• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분극감도

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Polarization Characteristics of Polymers: Poly(vinylchloride), Poly(ethyleneterephthalate), Poly(propylene), and Poly(carbonate) (고분자물질들의 분극 특성: Poly(vinylchloride), Poly(ethyleneterephthalate), Poly(propylene), Poly(carbonate))

  • Choi, Chil-Nam;Yang, Hyo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2002
  • We measured the variations of potentials and current densities for several polymers. The results were carefully examined to identify various factors such as temperature and pH to influence the potential and rate. The Tafel slope for anodic dissolution was determined by the polarization effect under these conditions. The optimum conditions were established for each case. The second anodic current density peak and maximum current density were designated as the relative polarization sensitivity $(I_r/I_f)$. The mass-transfer coefficient value $({\alpha})$ was determined by the Tafel slope for anodic dissolution on the basis of the polarization effect under optimum conditions.

Sensitivity Measurement of the Piezoelectric Paint Sensor according to the Poling Electric Field (분극 전계에 따른 압전 페인트 센서 감도 측정)

  • Han, Dae-Hyun;Park, Seung-Bok;Kang, Lae-Hyong
    • Composites Research
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the experimental study has been performed by varying the polarization of the electric field and impact force to check the piezoelectric characteristics of piezoelectric paint sensor. Piezoelectric paint sensor used in this study is composed of epoxy resin with a hardener and PNN-PZT powder in 1:1 weight ratio. The dimensions of the paint sensor specimen are $40{\times}40{\times}1mm^3$ and regular specimens were made using a mold. The voids are removed from the specimen in the vacuum desiccator. Both upper side and bottom side of the paint sensor were coated with silver paste for making an electrode and then dried at room temperature for a day. The poling treatment has been carried out under controlled conditions of the electric field in order to check the effect of piezoelectric sensitivities, while the poling temperature was fixed at room temperature and the poling time was set to 30 min. The piezoelectric sensitivities have been measured by comparing output voltage from paint sensor with output force from impact hammer when the impact hammer hits the paint sensor. In result, the effect of the electric field has been evaluated for the sensitivity and describe the result.

Effort of C and N on corrosion resistance of 6Mo grade super stainless steel (6Mo급 슈퍼 스테인리스강의 부식 특성에 미치는 탄소 및 질소의 영향)

  • 김수한;박용수;류우석;국일현;김영식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.102-102
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    • 1999
  • 6Mo급 슈퍼 스테인리스강의 내식성은 여러 환경에서 여러 가지의 부식 시험 방법을 통해서 확띤되어 왔다. 이 합금이 보이는 탁월한 내식성 때문에 해수 설비 계통,정유 설비,원자력 발전소의 열교환기 등의 중요 재료로서 그 사용 용도가 급격히 증가하고 있다. 그런데 방사선의 영향을 받게 되는 설비에 금속 재료가 사용되는 경우,특히 경수로의 노내 구조물, 액체 금속로의 열교환기, 핵융합로의 제1벽 재료 등 에서는 합금 원소가 방사성 환경에 의하여 제거되는 현상이 나타난다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 상황을 미리 재료 제조 차원에서 모사하여 탄소량과 질소량의 함량 을 달리 한 6Mo급 슈퍼 스테인리스강을 제조하여 미세 조직, 기계적 성질 및 부식 특성의 변화에 대하여 연구하였다. 진공 고주파 유도 용해로를 이용하여 탄소량과 질소량이 각기 변화된 슈퍼 스테인리스강을 용해 한 뒤 아르곤 가스 분위기에서 $1180^{\circ}C$로 soaking하고 열간 압연을 행하였다. 열간 압연으로 표변에 생성된 산화 스케일을 불산과 질산의 혼합 용액으로 제거한 뒤 냉간 압연을 행하였다. 이 냉연 판재에 대하여 $1150^{\circ}C$로 소둔하여 각 실험에 사용하였다. 광학 현미경을 이용하여 미세 조직의 변화를 관찰하였으며, 상온과 고온($520^{\circ}C$)에서 인장 시험을 행하였으며, 경도 측정을 행하였다. 또한 양극 분극 시험과 비등 질산 침지 시험 및 비등 40% NaOH 용액에서의 일정 연신율 시험을 행하 였다. 탄소 함량이 증가할수록 항복 강도 및 인장 강도는 증가하고 있으며 연신율은 감 소하는 일반적인 경향을 보였으며 비등 질산 시험에서는 탄소량에 관계없이 매우 우수한 내식성을 쁘였다. 또한 비등 상태의 40% NaOH 용액에서의 응력 부식 균열 시험 결과, 탄소량이 증가할수록 부식 저항성이 증가하고 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 한 편 질소량이 증까할수록 결정립이 미세화되었으며 경도값이 상승하였다. 이들 합금 에 대한 양극 분극 시험 결과, 질소량의 변화가 탄소량의 변화보다 내식성에 큰 영향 을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

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Pyroelectric Properties of the $\beta$-PVDF (Poly(vilnylidene fluoride)) Thin Film Prepared by Vacuum Deposition with Applying Electric Field (전계인가 진공 증착법으로 제작된$\beta$ -PVDF (Poly(vinylidene fluoride)) 박막의 초전 특성)

  • Chang, Dong-Hoon;Kang, Seong-Jun;Yoon, Yung-Sup
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2002
  • The PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) thin film having P phase is prepared by the vacuum deposition with applying the electric field and its pyroelectric properties are studied by using a dynamic method to examine the possibility of the application to the pyroelectric IR sensor. The pyroelectric responses of the PVDF thin film are characterized as the frequency dispersion in both low and high modulation frequency regions, and their frequency dependences are observed. In the low frequency region (2~10Hzz), the polarization can easily rotate with the increase of modulation frequency and show the maximum since the reorientation rate of domains is higher than the modulation frequency. On the other hand, in the high frequency region (100~1000Hz), the pyroelectric response decreases as the frequency increases, because the reorienatation rate of domains is suppressed and thus, the change of polarization decreases. Pyroelectric coefficient, figure of merits for noise equivalent power and detectivity of the PVDF thin film are measured as 3.2$\times$10$^{-10}$ C/$\textrm{cm}^2$.K, 2.34$\times$10$^{-10}$ C.cm/J and 1.32$\times$10$^{-9}$ C.cm/J, respectively. Also, the noise equivalent and the detectivity are 1.66$\times$10$^{-7}$ W/H $z^{$\sfrac{1}{2}$}$, 6.03$\times$10$^{5}$ cm.H $z^{$\sfrac{1}{2}$}$W, respectively.

Manufacturing Method for Sensor-Structure Integrated Composite Structure (센서-구조 일체형 복합재료 구조물 제작 방법)

  • Han, Dae-Hyun;Kang, Lae-Hyong;Thayer, Jordan;Farrar, Charles
    • Composites Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2015
  • A composite structure was fabricated with embedded impact detection capabilities for applications in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). By embedding sensor functionality in the composite, the structure can successfully perform impact localization in real time. Smart resin, composed of $Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-Pb(Zr,\;Ti)O_2$ (PNN-PZT) powder and epoxy resin with 1:30 wt%, was used instead of conventional epoxy resin in order to activate the sensor function in the composite structure. The embedded impact sensor in the composite was fabricated using Hand Lay-up and Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding(VARTM) methods to inject the smart resin into the glass-fiber fabric. The electrodes were fabricated using silver paste on both the upper and bottom sides of the specimen, then poling treatment was conducted to activate the sensor function using a high voltage amplifier at 4 kV/mm for 30 min at room temperature. The composite's piezoelectric sensitivity was measured to be 35.13 mV/N by comparing the impact force signals from an impact hammer with the corresponding output voltage from the sensor. Because impact sensor functionality was successfully embedded in the composite structure, various applications of this technique in the SHM industry are anticipated. In particular, impact localization on large-scale composite structures with complex geometries is feasible using this composite embedded impact sensor.

Pyroelectric Infrared Microsensors Made for Human Body Detection (인체 감지용 강유전체 박막 초전형 적외선 센서의 제작)

  • Choi, Jun-Rim
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1998
  • Pyroelectric infrared detectors based on La-modified $PbTiO_{3}$ (PLT) thin films have been fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering and rnicrornachining technology. The detectors form $Pb_{l-x}La_{x}Ti_{1-x/4}O_{3}$ (x=0.05) thin film ferroelectric capacitors epitaxially grown by RF magnetron sputtering on Pt/MgO (100) substrate. The sputtered PLT thin film exhibits highly c-axis oriented crystal structure that no poling treatment for sensing applications is required. This is an essential factor to increase the yield for realization of an infrared image sensor. Micromachining technology is used to lower the thermal mass of the detector by giving maximum sensor efficiency. Polymide is coated on top of the sensing elements to support the fragile structure and the backside of the MgO substrate is selectively etched to reduce the heat loss. The sensing element exhibited a very high detectivity D* of $8.5{\times}10^{8}cm{\cdot}\sqrt{Hz}/W$ at room temperature and it is about 100 times higher than the case of micromachining technology is not used. A sensing system that detects the position as well as the existence of a human body is realized using the array sensor.

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Electrical properties of 0.05pb($Sn_{0.5}Sb_{0.5}O_3-xPbTiO_3-yPbZrO_3$ PZT System With variation Of PT/PZ (0.05pb($Sn_{0.5}Sb_{0.5}O_3-xPbTiO_3-yPbZrO_3$계에서 PT/PZ비 변화에 따른 전기적 특성)

  • 황학인;박준식;오근호
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.589-598
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    • 1997
  • The effects of PT/PZ ratio variations in a modified PZT system on crystal structure and electrical properties were studied. $0.05Pb(Sn_{0.5}Sb_{0.5})O_3+xPbTiO_3+yPbZrO_3$+0.4Wt% $MnO_2$(=0.55PSS+0.11PT+0.84PZ+0.4wt%$MnO_2$ ; x+y=0.95) systems with variations of PT/PZ from 0.50/0.45 to 0.l1/0.84 were sintered at $1250^{\circ}C$ for 2 hr, and then sintering density, crystal structure, dielctric, piezoelectric, pyroelectic and voltage responsity to infrared were investigated. Sintering density was increased from 7.52g/$\textrm {cm}^3$ to 7.82g/$\textrm {cm}^3$ with increasing PZ content. Dielectric constants at 1 KHz were decreased from 1147 to 193 with variation of PT/PZ from 0.50/0.45 to 0.l1/0.84 after poling of $4 KV_{DC}$/mm at $140^{\circ}C$ for 20 minutes. All Dielectric losses at 1 KHz were less than 1 % in all specimens. $K_{p}$ was increased near to 1 of PT/PZ, and maximun value of 48.2 % was .at 0.45/0.50. Pyroelectric coefficient of PT/PZ with 0.l1/0.84 was maximun value, 0.0541 C/$\m^2$K, and voltage responsity to infrared was 1.5 V.

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A study on the Frequency Dependence of Dynamic Pyroelectric Properties for $Pb_{l-x}La_{x}Ti_{l-x/4}O_3$ (x=0.1) (PLT(10)) Ferroelectric Thin Film ($Pb_{l-x}La_{x}Ti_{l-x/4}O_3$ (x=0.1) (PLT(10)) 강유전체 박막에서 동적 초전특성의 주파수의존성에 관한 연구)

  • 차대은;장동훈;강성준;윤영섭
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.39 no.12
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    • pp.1008-1015
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    • 2002
  • The fabricated La-modified lead titanate (PLT) thin film without poling treatment was investigated for modulation frequency dependence of pyroelectric properties by the dynamic method. $Pb_{l-x}La_{x}Ti_{l-x/4}O_3$(x=0.1) (PLT(10)) thin film haying 10 mol% La content was deposited on a Pt/$TiO_{x}$/$SiO_2$/Si substrate by sol-gel method. The PLT(10) thin film exhibits a relatively excellent dielectric property. The pyroelectric coefficient (p) of the PLT(10) thin film is 6.6 x $10^{-9}C$$textrm{cm}^2$$.$K without frequency dependence. The figure of merits for the voltage responsivity and specific detectivity are 1.03 x $10^{-11}C$.cm/J and 1.46 x $10^{-10}C$.cm/J, respectively The PLT(10) thin film has voltage responsivity (RV) of 5.IS V/W at 8 Hz. Noise equivalent power (NEP) and specific detectivity ($D^{*}$) of the PLT(10) thin film are 9.93 x $10^{-8}$W/$Hz^{1/2}$ and 1.81 x $10^{6}$cm.$Hz^{1/2}$/W at the same frequency of 100 Hz,, respectively The results means that PLT thin film having 10 mol% La content is suitable for the sensing materials of pyroelectric IR sensors.


  • Shin, Dong-Hoon;Um, Chung-Moon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1986
  • The purpose of this study was to observe characteristic properties through the polarization curves and SEM images from 4 different types of amalgam obtained by using the potentiostats (Princeton EG & G) & SEM (Jeol/35), and to investigate the degree of corrosion on the oxidation peak of the each phase of amalgam. After each amalgam alloy and Hg was triturated as the direction of the manufacturer by means of the mechanical amalgamator (Shofu Co.), the triturated mass was inserted into the cylindrical metal mold which was 12mm in diameter and 10.0mm in height and was condensed by using routine manner. The specimen was removed from the mold and stored at room temperature for about 24 hours. The standard surface preparation was routinely carried out. Anodic polarization measurement was employed to confirm the corrosion behaviour of the amalgams in a 0.9% saline solution (P.H: 6.8-7.0) at $37^{\circ}C$. The initial rest potential (corrosion potential) was determined after 30 minutes of immersion of specimen in electrolyte, and the potential scan was begun at the point of 100mV cathodic from the corrosion potential. The scan rate was 0.17mV/sec. in the study to observe the degree of corrosion of each phase. SEI and EPMA images on the determined oxidation peaks of each amalgam were observed. The results were as follows: 1. In the four anodic polarization curves, low copper amalgams have three oxidation peaks and high copper amalgams have two oxidation peaks, -270mV, +26mV and +179mV(SEC) in the low copper lathe cut, and -300mV, +39mV and +163mV(SEC) in the low copper spherical. -4mV and +154mV(SEC) in the Dispersalloy, and +17mV and +180mV(SEC) in the Tytin as high copper amalgams. 2. ${\gamma}_2$ phase in the low copper amalgam and ${\eta}$ phase in the high copper amalgam were the most corrodible phases and Ag-Cu eutectic in high copper amalgam was the most slowly corroded phase. 3. Low copper amalgam was more susceptible in corrosion than high copper amalgam.

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Improvement of charging efficiency of AGM lead acid battery through formation pattern research (Formation pattern 연구를 통한 AGM 연축전지의 충전 효율 향상)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Son, Jeong Hun;Kim, Bong-Gu;Jung, Yeon Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2021
  • In order to improve fuel economy and reduce CO2, HEV adopts ISG system as a standard. This ISG system increased the electric load that the battery had to bear, and the number of starting increased rapidly. AGM Lead Acid batteries have been developed and used, but the charging time is about three times longer as the electrolyte amount control during formation must be maintained at a higher level compared to conventional lead-acid batteries. In this study, we tried to shorten the charging time by increasing the charging efficiency through the optimization of the formation pattern. In order to optimize the Formation Pattern, 10 charging steps and 6 discharging steps were applied to 16 multi steps, and the charging current for each step was controlled, and the test was conducted under 4 conditions (21 hr, 24 hr, 27 hr, 30 hr). As a result of simultaneous application of multi-step and discharge step, it was verified that minimizing the current loss and eliminating the sudden polarization during charging contributes to the improvement of charging efficiency. As a result, it showed excellent results in reducing the charging time by about 30 % with improved charging efficiency compared to the previous one.