• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부분 가능도 함수

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Verification of Safety in a RFID Security Authentication Protocol Using Session and Public Keys (세션키 및 공개키를 이용한 RFID 보안 인증 프로토콜의 안전성 검증)

  • Bae, Woo Sik;Lee, Jong Yun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2012
  • Due to its communication vulnerability resulting in a range of problems, e.g. eavesdropping, information exposure, traffic analysis and spoofing, RFID system becomes the target of attackers. Accordingly, many investigators have proposed various protocols to the extent of theorem proving or verification as the implementation is challenging. This paper thus proposes a safe RFID security protocol using public keys, session keys, hashes, XORs, and random numbers. Timestamps and hashes are applied to the most vulnerable section between readers and tags to detect attacks in attack signals with time difference. Also, to prevent tag information from being exposed in the last session, hash operation is adopted before communication. Finally, in this paper, we designed a RFID security protocol using public and session keys applicable to real systems and verified the security of the proposed protocol with a differentiated formal verification technique.

Implementation of efficient DNA Sequence Generate System with Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 DNA 서열 생성 시스템의 효율적인 구현에 대한 연구)

  • Lee Eun-Kyung;Lee Seung-Ryeol;Kim Dong-Soon;Chung Duck-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.43 no.5 s.311
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    • pp.44-59
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes the efficient implementation of DNA sequence generate system with genetic algorithm for reducing computation time of NACST. The proposed processor is based on genetic algerian with fitness functions which would suit the point of reference for generated sequences. In order to implement efficient hardware structure, we used the pipelined structure. In addition our design was applied the parallelism to achieve even better simulation time than the sequence generator system which is designed on software. In this paper, our hardware is implemented on the FPGA board with xc2v6000 devices. Through experiment, the proposed hardware achieves 467 times speed-up over software on a PC and sequence generate performance of hardware is same with software.

A New Mapping Algorithm for Depth Perception in 3D Screen and Its Implementation (3차원 영상의 깊이 인식에 대한 매핑 알고리즘 구현)

  • Ham, Woon-Chul;Kim, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we present a new smoothing algorithm for variable depth mapping for real time stereoscopic image for 3D display. Proposed algorithm is based on the physical concept, called Laplacian equation and we also discuss the mapping of the depth from scene to displayed image. The approach to solve the problem in stereoscopic image which we adopt in this paper is similar to multi-region algorithm which was proposed by N.Holliman. The main difference thing in our algorithm compared with the N.Holliman's multi-region algorithm is that we use the Laplacian equation by considering the distance between viewer and object. We implement the real time stereoscopic image generation method for OpenGL on the circular polarized LCD screen to demonstrate its real functioning in the visual sensory system in human brain. Even though we make and use artificial objects by using OpenGL to simulate the proposed algorithm we assure that this technology may be applied to stereoscopic camera system not only for personal computer system but also for public broad cast system.

Ground State Computation of Interacting Fermion Systems by using Advanced Stochastic Diagonalization (진보된 혼돈 대각화 방법을 이용한 상호작용하는 페르미온 계의 기저상태 계산)

  • Ahn, Sul-Ah;Cho, Myoung Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.209-211
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    • 2007
  • The computational time of Stocahstic Diagonalization (SD) calculation for 2-dimensional interacting fermion systems is reduced by using several methods including symmetry operations. First, each lattice is subdivided into spin-up and spin-down lattices separately, thus allowing a bi-partite lattice. A valid basis state is then obtained from stacking up an up-spin configuration on top of a down-spin configuration. As a consequence, the memory space to be used in saving the trial basis state reduces significantly. Secondly, the matrix elements of a Hamiltonianin are reconrded in a look-up table when making basis state set. Thus the repeated calculation of the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian are avoided during SD process. Thirdly, by applying symmetry operations to the basis state set the original basis state is transformed to a new basis state whose elements are the eigenvectors of the symmetry operations. The ground state wavefunction is constructed from the elements of symmetric - bonding state - basis state set. As a result, the total number of basis states involved in SD calculation is reduced upto 50 percentage by using symmetry operations.

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GAM: A Criticality Prediction Model for Large Telecommunication Systems (GAM: 대형 통신 시스템을 위한 위험도 예측 모델)

  • Hong, Euy-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2003
  • Criticality prediction models that determine whether a design entity is fault-prone or non fault-prone play an important role in reducing system development costs because the problems in early phases largely affect the quality of the late products. Real-time systems such as telecommunication systems are so large that criticality prediction is mere important in real-time system design. The current models are based on the technique such as discriminant analysis, neural net and classification trees. These models have some problems with analyzing causes of the prediction results and low extendability. This paper builds a new prediction model, GAM, based on Genetic Algorithm. GAM is different from other models because it produces a criticality function. So GAM can be used for comparison between entities by criticality. GAM is implemented and compared with a well-known prediction model, BackPropagation neural network Model(BPM), considering Internal characteristics and accuracy of prediction.

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A study on the job creation of environmental industry in Korea (우리나라 환경산업 노동수요 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Suk-Joon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we estimate the labor demand function of environmental industry with environmental industry survey of Ministry of Environment. To do this, we apply the panel estimation technique. We follow the widely accepted estimation methods: panel generalized least square, panel generalized least square with heteroskedasticity/auto-correlation, random effect model and random effect model with auto-correlation. On the average, each industry is estimated at the elasticity of sales on labor demand from 0.193 to 0.259. It means that the increase of sales by 214billion won can create around $1,600{\sim}2,300$ jobs, and this is merely a direct effect. So when we consider the whole effect of labor demand increase including indirect derived job creation, the labor demand increase will be higher than this. So it is desirable for the government to support the development of environmental industry for sustainable development.

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Development of Korean Life Cycle Cost Analysis Model for Road Pavement Asset Management (도로포장자산관리를 위한 한국형 생애주기비용 모형 개발)

  • Han, Daeseok;Do, Myungsik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.1639-1650
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    • 2013
  • Road pavement management is an important activity that affects to national economy, movement and safety of people, and also demands huge amount of budget. Therefore, its management strategy must be established under objective information. In addition, decision support system that produces the management strategy needs to consider practical benefits from various aspects. Considering these aspects, this paper aimed to develop a customized Korean life cycle cost analysis model estimating various effects on road users and socio-environmental costs based on pavement condition. The suggested LCCA model focused on Korean national highway, and tried to adopt a national guideline recommended by Korean government for securing credibility of estimation results. In the development processes, some of the suggestions that do not fit well in the situations of pavement management field were added, altered, or partially modified. These attempts to develop customized asset management system would be an important step to break away from passive attitudes relying on ready-made software, but also to improve awareness about the social benefits from the better maintenance strategy.

Experimental contribution analysis of external aeroacoustic noise sources to interior noise of automobile (자동차 외부 공기음향 소음원들의 실험적 실내 기여도 분석 기술 개발)

  • Lee, Myung Han;Ih, Kang Duck;Hwang, Seongil;Kim, Yong-Joe
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2018
  • The contribution analysis of various external aeroacoustic noise sources to interior noise is important, enabling to design an automobile with a low interior noise level. With a new technique, the CD (Cholesky Decomposition), it is proposed to decompose an overall interior noise spectrum into multiple spectra, each representing the contribution of a specific noise source to the interior noise. In order to validate this method, three kinds of experiments were conducted. Furthermore, it is proposed to improve the CD-based contribution analysis method to be integrated with existing exterior microphone arrays in the wind tunnel. This method was validated with an experiment with two speakers.

Development of Spreadsheet to Support Probability and Statistics Studying in Primary School (초등학교 확률과 통계학습 지원을 위한 스프레드시트의 개발)

  • Bae, Young-Kwon;Lee, Tae-Wuk;Park, Phan-Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.285-298
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    • 2003
  • According to the operation guide book concerning the educations of Information Communication, Art for Primary and Middle school issued by Ministry of Education, Korea, 2001, it revealed many things as to an Spread Sheet's paradigm, that is, as to an useful program in Science, Practical course, Moral, Physical education and Society. However it can be said that the existing Spread Sheet is more or less unconvenience to use for pupils. Because most of pupils generally feel constrained to the functional formula and also when a complicated menu of Spread Sheet would be made the most of it. Moreover, from a certain point of view, it is somewhat too difficult to use the program as they feel intuitionally taking a look at it. This very thesis in order to support a part of probability and statistics for pupils were observed sincerely.

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A Double Z-buffer Antialiasing Method for Voxelized Implicit Surfaces (복셀로 표현된 임플리시트 곡면을 위한 시프트(shifted) 더블 Z-버퍼 앤티 앨리어싱)

  • 김학란;박화진
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2004
  • This paper aims at presenting high quality at low resolution apply by a new antialiasing method for voxelized implicit surfaces. Implicit surfaces create a unique type of 3D-modeling. Some use of implicit surfaces are scientific and medical visualization, animation, medical simulation and interactive modeling. One of previous antialiasing methods for implicit surfaces presented by raytracing or texture mapping is making use of a stochastic sampling. But this method requires more calculation time and costs which is caused by complicated and difficult implicit functions. In the meanwhile, voxelized implicit surfaces generally use high resolution for good quality images but it costs to generate. In order to this problem, this paper suggests a shifted double Z-buffer which is very simple, more efficient and easy. Tn addition, there are applied box-filter and tent-filter to the double Z-buffer antialiasing method for better images. For results this method generate high quality image and it is easy to apply to various filters and is able to extend to multi Z-buffer.

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