• Title/Summary/Keyword: 붕어

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Occurrence of a Natural Intergeneric Hybrid, Rhodeus uyekii${\times}$Acheilognathus signifer (Pisces : Cyprinidae) from Jojongcheon Bukhan River (각시붕어 Rhodeus uyekii와 묵납자루 Acheilognathus signifer (Pisces : Cyprinidae)의 속간 자연 잡종의 출현)

  • Kim, Chi-Hong;Lee, Wan-Ok;Kang, Yong-Jin;Baek, Jea-Min
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.225-229
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    • 2010
  • A intergeneric hybrid between Rhodeus uyekii and Acheilognathus signifer was collected in the Jojongcheon Bukhan River. The hybrid showed intermediate characteristics of two parental types in some key characters, such as color pattern of body, pigmentation of dorsal, anal, and caudal fins, and body spot and stripe. In addition, the hybrid had a fairly large number of lateral line scales, while it lacked a barbel, which is known as a key intergeneric character. The probable occurrence of a natural hybrid is supported by a viable $F_1$ hybrid produced with the parental species.

A Osteological Study of Rhodeus uyekii (각시붕어(Rhodeus uyekii)의 골격학적 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, In-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 1997
  • The osteological features of Rhodeus uyekii were examined. In this study, the detailed descriptions of cranium, vertebra and fin skeleton of Rhodeus uyekii are presented. R. uyekii had the following characteristics ; there was no fontanell in the cranium ; there was no process of supraethmoid ; the free interneural spine was large and flat ; the dorsal process of the supraoccipital was high and triangular ; the fourth infraorbital was reduced ; in the urohyal, the hypohyal attachment is bifurcated, the horizontal and vertical plate has a elongated rhombus shape with posterior edge pointed ; there was no coracoid foramen in the shoulder girdle ; there was no uroneural in the first preural centrum.

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The Influence of Water Quality Changes on the Fish Fauna Stabilization of Urban Stream in Seoul, Korea

  • Bae, Kyung-Seok;Cho, Seok-Ju;Lee, Chong-Hyun;Jeong, Eui-Geun;Yoo, Dong-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Biology Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.98-102
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    • 2003
  • 서울의 대표적 도시하천인 중랑천의 수질 변화에 따른 어류군집의 장기적 변동과 군집의 안정성에 대해 1990년부터 2001년까지 조사하였다. 중랑천은 1980년대와 1990년대초까지는 수질악화, 수변대 훼손으로 물고기가 서식하지 못하였으나 1990년대 초반이후의 수질개선으로 잉어 및 붕어와 같이 오염에 강한 종들부터 서식하기 시작하여 현재까지 18종의 서식이 확인되고 있다. 연도별 출현종수는 1990년에는 어류의 서식을 확인할 수 없었으며, 1996년 6종, 1998년 9종, 2000년 11종, 2001년 14종으로 증가하는 추세다. 그러나 출현종 및 개체수 증가에 따라 갈수기인 봄철과 이른 여름철에는 산란장소를 찾는 잉어, 붕어 등이 한강에서 중랑천으로 대거 이동하는 과정에서 대량폐사가 발생하기도 하였다. 2000년 4월 및 6월, 2001년 6월에는 중랑하수처리장 하류와 수중보 정체구역에서 소량의 소나기성 강우 이후 발생한 일시적 용존산소 고갈로 대량의 잉어류폐사가 발생하였다. 수질사고 이후, 수중보 및 하상 저니 등에 관련된 중랑천 생태계의 구조와 기능에 대해 많은 연구와 개선이 이루어졌으나 본래의 자연성을 아직까지 회복하지 못하고 있다. 특히 중랑천은 2005년 9월에 하천 복원이 완료되는 청계천의 한강어류 이동통로 역활이 중요시되고 있는 하천이다.

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Susceptibility of Medically Important Mosquito Larvae and Larvivorous Fishes to Abate and Abate-S in Korea (국내 주요 모기유충과 천적어류의 Abate 와 Abate-S 에 대한 감수성)

  • 이동규;유효석
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.165-169
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    • 1999
  • A study was performed on the susceptibility of Abate@ and Abate-S@ against 3rd instar larvae of 5 species of mosquitoes including Anopheles sinensis, Aedes dorsalis, Culex inatomii, Cx. pipiens pallens, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus and mosquito larvivorous fishes such as Chinese muddy loaches (Misgurnus muzolepis) and crucian carps (Carassius carassi~4s) in September, 1998. Cx. pipiens larvae showed that the LC5os of both Abatea and Abate-Sa were 0.006 ppm. The LC95 values of this mosquito species appeared 0.070 pprn of Abate@ and 0.035 pprn of Abate-S@ which were more susceptible than the dosage (1.0 ppm) recommended from WHO. An. sinensis larvae appeared 0.009 pprn of LC50 and 0.025 pprn of LCgs. The larvae of Cx. inatomii and Ae. dorsalis showed the most highly susceptible to Abate-S@ among the 5 mosquito species with LC50 values of 1.9 x pprn and 1.1 x pprn respectively, and the LC95 values were 5.2 x 10-hppm and 1.4 x ppm, respectively. On the other hand, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus appeared least affected by Abate-Sa. and was brought 0.048 pprn of LC50 and 0.808 pprn of LCg5. These two insecticides were much less toxic to the fishes than mosquito larvae showing the LC, value of Chinese muddy loaches at 24.145 pprn of Abate and 10.750ppm of Abate-S@. This fish species showed that the LCsos of Abate@ and Abate-S@ were 27.567 pprn and 14.775 ppm, respectively. In case of crucian carps, their LC, values were 7.914 pprn of Abate@ and 6.480 pprn of Abate-S@. Therefore, the maximum safe dosages of the insecticides to the fishes were 8 times as high as the values of LCg5 of the mosquito larvae. This study suggests that Abate@ and Abate-S@ demonstrated highly potential insecticides for further larger scale operational integrated control in some proper aquatic places if other aquatic invertebrates are also safe to the insecticides.

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Estimation on Population Ecological Characteristics of Crucian Carp, Carassius auratus in the Mid-Upper System of the Seomjin River (섬진강 중.상류 수계에서 붕어 개체군의 생태학적 특성치 추정)

  • Jang, Sung-Hyun;Ryu, Hui-Seong;Lee, Jung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.318-326
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    • 2011
  • The population ecological characteristics of the Crucian carp, Carassius auratus, were determined in order to estimate stock of the mid-upper system of the Seomjin River. The fish ranged in size from 95 to 288mm total length. The age was determined by counting the scale annulus. The scales displayed clear annulus that were used to estimate the age. The oldest fish observed in this study was 5 years old. Age-2 fishes were the most numerous in the sample(n=38), followed in frequency be age-3(n=22). Marginal index analysis validated the formation of a single annulus per year. The relationship between body length and body weight was BW = $0.0038BL^{3.73}$($R^2$=0.96) (p<0.01). The relationship between the scale radius and body length was BL = 2.362R+2.76($R^2$=0.89). The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from a non-linear regression method were $L_{\infty}$=33.2 cm, $W_{\infty}$=1,798.4 g, $K=0.20year^{-1}$ and $t_0$=-0.51year. Therefore, Growth in length of the fish was expressed by the von Bertalanffy's growth equation as $L_t=33.23$($1-e^{-0.20(t+0.51)}$)($R^2$=0.98). The annual survival rate was estimated to be 0.427year$^{-1}$. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality of estimated from the Zhang and Megrey method was $0.784year^{-1}$, and instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality was calculated $0.067year^{-1}$. From the estimates of survival rate, the instantaneous coefficient of total mortality was estimated to be $0.851year^{-1}$.

Infestation of Larval Trematodes from Fresh-Water Fish and Brackish-water Fish in River Taechong, Kyungpook Province, Korea (대종천 담수어와 반함수어에서의 흡충류 피설유충의 기생상)

  • 주종윤;박무길
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 1983
  • A study of infestation patterns for larval trematodes from fresh-water fish and brackish-water fish was carried out during the period from June to October in 1982. They were collected by netting, asking with rod and lino, and using the a bait of crushed oil cake in a transparent plastic bowls at the three localities, Daebon-dong, Kugil-dong, and Hoam-dong in the river Taechong, Kyungpook Province, Korea. Five species of fresh-water fish, the crussian carp, Carassius carassius Linnaeus, the bullhead, Coreobagrus brfvicorpus Mori, the fat minnow, Morose oxycephalus (Bleeker) , the flat bitterling, Paracheilognathus rhombea (Temminck et Schlegel) , and the catfish, Parasilurus asotus (Linnaeus), and two kinds of brackish-water fish, the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus(Linnaeus) and the sweet-fish, Plecoglossus aztivelis (Temminck et Schlegel) were examined. Four species of the metacercariae, Exorchis eviformis, Metacercaria hasegawai, Metorchis orientalis and undetermined larvae were found. Of these, the encysted larvae of the human intestinal fluke, Metagonimus yokegawai, were found from three kinds of fresh-water fish, the crussian carp, the bullhead and the fat minnow and one species of brackish-water fish, the sweets;sh and the infestation rates for the larvae varied appreciably from fish to fish. The intensity of infestation with the Metagonimus larvae in the three species of fresh-water fish was low, and the average number of the larvae per gram of flesh varied from 0.5 to 0.2. By comparison, the brackish-water fish wqs more heavily infested and the mean number of cysts per gram of flesh in Plecoglossus altivelis was 109.2. It was foung that infection with Metagonimus yokogawai os caused by consuming raw fresh-sater fish and brackish-water fish caught in the river Taechong, Kyungpook Province, Korea.

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A Histological Study on the Heart in the False dace (Pseudorasbora parva) (참붕어(Pseudorasbora parva) 심장의 조직학적 연구)

  • Park, No Kwan;Reu, Dong Suck
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2015
  • The histological structure of the heart in Pseudorasbora parva was investigated by light microscope. The heart consisted of four consecutive chambers, the sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle and bulbus arteriosus. The wall of the sinus venosus was divided into endocardium, myocardium and epicardium, and the walls of the atrium and ventricle were divided into endocardium, subendocardium, myocardium, subepicardium and epicardium, and the wall of the bulbus arteriosus was divided into endocardium, subendocardium (ridge tissue), middle layer, subepicardium and epicardium. The valves were observed in the sinoatrial, artrioventricular and bulboventricular junctions. The sinus venosus wall was mostly made up of collagen. The rings of tissue were observed at the sinoatrial junction. The atrium was composed of a spongy trabeculate myocardium surrounded by an external rim of thin myocardium, and collagens were distributed in the subepicardium and trabeculae. The ventricle was a spongy myocardium with vessels in subepicardium. In the subepicardium and trabeculae of the ventricle, collagens were distributed. In the bulbus arteriosus, the diameter and length of the ridges were differed. The endocardial cells were convex and the non-clustered subendocardial cells showed irregular shapes. The cells of the middle layer were arranged into incomplete layers that showed different orientations. The subepicardium was formed by cells of different morphology. Collagens and elastins were demonstrated in the subendocardium, middle layer and subepicardium of the bulbus arteriosus. The epicardium was a single layer composed of flattened cells.

Morphological and Physiological Effects of Lead (Pb) Exposure on Tissues of Carassius auratus (납 노출에 따른 붕어(Carassius auratus) 조직의 미세구조 및 생리적 변화)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sook;Shin, Myung-Ja;Lee, Jong-Eun;Seo, Eul-Won
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.409-417
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    • 2010
  • Present study aimed to investigate morphological and physiological change in the tissues of Carassius auratus after exposure against Pb (lead) with various rearing condition. We measured the level of accumulated heavy metal and analyzed ultrastructure with transmission electron microscopy. The heavy metal, Pb, was accumulated in the gill, bone and integument increased drastically for exposure periods, the 40 days. The accumulation of Pb in the gill showed relatively higher than that in other tissues. And accumulated Pb amounts also were increased with exposure time dependent manner in the gill, bone and integument tissues. Also, specific activities of antioxidation enzymes in all tissue after exposure to Pb were increased in the course of exposure. And the activities of SOD from tissues exposed to Pb were increased 2 folds than those from the unexposed but GPX activities were maintained constant. The increased numbers of mucous cells in gill tissues exposed to Pb were determined and morphological changes, such as clubbing and fusion, were shown secondary lamella. Also, exposure of Pb for 40 days on gills tissues cause membrane damage in mitochondria and nucleus. In kidney tissues, the atrophied glomerulus was observed, and the empty space in Bowman's capsule was expanded. Based on the all results, it is suggested that the exposure to the high level of Pb for long period affect on the morphology of tissues, and change the enzymatic balance in C. auratus.

Evaluation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Insecticide Residues in Waters, Sediments and Crucian Carps in Soho Lake (서호(西湖)의 수질 , 저니토(底泥土) , 붕어중(中) Polychlorinated Biphenyls 및 유기염소계(有機鹽素系) 살충제의 잔류평가(殘留評價))

  • Park, Chang-Kyu;Hwang, Eul-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 1982
  • Environmental samples contaminated with elemental sulfur(waters 22, sediments 20, crucian carps 19) collected from Soho Lake during the period of Sep. 1981 to Apr. 1982 were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) and organochlorine insecticides by GLC-ECD. Elemental sulfur was found to interfere in the residue analysis of environmental samples and the sulfur was eliminated, prior to analysis, with copper powder. PCBs residues in Soho lake were temporarily characterized as Aroclor 1254 and were analyzed at minimum detectable quantity of 0.04 ng by derivatizing PCBs to decachlorobiphenyl(DCB). PCBs were positively detected in all samples and its residue levels in waters, sediments, and crucian carps were $0.015{\sim}0.15$ ppb, $0.038{\sim}0.088$ ppm and 0.091 ppm, respectively. The residue levels of PCBs in all samples but sediments at central and outlet site of the lake were higher than those of total p,p'-DDT. The residue levels of PCBs in waters varied with inlets, i.e. those at right inlet site were three times of those at left inlet site. The main source of PCBs residues in the environmental samples of Soho Lake was not evident by present work.

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Pharyngeal Teeth and Masticatory Process of the Basioccipital Bone in Korean Bitterlings (Teleostomi : Cyprinidae) (韓國産 납자루아과어류(亞科魚類)의 인두치(咽頭齒)와 저작돌기(咀嚼突起))

  • Suzuki, Nobuhiro;Jeon, Sang-Rin
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.1 no.1_2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 1989
  • The pharyngeal teeth and the masticatory process of the basioccipital bone were compared in ten species of Korean bitterlings. Three species, Acheilognathus lanceolata, A. limbatus, A. signifier and Rhodeus ocellatus, which are characterized by the absence of serrations on the side of the pharyngeal teeth, are found to, have reduced occlusal grooves on the outside of occlusal margin, Among Korean bitterlings, differences are found in the developmental degrees of the anterior part of the masticatory process, the grooves on the occlusal surface and the chewing area on the pharyngeal first tooth. The occlusal grooves in herbivorous species are considered to be more developed than those in omnivorous species. Considering these findings, the combination of developmental degrees in the three pharyngeal elements suggests generally the phylogenetic relationships among the Korean bitterlings.

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