• Title/Summary/Keyword: 볼륨프로

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STL-Attention based Traffic Prediction with Seasonality Embedding (계절성 임베딩을 고려한 STL-Attention 기반 트래픽 예측)

  • Yeom, Sungwoong;Choi, Chulwoong;Kolekar, Shivani Sanjay;Kim, Kyungbaek
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.95-98
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    • 2021
  • 최근 비정상적인 네트워크 활동 감지 및 네트워크 서비스 프로비저닝과 같은 다양한 분야에서 응용되는 네트워크 트래픽 예측 기술이 네트워크 통신 문제에 의한 트래픽의 결측 및 네트워크 유저의 불규칙한 활동에 의한 비선형 특성 때문에 발생하는 성능 저하를 극복하기 위해 딥러닝 신경망에 대한 연구가 활성화되고 있다. 이 딥러닝 신경망 중 시계열 딥러닝 신경망은 단기 네트워크 트래픽 볼륨을 예측할 때 낮은 오류율을 보인다. 하지만, 시계열 딥러닝 신경망은 기울기 소멸 및 폭발과 같은 비선형성, 다중 계절성 및 장기적 의존성 문제와 같은 한계를 보여준다. 이 논문에서는 계절성 임베딩을 고려한 주의 신경망 기반 트래픽 예측 기법을 제안한다. 제안하는 기법은 STL 분해 기법을 통해 분해된 트래픽 트랜드, 계절성, 잔차를 이용하여 일별 및 주별 계절성을 임베딩하고 이를 주의 신경망을 기반으로 향후 트래픽을 예측한다.

Automatic Prostate Segmentation in MR Images based on Active Shape Model Using Intensity Distribution and Gradient Information (MR 영상에서 밝기값 분포 및 기울기 정보를 이용한 활성형상모델 기반 전립선 자동 분할)

  • Jang, Yu-Jin;Hong, Helen
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.110-119
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose an automatic segmentation of the prostate using intensity distribution and gradient information in MR images. First, active shape model using adaptive intensity profile and multi-resolution technique is used to extract the prostate surface. Second, hole elimination using geometric information is performed to prevent the hole from occurring by converging the surface shape to the local optima. Third, the surface shape with large anatomical variation is corrected by using 2D gradient information. In this case, the corrected surface shape is often represented as rugged shape which is generated by the limited number of vertices. Thus, it is reconstructed by using surface modelling and smoothing. To evaluate our method, we performed the visual inspection, accuracy measures and processing time. For accuracy evaluation, the average distance difference and the overlapping volume ratio between automatic segmentation and manual segmentation by two radiologists are calculated. Experimental results show that the average distance difference was 0.3${\pm}$0.21mm and the overlapping volume ratio was 96.31${\pm}$2.71%. The total processing time of twenty patient data was 16 seconds on average.

The importance of Pessac project for Le Corbusier's polychromy -During the period of Purism- (르 코르뷔지에의 색채사용에 있어서 뻬삭 프로젝트의 의미 -퓨리즘 시기를 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Moon-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.583-593
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    • 2018
  • Le Corbusier is an architect known for his use of mostly white color during the Purism period. On the other hand, he actually utilized polychromy in his works while the principles behind his use of polychromy is not well defined. Through the analysis of the Pessac project, where he deliberately utilized polychromy in the exterior of housing, this study examined not only the principles behind his utilization of colors, but also the fact that this project was a laboratory to set up his architectural language and develop the method of how to employ polychromy. An analysis of this project found that he changed spaces and categorized objects using polychromy based on the white color. He also chose and used colors based on the psychophysiological experience that is related to emotions and habits. To compensate for the problems arising from the architectural space and form in the site, he used various techniques, such as camouflage, optical illusion, 'gift box' technique, and dismantlement method of volume. Therefore, polychromy is used as a method to emphasize his architectural language.

A study on Seamless Security Connection of Web Services for Mobile Environment (모바일 환경을 위한 웹 서비스의 무단절 보안 연결에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Jeong, Yoon-Su;Park, Gil-Cheol
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2008
  • Other server based-application and the need of more complex interaction is required with functional strengthening and variational uses of mobile device. And mobile environments make a problem of continuous of web-service by making a problem of instance cutting between web-server and mobile device which acts as a client because of mobility. Therefore, this paper embodies a framework which keeps security and connectivity between HTTP based web-service and mobile device, and is for connection to web-service of mobile device which uses WAP in a standard protocol based mobile environment of mobile web-service for continuous web-service. This paper is analyzed in the same standard condition to compared functional delay which is based on HTTP and WAP access, and data transmission volume. Also it investigates improvement of execution overhead which is brought by interaction process.

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Extravasation Injury of Contrast Media in the Neck and Thorax During MDCT Scanning with 3D Image Reformation Findings (CT검사에서 조영제의 혈관외유출에 의한 목 및 흉부 손상의 3차원 재구성 영상)

  • Kweon, Dae-Cheol;Jang, Keun-Jo;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2007
  • Contrast media may cause tissue injury by extravasation during intravenous automated injection during CT examination. Here, we present a study in which contrast media extravasation was detected and localized in the neck and thorax by three-dimensional(3D) CT data reformation. The CT studies of the extavasation site were performed using a 3D software program with four different display techniques axial, multi planar reformation(MPR), maximum intensity projection(MIP), and volume rendering displays are currently available for reconstructing MDCT data. 3D image reconstructions provide accurate views of high-resolution imaging. This paper introduces extravasation with the MDCT and 3D reformation findings of contrast media extravasation in neck ant thorax. The followed injection of the external jugular vein into an existing intravenous catheter and a large volume of extravasation was demonstrated on by 3D MDCT.

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The Development of Converting Program from Sealed Geological Model to Gmsh, COMSOL for Building Simulation Grid (시뮬레이션 격자구조 제작을 위한 Mesh 기반 지질솔리드모델의 Gmsh, COMSOL 변환 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Chang Won;Cho, Seong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2017
  • To build tetrahedra mesh for FEM numerical analysis, Boundary Representation (B-Rep) model is required, which provides the efficient volume description of an object. In engineering, the parametric solid modeling method is used for building B-Rep model. However, a geological modeling generally adopts discrete modeling based on the triangulated surface, called a Sealed Geological Model, which defines geological domain by using geological interfaces such as horizons, faults, intrusives and modeling boundaries. Discrete B-Rep model is incompatible with mesh generation softwares in engineering because of discrepancies between discrete and parametric technique. In this research we have developed a converting program from Sealed Geological Model to Gmsh and COMSOL software. The developed program can convert complex geological model built by geomodeling software to user-friendly FEM software and it can be applied to geoscience simulation such as geothermal, mechanical rock simulation etc.

Feature-Strengthened Gesture Recognition Model Based on Dynamic Time Warping for Multi-Users (다중 사용자를 위한 Dynamic Time Warping 기반의 특징 강조형 제스처 인식 모델)

  • Lee, Suk Kyoon;Um, Hyun Min;Kwon, Hyuck Tae
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.10
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2016
  • FsGr model, which has been proposed recently, is an approach of accelerometer-based gesture recognition by applying DTW algorithm in two steps, which improved recognition success rate. In FsGr model, sets of similar gestures will be produced through training phase, in order to define the notion of a set of similar gestures. At the 1st attempt of gesture recognition, if the result turns out to belong to a set of similar gestures, it makes the 2nd recognition attempt to feature-strengthened parts extracted from the set of similar gestures. However, since a same gesture show drastically different characteristics according to physical traits such as body size, age, and sex, FsGr model may not be good enough to apply to multi-user environments. In this paper, we propose FsGrM model that extends FsGr model for multi-user environment and present a program which controls channel and volume of smart TV using FsGrM model.

Development of Numerical Tank Using Open Source Libraries and Its Application (오픈 소스 라이브러리를 이용한 수치수조 구현 및 적용)

  • Park, Sunho;Rhee, Shin Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.746-751
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, ship performance prediction solver was developed using open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) libraries. The mass- and momentum-conservation equations and turbulent model with a wall function for the turbulent closer were considered. The volume fraction transport equation with a high-resolution interface capturing scheme were selected for free-surface simulation. The predicted wave pattern around KRISO container ship (KCS) using developed program showed good agreement against existing experimental data. For the revolution of a propeller in the propulsive test, general grid interface (GGI) library was used. The predicted propulsive performance showed 7 % difference against experimental data. Two-phase mixture model was developed to simulate a cavitation and applied to a propeller. The sheet cavitation on the propeller was predicted well. From results, the potential of the numerical tank developed by open source libraries was verified by applying it to KCS.

Bright band detection using X-band polarimetric radar (X-밴드 이중편파 레이더에 의한 밝은 띠 탐지)

  • Lee, Dong-ryul;Jang, Bong-joo;Hwang, Seok Hwan;Noh, Hui-seong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.1211-1220
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    • 2020
  • This research detects the features of the bright band (BB) through analysis of the vertical profile of range height indicator (RHI) and the slant range beam profile of plane position indicator (PPI) of the polarimetric radar measurements-horizontal reflectivity (ZH), differential reflectivity (ZDR), and cross-correlation coefficient (ρHV). As a result of the analysis, it is possible to clearly detect the bright band using the polarimetric radar measurements, and it is confirmed that the result is consistent by double searching for the BB using the RHI and PPI scan data at the same time. Based on these results, the accuracy of QPE (quantification of precipitation estimation) can be improved by applying the BB search method by the PPI slant range in this research to large rainfall radars that only scan PPI volumes in the field without RHI observations.

A Study of Atmospheric-pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Volume Plasma Jet Generation According to the Flow Rate (유량에 따른 대기압 유전체 전위장벽방전(DBD) 플라즈마 젯 발생에 관한 연구)

  • Byeong-Ho Jeong
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2023
  • The bullet shape of the plasma jet using the atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge method changes depending on the applied fluid rate and the intensity of the electric field. This changes appear as a difference in spectral distribution due to a difference in density of the DBD plasma jet. It is an important factor in utilizing the plasma device that difference between the occurrence of active species and the intensity through the analysis of the spectrum of the generated plasma jet. In this paper, a plasma jet generator of the atmospheric pressure volume DBD method using Ar gas was make a prototype in accordance with the proposed design method. The characteristics jet fluid rate analysis of Ar gas was accomplished through simulation to determine the dependence of flow rate for the generation of plasma jets, and the characteristics of plasma jets using spectrometers were analyzed in the prototype system to generate optimal plasma jet bullet shapes through MFC flow control. Through the design method of the proposed system, the method of establishing the optimal plasma jet characteristics in the device and the results of active species on the EOS were verified.