by processing methods, but a ascorbic acid was higher in freeze dried yam snack than those in other. The dehydroascorbic acid contents of the hot-air and vacuum dried snack was higher than those of the freeze dried snack, Potassium, sodium and magnesium were the main minerals of the yam snacks.

Quality characteristics of kimchi with Allium hookeri root powder added (삼채뿌리분말 첨가 김치의 품질 특성)

  • You, Bo Ram;Kim, Eugene;Jang, Ja-Young;Choi, Hak-Jong;Kim, Hyun Ju
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.863-870
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate the quality characteristics of kimchi with Allium hookeri powder (AHP) added during eight weeks fermentation at $4^{\circ}C$. AHP was added to salted cabbage at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 1, and 5% (w/w). The quality characteristics of the AHR-added kimchi were determined by measuring pH, acidity, salinity, reducing sugar, microbial amounts, and sensory properties. The vitamin $B_1$ and vitamin C contents of the Allium hookeri root were 0.04 mg/100 g and 5.76 mg/100 g, respectively. As for the mineral contents, the K content was highest, followed by the Ca, Mg, and Fe contents. The pH was higher in the kimchi with 0.1%, 1%, and 5% AHP than in the kimchi without AHP during the eight-week fermentation. The salinity ranged from 2.02% to 2.37% over the eight weeks. The microbial cells and lactobacilli increased rapidly throughout the fermentation in the exponential phase and hardly increased in the stationary phase. In the sensory evaluations, the overall acceptance, taste, and texture of the kimchi with 1% AHP added were highest. In conclusion, the kimchi with 0.1%, 1%, and 5% AHP generally showed better quality than the kimchi without AHP. Especially, the kimchi with 1% AHP had the best scores in quality and overall acceptance during the fermentation.

A Case Study of Monitored Natural Attenuation at the Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Site : II. Evaluation of Natural Attenuation by Groundwater Monitoring (유류오염부지에서 자연저감기법 적용 사례연구 II. 지하수모니터링에 의한 자연저감 평가)

  • Yun Jeong Ki;Lee Min Hyo;Lee Suk Young;Noh Hoe Jung;Kim Moon Soo;Lee Kang Kun;Yang Chang Sool
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2004
  • Natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbon was investigated at an industrial complex about 45 Km away from Seoul. The three-years monitoring results indicated that the concentrations of DO, nitrate, and sulfate in the contaminated area were significantly lower than the background monitoring groundwater under the non-contaminated area. The results also showed a higher ferrous iron concentration, a lower redox potential, and a higher (neutral) pH in the contaminated groundwater, suggesting that biodegradation of TEX(Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene) is the major on-going process in the contaminated area. Groundwater in the contaminated area is anaerobic, and sulfate reduction is the dominant terminal electron accepting process in the area. The total attenuation rate was about 0.0017∼0.0224day$^{-1}$ and the estimated first-order degradation rate constant(λ) was 0.0008∼0.0106day$^{-1}$ . However, the reduction of TEX concentration in the groundwater was resulted from not only biodegradation but also dilution and reaeration through recharge of uncotaminated surface and groundwater. The natural attenuation was, therefore, found to be an effective, on-going remedial process at the site.

Comparison of Physicochemical Properties between Extracts and Soaked Liquor of Lespedeza cuneata G.Don (비수리(Lespedeza cuneata G.Don) 추출물과 담금주의 이화학적 특성비교)

  • Jeong, Kap-Seop
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.705-711
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    • 2017
  • Lespedeza cuneata (LC) is a herbaceous plant that grows throughout Korea. To investigate the physicochemical properties and the antioxidant activities of LC extracts and LC-soaked liquor (s. liquor), extraction with distilled water (DW) and ethanol was conducted and the extracts were compared with s. liquor. A total of 22 free amino acids from LC extract were detected, with the main ones being phosphoethanolamine 20.36>L-proline 18.02>ammonia 14.48>L-aspartic acid 12.96>${\gamma}$-amino-n-butyric acid 10.67%. The total flavonoid contents (TFC) and total phenolics contents (TPC) were in the order of s. liquor>DW>ethanol extract. The electron donating ability based on DPPH radical scavenging ability was highest for s.liquor, which equivalents 81.4% ascorbic acid in the order of s. liquor>ethanol>DW extract. The orders of ferric reducing antioxidant power and ABTS radical scavenging ability were proportional to the TFC and TPC of extracts, and in the order of s. liquor>ethanol>DW extract. The nitrite scavenging ability of s. liquor was highest among the three extracts (96.6% at pH 1.2), which was 2.6 times greater than that of DW extract.

Doped TiO2와 coupled TiO2 제조 및 다양한 광원하의 유기물 분해 특성 평가

  • Lee, Gyu-Sang;Mun, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Seon-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2015.08a
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    • pp.227.1-227.1
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    • 2015
  • 산업이 발달하면서 다양한 화학물질이 배출되고 이로 인하여 환경이 오염되고 있으며, 특히, 대부분의 유기 화합물은 대기오염에 많은 영향을 주는 물질로 알려져 있다. 최근 유기 화합물을 제거하기 위해서 UV와 가시광에서 반응하는 광촉매 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 밴드갭에 변화를 주는 doped $TiO_2$와 가시광에서 반응하는 조촉매를 이용하여 광촉매의 특성을 향상시키는 coupled $TiO_2$를 제조하였다. Doped $TiO_2$를 제조하기 위해서 비금속 물질인 질소(nitrogen)을 사용하였고, coupled $TiO_2$는 graphine oxide(GO)를 환원하여 $TiO_2$-RGO 촉매를 제조하였다. N-$TiO_2$$TiO_2$-RGO의 광학 특성을 평가하기 위해서 UV/Vis 분광광도계를 사용하였다. Methylene blue(MB)와 methyl orange(MO)가 분해되는 반응을 통해서 N-$TiO_2$$TiO_2$-RGO의 광촉매 특성을 평가하였다. 또한, MB와 MO 분해 테스트에 395 nm long pass filter를 이용하여 가시광에서의 광촉매 활성을 평가하였다.

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Production of Mirin by Mutants of Aspergillus sp. (Aspergillus sp.의 변이주에 의한 미린의 생산)

  • 류병호;신동분;빈재훈;박형선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.636-642
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    • 1993
  • To improve the quality of mirin, various molds were screened for mutants with high acid carboxypeptidase (ACPase) by the method of ultraviolet radiation. Mutants, Aspergillus oryzae 9-12 and Aspergillus shiroussamii 6082-60 showed activities of ACPase about 2~6 times higher than their parent strains. Aspergillus oryzae 9-12 and Aspergillus shirosamii 6082-60 were the most suitable strains for preparing koji in mirin by the conventional or improved methods. The results showed that total sugar, reducing sugar and total nitrogen were almost the same values in mirin prepared by both methods. The yield of mirin was higher in the improved method than in the conventional method. The clouding formation of mirin appeared in the conventional method ; however, mirin prepared with the mutant koji by the improved method did not show clouding formation.

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Physiological Response of Rice Plant under Environmental Stress -I. Nutritional disorder under soil reduction in paddy fields (환경장애(環境障碍)에 대(對)한 수도(水稻)의 생리반응(生理反應) -I. 농가포장(農家圃場)의 토양환원(土壤還元)에 의(依)한 영향장해(營養障害))

  • Park, Hoon;Mok, Sung Kyun;Kwon, Hang Gwang;Park, Chon Suh
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 1973
  • Leaf discoloration of IR667 lines (tropical) and leading locals (temperate) in fields was classified according to the probable causes and nutritional disorder due to soil reduction in 1972 was investigated. 1. The causes of leaf discoloration in IR667 were low air temperature, soil reduction, seed born, insect bite, nitrogen depression, overdose pesticide, strong wind, early senescence and unknown one. 2. Leaf discoloration due to soil reduction which has been called Sageumbyeong by famers, was caused by the heavy application of $Ca(OH)_2$, compost and poor drainage followed by Zn and K deficiency and Fe toxicity. 3. About 30 days after transplanting deficiency concentration of K and Zn in leaf blade appears to be less than 2.0% and 20ppm respectively, and greater than 200ppm, 500ppm, and 1.0% respectively for toxicity or excess of Fe, Mn and Ca. and in the shoot 2.4% for K, 30ppm for Zn and 800ppm for Fe. The value of K/Ca should be greaterthan 2.0 for health. 4. When plants were damaged by soil reduction the contents of N, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Na in shoot were increased and those of K, Zn, Si were decreased. 5. IR667 lines show in shoot higher content of N, P, Ca, Mg, Si, Na, and lower content K, Zn, Fe, Mn and lower root activity than local leading varietles in either healthy or disieased case, indicating IR667 lines are likely more suseptible to soil reduction damage. 6. Normal soil was less than 6.5 of pH and greater than -50 mv of Eh, but pH of problem soil was ranged from 6.7 to 7.4 and Eh from -100 to -190. 7. The root activity (${\alpha}$-naphthylamine oxidation) decreased at early stage of soil redudtion damage, then increased with severity and at the end it decreased again, but IR667 lines showed always lower root activity than local ones.

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Production and evaluation of raw materials for porcelain using clay mineral (점토 광물을 이용한 도자기용 소지 제조 및 물성 평가)

  • Kim, Jong-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.317-328
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    • 2019
  • In this work, we investigated clay and raw materials from China (black clay, red clay, white clay) and Korea (Cheonan clay, Obu clay) used for the manufacture of porcelain products. According to chemical analysis results, feldspar components containing CaO, K2O, Na2O and quartz are found in clay materials besides primary clay such as kaollinte, for the clay materials from Korea, which is found more in clay materials from Korea than from China. For the Fe2O3 content, governing whiteness of porcelain products, more iron oxide (> 5 %) is found in Korean clays (Cheonan clay, obu clay, red clay) compared to those form China (black, white clay). Through X-ray diffraction analysis, kaolinite and Halloysite are found to be main phases for all the raw materials and second phases such as quartz and pyrophyllite are found. Using these clay materials, raw materials for porcelain products were produced, and the physicochemical properties were investigated for sintered samples. Absorption rate is in order of Baekja-A < Baekja-B < Yeonbuncheong < Jinbuncheong < Cheongja, and the sample, sintered at 1250℃ in reductive atmosphere, exhibits the lowest absorption rate. Comparing the color of the sintered samples, the samples sintered in oxidative atmosphere (L* value: 86~95 %) show higher whiteness value than those sintered in reductive atmosphere (L* value: 81~93 %). For the Cheongja and Buncheong, the samples sintered in reductive atmosphre shows higher whiteness, L* values, and low a*/b* value, which is due to reduction of iron oxide (Fe2O3).

Effects of Powder and Concentrates of Prnus mume on the Quality of Doenjang During Fermentation (매실분말 및 농축액 첨가가 된장의 숙성중 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Woo-Po;Kim, Nam-Dae;Lee, Seung-Chul;Kim, Sung-Yong;Cho, Sung-Hwan
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.574-580
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    • 2006
  • Different amounts of powder and concentrate (0.5% and 1.0%) of Prnus mume were added to doenjang and were examined during fermentation at $20^{\circ}C$. Moisture and amino nitrogen content were gradually increased, regardless of the amount of powder and concentrate of Prnus mume (PCP). A rapid increase in moisture and amino nitrogen was shown at initial 2 week of fermentation. Control showed a higher amino nitrogen content and microbial load (yeast and mold) than samples with PCP. Reducing sugar content was rapidly decreased after 2 weeks, but was plateaued after 4 weeks. Color (L, a and b) of doenjang had the highest value at 4 weeks, but was decreased thereafter. Weter extracts from samples with PCP were lower in radical scavenging activity than that of control, but methanol extracts and ethanol extracts were generally higher than that of control. Based on On sensory evaluation of doenjang after 6 weeks, control 1 was better than other treatments in color, aroma and taste. Significant difference was not observed among control 1, control 2 and samples with 0.5% PCP.

The Development of Korean Traditional Wine Using the Fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten - I. Characteristics of Mashes and Sojues - (손바닥 선인장 열매를 이용한 전통주 개발 - I. 전통주 제조기법을 이용한 발효주 및 증류주의 특성 -)

  • Bae, In-Young;Yoon, Eun-Ju;Woo, Jeong-Min;Kim, Joo-Shin;Yang, Cha-Bum;Lee, Hyeon-Gyu
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2002
  • Fermentation characteristics with/without nitrogen source and quality of the fruit distillate of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten were investigated during the manufacturing process of a Korean traditional liquor. As the fermentation period increased, acidity, brix degree, and alcohol concentration increased, whereas pH and contents of reducing sugar decreased. Acidity, pH, and brix degree were higher, whereas the content of reducing sugar lower, in the nitrogen source-added distillate than in the distillate without nitrogen source. The growth of yeast increased, while that of bacteria decreased; this trend was more prominent with the addition of a nitrogen source. Sojues, distilled from two types of mashes and diluted with $H_2O$ and tails of distillate into 22% alcohol concentration, showed pH $3.7{\sim}4.0$, acidity $0.02{\sim}0.10$, and $5.4{\sim}6.1$ $^{\circ}Brix$. Analysis through GC using direct injection methods revealed common volatile flavor compounds in sojues, including acetaldehyde, acetyl acetone, acetic acid ethyl ester, ethyl alcohol, 2-propyl alcohol, acetone, n-propyl alcohol, butanoic acid methyl ester, 2-phenyl ethanol, thymol, acetic acid phenyl ester, and vanillic aldehyde. As revealed through the sensory evaluation, no significant difference (p>0.05) in overall acceptability was shown among four experimental groups, while color and flavor showed significant differences(p<0.05).