• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부지적합성평가

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월성원전 부지 주변지역의 봄철 해륙풍 특별상층관측

  • 이갑복;손순환;정양근;서중석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1996.11b
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    • pp.611-616
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    • 1996
  • 원자력 발전소에서 대기중으로 방출된 방사성 물질의 이동 양태는 지형과 기상조건에 의해 크게 좌우되므로, 해안가에 위치해 있는 월성부지의 경우는 빈번히 발생하는 해륙풍 특성을 규명하여 이에 적합한 환경영향평가 및 비상대응체제를 구축해야 한다. 월성부지의 해륙풍 순환구조를 파악하기 위해 봄철 해륙풍 상층기상 특별관측을 월성부지를 중심으로 4개 지점에서 실시하였다. 관측결과를 분석하여 해륙풍이 방사성 물질의 대기확산에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 해륙풍을 반영할 수 있는 새로운 환경영향평가 방법론을 고찰하였다.

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Site Monitoring and investigation plan for LILW disposal (방사성폐기물 처분장 부지감시 계획)

  • Baek, Seung-Jong
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.369-385
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of site monitoring and investigation is to offer the basic data for performance assessment and design of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste(LILW) disposal facility by monitoring variations of main site properties continually in the stage of pre-operation, operation and post-closure. Main contents of site monitoring are as follows. In the stage of pre-operation, suitability evaluation for disposal facility and monitoring for constructing and operating disposal facility are performed. In the operation period, monitoring is performed including surroundings to research the influence to environment with operating disposal facility and operate safely and efficiently. In the post-closure period, monitoring about major site properties is performed to prevent the effect of radioactive waste from disposal facility and to secure long-term safety.

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Study on Basic Requirements of Geoscientific Area for the Deep Geological Repository of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Korea (사용후핵연료 심지층처분장부지 지질환경 기본요건 검토)

  • Bae, Dae-Seok;Koh, Yong-Kwon;Park, Ju-Wan;Park, Jin-Baek;Song, Jong-Soon
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2012
  • This paper gives some basic requirements and preferences of various geological environmental conditions for the final deep geological repository of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). This study also indicates how the requirements and preferences are to be considered prior to the selection of sites for a site investigation as well as the final disposal in Korea. The results of the study are based on the knowledge and experience from the IAEA and NEA/OECD as well as the advanced countries in SNF disposal project. This study discusses and suggests preliminary guideline of the disposal requirements including geological, mechanical, thermal, hydrogeological, chemical and transport properties of host rock with long term geological stabilities which influence the functions of a multi-barrier disposal system. To apply and determine whether requirements and preferences for a given parameter are satisfied at different stages during a site selection and suitability assessment of a final disposal site, the quantitative criteria in each area should be formulated with credibility through relevant research and development efforts for the deep geological environment during the site screening and selection processes as well as specific studies such as productions of safety cases and validation studies using a generic underground research laboratory (URL) in Korea.

육/해상 풍력실증연구단지조성 기획 연구

  • Jang, Mun-Seok
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.253-264
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    • 2005
  • 풍력발전시스템은 제품에 대한 실증이 반드시 현장에서 이루어져야 하는 특성을 가지고 있으며 향후 국내실정에 적합한 풍력발전시스템의 개발과 보급을 위해서도 실증연구는 선행조건으로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 국제 규격에 합당한 풍력발전 성능평가와 현장 실증연구를 수행할 수 있는 실증단지를 국내에 조성하는 것이 매우 시급한 실정으로, 기초적인 자원분석과 주변환경평가 등을 거치면서 기본적인 실증단지 후보지들을 비교하여 최종 후보지로 선정된 전북 새만금지역, 병곡 영해 평야지구, 제주 동부해안지역 월정지구, 서부 해안지역 월령지구에 대하여 부지의 IEC 규격 적합성 검토, 인프라구축에 대한 적정성 검토, 주변 발전단지 조성가능성 및 발전사업에 대한 연계성 검토, 육해상 실증단지 구축 동일지 역 가능성 검토, 교육과 홍보에 대한 접근성 및 공사에 대한 접근성 검토, 부지 확장 및 향후 실증단지 운영과 관련하여 지자체와의 연계성 검토를 하였다.

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Suggestion on Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Sites in Korea (국내 원전부지 지진재해도 평가를 위한 제언)

  • Kang, Tae-Seob;Yoo, Hyun Jae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2018
  • Issues with past practice in seismic hazard analysis of nuclear power plant sites in Korea are addressed. Brief review on both deterministic and probabilistic methods in seismic hazard analysis is given, and most of the continuing discussion is focussed on the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Causes of uncertainty are traced on the basis of the cases that the assessment methodology was applied to the nuclear power plant sites. Considerations on the assessment include the role of experts, a representative seismic catalog, seismic source zonation, earthquake ground-motion relationship, and evaluation process. Factors increasing uncertainty in each item are analyzed and some feasible solutions are discussed.

Field Tracer Experiments under Severe Wether Conditions for the Validation of the Dispersion of Radioactive Materials (방사능 확산 검증을 위한 악기상 조건에서의 추적자 야외확산 실증실험)

  • Han, Moon Hee;Kim, Eun Han;Jeong, Hyo Joon;Jeong, Hae Sun;Park, Mi Sun;Hwang, Won Tae
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.208-213
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    • 2013
  • The suitability of the site criteria is a basic requirement for securing safety of nuclear power plants. The suitability should be confirmed through the estimation of environmental radiation effects at the exclusion area boundary under the severe weather conditions. In this study, field tracer experiments over short range of 1 km radius under severe weather conditions were conducted at flat area in Daejeon. Severe weather conditions are represented with stable atmospheric condition and low wind speed. In general, the condition is appeared at clean night time with weak wind. The analysis of the measured distribution of the released tracer gas shows two big differences between the results of the past experiments conducted under the favorable weather conditions. One is the difficulty of finding the typical distribution of the released tracer gas with peak concentration in the downwind direction. The other one is the appearance of the contour of the concentration of tracer gas at several hundred meters even though the gas released at 10 m height over the ground.

Probabilistic External Flood Hazard Assessment at Major National Facilities (국가주요시설물에 대한 확률론적 외부 침수 재해도 평가)

  • Kim, Beom Jin;Kim, Byunghyun;Han, Kun Yeun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.387-387
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구에서는 LIP에 의한 극한강우로부터 발생되는 극한홍수량을 산정한다. Huff 형 강우시간 분포를 기후변화 시나리오별로 적용하고, 원전주변지역에서의 상세한 토지이용조건의 변화를 고려하여 빈도별 홍수량을 산정한다. 외부침수해석의 정교화를 위한 상세 지형자료를 구축하고, 원자력발전소 부지의 상세 DEM 자료를 생성한다. 이를 위해서 원자력발전소 부지에서 건물, 연석, 도로 등의 영향을 분석하고 토지이용상황에 따른 조도계수를 산정한다. 또한 원전지역에서의 외부침수재해도 분석을 위해서 국립해양조사원에서 검토한 기후변화를 고려한 조위분석 자료를 외부경계조건으로 설정한 후 부지에 대한 2차원 수리분석을 실시한다. 침수심, 침수유속, 침수시간, 침수동압력 분석 등 2차원 침수해석결과를 바탕으로 발생빈도별 침수심, 침수강도 등의 정량적인 분석을 통해서 빈도별 재해도 곡선을 개발한다. 그리고 원전지역에서의 외부 침수에 대한 대표적인 재해도 곡선을 산정하기 위하여 재현기간별 지속시간에 따른 침수심을 분석하고 정리한다. 재현기간별 침수심에 대해 확률 분포형을 적용하기 위해서 AIC검증을 통한 분포형의 적합성을 분석을 실시한다. 또한 재현기간별 지속시간에 따른 침수심들 간의 상관관계를 분석하여 분포형에 적용한다. 적용된 분포형을 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션을 통한 대표적인 확률론적 외부 침수 재해도 곡선을 산정한다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 원전 부지 및 그 부속 시설물(SSC)의 홍수방지 기능과 홍수 대비 시설물에 대한 적용 절차의 신뢰성, 홍수 저감 및 대응 전략에 대한 정량화가 가능하여 원전 홍수 위험에 대한 정량적인 평가 지원이 가능하겠다. 고려할 외부 홍수와 관련된 원전 내부시설 및 장비에 대한 상세한 모델링 절차, 특정 시나리오에 대한 홍수 방지 및 예방과 관련한 SSC의 정량화, 홍수저감 활동과 관련된 통제실 외부 시설물에 대한 수동 조작에 대한 평가가 이루어질 수 있겠다.

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A Suitability Analysis of Public Owned Land Build Small Park - The Case of Busan Megalopolis - (소규모 공원 조성을 위한 국공유지의 적합성 평가 - 부산광역시를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Yeong-Ha;Yeo, Un-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2010
  • This research aims to present a methodological approach for repurposing small pockets of national/public lands, which can be constructed as parks, through an investigation of the present status of these areas of national/public lands that are scattered around Busan Megalopolis as well as the suitability of their construction. In order to attain this, this study looked at the present status of these small areas of national/public lands by utilizing a national land, city land list (lot number), land registration map and satellite image of Busan Megalopolis, and evaluating their suitability as parks through GIS analysis and classification. As a result, these small areas of lands with the potential to be turned into parks include 516 spots($375,934m^2$). Geographically, 39% of these areas are located on flat land and are the most scattered. 260 places met the requirements for optimal placement for conversion, while convenience included 305 places, and availability 267 places. The most optimal of the places meeting such standards include 61 spots. The characteristics of these areas of national/public lands include being below $500m^2$, with flatlands and open areas above a 5' grade occupy the highest ratio, accounting for 25.4% of the land studied. These results have offered a methodology for a GIS DB, which can visualize the data for a positive utilization be yond the simple level of the maintenance/preservation of national/public lands and provide basic data for the utilization and management of these types of areas in the future.

Policy Suggestions to Korea from a Comparison Study of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark's Polices on Risk Assessment of Contaminated Soils (토양오염 지역의 위해성 평가에 관한 외국 정책의 비교분석 및 우리나라의 정책 개선에 관한 고찰)

  • Park Yong-Ha;Yang Jay-E.;Ok Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • Policies of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark were compared and analyzed on risk assessment of contaminated sites. These countries were chosen from a feasible preliminary analysis of 18 countries of the European Union and the U. S. All the countries selected met two major criteria : I) implementation of risk assessment to determine the soil contamination and remediation targets of contaminated sites, ii) use of soil guidance values and risk assessment as complementary measures to determine soil contamination. Suggested policy improvements to Korea regarding these issues include i) legislation of a rational risk assessment methodology of contaminated sites, and ii) enactment of collaboration of risk assessment with the soil guidance values. To establish effective risk assessment legislation, additional in-depth research on social, economic and long-term effects of the proposed risk assessment methodologies, as well as the mutual consent of all parties including academia, industry, and administration will be necessary. Linking risk assessment with soil guidance values would be applicable to a site contaminated where the contaminant concentration exceeds a certain soil guidance value. In parallel, application of risk assessment to a site where a contaminant concentration is naturally different such as mining sites would be plausible. The policy suggestions above are not yet conclusive due to a lack of policy implementation, and simulation. Thus, additional research on developing risk assessment methodology is needed. Nevertheless, initiation of the suggested policy would increase the efficacy of Korean policy regarding the survey and remediation of contaminated sites.