• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복합제품

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The Effect of E-Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention: Focusing on Fresh Food (E-서비스품질이 고객만족도와 재구매의도에 미치는 영향: 신선식품을 중심으로)

  • Hu, HuiYan;Chen, Xing
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to confirm the influence of E-service quality of fresh product quality, logistics quality, and website quality on customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions. For the analysis, we used SPSS 23.0 to perform multiple regression analysis with 284 people who have purchased fresh food from China E-Services. The research results show that the better the E-service quality, the more positive (+) impact it has on customer satisfaction. In the relationship between E-service quality and purchase intention, customer satisfaction has a media effect. Through the analysis of the results, in order to improve customer satisfaction, it is necessary to focus on the quality of fresh food, provide excellent logistics, and allow customers to use convenient websites. This study only studies the general environment of E-services in the fresh food market, and will recommend specific implementation for one company in the future.

Basic Study on the IoT Micro Boiler (IoT 마이크로 보일러에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Jang, Sung-Cheol
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2022
  • The product to be developed in this study is a heat recovery device which generates steam or hot water at high temperature and high pressure by heating water using exhaust gas from diesel engine, gas engine, gas turbine, etc. as an exhaust gas boiler off heat boiler(EGB) type for ship and power generation. The steam vapor or the created warm water is used as the power source required for the steerage heating and hot water facility or the HFO heating of the ship, and the turbine drive. The principle of waste heat boilers serves to heat water as high temperature exhaust gas with heat pass through the tube of the boiler. The heated water is a structure that is sent to a cabin or turbine device in the form of steam. In this study, the objective of this study is to maximize the efficiency by increasing the heat transfer surface by replacing the tube which is the heat transfer part of EGB with the plate tube.

An Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Fine Particle Matter Using Text Mining Techniques (텍스트마이닝을 이용한 미세먼지 관련 신문기사 분석)

  • Yang, Ji-Yeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to examine the trend and characteristics of newspaper articles concerned with fine particle matter. Newspaper articles since 1995 collected from Bigkinds were analyzed using text mining techniques, sentiment analysis and regression analysis. Air pollution measurement and domestic pollutants appeared frequently previously, but "China" became the keyword in the 2010s along with political action, the effects on the health, AD/PR, and domestic pollutants. Korea JoongAng Daily, Hankyoreh and Kyunghyang Shinmun have had more focused on political regulations whereas most regional daily newspapers on emission sources and reduction measures at the regional level. The results of this study are expected to be used as a reference for understanding the trend of newspaper articles. Future work includes further analysis and discussion of fine particle pollution condition and news reports in the post-COVID era.

Concentration of water flow to improve flowmeter accuracy and International Performance Standards (Q2/Q1) 1.6multiple Correlation of Reliability Securing (유량계측 정확도 향상을 위한 유로집중과 국제성능기준 전이유량비(Q2/Q1)1.6배수 신뢰성 확보의 상관관계)

  • Seo, Man Je
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.237-237
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    • 2020
  • 수도계량기(이하 "수량계")는 액체용 적산부피계로 물 사용량을 적산 계량하기 위한 기계기구 또는 장치이며 수량계 검정기준에 의해 검사기준 합격제품을 사용하서 수도요금을 징수합니다. 사실상 국내계량에 관한 법률에 의거하여 전이유량비가 6.3배수(2014년) > 4.0배수(2016년) > 1.6배수(2017년)로 점점 향상되며 2017년 기준으로 국제법정계량기구(OIML)의 성능과 같은 1.6배수까지 향상되어 국내의 수량계 기술기준이 많은 부분 향상되었습니다. 그러나 국제법정계량기구(OIML)는 현재 1.6배수의 80배수까지 검사기준에 합격에 반하여 현제 국내의 검사기준은 1.6배수의 100배수까지만 합격기준을 가지고 있습니다. 이러한 기준은 점차 발전해가고 있는 후발국가에 속하는 자국의 검사기준이 너무 갑작스럽게 국제법정계량기구(OIML)의 기준보다 높은 검사기준을 시행하며 많은 문제가 발생한 것 같습니다. 위와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위하여 여러 복합적인 부품으로 이루어진 수량계의 유량 및 유속에 영향력이 있다고 보여지는 특정 부품 혹은 부위의 개선 및 개발로 해결할 수 있지 않을까 하는 의구심에 연구를 시작되었습니다. 유량 및 유속에 영향을 끼치는 유입부의 스트레이너, 내부 임펠러의 변경으로 성능검사에서 영향을 끼치는지를 유체역학 및 유동해석 등을 통하여 테스트 후 각각 단계 및 상황별 목업금형을 제작하여 현재 국내검사기준으로 진행되는 성능테스트인 기차테스트를 진행하였습니다. 먼저 수량계의 특성상 수량계 내부의 유량을 유체역학 및 유동해석으로 정확히 뽑아내는 것이 불가능하여 유입부 유출부의 유량의 흐름을 기준으로 유체역학 및 유동해석을 진행하였습니다. 테스트 후 그 결과 값으로 유입부의 스트레이너의 삽입 각도를 0°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 270°로 각각 제작하여 테스트를 진행하였으며, 내부 임펠러는 straight, SR, SL, SL R70, SL R60, R75, SR R65 형상으로 각각 제작하여 테스트를 진행하였습니다. 전반적으로 기존의 수량계보다 높은 성능을 보여주었으며, 특정 스트레이너의 삽입각도 및 임펠러의 형상에서는 기존보다 훨씬 유수율이 절감되는 결과값이 나왔습니다. 그로 인해 검사기준에 쉽게 부합할 수 있으며 물 사용량을 보다 정확히 계측하여 정확한 수도요금을 부과하여 국세 낭비로 인한 경제적 손실을 감소할 수 있을 것 같습니다.

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Study on Ways to Improve Risk Assessment of Unskilled Foreign Workers (Based On Shipbuilding Industry Workers) (비숙련 외국계 작업자의 위험성평가 개선방안 연구 (조선업 종사자를 기준으로))

  • Jung, woo-don
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.149-150
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    • 2023
  • 많은 인원을 필요로 하는 조선업은 선박을 건조하는 현장의 제품들이 복합 공정이면서도 중후장대한 특성을 가지고 있다. 이러한 선박을 건조할 때는 종사하는 작업자 간의 작업 내용에 대한 의논과 방법의 결정에 따른 경험기술의 활용도가 높다. 그래서 작업자별 작업 방법이나 기능의 차이가 많고 그 차이만큼이나 공정 진척이나 품질에 대한 결과도 다르게 나타나게 된다. 하지만 인력 집약도가 높은 조선소 작업인력이 퇴직이나 이직 등으로 발생되는 공백을 내국인으로 채우지 못하고 경험이 없고 소통도 어려운 외국인 작업자로 대체하고 있는 실정이다. 외국계 작업자의 경우 인건비가 낮은 중소기업이나 대기업의 하도급 업체에 고용이 되는데 중소기업의 특성상 기술력의 축적이나 안전작업을 위한 사전 직무교육 등에는 여유가 없어 제한된 기간 동안의 고용이나 단순 업무에만 종사토록 하는 등의 방법으로 활용해왔다. 그러나 외국계 작업자의 고용 비중이 높아지면서 전반적인 생산성의 한계와 불안전 작업에 대한 우려로 그 관심도 높아지고 있다. 외국계 작업자의 경우 생산 현장에서 이루어지고 있는 각종 안전관련 교육이나 행사, 동료간의 소통등에 소외되면서 불안전이 가중되고있고 비자종류에 따라 체류기간이 한정되어 기술력의 유지는 어려운 현실이 될 수 밖에 없다. 이러한 외국계 작업자에게 안전에 대한 수준을 높이기 위한 방안으로 직무별 위험성평가도 작업자의 논높이에 맞게 해야 한다. 현재 활용되고 있는 4가지 위험성평가 방법을 일부 보완하여 안전수준에 맞게 실시하여 작업자 개인별 직무 수행상의 위험성에 대한 이해도가 안전에 미치는 영향을 최소화 하여 안전을 유지시키는 방안을 연구한다. 위험성평가의 취지가 기본적으로 해당 작업자 전원참여라는 중요 요소임을 감안할 때 외국인 작업자의 직무 이해도 점검은 매우 중요하다 하겠다.

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Evaluation of Biological Activity and Analysis of Functional Constituents from Different Parts of Mulberry (Morus alba L.) Tree (뽕나무(Morus alba L.) 부위별 생리활성 측정 및 기능성 물질 분석)

  • Choi, Sang Won;Lee, Yu Jin;Ha, Se Bee;Jeon, Young Hee;Lee, Dong Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.823-831
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    • 2015
  • Evaluation of biological activity and analysis of functional constituents from water and ethanol extracts of four different parts of mulberry (Morus alba L.) tree were carried out to develop functional ingredients and foods using extracts of mulberry tree. The water and ethanol extracts of four different parts of mulberry tree were prepared and their biological activities and functional constituents determined by in vitro assays and HPLC, respectively. In general, ethanol extracts showed stronger biological activities and higher functional constituents than water extracts. Ethanol extracts of mulberry fruit, root bark, and twig showed stronger antioxidant ($IC_{50}=128.4{\mu}g/mL$), ${\alpha}$-glucosidase ($IC_{50}=12.0{\mu}g/mL$), and lipoxygenase ($IC_{50}=36.3{\mu}g/mL$) and tyrosinase ($IC_{50}=410.3{\mu}g/mL$) inhibitory activities, respectively, than those of other parts. Mulberry fruit and leaf showed the highest contents of anthocyanin (cyanidin 3-glucoside: 213.20 mg/100 g) and chlorogenic acid (514.97 mg/100 g), and especially ethanol extract of mulberry leaf contained higher quercetin 3-O-(6-O-malonyl)glucoside (143.25 mg/100 g) and kaempferol 3-O-(6-O-malonyl)glucoside (30.25 mg/100 g) contents without water extract of mulberry leaf. Meanwhile, mulberry twig contained both oxyresveratrol glycoside (48.90 mg/100 g) and its aglycone (21.88 mg/100 g), whereas mulberry root bark contained mostly oxyresveratrol glycoside (724.05 mg/100 g). Additionally, mulberry root bark and leaf contained much higher ${\gamma}$-aminobutyric acid (223.90 mg/100 g) and 1-deoxynojirimycin (86.07 mg/100 g) contents, respectively, than other parts of mulberry tree. These results suggest that high quality processed foods and functional foods using mixtures of mulberry fruits, leaves, twigs, and root barks should be developed for prevention and inhibition of several pathological disorders.

A Study on the Experience Design and Practical Use of Experience by On- and Off-Line Environment (온 오프라인 환경에 따른 경험의 활용과 경험디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Se-Kyun;Kim, Tae-Kyun;Kim, Min-Su
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2005
  • In the past, consumers sought utilitarian and defensive consumption in an attempt to move to a balanced state. However, today's consumers go beyond this to consume more for hedonic and creative reasons if not for sheer pleasure. There is an obvious shift from the type of consumption that satisfies basic desires through the characteristics, convenience and quality of goods and services to an era of 'experiential consumption,' in which consumers pursue distinctive value systems and way of life along with a total 'experience' provided by such goods and services. Such a sign of the times has given birth to the experience design that aims at maximizing the strategic use of experiences in design. Research on this subject is gradually increasing. The research and application peformed even without the proper understanding about the concepts and purposes of experience design, however, is likely to deviate from the true nature in its process or method. Also, they are likely to cause rather than solve problems. Accordingly, this study examined the meaning of experience from a spatial aspect, focusing on areas that recognize the experience as economically valuable, making the most of it substantively. The main concept of experience practical used on-line is enhancement of the usability of a medium by reflecting the experience of users accustomed to both off-line and on-line environments and materializing the environment doser to and more familiar with the users, thus allowing them to comfortably use the medium. This is to allow the users to feel more comfortable. The experience practical used pertaining to off-line is a tool to fulfill the sensitivity of users, with efforts to create new, future-oriented consumer values. This, based on the understanding of consumer behavior, seeks to maximize the consumption experience of consumers by providing a combination of sensual and sensitive experiences as well as to enhance the existing experiences by permitting users to create new, extended experiences from the fixed characteristics of products. Furthermore, it aims to provide consumers with the hedonic experience of play through the joy, fun and uniqueness of alternate experiences.

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프렌차이점에서 사용되는 튀김류의 산패도 및 트랜스지방의 함량 비교

  • Kim, Yeong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Sanitation Conference
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.76-97
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    • 2005
  • As the recent change of multiformity and taste in clination in eating habit culture is yearly in creasing foods used oil and fats. Because the frying food is especially important snack , it's safty is very essential. In order to know the safty and harmfulness of frying oil and fats. The 20 kinds samples were purchased chicken fried food shops around the north of seoul and kyunggi. The acid value, iodine value, peroxide value, TBA value, fatty acid, carbonyl value, and smoke point of deep fat fried oils were analyzed. Results of analyzed, A company of deep fat frying oil showed stability state and C company and B company of deep fat frying oil is acidification to turned. But D company of deep fat frying oil showed quite a bit acidification progressived of used hydrogenated oil.

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Evaluation of the Curvature Reliability of Polymer Flexible Meta Electronic Devices based on Variations of the Electrical Properties (전기적 특성 변화를 통한 고분자 유연메타 전자소자의 곡률 안정성 평가)

  • Kwak, Ji-Youn;Jeong, Ji-Young;Ju, Jeong-A;Kwon, Ye-Pil;Kim, Si-Hoon;Choi, Doo-Sun;Je, Tae-Jin;Han, Jun Sae;Jeon, Eun-chae
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2021
  • As wireless communication devices become more common, interests in how to control the electromagnetic waves generated from the devices are increasing. One of the most commonly used electromagnetic wave control materials is magnetic one, but due to the features that make the product heavy and thick when applied to the product, it is difficult to use them in curved electronic devices. Therefore, a polymer flexible meta electronic device has been presented to sort out the problem, which is thin and can have various curvatures. However, it requires an additional evaluation of curvature reliability. In this study, we developed a method to predict electromagnetic wave control characteristics through the resistance/length of the conductive ink line patterns of polymer flexible meta electronic devices, which is inversely proportional to the electromagnetic wave control characteristics. As the radius of curvature decreased, the resistance/length increased, and there was little variations with the duration times of curvature. We also found that both permanent and recoverable changes along with the removal of curvature were occurred when the curvature was applied, and that the cause of these changes was newly created vertical cracks in the conductive ink line pattern due to the tensile stress applied by applying curvature.

Strategic Issues in Managing Complexity in NPD Projects (신제품개발 과정의 복잡성에 대한 주요 연구과제)

  • Kim, Jongbae
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.53-76
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    • 2005
  • With rapid technological and market change, new product development (NPD) complexity is a significant issue that organizations continually face in their development projects. There are numerous factors, which cause development projects to become increasingly costly & complex. A product is more likely to be successfully developed and marketed when the complexity inherent in NPD projects is clearly understood and carefully managed. Based upon the previous studies, this study examines the nature and importance of complexity in developing new products and then identifies several issues in managing complexity. Issues considered include: definition of complexity : consequences of complexity; and methods for managing complexity in NPD projects. To achieve high performance in managing complexity in development projects, these issues need to be addressed, for example: A. Complexity inherent in NPD projects is multi-faceted and multidimensional. What factors need to be considered in defining and/or measuring complexity in a development project? For example, is it sufficient if complexity is defined only from a technological perspective, or is it more desirable to consider the entire array of complexity sources which NPD teams with different functions (e.g., marketing, R&D, manufacturing, etc.) face in the development process? Moreover, is it sufficient if complexity is measured only once during a development project, or is it more effective and useful to trace complexity changes over the entire development life cycle? B. Complexity inherent in a project can have negative as well as positive influences on NPD performance. Thus, which complexity impacts are usually considered negative and which are positive? Project complexity also can affect the entire organization. Any complexity could be better assessed in broader and longer perspective. What are some ways in which the long-term impact of complexity on an organization can be assessed and managed? C. Based upon previous studies, several approaches for managing complexity are derived. What are the weaknesses & strengths of each approach? Is there a desirable hierarchy or order among these approaches when more than one approach is used? Are there differences in the outcomes according to industry and product types (incremental or radical)? Answers to these and other questions can help organizations effectively manage the complexity inherent in most development projects. Complexity is worthy of additional attention from researchers and practitioners alike. Large-scale empirical investigations, jointly conducted by researchers and practitioners, will help gain useful insights into understanding and managing complexity. Those organizations that can accurately identify, assess, and manage the complexity inherent in projects are likely to gain important competitive advantages.

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